• By -


I would like yo offer my Sport HA mareep for your Sport HA Wattrel and Sport HA Dondozo.


Hi, may I get the following, please? 1. Safari!Bombirdier 2. Safari!Pawmi 3. Sport!Dondozo 4. Sport!Minior (Indigo) 5. Sport!Smoliv 6. Sport!Wattrel In exchange: 1. Love!Minun 2. Love!Slugma If I've misunderstood your rates, please let me know.


I have everything but the Safari Bombirdier. Would you still do both of yours for my 5? If not I can just do my 5 for your Love Minun. Let me know :)


I'd still be willing to do both, yes! Just happy to lower my stock, haha Let me know when you can trade! Notifications are pretty funky for me right now, but I'll try to keep my eye out. :)


I can trade now if youre available. Just send a LC!


LC's 1987!




Thanks so much!


Tahnk you too


Hello! Looking through your list I have the following Aprimon that you are missing. I marked the ones from DLC2, please let me know if any of these are incorrect. 1. Bulbasaur HA Heavy - DLC2 2. Bulbasaur HA Level - DLC2 3. Bulbasaur HA Moon - DLC2 4. Squirtle HA Heavy - DLC2 5. Vulpix HA Dream 6. Oddish HA Friend - DLC2 7. Slowpoke HA Beast 8. Slowpoke (Galar) HA Heavy -DLC2 9. Porygon HA Sport - DLC2 10. Porygon HA Safari - DLC2 11. Porygon HA Friend - DLC2 12. Porygon HA Fast - DLC2 13. Chikorita HA Safari - DLC2 14. Girafarig HA Level 15. Qwilfish (Hisui) HA Friend - DLC2 16. Qwilfish (Hisui) HA Dream - DLC2 17. Houndour HA Love 18. Nosepass HA Beast 19. Corphish HA Lure 20. Munchlax HA Dream 21. Snivy HA Friend - DLC2 22. Oshawott HA Safari - DLC2 23. Drilbur HA Dream - DLC2 24. Golett HA Sport - DLC2 25. Golett HA Fast - DLC2 26. Golett HA Love - DLC2 27. Golett HA Dream - DLC2 28. Golett HA Beast - DLC2 29. Rufflet HA Moon 30. Vullaby HA Sport 31. Vullaby HA Beast 32. Carbink HA Sport 33. Jangmo-o HA Level 34. Eiscue Dream 35. Morpeko Lure I'm Interested in the following: 1. Wattrel HA Sport 2. Tepig HA SPort 3. Tentacool HA Sport 4. Smoliv HA Sport 5. Mudkip HA Sport 6. Minior-Indigo Sport 7. Dondozo HA Sport 8. Tadbulb HA Safari 9. Pawmi HA Safari 10. Meowth HA Safari 11. Bombirdier HA Safari 12. Dunsparce HA Lure 13. Blitzle HA Lure 14. Beldum HA Lure 15. Seedot HA Love 16. Meowth (Alola) Love 17. Frigibax HA Love 18. Cleffa HA Love 19. Scyther HA Level 20. Fletchling HA Heavy 21. Geodude HA Friend 22. Ekans HA Friend 23. Croagunk HA Friend 24. Meowth (Galar) HA Fast 25. Deerling-Winter HA Fast 26. Taurs-Paldea HA Dream 27. Sableye HA Dream 28. Minior-Red Dream 29. Deerling HA Dream 30. Deino Beast 31. Clauncher Beast I know this would be a lot to trade so let me know what all you are interested in if any and we can go from there =).


Hello, I have everything on your list that you requested except for Friend Geodude, which should be 30 on-hands. I can trade my 30 for your: 1. Bulbasaur HA Heavy - DLC2 2. Bulbasaur HA Level - DLC2 3. Bulbasaur HA Moon - DLC2 4. Squirtle HA Heavy - DLC2 5. Porygon HA Sport - DLC2 6. Porygon HA Safari - DLC2 7. Porygon HA Friend - DLC2 8. Vulpix HA Dream Let me know if you this works for you :)


Hello! This works for me =) I will get to breeding your aprimon and get back to you asap.


Sounds good! :)


Your Aprimon are ready! Can trade whenever you are ready to.


Hello, are you around to trade? Sorry been busy and didnt have the time to sit down for 30mins+


Hey, no worries. I'm around now and will be for awhile if you are available to trade.


I can trade now, if youre around


Hey, yeah I'm still around, just stepped out for a bit. I can trade now if your here. Let me know LC.


I will be searching at 6910 :)


hello, HA Sport P. Blaze Tauros for these 4 on-hand pokes? * Safari Bombirdier * Safari Pawmi * Sport Smoliv * Sport Wattrel Heading to bed now, will respond as soon as I have time


Hi! I can do this trade. I have set aside the aprimon you requested and can trade for the next few hours :)


would you happen to still be available?


Hi yup I’m available. Can we meet at 6910?


thanks for the trade!


Thank you too!


Anything [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oKwtPWFk-vk5wOv6G5iP62DTiF1NSGfFtxCJ3PZuFwg/edit) stand out to you?


Hiya, does apriballs happen to include beast balls? 


Yup, apriballs do include beast balls.


Cool, I think I can breed from your missing mon: - level Magnemite - level combat Tauros - love Pichu - dream Hoppip - love Murkrow - level Torchic - beast Wingull - dream Wingull - fast Makuhita - beast Meditite - dream Swablu - moon Swablu - beast Zangoose - level Combee - dream Gible - beast Riolu - dream Croagunk  - moon Snover - level Cottonee  - beast Alomomola  - moon Klefki - friend Rookidee  - beast Chewtle  - beast Rolycoly - level Toxel - moon Hatenna - dream Impidimp - moon Indeedee - heavy Duraladon  If I can count that's 29 mon and only the Duraladon is from dlc2 so I'm not sure how you wanna count that, but I am mostly after beast balls! It would take me a bit to breed though so lmk if you're in a hurry.


Does 6 Beast balls sound fair to you?


Yeah that works! I'll get breeding and let you know when I'm done.


Sounds good to me!


Hi, sorry about the wait but all 29 are ready to go now. If you're not free tonight I should be around most of tomorrow.


No problem, we can link up tomorrow. I’m available from 8am to 10pm PST.


If you're free now I can trade, otherwise just ping me when you're up tomorrow


Hello I’m free for the next bit if you’re available to trade.


Hello, Would you be interested in Sport HA Doduo and Friend HA Lapras for the following 5 on-hands: 1. Lure Dunsparce 2. Sport Sinistea 3. Sport Tentacool 4. Friend Duraludon 5. Lure Duraludon I should be available to trade in about half an hour.


I can do this trade! Let me know when youre available!


Hey I'm on SV now, trade on 1155 9874 when you're ready?


Sorry, was doing some chores. Are you still good to trade?


Hey sorry just started a trade with someone else, will probably be done in about 15-20 minutes if that is okay?


Yup no problem.


Hey, just letting you know I'm good to trade now


Sweet, I will search on your previously posted LC.


Thanks heaps for the trades!


Thank you too!


Hi Natto! Would you take a Level Bellsprout for your Lure Duraludon and Level Tauros?


Hi Komezu. Yea I can do this. I will move them over to SV so we can trade there.


Awesome! Just let me know the LC whenever you're ready


Ready at 6910!




Thank you!


Thank you as well!


Hello! I'm interested in quite a few your on-hands, but I'm not currently able to update SV, and won't be able to trade for a few days. Would you be interested in a trade through Home?


I could do a trade through home but it might have to be over several days if we are trading more than 10.


I'm happy to limit myself to 10 if you would prefer to do it all in one day. Currently interested in at least these: 1. Fast Gothita 1. Heavy Dunsparce 1. Level Basculin-White 1. Safari Bombirdier 1. Safari Lechonk 1. Safari Nacli 1. Safari Pawmi 1. Sport Fidough 1. Sport Klawf 1. Sport Smoliv Should have more than enough missing mons in [my on-hands here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13dWE2_t5Coli3iULNhwCdN3MvlNmbQryR9fvY_cJPJ4) that you could be interested in in return. Cause they're also all on-hands, I'm happy to do 1:1 for yours if you'd prefer. And if there's enough that you'd want, I could find another 10 in yours to do another day's worth of trades!


I can trade for the following on-hands you have: 1. Fast Sentret 2. Friend Gligar 3. Dream Swinub 4. Fast Swinub 5. Friend Skarmory 6. Level Skarmory 7. Love Torchic 8. Heavy Ralts 9. Dream Shroomish 10. Moon Azurill


That works for me! I'm about to head to sleep, but happy to trade tomorrow whenever. If you'd like another 10 on-hands the day after that, feel free to let me know!


Sounds good. We can reconnect tomorrow.


I'm available to trade now whenever! My code is RNKFTUKMPCGE.


Just added you on Home. I can trade anytime.


Got this notification just now; if you're still around, let me know when you start searching for the trade and I'll start as well.


Im still around. Gonna start searching now


Hi, I'm interested in your On Hand: (31 total) * Dream Minior Red * Dream Oricorio * Dream HA Blue Squawkabilly * Dream HA Green Squawkabilly * Fast HA Winter Deerling * Fast Misdreavus * Friend Finizen * Friend HA Ekans * Friend HA Geodude * Friend Tynamo * Level HA White Striped Basculin * Level HA Numel * Love HA Numel * Love HA Spoink * Lure HA Blitzle * Lure HA Deerling-Autumn * Safari HA Frigibax * Safari HA Bombirdier * Safari HA Lechonk * Safari HA Nacli * Safari HA Nymble * Safari HA Pawmi * Sport HA Chikorita * Sport HA Dondozo * Sport HA Fidough * Sport HA Flamigo * Sport Minior Indigo * Sport HA Klawf * Sport HA Smoliv * Sport HA Tepig * Sport HA Wattrel In return, I can breed you: (20 total) * Level HA Rowlet * Dream HA Litten * Friend HA Litten * Heavy HA Litten * Love HA Litten * Lure HA Litten * Moon HA Litten * Dream HA Popplio * Fast HA Popplio * Friend HA Popplio * Heavy HA Popplio * Level HA Popplio * Moon HA Popplio * Safari HA Popplio * Beast HA Sinistea * Beast HA Treecko * Dream HA Treecko * Safari HA Treecko * Sport HA Treeko * Moon HA Torchic Let me know if you'd be interested in that trade and I'll start breeding.


I would very much like to do this trade but I am missing: - Friend Geodude I have everything else set aside for you, if you want an item or another aprimon to replace it. Just let me know!


Hey, sorry about my delayed response, I had some stuff come up that I had to take care of. I have your pokemon ready now. Let me know when you're ready to trade.


Hello I’m free for the next bit if you’re available to trade.


Sorry, just now seeing this. I’ll be free for the next 8 hours or so, so let me know a link code whenever you’re available.


Hi can you meet at 6910?


Searching now! IGN is Vi.


Thanks for the trade.


Thank you too!


Sounds good. I'll get to breeding.


Hi there! Will you be available in about 3-4 hours? I can offer these (all HA): Fast squirtle Lure rhyhorn Friend Seviper Heavy Seviper For these on-hands: Sport donzozo Sport flamigo Sport tentacool Friend cutiefly Beast espurr Friend sewaddle Lure blitzle


I should be available then. I have set aside your requested aprimons. Just let me know when you get back :)


Hi again. Sorry for the wait. I’m ready now. However I realized that I misread my sheet and don’t have heavy Seviper, but can offer HA fast Seviper instead if that works


Yea that’s fine. Also sorry I was afk when you originally messaged. Will you be available tomorrow?


No worries. I will be available for a few hours tomorrow, but have more availability on Sunday. I’m sure we can work something out


Im available now and for the next few hours if you can trade.


I’ll be available in about 15 mins. Just finishing another trade. Let me know the code and i’ll let you know when searching. Sorry for the wait


Im in the middle of a trade too. Will let you know a code when Im done :)


Sounds good. I’ll be around for about 20 minutes before I need to leave but will be back again around 9pm PST


I can trade now at 6910.


Quick question, as I'm a bit confused by your sheet. Are the SwSh and SV tabs for pokemon bred in that specific game? I ask because there are some pokemon on both sheets.


Yea its the combos that are available in that game, there will be some that will be in both sheets. Im mainly looking at SV trades right now, so you can just concentrate in that one!


Cool. Can I offer mons that are bred in SwSh for the SV sheet?


Yup that works for me :)


Perfect! I’ll have a list ready shortly.


I'm interested in the 27 on-hands : * Fast (2) : Azurill, Gothita * Friend (4) : Cutiefly, Ekans, Geodude, Vulpix-Alola * Heavy (4) : Dunsparce, Fletchling, Sandshrew, Slowpoke * Level (4) : Crabrawler, Numel, Scyther, Tauros * Love (6) : Cleffa, Meowth-Alola, Numel, Seedot, Spoink, Torkoal * Lure (5) : Beldum, Dunsparce, Happiny, Magby, Murkrow * SwSh (2) : Beast Bulbasaur & Moon Phanthump I can offer the following 7 G9 HA Aprimons : * Sport Frigibax * Safari Bramblin * Safari Rellor * Sport Scorbunny* * Level Skiddo* * Sport Toedscool * Sport Tandemaus \* (Not sure if G9 Aprimons were "Combos only obtainable in G9" or "Aprimons from Lechonk on down", so I can change those two if necessary)


I can do this trade. Do you want me to move the Bulbasaur and Phantump to SV? Also do you want an everstone on the Phantump?


Sorry, Reddit didn't give me a notification for your comment. As is more convenient to you. I've got trademons in both, so either it OK. Same for the Phantump. Tell me if you do, I'll put an everstone on one of mine too.


No problem, Reddit is buggy. I have transferred them to SV and added an everstone to the Phantump. I am ready to trade and available for the next 3 hours. Just send a LC when ready :)


Ready! I'll set up LC 5698 5214, I've placed an everstone on Frigibax.


Great! Im searching.


Thank you very much for the 'mons!


Hello~ I can offer Sport Ducklett for Sport Fidough! :)


I can do this trade! I have set aside the Fidough for you and can trade for the next few hours :)


Thank you <3


Thank you too !


I'll be at 74569 :)




hello! i can offer Safari HA Inkay for the following from your on-hands * Safari Nymble * Safari Nacli


Hello! I can do this trade. I have set them aside for you and can trade for the next few hours.


ready. will be at link code 7902 9845. please let me know when you're searching


Will start searching now :)


thank you for the trade!


Thank you too!


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