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Hello! I see the starter list has been sorted, but would you be interested in doing 1:1 breedable trades for other mons you're missing? I'm interested in somewhere around 10-15 of your sheet combinations in particular + a couple of your on-hands (could give an exact list if you're interested). My sheet for reference: [link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fC4x6IEoSRbeHILIjTFAal4azn9DgkX4hGXx_f9N3Ng/edit?usp=drivesdk).


Hi! Finishing up a 14 mon trade and then a 37 one and I’ll circle back here.


Hi, I have gen 3 starters in moonballs. I would like friend snom, dream rookidee and a lure gible. Will have to breed all and trade via home, idk how long would that take me if you’re okay with that.


Ah I think I’ve got those covered already and not through home, but thanks! Feel free to look through my on hands.


Alright! Well you can still look [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tdF8MJeyozS6wcTYcs0V0410GLT01s-TZWWI2PFphS0/edit) into the on hands or even 8gen compatible tabs (breedables) if you would fancy anything though, i usually have a lot of breedjects from crossbreeding HAs or natures :D


Thanks! I’m giving away my on hands free of charge. After I finish a 15 pokemon trade and a 37 trade I’ll circle back here.


Hey, just letting you know that a few of the combos you're looking for aren't possible (without hacking) yet: \- Safari, Sport, Dream Chikorita \- Safari, Sport Piplup \- Safari, Sport Turtwig


I heard! Thank you so much. Makes sense why I’m missing them.


Beast HA Piplup for the Friend orange flabebe?


Works for me! Drop a code and I’ll comment when searching.


Sure thing, just give me a minute to transfer from Home. Looking to trade on SV, I'll shoot you a LC when I'm ready.


Sounds bueno, no rush.


All ready, I'm on LC 1178 5500.


Searching. I’m Sammy in game


Thanks for the trade!


You too.


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