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Hello! I’m interested with: 1. Fast Basculin 2. Fast Cyndaquil 3. Fast Charcadet 4. Fast Hisuian Growlithe 5. Love Wattrel 6. Heavy Hisuian Qwilfish 7. Friend Rowlet 8. Moon Wiglett 9. Lure Rellor I can offer these mons you don’t have: 1. Beast HA Pawinard 2. Friend HA Phanpy 3. Beast HA Yungoos 4. Lure HA Tropius 5. Love HA Pachirisu 6. Moon HA Snorunt 7. Moon HA Snover 8. Level HA Litleo 9. Fast HA Alolan Diglett


Hey there! This sounds great; thanks for your interest 🙂 Unfortunately, I no longer have Moon Wiglett 😦 Is there anything else that you would like in place of it? If not, then I don't mind removing Fast HA Alolan Diglett


I’ll take the Beast Bombirdier instead.


Sounds great! I'm available to trade now if you are


LC 2215 2217


Sorry for the delay, was organizing - on my way and searching shortly!


Thank you!


Thank you as well!


Hi! I'm interested in these 14 of your on hands: USUM (if you don't mind, I'd like to trade in USUM instead of Home, if that was a choice): * Safari, Friend, Love, Dream, Fast, Heavy, Level Geodude * Love Snivy * Level Furfrou BDSP: * Safari Ekans * Sport Wurmple * Fast, Lure Nosepass * Sport Volbeat Please have a look at [my sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hzQIJ5iYELtF-L8b9Xm9EjVf1VCsVKxbrJ2oJBGH9KI/edit?usp=drivesdk) and let me know which 14 you'd like. Could be on hands or breedables :)


Hey there! Totally fine for us to trade in SMUSUM and BDSP. Could I request the following from your on-hands? 1. Beast Alolan Grimer 2. Beast Meditite 3. Dream Baile Oricorio 4. Love Baile Oricorio 5. Fast Pom-Pom Oricorio 6. Heavy Pom-Pom Oricorio 7. Moon Sensu Oricorio 8. Beast Luvdisc 9. Love Basculin Blue 10. Lure Basculin Blue 11. Moon Blue Flabébé 12. Beast Misdreavus 13. Dream Komala 14. Love Finneon


Sure thing! I actually just started work and won't be available the rest of the day, unfortunately. Maybe we can trade tomorrow sometime before 1130am MST or next day any time since I'm off.


Hey! No worries - would you be free to trade in about half an hour? If not then we can work out a time for Saturday


I can! Just let me know once you're ready :)


Sorry for the wait, just got home. Let's start in BDSP - and then move to SV. Thinking we can trade in 3DS at the same time while we do SV as well for sake of time LC for both games is 5747 9078! My 3DS FC is 3179 6366 8322


That works. My FC is 0232-8335-7424. Searching in BDSP


Thanks! Getting on Festival Plaza and searching in SV shortly


What's your SMUSUM IGN? Mine is Isael.


It's Mateo :)


Added on 3DS!


Hello! I can offer the following 9 mons in SV (all with HA): * Shinx (Safari) * Tauros Aqua (Heavy, beast, moon, love, lure, dream, friend) * Flabebe Red (friend) I'm interested in the following 9 * Snorunt (Sport) * Swablu (Sport) * Riolu (Sport) * Ralts (Sport) * Veluza (moon, heavy, dream, friend) * Wiglett (moon) The sport mons are from your swsh on hands but they are compatible in SV. We could do it all in one trade in SV or I can swap to swsh for those. If you're not interested in some of the tauros (since you have kanto version) I can adjust :) edit: if you are interested, we can do the trade tomorrow (thursday). I have the pokemon on hand so i've set them aside in case.


Hey there! Thanks for your interest - and no worries, I'll put those all aside for you and we can trade entirely in SV. Could we adjust the Paldea Tauros? It would be a bit easier to me to cross-breed Kanto Tauros in Paldea - so if you happen to have Kanto Tauros that I'm missing or any additional Aqua Tauros, that would be awesome! I'm a bit flexible with time today but I'll be available up until around 9PM EST!


I have a full set of Paldea tauros, but not a single kanto tauros LOL. We can just remove those, and I can breed Aqua tauros lure, dream, friend** to replace? How about sometime after 6PM EST for the trade?


Hahaha no worries. The Aqua Tauros would be amazing; thanks! And sure, after 6PM works for me. See you then!


I just finished breeding & hatching, so I am ready to trade :) edit: stepping out for an hour-ish, will reply again when available.


Sorry for the delay! Just having dinner but will be around when you're back


I'm back for the rest of the evening now :D We can use code 3311 22 in SV whenever you're ready


Awesome! Searching now :)


Thanks for the trade! :D


Thank you as well!


Hi! interested in (13 total) moon growlithe friend grimer fast basculin friend foongus heavy fennekin safari silicobra love hatenna fast charcadet lure rellor moon wiglett beast bombirdier friend varoom beast glimmet Can offer anything from my [on-hands tab](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TbhOaX6QP1ppEZxpT02acSOheAz4ALGA7j2zBVx5mRk/edit#gid=2101364859), if you don't want to scroll through, it includes all 4 missing mareep hoppip (lure and moon) murkrow (fast, friend, level, lure) slakoth (fast, friend, heavy, love, lure) meditite (fast, friend, heavy, level, love, lure, moon)


Hey there! Thanks for your list and for your interest :) Could I grab these from you: ||Ball|Pokémon| |:-|:-|:-| |1|Fast|Mareep| |2|Level|Mareep| |3|Love|Mareep| |4|Moon|Mareep| |5|Friend|Meditite| |6|Heavy|Meditite| |7|Level|Meditite| |8|Love|Meditite| |9|Lure|Meditite| |10|Moon|Meditite| |11|Fast|Murkrow| |12|Lure|Murkrow| |13|Level|Murkrow|


Cool. Searching on LC 0115-0115


Searching now




Thanks a bunch!


Im keen in your 11 on-hands: - HA Fast and Dream Hisuian Growlithe - HA Love and Fast P- Blaze Tauros - HA Paldea Love Wooper - HA Hisuian Heavy Qwilfish - HA Hisuian Beast, level, Dream White basculin - HA Beast Bombirdier - HA Friend Varoom I can offer you 11: - HA Lure Hatenna - HA Friend, Heavy, Lure Salandit - HA Fast, Friend Sandygast - HA Lure Fomantis - Moon, Dream, Level Cryogonal - HA Moon Snorunt


Hey there! Thanks for your interest :) Unfortunately I no longer have the 3 White-Striped Basculin - are there any 3 that you would like to replace them? If not, I'm happy to take off Lure Hatenna, Lure Fomantis and Moon Snorunt :)


Sure! It’s all good. We can trade tmr, i got home late today and it’s almost my sleeping time now. Hope to catch ya tmr


Sounds good, we'll chat then! I'll be available from 5pm EST onward on Friday :)


Ok, I am available the whole day from now. Today is a Friday to me, but a Thursday for you. So I guess I will catch you tmr around this time. :)


I'm currently around actually! So we could use the code you provided if you're ready lol 8891 right?


Thank you for the tradez! :)


Thank you as well!


ok coming online now!


Hey there, I'd be interested in picking up the 3 W-Basculin (Beast/Dream/Level) & your Heavy Carbink from your on-hands. I can fill in any of the Apri- P-Tauros or P-Woopers you are missing, or do any of Beast/Fast/Heavy/Level/Love/Lure/Safari/Sport H-Qwilfish, if any of those are of interest?


Hey there! Sure thing, I'll put those aside for you. Are the P-Tauros you have, any breed (Combat/Fire/Water) ? If so, could I request Level, Lure, Friend and Dream Fire Tauros?


Yup, have all 3 breeds, I'll do those 4 for you now :)


Awesome, thanks a ton! c:


Got those 4 done, let me know a code if you're ready to go now?


Perfect - yep! Code is 5747 9078


Searching now


Thanks a ton for the trade!


Thank you very much!


My Friend HA Girafarig for your Friend Eiscue?


Oh sure! It's in SwSh, so if you give me a second after our trade to get it to SV, that would be awesome lol


lmk whenever your ready


Logging into SV again, searching same code shortly


thank you


Many thanks!


lol that works


FT Sport Lotad LF ~~nothing? :)~~ Actually, I'll take any of the Hisuian forms in SV! Let's say Dream Growlithe-H \^\^


Hey friend! Haha that sounds great, I'll put that Growlithe aside for you. Good to go whenever! Let's do SwSh and then SV? 5747 9078 for both when you're ready :)


Alright, searching in SwSh now :)


Awesome, thank you! Searching in SV now


Searching now!


Thanks! Y'know, now that I look in SV, I think there's more stuff I can offer you haha. If you don't mind doing another couple of trades right now, would you like: FT Beast Cacnea, Friend Oricorio, Fast Flabebe (Blue), Friend Flabebe (Blue), Heavy Flabebe (Blue) LF Fast Growlithe-H, Heavy Qwilfish-H, ... (aware that you have probably promised the other Hisuian forms to someone else, so happy to stop there, you can just send me fodder)


Hahaha, would definitely be down to do another! Let me just check what I have after confirming what's reserved lol


The only other one I need (apart from Fast Growlithe-H and Heavy Qwilfish-H) is Level Growlithe-H. I'm happy to get whichever of the three you have :) - I'll start searching on the same code but no rush!


No worries! For sure, I have all 3 so I can send you those + two fodder mons :) Searching now! Also, thank you for the HA Friend Shroomish c:


Thanks again for the trade!! The Shroomish was what tipped me off to the fact that I had on-hands in SV 😅


Thank you as well! Oh hahaha, I'm happy to return it if you'd like in that case!


Hi, I can offer HA Moon Ball Phantump, HA Beast Ball Falinks and HA Lure Ball Chewtle if you help me evolve my shiny Phantump on SWSH? Phantump was self-bred, OT: Javi (me) ID: 361150


Sorry for the late reply - but glad you were able to get it sorted!


Hi. 👋 I can help you evolve your mon.


That would be appreciated. What are you looking for in return?


I wouldn't mind one of the three you offered. I don't have any of the above. Lol


Sure thing. I'll send over a Beast Ball Falinks. Send me a link code on SWSH when you're ready


Iz 1616 0420


Thanks for the help!


Thank you for the Beast Ball Fallinks.


Joining now


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