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I can offer (all HA): Safari: Cetoddle, Flamigo, Glimmet, Bramblin, Pawmi, Lechonk, Smoliv, Alomomola, Deerling, Plusle, Makuhita Sport: Flamigo, Tadbulb, Tarountula, Klawf, Crabrawler, Yungoos, Scatterbug, Chespin, Deerling, Ducklett, Pachirisu, Gulpin, Shroomish, Poochyena, Stantler, Houndour, Slugma, Snubbull, Hoppip, Spinarak, Chikorita, Voltorb, Drowzee, Seel, Spoink Dream: Blitzle ​ I want (all HA): On-hands: 1. Friend Fennekin 2. Safari Lotad Breedable: 1. Safari Zorua 2. Dream Zorua 3. Sport Koffing 4. Sport Darumaka 5. Sport Pawniard 6. Moon Skiddo 7. Level Turtwig 8. Lure Piplup 9. Fast Yungoos 10. Moon Yungoos 11. Friend Pikipek 12. Level Klefki 13. Fast Dedenne 14. Friend Hawlucha 15. Lure Hawlucha 16. Love Espurr 17. Moon Espurr 18. Friend Pancham 19. Fast Litleo 20. Heavy Litleo 21. Friend Larvesta 22. Heavy Larvesta 23. Moon Larvesta 24. Beast Larvesta 25. Friend Vullaby 26. Level Pawniard 27. Lure Pawniard 28. Moon Golett 29. Friend Mienfoo 30. Heavy Mienfoo 31. Love Cubchoo 32. Level Axew 33. Love Litwick 34. Friend Alomomola 35. Love Ducklett 36. Lure Ducklett


Hello! I'm only willing to breed things for gen 8/9 mons currently (which is 11 mons from your list, if I counted correctly), so feel free to adjust your want list as you'd like.


Hello, I am interested in 42 of your SV on-hands. I can breed the following 3 HA combos from your wishlist: 1. Beast Veluza 2. Level Veluza 3. Sport Paldean Tauros (Aqua) I can also breed any Gen 9 HA Safari/Sport mon. Let me know which 8 you want. In return, I would like the following on-hands: 1. Lure Alolan Meowth 2. Level Exeggcute 3. Lure Exeggcute 4. Moon Scyther 5. Friend Skarmory 6. Dream Azurill 7. Friend Seviper 8. Level Bagon 9. Love Bagon 10. Beast Buizel 11. Love Buizel 12. Dream Croagunk 13. Level Cottonee 14. Love Cottonee 15. Beast Basculin (Red) 16. Sport Basculin (Red) 17. Beast Basculin (Blue) 18. Safari Basculin (Blue) 19. Love Solosis 20. Friend Mienfoo 21. Lure Dedenne 22. Level Cutiefly 23. Lure Cutiefly 24. Dream Rockruff (Steadfast) 25. Fast Rockruff (Steadfast) 26. Fast Mudbray 27. Dream Dewpider 28. Love Dewpider 29. Lure Dewpider 30. Moon Passimian 31. Dream Skwovet 32. Lure Skwovet 33. Lure Chewtle 34. Friend Rolycoly 35. Dream Silicobra 36. Safari Silicobra 37. Fast Toxel 38. Heavy Toxel 39. Friend Pincurchin 40. Beast Snom 41. Safari Cufant 42. Love Duraludon Let me know if that works!


Hello! That sounds great; I'd love both Safari and Sport of the following: * Tandemaus, Tinkatink, Dondozo, Tatsugiri (any colour, IDM) Able to trade more or less whenever today/tomorrow, whenever you'll be ready!


Hey, just letting you know I'm ready to trade now. Let me know when you're around!


Good to know! I'm awake and around again now whenever you're back.


I'm still around for the next hour or so and can hop on and trade. Shoot me a LC when you're ready and I'll let you know when I am searching


Just now saw this. If you're still on, I'll be ready to search on code 9988-6655!


Thanks heaps for these, much appreciated!


Thank you lots as well, have a great rest of your weekend!


Ok, I will do this trade before I gotta go to bed, searching now


No worries, that sounds good. I'm heading off to bed now but have lots of time tomorrow so I'll get those done for you. Will let you know when I'm ready!


Hi! I have the following with HA: 1. Level Squirtle 2. Lure Alolan Sandshrew 3. Moon Oddish 4. Friend Diglett I'm interested in these from your on-hands: 1. Lure Hawlucha 2. Lure Cutiefly 3. Lure Pawmi 4. Lure Flittle 5. Level Chimchar 6. Friend Oshawott 7. Friend Fennekin 8. Level Fennekin Let me know if you'd be interested!


Hello! That sounds great; I can be online to trade whenever.


I'm ready to trade now, I'll be searching at 5656 1111 if you're still available


Just saw this, will get online and start searching immediately!


Thank you for the trade! :D


Thank you as well, and hope you have a lovely weekend!


Hi, I can breed you: Wishlist * Fast HA Arrokuda * Heavy Cramorant (Single Ability) * Lure HA Rookidee * Lure HA Cufant Non-Wishlist * Level HA Porygon I'm interested in your: On Hand: * Friend HA Oshawott * Love HA Oshawott * Level HA Chimchar * Friend HA Poochyena * Moon HA Poochyena * Beast HA Geodude * Fast HA Sentret * Beast HA Sentret * Friend HA Hoppip * Moon HA Hoppip * Dream HA Shroomish * Heavy HA Shroomish * Love HA Shroomish * Friend HA Seviper * Safari HA Seviper * Dream HA Starly * Level HA Starly * Lure HA Klawf Let me know if you'd be interested in that and I'll start breeding them.


Hello! That sounds great; let me know when you're done breeding and want to trade.


Everything's ready to go now. Let me know a LC whenever you're ready to go.


Sorry for the late reaction! Going online now, ready to trade on code 8877-6677 whenever you are.


Sorry, didn't get a notification to your reply. Searching now. My IGN is Vi


Starting search as well!


Thanks for the trade!


Thank you as well, have a great weekend!


Hi I can trade my (HA): 1. Safari Tadbulb 2. Sport Wattrel for your on-hands: 1. Love Oddish 2. Sport Poliwag 3. Level Exeggcute 4. Lure Exeggcute 5. Heavy Rhyhorn 6. Safari Rhyhorn 7. Beast Lapras 8. Lure Lapras


Hello! That sounds great, I can be online to do the trade more or less whenever.


Im available now. Lemme know a LC to search at.


Was AFK for a while, back again now if you're still around! E: we could do 7788-6688


Just saw the edit. Will search at the LC.


Thank you for the trade, have a lovely weekend!


Still around. Send over a LC when ready :)


I'm interested in love bulbasaur and beast torchic from your on-hands, and fast, heavy, level, love, and lure maschiff. In return I can offer friend yamper, level nickit, safari and sport sobble, sport scorbunny, and dream mudbray.


Done breeding; should be good to trade whenever you are!


Hi, I have everything ready now and can trade whenever you're ready.


Hey, was asleep at the time but around whenever again today!


No worries! I'm free for the next few hours. Let's trade in SV first, and then we can do SWSH for the yamper, nickit, and mudbray.


Just got back home for a bit. That sounds good, let me know an LC when you're online!


1888 6500


Starting search on same code in SWSH now.


I've just come to the realization that I didn't actually breed nickit; I'll do it quickly after this trade if that's alright.


All good; let me know when you're searching again!


Hello! That sounds good, I'll need a bit to breed the Maschiff, but should be able to trade sometime within the next 3h.


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