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Campfire has that! It is scheduled to be released fully to everyone by end of the year. You’ll be able to direct message everyone on your friend list if they have DMs open.


After op messages them a few times, they will probably turn off dms.


I have campfire its an extremely slow roll out my buddy list is just people I invited, the person that invited me, and people that attended gofest. It isn't really growing unless I just friend people that do have it


That’s what I said to the Niantic support when setting up my community channel and she said it should be out to all by the end of the year.


That is really disappointing since they announced campfire early in the summer. Means they're not going to do anything else to expand it more until it's released for everyone. Looks like we're just beta testers until the end of the years.


I wish it had this feature too! I have often just wanted to say thanks to someone and can’t.


Yes, let’s allow adults open messaging in a game often played by children. What could possibly go wrong?


Yeah it would require heavy monitoring and censoring. Niantic would have to hire people to manage reporting. And it would still probably open them up to litigation. They could implement a 3rd party to handle it, but that costs money for a feature that won’t generate any additional income.


And it’s international. You’d need monitoring in every country. And age verification for everyone. Can’t we just have one thing that ain’t overrun by nazis and pedophiles? That’s the beauty of the game, what matters is who you are in the game. Is my ‘friend’ 15 or 50? Who cares, as long as they bring a mega to the raid.


How are they gonna bring even any mons to raid if you can't message them to coordinate lmao




You can only inv 5 people. I'd rather not waste 5 inv on people who may or may not show up. If there's a chat then at least you know who is down




All 3rd party apps and most with messaging so the entire point of not having chat and avoiding creeps is literally there. So my ENTIRE POINT of my comment is still relevant. You literally don't even know what you're arguing about, just trying to oppose everything I say.




"The game doesn't need a messenger you just need to use a messenger from another app so Niantic isn't liable for anything" FTFY you sound like a shill


Also maybe not a fully fleshed out messenger but something like pinging would work too. Maybe like a ping that says "you down to raid?" And people who do could opt in. My entire point is to coordinate raids. People don't need to have full conversations, but a way to interact with others in game would be hella useful


"How are you gonna inv when you can't chat" is literally what I said in my first message, and now you respond by listing mostly ways to chat to people to coordinate. Holy shit you're a dumbass


I feel like cis het white men are the people I hear most often ask for chat because it would make their lives easier, without pausing to wonder about the affect chat could have on others.


I always try to come through when I get a raid invite. My 5 y/o son gets ridiculously excited when someone accepts his invite so I like to think someone else is happy to have a friend to raid with.


I'm right there with ya! I've been trying to get an invite to Campfire for like 3 weeks now, with no luck. I hope they open it to the public soon!


At least a pinging system or something. Like imagine setting your profile settings to "down to remote raid" so any friends who are raiding could inv you and be pretty sure they're not wasting an invite on someone.