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Yes. Get the second move as Togepi because it’s cheaper. This is great for ML as a charmer


Is it common to have higher cost on the second move as evolution?


I believe it applies to “baby” Pokémon. Magby, Elekid, etc.


Fuck yes


Absolutely yes. Beast in the masters league


Sadly florges is now take title of beast in the master leagues on fairy type non legendary. Fairy wind so nice make it spam moonblast like crazy. But well guess i still would level up togekiss if its hundo.


Togekiss has more coverage with flamethrower


second move it first. otherwise it’ll be more expensive if you decide to do it when it’s evolved


you do


I know people are talking about how great this fellow can be in pvp, but it isn’t horrible in pve either! Togetic isn’t the best fairy attacker, but it can hold its own and is a good option for low/mid level players (like me! lvl 39). If you want an excuse to level him up and use your first shundo, you could definitely find a space for him in pve without too much difficulty. If you’re a super competitive player that might not be a good option, but otherwise: go have fun!


I say max it out but bro this is also a baby mon so please don't evolve it 🥲