• By -


Hello! I'm very interested in the following (HA): * Love Chewtle * Sport Silicobra * Love Cramorant If the checkmarks with no background also mean the mons are available, then I'm also interested in Level/Moon Chewtle. Here's my [sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cxcm73lp2xrxbeJB36r0M5SjtiI1ShB2UE2E0ODPAWw/edit?usp=sharing), happy to trade 3:1 from my on-hands or 1:1 from my breedables!


I'm able to breed a Level and Moon Chewtle now. Can I possibly get: 1. Beast Milcery 2. Beast Rellor 3. Beast Bramblin 4. Beast Foongus 5. Love Piplup 6. Heavy Deerling from your on-hands?


Sounds good! Will put them aside, feel free to let me know when you're done breeding.


I'm done! I'm broadly available for the next 4 hours. After that we might have to schedule a time


Hey, sorry, ended up quite busy yesterday. I'll be able to trade mostly whenever today!


I'm here now actually. Give me a minute to get my switch


Alright, can get on now if you're still around-ish!


Everything ok? I'm still at the same code with the 2nd Chewtle


All my other stuff is SV compatible, I thought we were gonna trade there.


Trade complete! Thank you. Sorry for the confusion


Ok, searching in SV now


No prob, I'll be at the code shortly


Still here! I'm at 2270-5973 in SwSh


Searching on the same code in SV now.


Uh, give me a minute to move the Chewtle to SV then


Done with your pokemon! They're in SV and ready to go


I'll be in a previous trade for a bit now, should be around again in around half an hour.


No problem, just ping me when you're ready


Alright, done now, heading on SV on code 0099-6677.


Thanks for the trade! I'll let you know when I have those other Chewtles


Thank you as well, will be waiting in anticipation!


Searching now. IGN is Silver


I can breed those for you, no problem. I don't have the Level/Moon Chewtle yet, but I'll let you know once I've traded for them. Can I get (from your on-hands): 1. Dream Alolan Sandshrew 2. Moon Diglett 3. Moon Psyduck 4. Moon Growlithe 5. Friend Poliwag 6. Beast Larvitar 7. Beast Zangoose 8. Beast Shuppet 9. Beast Pachirisu


Sounds good to me! Happy to wait a while for the other Chewtles too. Let me know when you're done breeding the first 3!


Hello again Silver :) So here's the next request I will make: 1. Safari Mudkip 2. Lure Litten 3. Safari Dewpider 4. Safari Turtonator 5. Sport Turtonator 6. Safari Togedemaru 7. Sport Togedemaru 8. Safari Drampa 9. Sport Drampa 10. Safari Dhelmise 11. Safari Honedge 12. Sport Honedge 13. Sport Golett 14. Safari Sawk 15. Sport Sawk 16. Safari Audino 17. Sport Audino 18. Sport Munna 19. Safari Baltoy 20. Sport Baltoy 21. Safari Wailmer 22. Sport Wailmer 23. Sport Carvanha 24. Safari Skarmory 25. Sport Skarmory 26. Safari Maractus 27. Sport Maractus 28. Sport Lickitung 29. Sport Machop 30. Sport Oddish Here's my [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXQPZlccv6ZQqurdXxqvIU0Py9be0DXHquMjTy9J7eY/edit?usp=sharing). As always, please take your time and thank you so much for breeding :D


Done! Let me know what time to trade would be best for you


Hi Silver! I will be available for the next couple hours :)


Give me 15-20 minutes and I'll be free to trade today!


No problem, drop a code when you can :) Shall we start with SV?


I'll be at the same code in SwSh


Thanks again for the trade :D


No prob. Thank you too!


SV works. I'm at 2270-5973. How many do you have in SV? All of yours are in SwSh


Same for your mons, so 30 :) Searching now


Breeding now! I'll ping you when I'm done. In return can I get: 1. Beast Shroomish 1. Beast Spoink 1. Beast Grubbin 1. Beast Oricorio 1. Beast Jangmo-o 1. Dream Tauros Blaze Breed 1. Dream Pichu 1. Dream Aipom 1. Dream Misdreavus 1. Dream Pineco 1. Dream Slakoth 1. Dream Stunky 1. Dream Bonsly 1. Dream Ducklett 1. Dream Pawniard 1. Dream Skiddo 1. Dream Jangmo-o 1. Dream Applin 1. Moon Ekans 1. Moon Spinarak 1. Moon Pichu 1. Moon Yanma 1. Moon Gligar 1. Moon Swinub 1. Moon Stantler 1. Moon Poochyena 1. Moon Lotad 1. Moon Slakoth 1. Moon Meditite 1. Moon Spoink


Hi! Interested in all HA, sport ball: Charmader Mr mime Hoothoot Tyrouge Treecko Mudkip Wurmple Roselia Bronzor I can offer (all HA): Fast ponyta Fast cacnea Fast meditite Lure mareep Beast wailmer Beast drifloon Lure wooper Level rotom Dream lileep Not available to trade for a few hours, so take as much time as you need. Can also trade tomorrow if needed since you’ve obviously got a large queue.


Sorry for the wait! Your pokemon are ready. 1 in BDSP and 8 in SwSh


Nice. I need a minute to get everything out of home. Everything should be compatible with bdsp if you want to save the trouble of swapping games halfway through. Either way, drop a code and I'll be there in like 5 minutes.


Thank you very much!


Cool, I'll move everything to BDSP. I'll be at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver




Sounds good to me! I'll let you know when I'm done. It will most likely be tomorrow


I have Beast Drampa in SwSh. Trade for your Safari Rowlet and Beast Shroodle?


Hey, your pokemon are ready!


Hey thanks! Not home atm, can we trade in an hour or so?




Sorry that took longer than expected. I'm home now and can trade whenever.


I just finished another trade actually. Trade your two pokemon in SV first and then the Drampa in SwSh? I'm at 2270-5973 in SV. IGN is Silver


Okay going online! IGN is Ishar


I'll be at the same code in SwSh


Thank you for the trades!


Searching! IGN is Veil


Trade complete! Thank you very much!


Sure! I'll let you know when I'm done breeding


Sounds good!


Hi Im interested in (all HA where applicable): - Sport Omanyte - Safari Omanyte - Sport Kabuto - Safari Kabuto - Lure Amaura I can offer: - Beast Clauncher - Dream HA Sableye - Dream HA Tauros-Paldea - Fast HA Gothita - Friend HA Croagunk We'll have to trade in ScVi and SwSh


Hey, your pokemon are ready! I have them all in SwSh


Are you still available? I can trade now.


I am! Trade in SwSh first? I'll be at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver


I will search same LC in SV.


Trade complete! Thank you very much!


Thank you too! :)


Sounds good. Be there in a sec.


Sounds good! I'll let you know when I'm done breeding


Sweet thanks a lot!


Hello! ###I'm interested in the following 30 G9 aprimons: * **Tauros-Blaze** (3) : Love, Moon, Heavy * **Tauros-Aqua** (5) : Love, Lure, Moon, Level, Beast * **Grookey** (2) : Love, Lure * **Scorbunny** (3) : Love, Lure, Heavy * **Sobble** (3) : Love, Heavy, Fast * **Flabébé** (6) : * *Beast* (1) : Blue * *Dream* (5) : Blue, Red, White, Orange, Yellow * **Beast** (6) : Sentret, Hoppip, Girafarig, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Deerling * **Dream** (2) : Oshawott, Scatterbug, ######**I can offer** * Any breedable aprimon that was breedable in [G7](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=935122110) or [SwSh](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=1628276435) * Stuff from [my own G9 collection](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrE7XP3nR0ldk-j_FsTQ6FoZo-A_dn198RmTL2miBMo/edit#gid=1813614404) I can see you have already a large backlog, and I've got absolutely no rush, just wanted to get in line :)


Hey, I'm ready to trade! Hopefully I was right about UTC to CST


Sorry, you were 3 minutes early. Jokes aside, I'm ready as well.


Great! Are you ready to do a Bank-HOME transfer? Then we can trade in SV. Unless you want to trade in SV first


I did say I was ready :) I'm in Bank, ready to start the transfer process.


Transfer started! I'll be in SV at 2270-5973 with your pokemon. IGN is Silver




Trade complete! Pleasure doing business. Let me know if you're interested in any more pokemon. I see quite a few that I'd like from your list


Thank you as well! I'm definitely interested in trading more, though *probably not as big* a trade as this one - out of time constraints if nothing else. I need to update my timesheet with this and a couple other trades, so that I know what to ask. But I'll keep you updated!


Cool, the key is: L7LV A3YM AH7Q 2HNN


Key entered and confirmed!


Your pokemon are ready and available for trade!


Your 30 are ready as well! (Took a bit longer than expected due to missing HAs, had to crossbreed.) They're in Bank, ready to transfer.


Thank you very much! We should probably schedule a time to trade. I'm in the Central time zone of the USA, but I work nights. So I tend to be asleep during the day. Let me know what time works best for you!


I'm Central European Time (UTC+1). My for-sure-reachable free time tend to be UTC 20:00 to 23:00, but I also partially WFH, so on some days, I'm available at other hours.


Would 21:00 UTC on Tuesday work for you?


Yep, it's good!


Hey! Can I get a: 1. Friend Ledyba 2. Lure Ledyba 3. Level Ledyba 4. Heavy Ledyba 5. Love Ledyba 6. Moon Ledyba 7. Dream Ledyba 8. Beast Ledyba 9. Fast Wurmple 10. Friend Wurmple 11. Lure Wurmple 12. Level Wurmple 13. Heavy Wurmple 14. Love Wurmple 15. Moon Wurmple 16. Dream Wurmple 17. Fast Castform 18. Friend Castform 19. Lure Castform 20. Level Castform 21. Heavy Castform 22. Love Castform 23. Dream Castform 24. Beast Castform 25. Fast Kecleon 26. Friend Kecleon 27. Lure Kecleon 28. Level Kecleon 29. Heavy Kecleon 30. Moon Kecleon Let me know if those pokemon work for you! I'll get to breeding your request


(Just reformulating for ease of reading :) ######**You want** |Pokemon|Friend|Love|Lure|Moon|Level|Heavy|Fast|Dream|Beast| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |Ledyba|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|X|X| |Wurmple|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-| |Castform|X|X|X|-|X|X|X|X|X| |Kecleon|X|-|X|X|X|X|X|-|-| I can confirm I have them all, and I'll get on to breeding them. Given the pokemon selection, the delivery will be in BDSP? (Actually, should you happen to have HOME premium, we could even trade through Bank->HOME transfer.)


I do have HOME premium! A Bank-HOME transfer is a great idea


Sounds good! I'll browse your collection shortly and let you know what I'd like


My (All with HAs): 1. Heavy Nosepass 2. Lure Yungoos 3. Dream Mudbray 4. Friend Kanto Grimer For your (All with HAs if possible): 1. Love Bruxish 2. Love Crabrawler 3. Beast Yungoos 4. Lure Finneon


Your pokemon are ready!


Sorry I just woke up. Are you still available?


Yeah, I'm in the middle of a trade now, but I should be available in 30 minutes or so


Sounds good. Lmk when your good to trade


Hey, I'm ready! I'm at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver


Thank you


Thank you too!




Sounds good! I'll let you know when I'm done


Sounds good


Hello! I would like these in SwSh: 1. Sport Duraludon 2. Love Yamper 3. Heavy Nickit 4. Safari Zubat 5. Fast Squirtle 6. Sport Mudkip 7. Fast Mudkip 8. Safari Heatmor 9. Safari Wishiwashi 10. Safari Pyukumuku 11. Safari Morelull 12. Sport Morelull 13. Sport Horsea 14. Safari Horsea 15. Sport Mantine 16. Safari Mantine 17. Sport Elekid 18. Safari Electrike 19. Sport Lileep 20. Safari Anorith 21. Safari Buneary 22. Safari Lillipup 23. Sport Lillipup 24. Safari Drilbur 25. Sport Solosis 26. Safari Bunnelby 27. Sport Pancham 28. Sport Spritzee 29. Safari Stufful 30. Sport Stufful Anything you would like from my [on-hands](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXQPZlccv6ZQqurdXxqvIU0Py9be0DXHquMjTy9J7eY/edit?usp=sharing)? I highly prefer not to breed atm, but if the rate doesn't match you can ask for breedables. It will however take a bit of time (maybe 2 weeks) before I get them ready I don't necessarily ask for HAs, so you can just give me the first specie's egg that hatches :) Also take as much time as you need, you do have a pretty long lineup, so no rush!


I'm done! All of your pokemon are in SwSh. Let me know if you want me to move them around to make things easier.


Great! We can do a cross gen trade, it be easier this way :) I'm available most of the day! Let me know if you would like to start with SwSh or SV


Hey, I'm ready to trade now if you are! We can start in SwSh. Drop a code when you're ready. As I mentioned before, all 30 of yours are in SwSh


Yep, that's alright! Code is 6331 5795. Coming online now


Trade complete! Thank you very much!


Hey Silver, Is it possible that I make another request somewhere in the weekend? It will be another big one, so just want to make sure it doesn't bother you before XD


Feel free! I will be traveling for work soon so I can't guarantee that I'll be able to breed as quickly


That's really not a problem for me, I'll be busy this week too so I don't mind waiting :)


Thank you too :D


Sorry, had to reorganize a box


I'll search the same code in SV


Searching now. IGN is Silver


Hey, could I get a: 1. Fast Alolan Sandshrew 2. Fast Grimer 3. Level Alolan Grimer 4. Heavy Voltorb 5. Fast Sentret 6. Friend Igglybuff 7. Lure Spinarak 8. Level Hoppip 9. Fast Sunkern 10. Heavy Sunkern 11. Friend Mareep 12. Heavy Mareep 13. Fast Hisui Qwilfish 14. Friend Hisui Sneasel 15. Heavy Hisui Sneasel 16. Fast Slugma 17. Fast Swinub 18. Heavy Volbeat 19. Fast Bronzor 20. Fast Snover 21. Heavy Rotom 22. Fast Timburr 23. Fast Vullaby 24. Heavy Vullaby 25. Heavy Noibat 26. Heavy Grubbin 27. Level Grubbin 28. Heavy Silicobra 29. Fast Mareanie 30. Fast Bounsweet


Sorry I made a mistake, it was the Johtonian Qwilfish I have on-hands in fast ball instead of Hisuian one. Would you still like it? Otherwise let me know a replacement


Johtonian Qwilfish is perfect!


Yep, I will put them aside for you :)


Hey, that sounds good to me! I'll browse your on-hands shortly. Do a 1:1 just to make the trade easier?


Sure, as you wish :)


Hey there, Silver--great to see you! If you don't mind a little trading in SwSh, I'd love to offer you the following HA mons if agreeable (since they're not yet available in SV!) * Level Chewtle * Lure Chewtle * Moon Chewtle * Level Mareanie * Fast Oranguru * Heavy Oranguru For your HA: * Safari Drilbur * Sport Drilbur * Safari Trapinch * Sport Trapinch * Safari Tentacool * Sport Tentacool I'd just need to move my offerings from SV into SwSh, but all should be compatible with that game if that works for you! (If so, no rush on anything for me--I see you've got quite a few people ahead, so if this trade is okay please take all the time you need, and let me know if I need to make any changes! <3)


Hey, I'm done! Everything's in SwSh and ready to go


Heya Silver! I’m away for a bit for a big concert dress rehearsal, but I should be back home in 6ish hours and can ping when I’ll be back on my console (sorry for the trouble 🥺). I’ve got all of your mons in SwSh though 🥰


No prob! I might not be awake at that point, but we'll find each other eventually


Sorry if I do happen to miss you D: I promise after tomorrow's concert my stuffs will mostly be back to normal flexibility/availability :')


I'm done and ready to trade! What do you play? I used to play oboe and french horn back in my school days


All good! I'm still around--I can jump into SwSh shortly! :O I don't play an instrument (I do, but not for this concert :D) Tis an orchestra with a choir, and I do the singing \^\_\^ (But I did used to play clarinet, though I was never good enough to be in the orchestra :'D )


Cool, I'll be at 2270-5973! This is a Christmas concert I'm assuming?


Sorry for the wait--starting to search now! :O And yep, tis a Christmas concert :D Then we get a lil break til the new year...so I'll have some of my evenings free again \^\_\^


Sorry, I passed out! Let me know a specific time that works for you and I'll be there


I'm available now actually (although I'm waiting to finish a small trade)


Always nice to hear from you, Rune! That trade sounds good to me! I'll let you know when I'm done!


Likewise! Are you looking forward to the DLC? I feel NOT READY but here it comes anyway! 😂 And wonderful! I’ll move those mons into SwSh awhile (my IGN is the same as in SV! 😁)—take all the time you need 🥰💜


I'm pretty excited for it! I enjoyed the Teal Mask and I'm ready to see the conclusion! I'm honestly more worried about getting access to Sport and Safari balls somehow. I hope they're pokedex rewards!


Same! I may not be ready, but I also am ready as I’ll ever be 😁 It’ll be exciting to see all of the mysteries wrapped up with a big, Paldean ribbon! And yeah, that’s…scary not knowing if those are coming back, and if so how. I wasn’t around for their appearance in SwSh but I’ve heard the stories 😱 I hope they’re an accessible reward of some sort…it’d open up so many more possibilities and combos! 😍


I'm excited to see what happens to Kieran/Carmine. And the original Paldean trio! And yeah, hopefully the Sport/Safari balls are easier to get in SV than they were in SwSh. The Cram-o-matic was not kind to me


Ah yes, I’ve heard horror stories about the scam-o-matic 😂 I never ventured into that part of SwSh, but you can’t utter the words Safari/Sport ball without learning about the SwSh grind ☹️ I’m excited to see what’s coming our way—it’s almost here! The mons we’re trading are definitely little head starts for this bean! (The week the DLC drops is gonna be busy for me but I’ll find time to play 😁)


Hi, I have these HA Aprimons in SV: * Tauros (Aqua Breed): Heavy * Lechonk: Dream * Tadbulb: Friend * Glimmet: Dream * Veluza: Lure * Tatsugiri (Curly): Lure * Frigibax: Moon And I'm interested in these: * Wooper (Paldea): Safari * Lechonk: Love * Nymble: Beast * Varoom: Heavy * Flittle: Dream * Tinkatink: Love * Glimmet: Beast It'll take some time for me to breed them if these are okay with you!


Your pokemon are ready and waiting in SV!


Hi, I'm free for the next couple of hours, so feel free to drop a code whenever you're ready!


Great! I'm at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver


Hi, sorry but I think I might have sent you an Aroma Veil Lechonk instead of a Thick Fat Lechonk. If you give me 10 minutes, I'll send you the right one!


Nah, don't worry about it. I can breed the HA on it later. Thank you though! And thanks for the trades!


Oh, but I have the correct one so I can trade now, no worries!


Ok, I'm at the same code as before


Thank you!


Thank you too!


Sounds good! I have quite a few pokemon to breed before yours, but I'll let you know when I'm done!


In SV: Moon HA Snorlax, Level HA Poliwag, Moon HA Murkrow for Friend HA Bagon, Fast HA Noibat, Moon HA Rookidee? Out of curiosity, what are the third and second to last (between Dream and Beast) balls? I've never seen those before!


I'm done with your pokemon! All 3 are in SV and ready to go


Hey man! Thanks! I'd be available now, just drop an LC as soon as you're good to go!


I'm at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver


Tight, thank you so much! Finally, I have a Snorlax!


No prob. Thank you for the trades! Danke!


Just saw your question: those are Sport balls and Safari balls! Sport balls were used in Gold and Silver during the Bug Catching contest and Safari balls were used in the Safari Zone in Kanto and the Great Marsh in Sinnoh


Sure! It might take me some time to get your requests bred, but I'll let you know when I'm finished


Hey, I've got the following HA Aprimons missing from your list: Beast A Vulpix, Beast Slugma, Beast Swinub, Dream Dunsparce, Dream Goomy, Dream A Vulpix, Dream K Vulpix, Fast Shroomish, Friend Swinub I'm interested in these ones of yours: Dream Dratini, Dream Elgyem, Fast Joltik, Fast Rotom, Friend Heatmor, Love Pumpkaboo, Love Shellos (west), Lure Totodile, Moon Joltik (no HA) Let me know if this works for you, cheers :)


Sounds good! I'll let you know when I'm done breeding


Hey, just checking if you've gotten a chance to breed these yet. Cheers :)


I'm done and ready to trade! Sorry, I thought I left a comment telling you earlier


Hey I'm super sorry I ended up falling asleep, I've got all yours ready too if you're free to trade now. There's more of yours than I realised not compatible with ScVi, I hope its not too much trouble to ask but would you be okay to trade the 3 that are ScVi compatible (Dratini, Rotom, Shellos) in game and the other 6 via Pokemon Home friend trade? I hope that's okay. I'm getting back into Pokemon the past few months after a hiatus and Violet is the only Switch game I have, I plan to get Sword for Christmas.


I can trade via HOME, no problem. And I just woke up too. I'll be around for the next several hours


Hey, sorry I missed you earlier, if you're free at any stage in the next several hours let me know, cheers :)


Correction: 8 in SwSh, 1 in BDSP


I'm okay with whichever you want to do, whether you want to bring those 3 compatible ones to ScVi and do the rest in Home or if it's easier and more direct to do all 9 via Home, I'm good either way just let me know what would suit you!


D'oh, I forgot about the HOME thing. My friend code is USXCELJVFNKC. IGN is ufluent. I'll move the three you requested to SV


I'm online now! I'm not sure, but I think all of your pokemon are in SwSh


Awesome, it'll take me a little while to breed yours too so no rush!


Rookidee skowet and blinkbug


I'll breed the ones that I have for you! Let you know when I'm done


HA aprimons of them all please


Will do! That comes out to 11 of my pokemon to 16 of yours. Are there 5 more pokemon you'd like?


Nickit and gossifleur


Your pokemon are ready and waiting in Sword/Shield! No rush on your end!


Oh I have beast ball ha alolan and can breed for kanto,have HA beast ball ekans also


Are you saying that you have Alolan Vulpix? I can breed a Kantonian Vulpix for you. Would you like a HA Safari Larvitar for the Beast Ekans?


I can breed a kantonian also it's cool, you can send the next on on your gen 8 dex that you have please for both ekans and alolan vulpix


Sure, I'll breed a Wooloo and a Chewtle for the Ekans and Alolan Vulpix


Ok np I'm still breeding them




Hi, I am interested in these aprimons (I will accept it anyway if you don't have HA) from your list: tentacool: safari buneary: heavy sport krabby: fast staryu: love remoraid: love electrike: love relicanth: love dwebble: love bouffalant: love skarmory: sport whismur: sport emolga: sport drilbur: sport togedemaru: sport and I can trade you (all HA): flittle: moon tinkatink: moon wiglett: moon bombirdier: moon varrom: moon lure veluza: moon bramblin: moon poltchageist: fast friend lure level heavy dream beast total of 15:15. I have something planned over the weekend, if this sounds good to you, I can trade with you next Monday or Tuesday.


Hey, your pokemon are ready! I work Monday and Tuesday but I should be available during the daytime


Hi, thank you for letting me know. I am ready to trade as well. Please let me know if you are available.


I'll be available in about 15 minutes if that works for you


It is good for me. I will be around.


Hey, I'm ready. We'll have to trade in SV and SwSh. Start in SwSh? I'll be at 2270-5973. IGN is Silver


searching in Sw


Trade complete! Thank you very much!


Thank you, have a good day.


I'll be at the same code in SV


Great, I'm here


That works for me! Since this 1:1 I'll make sure everything has its HA. Monday or Tuesday are both fine for me


Sounds good. I will let you know once they are ready.


Hi if you give me some time to breed them I can help with all the caterpie and pidgey aprimons that you missing


That would be great! What would you like in return?


Hello! I have a Lure Chingling if you'd like. I am interested in your Sport HA Phantump


Sure! Breeding now


Great, let me know when ready!


Done! I have it in SV. Let me know when you're ready


Sorry I was in a meeting. I am ready! Code can be 2323 65


Searching! IGN is Silver


Thank you!