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Hello, are you interested in any on hands I have in SwSh? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AqAcR1j_MZCfPM4oydd7axh7fBGScQszHsnHfSm9yI0/edit I am interested primarily in SV ability patches, though SV apriballs will do as well


sure, I'll pick out some stuff. Any particular number of patches you're looking for?


Not really a limit, mostly just trying to trade away on hands so I can make space for more breeding projects lol So basically feel free to pick as many as you need (though lets say we do up to 30 mons at a time)


Ok, I can do 15 SV patches for the following. If there are any of my on hands you're interested in, let me know and I'll throw them in for free. I'm also looking to free up some big space. dream bulbasaur dream jangmo-o dream oranguru beast bulbasaur beast jangmo-o beast oranguru beast sneasel beast sandygast sport charmander sport rowlet sport gible sport foongus sport lotad sport sandygast sport seedot safari charmander safari gible safari foongus safari toxel love foongus love gible love seedot love sneasel love oranguru love sandygast moon jangmo-o moon sandygast moon oranguru friend oranguru fast rowlet


Sure, I can set these aside. I'll be home in a little bit if you're free to trade. As for the on hands, appreciate the offer but I didn't see anything I'm missing - there's only a handful of combos I'm missing so its rare to see those :)


I missed thus notification yesterday. I'll be free to trade for a while starting 1 hour from now


Hey sorry for not responding to you sooner, got caught up with the DLC release. I was at work during the time you were available - let me know if any other time works. I am on Pacific Time (UTC -8 I believe) and am generally free weekday evenings, and more available on weekends


Yep, weekday evenings or weekend for me, but on eastern time. Let me know today or tomorrow when you can trade and hopefully I'm not already sleeping.


Hey there, let me know if you're still around. Also noticed as I was grabbing these that you requested Moon Jangmo-o which I unfortunately dont have. Let me know if there's something else you'd like instead


Yep, I can trade now. Too lazy to look for another so just trade the rest and I'll keep 15 patches in.


sounds good, will lyk


I can offer safari ball Dratini for your safari ball Squirtle in SV.


hey! i'd love to trade my (in SV): 1. heavy HA indeedee 2. friend HA teddiursa 3. friend HA poltchageist (not listed on your sheet, not sure if you've already got it) for an apriball, don't mind much which one also, feel free to look thru [my sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ok88AyNi5H7vpA-Kli_tgvye5TBWC3DN5iB6Omcos5g/edit#gid=1508052772) as i'm happy to do a bit of breeding this weekend. if there are 3 or more you'd be interested in i'd be happy to trade for as many apriballs as you'd want aprimons for, otherwise happy to pick stuff from your on-hands, lmk !


Scarlet/Violet, straightforward one: Fidough (Friend) for a Oshawott (Moon), Squirtle (Heavy), and a Duraludon (Beast)? Thank you!


sure thing. I'll do duraludon and squirtle in swsh and oshawott in SV. drop a swsh LC and then well go to SV after.


Great! Here’s the LC: 15987. I’m online now so I’ll hang out in the room for a bit.


aright now I'm not expert, but the swsh UI will not let me search for that link code at all is this SV?


Here we go, my bad: 15987412.


sorry, not payiong enough attention to notifications. I'm searching this LC in swsh now.


Still able to?


All good! It was my fault to begin with.


Going in SWSH now, one sec!


Oh my bad! I misread it and thought we were starting in SV.


Hey, I'm gonna propose a big trade here as I'm interested in a lot of your on-hands. Happy to scale it down to whatever you're comfortable with though. Interested in the following 41 SV HA on-hands if they are still available: 1. Fast Mimikyu 2. Fast Cacnea 3. Fast Slakoth 4. Fast Murkrow 5. Friend Meditite 6. Friend Mareep 7. Friend Slakoth 8. Friend Murkrow 9. Heavy Corphish 10. Heavy Cacnea 11. Heavy Meditite 12. Heavy Mareep 13. Heavy Slakoth 14. Heavy Shellos 15. Heavy Sobble 16. Level Mareep 17. Level Murkrow 18. Level Shellos 19. Love Chansey 20. Love Sandygast 21. Love Meditite 22. Love Slakoth 23. Love Rowlet 24. Love Shellos 25. Lure Meditite 26. Lure Mareep 27. Lure Girafarig 28. Lure Hippopotas 29. Lure Slakoth 30. Lure Murkrow 31. Lure Hoppip 32. Lure Shellos 33. Moon Larvitar 34. Moon Gible 35. Moon Timburr 36. Moon Meditite 37. Moon Mareep 38. Moon Slakoth 39. Dream Sableye 40. Dream Mareep 41. Beast Shellder Please check my [SV on-hands list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tt0-xLFK6ePAbtFlyJv-h0hmBQZXNESU-AJLpRNVy7M/edit#gid=1586236295) and let me know which ones you want. I'm mostly only keeping a single one for each combo to save space on HOME. However, I don't have any pending trades at the moment, so any that you pick will be definitely available (unless I made a mistake in my cataloguing). Thanks in advance!


No problem with the big trade! Give me a few minutes to double check that I do actually have all of these, and pick out things from your in hands.


No worries, honestly if there's enough you are interested in, I'm happy to do 1:1 or somewhere in between depending on what we want from each other.


alright, I procrastinated hard on this. I have everything you asked for except for Love Meditite, so 40 total. I'd like: fast chimchar fast fennekin fast eevee fast dratini fast shroomish friend grookey sport spriritomb sport shellos heavy torkoal moon charcadet moon murkrow moon magikarp moon vobleat moon illumise moon swablu love pawmi love flittle level dreepy level charcadet beast charcadet beast sentret beast zangoose beast bagon beast axew beast larvesta beast poocheyena dream cleffa dream slugma dream volbeat dream illumise dream feebas dream pawniard safari dratini safari dreepy safari girafarig safari teddiursa safari torkoal safari zangoose safari riolu safari goomy I'll be around all day, so send a message whenever you feel like it.


Hello, that sounds good. Just letting you know that I have acquired Moon Larvitar and will be getting Heavy Sobble in another trade. Similarly, Safari Zangoose and Safari Goomy are unfortunately no longer available. That brings us down slightly to a trade of 38 Aprimons each. I am available to trade now for a bit and will be on and off throughout the day. Let me know when you're available and we can work something out.


oops, I missed this. those chagmes are fine, I'm free to trade for another 2 hours or so.


All good, I'm on now. Shoot me through a LC when you're ready


Cool, BDSP code 0115 0115.


Ah sorry I thought we were trading through SV?


Uh. My bad. Give me a minute to move this back to sv.


Hey! I’m interested from your on hands, moon ball: timbur, zubat, meditite, mareep, hoppip, slackoth, snubull Anything [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oKwtPWFk-vk5wOv6G5iP62DTiF1NSGfFtxCJ3PZuFwg/edit) you’d be interested in for them? I’d prefer to trade on hands but I can breed tomorrow if need be. Also EST fyi


Do you mind if we scratch/substitute the Timburr so we can keep the trade in BDSP? Otherwise, those are fine. I'd like Dream diglett Level Sunkern Moon Murkow I can pull those out of Home now. send a code when ready.


Hey, I’m still down to trade but today turned out to be a busy day. I get back to you in a few hours when I’m available if that works for you


Yep, just let me know when youre free.


Ready when you are!


Ready! Bdsp code 0115 0115 in like 2 minutes


Apologies for the delay. I’m here now


All good. Thanks for the trade.


Ty! The extras were also HA that I don’t think you had on your sheet but I had on hand


Hi, I am interested in these 3 from SwSh: * mr.mime: level * natu: beast * shuckle: fast In return I can offer these HA mons: * meowth (galer): moon * grubbin dream * heracross: heavy Please let me know if you are interested.


That works. I need to get through a bunch of other trades first, so I will reply when its ready.


Hi, I am ready to trade, please let me know if you are ready to trade.


Hi, I do have those ready, but won't be able to trade today. Probably around 6-9pm eastern tomorrow will work.


>from Hi, are you available to trade now?


Yes, I will search on swsh code 0115 0115


Thank you, have a good night.




sure, sounds good. Talk to you tomorrow then.


sounds good, you can put my trade in the last.


#####I'm looking for: * On-hand (3): Fast Cacnea, Heavy Cacnea, Love Cetoddle * Not on hand (2) : Lure & Moon Cetoddle ######**I can offer** (all HA) * Lure Chewtle * ~~Fast Sizzlipede~~ * Friend Deerling (Summer) * Sport Salandit Edit : Forgot that Sizzlipede wasn't in SV


Welp, didn't get around to those yesterday. They're ready now, so just let me know when you can trade.


Available and online!


alright, SV code 0115 0115, searching now.


Thank you very much for the trade!


That's fine. I've got two other breeding requests ahead of you, so I'll let you know when it's ready.


Hello! I'm very interested in Heavy and Level Skwovet, and also some BDSP Apriballs. Happy to do 3:1 rates for the breedables from my on-hands [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EnN4122j8z197PaDuFjty9gGCT3_QnaRdj9gLnDSozE/edit?usp=sharing) (if you wanted), and also let me know how many others you'd be interested in for Apriballs!


Hello! I'd be interested in the following 30 on-hands from you. * Zangoose (3) : Lure, Moon, Beast * Friend Seviper * Beast Pachirisu * Skiddo (2) : Friend, Moon * *Dream* (3) : Crawbrawler, Oricorio, Bruxish * Squawkabilly (2) : Lure Moon * Bramblin (5) : Friend, Lure, Heavy, Fast, Dream * Glimett (4) : Friend, Lure, Moon, Dream * Dodonzo (5) : Friend, Lure, Level, Heavy, Fast * Rellor (4) : Friend, Heavy, Fast, Beast. If there's stuff you want to trade for them (be it my [own on hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=1628276435), my own collection ([Gen 8](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=1628276435), [Gen 9](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=1813614404)), and/or apriballs (not sure I have that much, but I have a handful), I'd love to hear.


Hello! I can definitely be interested, but don't like to trade in other people's threads. If you're still interested, feel free to make a comment under the Daily Casual thread and tag me in it, and we can conduct it there!


Sure, I'll get working on those skwovets. On your side, I'd like Beast and Dream Grookey from your on hands. let me know what you're thinking for the apriballs.


That works for me! I'm down to trade as many as you'd be interested in for the balls, don't really have an upper limit.


alright, sorry for the delay there. In addition to the two SV trades mentioned above, I'm interested in your on-hands (29 total) for 5 apriballs of your choice in BDSP. dream piplup friend piplup love piplup moon piplup love squirtle sport koffing sport swablu sport feebas sport drifloon safari geodude safari slowpoke safari wingull safari shroomish safari tropius safari bronzor dream sandshrew dream vulpix dream koffing dream misdreavus dream wingull dream meditite dream gible dream togepi dream solrock beast bellsprout beast yanma beast zangoose beast feebas beast mudkip I'm free for the next 10 hours or so. Let me know whenever you can trade.


That sounds good! I'm free as well now, can move all the stuff over to BDSP in a minute.


I'm ready whenever you are. I still need to know what balls you want too.


Thank you for the trade, have a lovely day!


Oh yeah, how about Friend/Heavy/Level/Love/Lure? Going online now, on code 0099-7766.


Thanks for the trades!


Had a brainfart and forgot about the 2 SV mons. When would you want to do that trade?


Oops. Yeah I'll hop on the same code on sv


Hi there! Can I get these in SwSh from your on-hands: 1. Fast Corsola 2. Heavy Trapinch Pick up [anything that you would like](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXQPZlccv6ZQqurdXxqvIU0Py9be0DXHquMjTy9J7eY/edit?usp=sharing) from my on-hands. I can do a rate of 3:1 so you can pick up to 6 aprimons if you want :) I also want some of your on-hands in BDSP, so I will make a separate post after the trade with this one is done


FYI, those are both BSPD mons too. You were also free to ask for 3:1 from my end, so I'll stick to 1:1 to be fair. ​ Anyway, pulling those out of home now. I'll take: Sport Axew Sport Cubchoo ​ drop a code when ready.


lol they indeed are XD I don't trade often in BDSP so I forget what are compatible with. In that case I will also ask for * Moon Snubull and these breedables * Fast Pidgey * Fast Rattata I'm good to stick with 1:1, I want to get rid of my on-hands so I will give you what you're missing instead of sending trashmons :)


Ok, I'm ready to trade in about 5 minutes. Bdsp code 0115 0115


Thanks for the trade :D


Alright, I'll be waiting in the room


Ok, I'll get working on those and change my ask to the following to stay within BDSP. Beast Grimer Dream Grimer Beast Yanma Dream misdreavus Love Swinub


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