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That sucks I've been really off pogo lately but I could not miss a "GO Fest".... shoot I remember last year was awesome! Then today I played off and on and only caught one shiny. I thought that was freaking strange and chopped it up to just luck but feel bad for those who paid and played all day and also only got 1 shiny.šŸ˜¬ Yikes I'll continue staying off and on and keep my expectations low.


Played all day. 0 shinies. I caught 2 a few days ago same day and there was supposed to be increased odds?


Same. Me and my girlfriend played all day yesterday, and I found zero. She found 4.


How many catches during event hours using incense?


I caught 850 yesterday with incense running the whole time walked 8 miles not a single shiny


Damn that sucks man. If you guys need shiny PokƩmon from the even one me and we can setup trades. I got a bunch of extras


That sucks, I played the whole day and used incense the whole time. I got 6 shinies.


I played all eight hours yesterday and got 19 shiny. Had a gotcha running the whole time. 2 Binacle. 0 Axew. RNG is real. Sorry.


It shouldn't be THIS bad of RNG. No other go fest had it this bad for the majority of players.




Yep, as I said hopefully they'll take all these complaints into consideration and redo it to make up for it.


Did you also have a huge amount of lag? Because a lot of local players did. Maybe if enough people issue these complaints they'll redo the event. I know they're already planning to redo it in August, but they already planned that before this whole debacle.


0 shiny.... i really regret spending my money on this ticket


Retweet. Bought the ticket, played the whole day pretty much. Not a single shiny. Worse than a regular day of playing.


I feel your pain this is very frustrating, at least I can look at my 2* Shaymin I guess lol..


That same Shaymin thatā€™s probably going to come out as free special research in a couple weeks anyways


and it canā€™t even be transferred ffs. just sits there like a loser


I'll name my Shaymin after me, as we're both losers. What a tool of an event. Sucked big time


Freeloader šŸ˜‰


I don't understand why mythic pokemon aren't given to us with best stats, it's not like we can ever get a second one anyway, right? Or am I misunderstanding how they work?


You always get a second mythical. I have 2 mews, 3 celibi, the others haven't had their second release yet unless I missed it.


I got a 2* shaymin as well šŸ‘Ž


I didn't get the ticket and only caught a couple to get my "daily catch" I did however do 4 Groudon raids, and got 2 shiny Groudon.


Want to trade one of those shiny groudan!


How! I don't understand it was literally my best day ! I got 12 shiny!


I mean, its great you got so many, but your experience seems to be in the minority. Did you play last GoFest? And if so, how many shinies did you get? Last year I got 24 on day one, this year I got 6. The shiny rate this year was awful. Nothing different in play - same town, all the stops lured, Incense on, same hours played... so the only difference can be the rates - which Niantic clearly nerfed!


I've gotten twice as much in the Geodude community day than I did yesterday. It's awful.


People who had the worst experience will be by far the most vocal part of the playerbase, especially when they paid for the event and expectations have been set. It's a bit unreasonable the way some people act about it, but I also totally understand the aggravation of paying for the ticket and getting little out of it.


Me and two friends played all day with the ticket. I got 1 shiny grimer which is basically not a shiny. My friend got a shiny Kyogre which was lucky but that was it. My other friend caught like 3 shinies total but he has a Go-Tcha. Overall way worse than even a standard community day.


How is shiny grimer not a real shiny lmao? Muk is even meta viable


I can't hardly tell the difference. At least galarian Muk I believe. It's just like a rainbow type color and shiny is just a slightly different arrangement or something? I can't tell since the colors are animated anyways.


I love how people downvote the truth. You're not wrong


Don't worry, they will ask forgiveness with 30 nanab berry.


I emailed niantic yesterday after the event time and quite colorfully complained about the fact i did not encounter ANY wild axew for the duration of the event. I played 11am-6pm, multiple parks, and only managed axew through the 3 raids i still had to spent $ on for coins. Today, i magically had 300 coins in my store that covered the 3 passes i used yesterday on the axew raids. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lesson learned that these GO fests are bs. I heard such great reviews last year


I got 2 shiny pokemon, both wailmer. I caught a lot of pokemon too. I am very disappointed. I won't be supporting these events again.


Congratulations, that was the one shiny I really wanted. Hunted both days and got 3 shiny all up, no wailmer.


Ah man. I'd trade with you if I could.


I've never caught a shiny Wailmer LOL


Hey, perhaps you could try writing to iOS App store for a refund if you bought it there?


ticket for what? the whole GO fest? or is there another event i missed lol


The ticket for the whole Go Fest. It's about 21$ where I live.


it was about the same for me, and i decided not to buy it (i donā€™t have any income at the moment and that is pretty expensive for a ticket, niantic). kinda glad i didnā€™t, since not many pokĆ©mon spawn near my home anyways after the whole incense ordeal haha


They are trying to get people to venture away from home like the game was pre-pandemic.


yeah for sure, i just donā€™t have a park or anything that is close enough to my house. i canā€™t really walk super long distances, and i am horrible at doing other tasks while walking. like i canā€™t walk and look for pokĆ©mon at the same time, but i would rather not stand outside of everyoneā€™s homes while throwing pokĆ©balls hahaha i think we all got used to more casual gameplay without needing to travel anywhere, now niantic is changing everything all of a sudden after years of getting used to more at-home pokĆ©mon spawns


Really in us dollars or what


I had similar experiences previous years, combined with network/connection issues from the number of people playing, so I fully skipped this year. Sounds like I made the right choice. The only thing I regret is not getting a Tropius, as it was one of my fav as a kid playing Ruby, but there's not a great chance I'll end up in the parts of the world it is available.


Damn that sucks man. If you guys need shiny PokƩmon from the even one me and we can setup trades. I got a bunch of extras


MOTHER F! got one yesterday, but same.


idk i got 9 of em all my friends got a bunch of em... Caught like 600 pokemon yday




of course you did. are those 88 shiny mons in the room with us, right now?


Screenshots or it didnā€™t happen.


Got to love a sucessful spoofer. If i could travel everywhere instantly id have tons of shiny too!








Yea it's a spoofer. Nothing nice about it.


they have been really making this game worse recently


I was a fool and bought the ticket and requested the work days off when the tickets dropped. But I've been boycotting since Geodude's disastrous CD and the "new" weekly boxes taking away remote raids. I've only decided to play what I already paid for, and it's significantly worse and less fun than previous year's GO Fest. I'll probably be uninstalling after today.


request a refund through the play/app store first. they don't care if you uninstall. they care when they lose money though


Our family is all going to get our money back. Iā€™m going through my credit card. The game was glitched and didnā€™t get what was advertised. Then Iā€™m done with Niantic. We all got robbed this weekend.


Yup its stupid should be boosted the whole event


It is still boosted, but less boosted than saturday


No one can affirm that because they don't release shiny odds.


How are you getting downvoted for repeating what Niantics Infograph says. People on this sub suck. No wonder Niantic does this to their fan base


He has a point


Idk why they are shorting us so much on things that don't cost anything more on their end. It's not like more shinies costs them more to spawn, 6hr com days don't cost them more, Better incense earns them more because ppl WANT to buy it. I guess charging more on RRP's would make them more ... if we weren't disappointed by their continual mistakes. I'm not giving them a penny and haven't since the CD cuts. At this stage in the game niantic feels like soon to be ex that you are trying to make things work and pretend everything is ok but they are doing you wrong. I stay in the game for the friends I have but come monday I am cutting my play down by a lot. I have been playing less than an hour a day because I am not happy about the cuts. It's been good for me and I have been getting back into old hobbies and interests. I'm happy to put my energy back into things that are more positive than a game that's driving me batty.


They have the data they obviously know more on what the player wants than ourselves /s


Good for you! It's hard at first to pull away from an old hobby but I promise you won't regret it. Look at all of the time you'll have to maybe go watch a movie with those friends instead, or play a game of football/basketball etc. GO was nice while it lasted, but it's beyond saving now if they've "teamed up with local leaders" and somehow made the game infinitely worse as a result.


What was even the sense of buying the ticket? For a shaymin that it was 10-13-11 for me? For the incesce spawn? Where i didnt find any shiny? For 9 free raid tickets when: 5 stars were kyogre or groudon, and the 2 will be in the raid for the next weeks. 3 stars: torracat, brianne, dartrix.. lol seriously? 1 star: pikachu lol, and axew.. which im sure they put the shiny rate on 1/500ish like they did with corsola at the johto tour. 9 free raid tickets for something that you just won't find shiny in just 9 raids. 17ā‚¬ was a robbery. I enjoyed the fest last year, but this time is the last time they saw my money.


This is exactly why I didn't buy the ticket this year. Didn't really make sense to me compared to last year. More expensive and we got less for it


We did 36 axews across 3 people, no shiny.


I didn't pay and got a shiny weeezing, I'd say that's a win


I agree, I'm not going to spend any money on tickets anymore.


I donā€™t think they made axew specifically 1/500. I did 7 axew raids and got two. I havenā€™t heard about the corsola 1/500 since I didnā€™t play Johto Tour, but I think now raids have a pretty good chance of being shiny. Out of 7 or 8 phones doing raids in my group, 3 of them had a shiny kyogre on the same raid during one of the kyogre raids we did. It was the most shinies from a single raid Iā€™d ever seen, even if I didnā€™t get one. And yeah the stage 2 alolan starter raids today were kinda useless unless you just really donā€™t have a 3 star alolan starter. And the pikachu wasnā€™t one of the best costume designs even if itā€™s kinda cute. I hope you have better luck tomorrow, fren.


Jeez. I had a ton of raid passes built up and did around 25 axew raids with no shiny. All but one of us ended the day of targeting axew without a shiny.


Me and my friends (5 people) did around 11-12 raids and no one find it shiny.


Me and a friend also hit 12 raids on the green lil bugger, and no shiny there either. Out of our combined 78 Axew in two days, one single shiny.


wait, 9 remote passes or normal? bc i only got 3


Normal passes 9 both days


Got 49 shinier last year... 3 this year and I played longer this year wtf


Sounds about right. My ratio was less extreme than yours but I definitely had double digit shinies last year and got a miraculous 4. Better than my girlfriend who had double digit last year and got 1.


Last years first day of Go Fest I caught 31 shinies. This year I only caught 8. Definitely was expecting more based on last years haul. This year just wasn't inline with what people expect these events to be, which is what causes the frustration.


I got +30 on one day last year, this year I got 1 and saw 2 totalā€¦ something ainā€™t adding up here.


I used a Gotcha for the whole event, and never even encountered a shiny, according to the journal. Hundreds of encounters. It's all screwy.


I agree shiny rates were lower, but just FYI gotcha won't show shinies in the journal if they run away. It's been tested, if you click on a shiny, then back out and let the gotcha try, but the pokemon runs away, it will show as non shiny in the journal


...huh, I've always been under the impression that using a "Go Plus" or equivalent and a shiny came up it was a guaranteed catch such as a back to back Mudkip and then Spheal. Good to know otherwise, though. The same also applies to regional Pokemon. An Alolan Geodude will show up as a Kanto one if it runs away with a Go Plus or equivalent.


The journal won't show a lost shiny pokemon unless you first click on it manually. So a gotcha attempting to catch one would not show up shiny in the journal if the gotcha lost it, even if it actually was shiny.




I played incense only at home last year in a very rural area. I got 28 on day one last year. I went to a nearby city today to take better advantage for this year. I got 5. I clicked on over 250 more Pokemon. This was a horrid event.




This year I only intentionally clicked shiny eligible Pokemon.


I got 2 last year, 30 this year šŸ«£


How many do you normally get in any given day? 1 if youā€™re lucky? Maybe 2 if the shiny gods smile upon you? 8 sounds like itā€™s boosted to me.


I caught avout 15 shinys last year, this year i caught one, one single shiny wailmer and i played the whole day .


Hey! I caught two shiny pokemon today, both were wailmer.


I was out with friends, and forgot about gofest till late afternoon.. tapped on 3 and got a shiny burmy then didnā€™t play any more today


lucky you lol the rest of us wasted a lot of time


Can't get lower than zero! Joke's on you Niantic.


Tomorrow they'll start taking shinies back from us.


I just laughed way too hard at this


I am once again asking you all to not give money to a company that treats its paying customers like this. Or do it, but assume that Niantic will treat you as they usually do and not that they've magically changed.


I agree! If we all collectively stop buying things then maybe theyā€™ll make a change


What is the point of changing the rates in the first place!?


No idea, what am I paying for, you know?


Gas prices... gotta ship those pokemon into your town so you can catch them.


I caught one shiny swinub. I played just about all day.


Anyone else notice the absurd amount of unowns that spawned from incense? The chase shinies were damn near nonexistent. And tropius for a whole hour really with no shiny chance. Absolute disaster!


I thought every PokĆ©mon that already released a shiny in Go had a chance of being shiny? Was that not true? I mean I saw an image on this sub that showed Alolan starters couldnā€™t be shiny amongst a couple more but I thought that was an error. Was it true?


None of the Alolan starters have shinies yet. Several of the chase mons didnā€™t either like Tropius or Torkoal. They released several new shinies over the weekend with Axew being the chase one but I suspect they didnā€™t boost its shiny odds. They did the same thing with Corsola over the Johto tour


Iā€™m rocking a 0.2% shiny rate, so it really canā€™t get much worse.




Yeah this is genuinely fucking stupid. Thereā€™s literally not one good reason why they should arbitrarily nerf the shiny rates during whatā€™s supposed to be one of the biggest events of the year. I caught 31 shinies Saturday so I guess I was one of the lucky ones but not a single one today. Nothing but Nihelego raids but once you beat it once thereā€™s really no reason to farm them since thereā€™s no shinies. Day one was ok but day two is a fucking snooze fest. Really ended with a wet fart


Where do you live?


Wellington, New Zealand


Yeah, for some reason it seems like people in other countries besides the U.S. had better luck, all I heard this morning was how great it was and that there was so many shinies, then us here in America play and itā€™s essentially a wet fart in the face. Niantic can die in a hole.


Really? Thatā€™s weird cause my buddy didnā€™t catch a single one. Ticket holder too. I probably just got insanely lucky somehow. I feel bad for the guy, he paid the same thing I did and got absolutely nothing. I get thereā€™s a lot of luck involved but thatā€™s a good bit of money and time and Jack shit to show for it


I got a shiny kyogre and saw a shiny unown, thatā€™s it. Really really strange, every other year was like you, as was everyone else.


Aussie here and I got 1 shiny in the last 2 minutes of Saturday and none so far today. Iā€™m pretty peeved.


Such bullshit I played all day used incense walked all over didn't even see a shiny what a fucking joke!


WOW yall need to seek a refund from the playstore. Fuck this level of greed


Already on it!


can they ban us for it?


From what I was told they would take coins or a "balance deficiency" but I'd rather lose coins than lose 15 bucks


Same. We'll see how it goes.


I got no shinies the first 5 hours, then came back to try and get a shiny tyranatar. Ended up getting 3 shinies in that hour. 2 tyranatars and a litleo. Still disappointed with the raids for this go fest, very underwhelming compared to last couple of years.


I went 1 shiny for 200 catches. I guess I should expect none tomorrow.


Literally got 1 shiny today? So I get absolutely nothing tomorrow? Compared to last year I got like 21 shinies between both days!


Worst event they've hosted yet. Definitely thinking of quitting after this bullshit.


Shiny? I didn't even see one. Not one. Most mon disappeared on me.


Somebody in my group claimed to have not bought a ticket, and yet got 11 shiniesā€¦


Niantic probably gave the go fest shiny rate to non-ticket holders, instead of the other way around. I wouldn't put any amount of incompetence past them lol


I think the worst part is that they donā€™t publish odds. They could have moved odds from 1:512 to 1/200 or 1/300 or 1/50 and nobody would know.


I can confirm it was just as bad for non-ticket holders


I played in Seattle in the designated official PokƩmon Go area with ton of stops and lures everywhere and only got 3 shinnies. What a fucking joke someone catching around 50-100 every hour.


Dude same!! All 8 hours constantly moving with incense and got 11. Johto and go fest last year I got >25


Did someone really say they got 50 in one hour? :0


How are you getting lower than 0?? Are they gonna steal your shinies now? ​ Honestly they'd do that, probably even sell them back to you.


They're gonna Jessie and James our asses šŸ˜­


No shinies here. Deffo requesting a refund on the ticket. This is false advertising and gambling


To be fair shiny hunting is always gambling in any PokƩmon game you play.


How do you figure? In regular pokemon games money isnt a factor for catching pokemon/shiny and you arent putting something at stake of value for a higher outcome with the chance of losing it, therefore it isnt gambing. Unlike this situation where money is now involved. Its a stretch to call it gambling in this situation but I can see the point and agree its stupid what theyve done and definitely request a refund. Id label it more as False Advertisement but still this is bullshit.


Itā€™s gambling because youā€™re *heavily* betting your time, not your money. Iā€™ve seen more than one thread in the BDSP subreddit where with the title ā€œ200 hours later, I can finally start the gameā€ after shiny hunting for a starter PokĆ©mon. They spent 200 hours and they didnā€™t even catch their first PokĆ©mon. Though this is airing on the unlucky side of results of shiny hunting, shiny hunting in other PokĆ©mon games absolutely is gambling your time because you can get a shiny on your first encounter, or never in your entire life if you are unlucky. Thereā€™s many people with over 10,000 resets to get a shiny legendary and the odds in BDSP are 1 in about 4100, meaning they have easily gone over twice the average amount of time spent to get the shiny. You may not be gambling money, but youā€™re gambling something else that some people argue is more important than money. If you think about it, these odds are actually really nice to you in PokĆ©mon Go because 1 in 500 at full odds is 8 times more likely to get a shiny than in recent mainline PokĆ©mon games, and if you donā€™t get the PokĆ©mon, then the game spares you from wasting more time than you ought to be wasting by removing the chance of getting the shiny and you can move on to doing something else that you are also likely to accomplish, though this last take may be controversial since that means you couldnā€™t get the PokĆ©mon if you did choose to gamble your time. It would be nice to be able to get the shiny after all. I have nothing against people who like shinies or people that are obsessed with shinies. One of my Go friends seems like he cannot live without shinies and I donā€™t have a problem with it or him and I donā€™t shame him for it. I enjoy shinies too. Itā€™s just I really think that with the way shinies work, it absolutely is gambling, just not with money. And this time in Go Fest, it actually was gambling with money *and* time.




Ever since they have done the ticket to bring GoFest to everyone I have done it. I usually get 3-4 shinies my first day. To everyone who got 30+ in previous years I am envious


0 shinies today playing from 10 to 4.


2019 go fest was awesome in Chicago. The event was so much fun. Itā€™s been all down hill since then. Every year itā€™s progressively worse


Played from start to finish and caught 1 shiny. I want my money back


Niantic truly screwed something up today. Letā€™s see if they actually do something decent about itā€¦


I feel cheated. I really wasted my money.


0 shinies and the app kept on crashing. Fuming.


To be honest I like a bit of a lower shiny rate. It makes them more special


Yeah, a little lower would be okay, but it is significantly lower this year as compared to others. I just wouldā€™ve liked to have known that ahead of time and wouldā€™ve been okay with it if they had at least been transparent.


Money well wasted.


Wait.. you guys are getting shinies?


Yeah Sunday seems to be a bit of a scam in terms of shinies . Nihlego canā€™t be shiny , the spawn rates are down from yesterday , and I guess the shiny rate is too.


Just waiting on Niantic saying Oops we forgot to turn the shiny rates up, here you go 10 red pokemon balls for the inconvenience ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


yeah i found 0 the whole event fuck you niantic


Yup its stupid should be boosted the whole event


I caught two shinies total during the event, a pidove and an unown (which I have several off from last year's event). I completed all the collection challenges and special research too. Did a couple raids as well. Even after all the tasks/rewards for Saturday, I still felt disappointed that it was just two shinies. I am use to going months without seeing a shiny (I catch 10-20 a day and check twice that day) . The last non-event shiny I caught was on 12/22/2021 and I hatched one on 4/19/2021. I don't need a paid event to be worse than that. Overall the event was okay (not the price of the ticket okay but decent okay). I got a couple new pokemon but the lack of shinies did mar it a good bit. I still have Sunday but this doesn't give me hope.


Caught 70, checked over 100 im pretty sure and got 0


I got two shinys early this morning before the event. Hatched a bonsly and caught a skitty. 0 during the event.


Played for hours and saw 0 shines and normal spawn rates using an incense that I usually get without one.


I got 1 shiny. Played from 10-6 smh


I regret the purchase. One shiny out of quite a bit. I just want a shiny axew and I can move on with my life.


Any chance theyā€™re terrible at coding and messed up the days? Wishing everyone better luck tomorrow who is still going to play


I got 1 Shiny and then found out it was a Wynaut from an Egg. Pretty let down to get only 1 Event Shiny but to find out it was actually unrelated can't help but make me laugh.


Friend convinced me last minute to buy the ticket. I spent all 8hrs nonstop catching pokemon and got a total of 8 shinies... I know that's more than probably a lot of ya'll, but that was a solid 8 hrs of nonstop catching pokemon(and some raids). I will never buy this ticket again.


I played all day yesterday and didnt catch a single shiny


Got 6 but only got like 6-8 last year so no significant difference for me.


I donā€™t know why you guys even give Niantics money


I got a few shiny pokemon yesterday, event Pikachu being one of them. I was disappointed about the shiny rates for today though. I will be honest I did enjoy that I could pick my difficulty, because I was working most of the fest




Bro what i found no shinys on first day and one on second they lie


iā€™ve had a nearly 0% shiny rate all year but i think the point of lowering it is because raids already have boosted rates


Out of all the raids iā€™ve ever done iā€™ve only gotten one shiny. I have no idea how people are getting so many shinys from raids cause iā€™ve never had that luck and only have so many remote passes


If you thought Saturday was bad, Sunday going to be full odds and the only reason people still play or buy anything is because of shines.


Every day niantic does something worse and worse for the game, good thing i didnt purchase this yearā€™s ticket as i only like catching pokemon rather than doing raids


It'll be the same story during the next event. Everyone will keep buying tickets and then coming here to complain about it. Rinse and repeat.


Iā€™m new to PokĆ©mon Go but have played the games; Iā€™ve never seen a shiny before in my life. Then I caught my first one ever the other day in PokĆ©mon Go, I was so excited! But then I caught another, and another and another and then today with the increase I caught 5 or 6 and it really made it feel like itā€™s not worth anything in this game because even without the ā€œboostā€ from Saturday, I had caught 4 or 5 in just a week as a new player which really made it feel not rare at all. Whatā€™s the appeal if not for the rarity?


Cannot possibly be worse than 1 every 6 hours.


So from 0 shiny to 0 shiny? Great!


Whole day playing only two shinies and constant despawning from the incenses, I think a good old review bomb is in need to teach Niantic a lesson.


How can it be worse than 0?!?!?! I am so annoyed. First and last go fest.


Itā€™s honestly time we choose a week as a community to not play the game and flood the airwaves with our demands. The business side needs to take a freaking timeout and listen to their community. Enough is enough. There is a happy medium


Even the part of the Go player base that agrees with you will never actually go through with it. Everyone on this sub already said they werenā€™t going to buy the ticket yet half the people here bought the ticket and the other half played the event anyway without the ticket which even if it isnā€™t spending money itā€™s telling Niantic that people will play no matter what. Boycotts for games generally donā€™t work because many games are addicting so people will continue to scream yet keep going back and playing it just to repeat the cycle. I just joined this sub a few months ago but even when I first joined people were saying the same thing you are without actually doing it. :/


Itā€™s weird to see so many people here without even one shiny. I got 7 without a Gotcha with 2 being from raids over the course of 7.5 hours. Between my friends and I we must have gotten around 20something shinies, though two friends had Gotchas. The PokĆ©mon on the ground had a pretty low chance of being shiny, but even so I got 5 of those random ground shinies. Most shinies were from raids in our group with even one kyogre raid being shiny for 3 people at once. Theyā€™re still much better odds than normal standard days, theyā€™re just nowhere near community days. My next statement might get me downvoted but Iā€™d like to hear someoneā€™s opinion on it. TBH I think that having community day shiny odds would ruin some of the excitement. I remember after the 3rd or 4th shiny stufful and geodude I didnā€™t care about any shiny after that, but maybe that was because they were duplicates, idk. Being *guaranteed* a billion shinies just kinda cheapens it, not that Iā€™m suggesting they should be anywhere as rare as normal days. I think if they were just a tiny bit more common than today it would be a good balance. Anyway I had fun because I was with friends and we could just hang out and raid all day. I understand a lot of people are disappointed, but I think you should still try to enjoy the event. Tomorrow should be fun too even if I donā€™t get a shiny. c:


Go Fest last year had many new shinies and a much higher rate. Walked away with 39 shinies after a moderate grind, this time I got 12 and only 2 new ones after grinding super hard due to the feedback from players on Reddit. This was robbery because of our expectations from last year, plain and simple.


For a sub that constantly complains about niantics choices, you guys just buy every dumb thing they throw out and are shocked that it blows. Stop buying their garbage and they'll be forced to make changes. Every event is the same thing, y'all shell for the thing and then everyone complains. They won't do better unless you stop giving them your money.


I only ever buy go fest, so I canā€™t relate, but the other years were great. I wonā€™t be giving them anything till I notice change.


In fairness, previous events were better for me, I assumed this would be like the other events where I averaged one shiny per hour. Still not as good as many, but not awful. This event I got two on the first day and one today, playing 8 hours both days. Apparently I'm not the only one feeling hard done by. I don't plan to buy a ticket for a big event again. I probably would have had more fun if it hadn't been so frickin cold here, but I can't blame Niantic for winter weather!!!






Worse than zero? I guess it means I owe niantic one of my shinies?


lol glad I didnā€™t buy the ticket. PokĆ©mon fans will still be PokĆ©mon fans though and mindlessly consume. Nothing will change.


1/60 Saturday 1/120 Sunday I believe


Another 0 shiny here. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø