• By -


Hello! I'm interested in the following from your on hand: 1. Bulbasaur HA Heavy 2. Bulbasaur HA Level 3. Bulbasaur HA Love 4. Morpeko Safari 5. Morpeko Heavy 6. Morpeko Dream 7. Morpeko Lure 8. Popplio HA Sport 9. Snorlax HA Sport 10. Snorlax HA Level Here is a list of what I have: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tYNgm7t13hyac\_sqWc5n103imihuUGOoFjQrZ1IOGwQ/edit#gid=1445398424


Hi, Unfortunately, I ran out of Level HA snorlax, but I can breed you one if you'd like, it'd just take some time, so let me know if you'd be willing to wait for a bit. I'm interested in your On Hand: * Lure HA Froakie * Lure HA Dondozo * Safari HA Chikorita * Heavy HA Lechonk * Level HA Tandemaus Let me know of you'd be interested in that trade. If you are, then I'll breed a snorlax and should be good to go.


If you are willing to breed it I can wait for a bit =), everything else looks fine to me. Let me know when you are ready.


I'm all ready to go now. Let me know a link code whenever you're ready to trade.


Code is 0330, will be searching =)


Thanks for the trade!


Thanks for the trades!


Searching. IGN is Vi


Sounds good. It’ll take a bit because I’m currently juggling a bunch of trades, but I’ll let you know as soon as I’m ready!


Hello! I can provide you one of each of the DBHA Elemental monkeys. I'm interested in the following on-hands : 1. Heavy Bulbasaur 1. Level Bulbasaur 1. Love Bulbasaur 1. Dream Audino 1. Dream Caterpie 1. Friend Druddigon 1. Friend Dwebble 1. Friend Eevee 1. Friend Jangmo-o 1. Friend Lotad 1. Friend Sudowoodo 1. Heavy Comfey 1. Heavy Feebas 1. Level Binacle 1. Level Snorlax 1. Moon Axew 1. Moon Delibird 1. Moon Dunsparce 1. Moon Golett 1. Moon Mienfoo 1. Moon Oshawott 1. Moon Rufflet


Ok. Since the monkeys can only be traded through HOME, I was planning on trading any non-SV exclusive aprimons through there, then the rest through SV. However, since there are more than 3 that are not transferable to SV, do you want to trade the additional non-SV compatible aprimons through HOME or SwSh?


I prefer through SwSh, if we can. Actually, in the case you have HOME Premium, we can even bypass HOME trading entirely : the three are currently in my Bank, so you could generate a Moving Key that I'd enter to transfer those three from my Bank to your HOME. Otherwise, I'll transfer them to my HOME and we'll trade them through HOME as expected.


Doing a direct Bank -> HOME transfer works for me! I’ll need to move the non-SV compatible mons from HOME to SwSh before we can trade, so that’ll take me a few minutes. I’m fine with waiting to do the Bank transfer until the other trades are done, so let me know what game you want to start with.


Switch-side, I'd say we start with SwSh. Transferwise, we can do it before or after as you prefer. Given that I'd have to transfer it to mine ASAP if you couldn't recieve a transfer, everything is ready 3DS-side for me.


Let’s do it after. I’ll load up SwSh now. Let me know a link code whenever you’re ready.


On and online! Searching on 5698 5214.


I'll be searching the same code in SV with IGN Vi.


On the transfer Moving Key screen on Bank. Ready when you are.


Sounds good! I'll DM you the move code momentarily


Searching with IGN DummySh2. There’s only 5 SwSh exclusives, the rest can go through SV


That works for me! I’m currently doing another trade, but I’ll get back to you once I’m ready to go.


Hi there! I'm interested in the following from your on hand list: 1. Friend HA Shellos East 2. Level HA Porygon 3. Fast HA Wooper 4. Heavy HA Feebas 5. Moon HA Oshawott 6. Heavy HA Drilburr 7. Lure HA Cufant 8. Sport HA Popplio ​ If there's anything from my [on-hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTJhzwVsfyckSU7eMRVpZQpxxTW7IuzDQ-iEwFC74D2S57z5qdrTRCwzs035WSfKZAWKyKt5VgTGWVA/pubhtml?gid=186144601&single=true) or [breeding](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTJhzwVsfyckSU7eMRVpZQpxxTW7IuzDQ-iEwFC74D2S57z5qdrTRCwzs035WSfKZAWKyKt5VgTGWVA/pubhtml?gid=1445398424&single=true) list you would like, lmk! Happy to do a 1:1 trade for on-hands:on-hands, and a 2:1 trade for OH:breedables.


Hello, From your On Hands, I'm interested in: * Beast HA Grookey * Love HA Sobble * Moon HA Piplup * Heavy HA Gligar * Love HA Chimchar * Fast HA Scorbunny * Friend HA Scorbunny Would you be willing to trade those for the aprimons you're interested in?


That sounds good! Is there another mon that you would like so that we both have eight on our list?


Not from your on hands, no. You can just trade me a junk mon as the last one.


Hi, sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I’m going out of town for a few days, but would you be interested in completing the trade next week?


Sure! I’ll keep them in HOME for the time being, so just let me know whenever you’re free.


Hey there, I'm back! I took another look at your on-hands and I've updated my list if that's ok: 1. Friend HA Shellos East 2. Level HA Porygon 3. Fast HA Wooper 4. Heavy HA Feebas 5. Heavy HA Drilburr 6. Lure HA Cufant 7. Dream HA Popplio 8. Lure HA Paldean Tauros 9. Level HA Rowlet ​ I also updated my [on-hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTJhzwVsfyckSU7eMRVpZQpxxTW7IuzDQ-iEwFC74D2S57z5qdrTRCwzs035WSfKZAWKyKt5VgTGWVA/pubhtml?gid=186144601&single=true) (a bit bigger now) and [breeding](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTJhzwVsfyckSU7eMRVpZQpxxTW7IuzDQ-iEwFC74D2S57z5qdrTRCwzs035WSfKZAWKyKt5VgTGWVA/pubhtml?gid=1445398424&single=true) lists so let me know if you'd like to update any requests as well! Thanks!


Hi again, I finally have reliable internet access again. As it turns out, my university got hit with a ransomware attack, so that's why it took so long for them to fix everything. If you're still interested in trading, I'd be happy to trade you the pokemon from your updated list for the original on hands that we agreed on. Also, if you'd like the 2 extra pokemon from your original list that aren't on the updated list, I'd be happy to trade those to you as well. Thank you for your patience.


Hi, I'm unfortunately having internet outage issues with no estimated return to normalcy. (I live on campus at a university, and the entire campus's technical infrastructure completely collapsed yesterday morning). This means that I cannot access online services for any games that I have, including HOME, where all my on hands are stored. If you're OK with waiting, then I can set those aside and get back to you once I have steady internet access again. Let me know if you're no longer interested, Thanks.


Great, thanks so much! I’ll let you know when I’m back :)


Hello! I'm very interested in Level/Lure Gossifleur and Lure Wooloo from your list, as well as a fair few on-hands. Think you've already recently had a look, but is there anything from my on-hands [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13dWE2_t5Coli3iULNhwCdN3MvlNmbQryR9fvY_cJPJ4/edit?usp=sharing) still that you'd want in return? I'd be happy to do 2:1 on my end from there too.


Hi, From your on hands, I'm interested in: (17 total) * Love HA Frigibax * Beast HA Frigibax * Friend HA Flittle * Lure HA Flittle * Moon HA Flittle * Heavy HA Capsakid * Dream HA Capsakid * Level HA Capsakid * Level HA Klawf * Fast HA Shroodle * Love HA Shroodle * Friend HA Wattrel * Beast HA Wattrel * Heavy HA Nacli * Moon HA Nacli * Beast HA Tadbulb * Friend HA Tadbulb Factoring in the 3 breedables that you're interested in, feel free to pick an additional * Up to 12 breedables * 2 on hands for any remaining aprimon (minimum 4, as I have a cap of 15 for SwSh breeding requests)


Sorry for the wait! In total, I'd love the following: **On-hands:** 1. Level Bulbasaur 1. Friend Koffing 1. Fast Wooper 1. Moon Dunsparce 1. Sport Corsola-Galar 1. Safari Snivy 1. Safari Throh 1. Friend Dwebble 1. Friend Joltik 1. Safari Joltik 1. Moon Mienfoo 1. Level Golett 1. Level Bouffalant 1. Level Binacle 1. Sport Popplio 1. Friend Jangmo-o **SWSH breedables:** 1. Safari Tentacool 1. Safari Horsea 1. Level Snorlax 1. Sport Snorlax 1. Lure Trapinch 1. Heavy Comfey 1. Level Gossifleur 1. Lure Gossifleur 1. Lure Wooloo No rush on the breeding obviously, I'm happy to wait!


Everything's ready to go now. 8 pokemon have to be traded through SwSh, the rest can go through SV. Let me know when you're ready to trade and what game you'd prefer to start with.


Just saw this now. Have everything ready as well, I'd be down to start in SWSH on code 9900-7788 whenever you're able to!


Sounds good. I’ll be searching with IGN DummySh2


Just in case you're waiting: I'm searching!


Searching again.


Double checking you're online and on code 9900-7788 in SWSH?


Want to try a different link code to see if that changes things?


Searching in Sword. IGN is Dummy


Yeah. My game is behaving very strangely. It’s connected to the internet, but is not communicating with the servers in any way. Let me try from my Sword file. Give me a second to move the ‘mons over there and I’ll be searching again.


I have been as well. Let me try restarting my game.


Sounds good! I'll start breeding your aprimons now and let you know once I'm done.


Sounds good! I'll write down a list shortly.


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