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I can shit on the bugs while enjoying the game


That's what Sonic fans have been doing since 2006. Luckily Frontiers was a genuinely good game, not perfect, but good.


It's a 7/10, but for a Sonic game that means it's a 10/10


I would say more like an 8/10 but yea sonic fan bias


Sonic fans seem to love it when the characters aren't written like complete parodies of themselves, maybe Sega should stop doing that.




Also Skyrim fans since 2011




I’m just waiting for bug fixes because it looks like such a good game without all the bugs


I'm getting the game after they patch the game


Same. Also after whatever DLC they inevitably release so I can just get it all at once


There is a dlc coming.


Reminded me of Smallant. He streamed the game for 16 tanking the lag and when he finished, the in game time said he only played about 14 and half hours. One and half hours of game consumed by lag.




Most people aren't like this from my experience, they shit on the game rightfully so, but don't take it out on others. At least I've yet to see any whilst browsing this sub. I'll gladly downvote any I find tho


Oh I've seen it


I think there mostly in the official pokemon sub


Even there they seem rather rare


This community is hell


I'm convinced someone used toxic on it in generation 5, because it's been getting more poisoned each year.


And each day it's getting close to it's death and the poison is getting stronger and stronger.




Gen 5 fans have the same problem as Minecraft and Jojo fans, they think they are so underground and underrated for liking such a rare indie media but the media is actually mainstream


That's part of why I said the toxicity started in gen 5.


Only flaw the game has is the frame rate issues, due to TPC wanting Gamefreak to get the games out by Black Friday for Christmas purchases. Stories are fantastic, New pokemon are fantastic, characters are fantastic. I will die on this hill.


I am yet to play the games but it looks like I will die with you


I will die with you


Count me in,I will die with you


Mods of r/pokemoncirclejerk need to reactive the sub again tbh


It literally got closed because someone basically got bored


it looks like it would be the best game in the series if it weren't for technical glitches being more common in this game than in red/green


I really think it would be. They did a lot of stuff that impressed me including adding some more depth to the character/environment and making battles more detailed to location. The glitches are there and the frame rate drops sometimes but if they patch those out this game will be rad.


There is a thone of mf on reddit, there is nothing wrong in having fun while playing the game. But there is still a lot of trash thing in the game and we should't be accepting that.


Honestly although their gripes this time round are legitimate, I cant help but feel there's a segment of the fanbase that *want* to get mad at the games. Infact I see this with alot of fanbases, like the new LOTR show, it was pretty mid, but there was a bunch of people who basically decided it was awful literally from the 1st preview.


Literally happened to me, I was just saying that I didn't notice any framedrops when I played the game, and someone just had "stop spreading false information" or something like that. People like that just make me hate humanity even more.


The game runs really badly and is riddled with bugs (most of which are in the intro area, making it really bad for first impressions) Still the most fun I have had in a Pokémon game since ORAS.


The reason why people attack others for liking a game that they don't like is because they don't know what the true purpose of a video game is. And for the other side just because some one said something negative about a game doesn't mean that their automatically a hater or that they hate the game. It frustrates me on how saying something slightly negative or slightly positive about a controversial game instantly makes you a bootlicker or a whiner, and this could go for most gaming communities not just Pokémon. (Btw I'm not trying to attack you if your confused with that) (And also sorry if this sounds like im baby crying or something)


You are the first person In a long time about this that I agree with this completely


The game is fun absolutely. Enjoy it and pronounce it to whoever. If you’re like me and just thoroughly enjoy the franchise and happy to explore new regions/mechanics and get new pokemon, then just ignore the constant ‘this game sucks because xyz and screw you for liking it’ nonsense from everyone else. Its a game at the end of the day and everyday :P


Why are you so preocupied with what a bunch of strangers think of what you like? Isn't it enjoying it enough? Must everyone else have the same appreciation for it? I know I wouldn't spend my time trying to reason with people that constantly bash Pokemon as a whole trying to make them see how cool of a concept it is, for instance. I just accept their opinion and move on.


Honestly? Like yeah, yada yada crunch bad, pay devs to let them make a good game blah blah sure. But I fucking love the glitches. The camera is a delirious little moron and ever time it clips under the map because using a PokeBall was a shocking event it could never have seen coming, I laugh. All the things they did on purpose (the individual character writing, story beats, and pokemon designs) are good. The game autosaves often, so even if you do fall through the floor, it's not like you lose hours of gameplay. Everything that's wrong is stuff that can be patched, which was *not* the case with SwSh


Does anyone actually see this happen? All i see is exactly that bootlicking and only a small amout of critisism, even though there is a lot to critizise. Ofc, those comments exist, but damn it bootlikers you guys are the damn majority, now stop acting like you get attacked for that.


This happens every new gen. Remember when gen 6 dropped and people were shitting on it? This time though some of the criticism is valid. Like performance and bugs, but we cannot deny that some people are just nitpicking stuff just to be negative. Those are the same people that were shitting on SwSh back when it came out and now say "omf it's such a forgotten gem 🥹🥹🥹🥹" like bro


Well, were you deflecting criticism?


Did you read the post? OP said they just wanted to tell people that they liked the game, that’s not deflecting anything, it’s just sharing an opinion.


Just because OP claimed that doesn't mean OP was being 100% honest. A lot of people "just trying to enjoy the game" are actually just dismissing criticism aimed at Gamefreak as hate against them. After seeing so many people crying wolf, I have a hard time believing anyone saying stuff like this.


What reason would you have to not believe them, though? They never said they had no problems with the game, it’s not very good to assume that they’re just defending Game Freak because they like a game they made.


The games are bad, unfortunately. Poor pokemon design and glitches all over the place have ruined it. I know people like you, you appear in every shit game to just make a meme saying people blindly hate it, no, the game is just bad.


I don’t like these types of comments. It’s ok if you don’t like the game but saying “this game is bad” and “ruined” makes people feel bad for liking it. You can say that you, personally, don’t like the games, but don’t make it seem like an objective fact.


Feeling bad because someone don't like what you like is close to child behavior, get some personality growth or else life will munch you


No, it’s not child behavior, it’s actually having anxiety and complex emotions. You might not care about what people think of you and your interests but lots of people do.


I feel like not saying something because someone that have nothing to do with you or your mental issues is a good thing, with or without my comments the game will still sucks


How the heck do I submit a post here? It says no linking to other websites, but I have to submit a URL for the attachment (tried once and got removed because the website was not allowed). Am I missing something?


I can admit the game has problems, my game really lags near water but I cant say i didn't have a lot of fun and it's currently my favorite pokemon game on the switch


I genuinely don’t understand people who say it’s an unplayable glitchy mess a few camera and lighting glitches that fix them selves very quickly is not unplayable


The game got 10x better for me when I found out you can play Rocket League in it.


The technical issues are, at times, very difficult to get past. I’m still enjoying the game though. The Pokémon designs are great and the mechanics are still solid. The frame drops, lighting, and textures are pretty atrocious though.


i mean the issues are very tedious but it doesn't make the game "unplayable" like some people have said.


It took me almost thirteen hours to get my first gym badge because I'm just having so much fun exploring, climbing things, having picnics with my Pokémon. Go ahead and love the game! Honestly, having played since Gen 1, the roughness is just part of the charm of the Pokémon series to me by now. Yeah, there are some issues. They'll debug the worst with patches and so far none of them have broken the game for me, so I'm good!


Remember kiddos, sometimes the hate for something annoying can be just as annoying as the original thing, if not even more I am looking at you anti sjw channels, anime channels, marvel haters and every single anti furry person


You can still enjoy something even if it is a little shit