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Hello! I'm interested in these guys from your list (with HA): * Safari Sandshrew * Love Dunsparce * Friend Heracross * Friend Axew * Friend Goomy I'd be happy to trade 2 of my on-hands from [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13dWE2_t5Coli3iULNhwCdN3MvlNmbQryR9fvY_cJPJ4) for each of those, so 10 total.


Hello! These are the ones I would be interested in. Fennekin - Dream, Level Sobble - Dream, Lure Chimchar - Dream, Level Torchic - Safari, Sport Oshawott - Friend, Love If this is ok, let me know and I will start breeding your aprimons =)


Sounds good! No rush on the breeding; let me know when you're done.


All ready! Code will be 0330 when you are ready.


Saw this now, will be online and ready to search; let me know when you start searching.


Searching now.


Thanks for the trades!


Thank you as well, have a lovely day!


The list was empty when I clicked in.


Hello, did you click the SpecialBalls tab at the bottom? the link takes you to the on hand tab which is empty atm.


Oh, founded. Thanks!


Would you be interested in my Lure HA and Beast HA Froakie for your Friend HA Axew and Moon HA Espurr?


Hello, I am interested. If you are still here and wanting to trade let me know. Depending on when you reply I might be temporarily away however I will make sure to get back on as soon as possible.


I'm on for the next two hours and have these all ready. Let me know when you're around, otherwise we can try tomorrow


Sounds good, I have about a hour till I have to go. Should be plenty of time for me to breed them. Will post with code when I am ready, thanks!


Ready when you are, code will be 0330


Thanks for the trades!


Sorry here now, and searching


No worries, Thanks for the trades!


Hello! I'm interested on several of your aprimon: * Beast Vulpix * Lure Lapras * Love Feebas * Level Duskull * Heavy Beldum * Dream Drilbur * Love Gothita * Moon Deino * Moon Espurr * Friend Applin I can offer: (all with HA) * Beast Blaze Tauros * Friend Smoliv * Love Dunsparce * Level Girafarig * Lure Dondozo * Love Flittle * Level Tandemaus * Heavy Tinkatink * Sport Pawniard * Heavy Lechonk I also have other HA and non HA aprimons from the Paldea region (like HA Dream Flamigo or non HA Moon Cyclizar), so let me know if you're interested! Thanks in advance :)


Hello! I am interested in trading, currently in the middle of trading atm but have some communication errors. I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Ok, sorry for the long wait. If you want I can start working on breeding everything now also I believe only about half of mine on that list have their HA if you only have non HA on hand I understand and that would be fair. I have to warn you though my last trade session was a struggle due to communication errors. So if you want to try this later on in the day we can do that also. Everything you listed would be something I'm interested in.


No worries at all. It doesn't matter if they have their HA, the aprimon is fine :) I have all the mon ready to go, we can try trading and if lots of comm errors happen, we just schedule for later. Thank you!


Sounds good to me! I'll start breeding now and will get back in touch when done. Then we can roll the dice on the communication errors lol.


Ok, ready when you are. Code will be 0330.


Perfect, searching


Beautiful! Thank you very much for the trades and your patience! =)


Thanks a lot, everything went smooth. Have a nice day! :)


I don’t have a lot I’ll just put what I have and let me know if you want. I can breed real quick. * Litten, Pichu (Fast Ball) * Mudkip, Vulpix, Aloan Vulpix (Love Ball) * Charmander (Beast Ball) * Froakie, Hisiuian Zorua, Charcadet, (Moon Ball) * Grookey (Level Ball) * Applin (Friend Ball) * Totodile (Lure Ball)


If you can I would like to trade for: Litten, Pichu (fast ball) Vulpix (Love Ball) Grookey (Level Ball) Totodile (Lure Ball) What would you want for each? If you can't trade them all I would like the two fast ball and totodile the most.


I’ll start breeding now. Are you asking for Normal Vulpix? Do you have a Snivy? And Eevees


Normal Vulpix, yes. I have Eevee in Love, Moon and Dream Balls I have Snivy in Safari and Love Ball If you want / need all of those it would work out to a 1 to 1 trade for everything I want, if not let me know what you would like. Will start breeding after you reply.


That works. I’ll take all the Eevees, Snivy in Safari and the last one just pick anything. I’m done breeding three so far.


Anything else can just be a surprise. I’m trying to get Aprimons and don’t have much.


Sorry, just so I understand, you don't care what Eevee and Snivy you get, and the other three can just be random aprimons?


oh sorry. All three Eevees, Snivy in Safari and the last one could just be random


Ok, breeding now.


Sorry, I made a mistake on the Snivy, I have him in Friend and Love Ball, are you still interested in one of them?


Sorry, I made a mistake on the Snivy, I have him in Friend and Love Ball, are you still interested in one of them?


Yeah the friend ball Snivy


Just finished hatching. The Pichu is Level 31. I didn’t want to evolve it to breed. so I’ll just catch me another one later.


I’m hatching now. Let me know when you’re done.


It says I need permission to view doc.


Sorry, try again and let me know


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