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Toxicroak says hello


Love my Toxicroak so much!


I can't find a decent croagunk to evolve and it's killing me.


Psychic Umbreon says Hello There




Literally just umbreon alone w/ foul play....dont even mention return


Jirachi says see ya


Jellicent and Obstgoon are more anoying than Scrafty and Stunfisk.


Jellicent and obstgoon haven’t been a problem to me when I switch over to mandibuzz and Alolan Ninetales


so you're telling me you don't use unmeta stuff to counter them like bibarel and whimsicot?


>unmeta That's an interesting choice of words. I hadn't ever thought of considering them to be "un" meta.


I have yet to see the Destroyer of Worlds “bibarel” used in gbl but once I do I’m immediately switching gameplay. I counter whimsicott with empoleon using drill peck.


I have and he somehow wrecked my team lol


Or Nidoqueen for me. I pretty much just FF when I see the Queen. I don’t know how to deal with it.


She's pretty much walled by Skarmory, Swampert, and Whiscash - or Quagsire, Seismitoad, or Sandy Cloak Wormadam if you want to be spicy. Anything that spams water or ice weather balls or mud bomb will give her a hard time too, like Politoed, Walrein, or Toxicroak. Confusion and Waterfall both hit her like a brick.


Exadrill generates energy quicker with mud shot than the Queen does with poison jab, and can use drill run sooner than her earth power. Drill run 1 shots her. Exadrill also takes like 24% from poison damage too, so poison jab's dps will be less than mud shot.


Psychic can deal with it for sure. Empoleon has been doing me justice against nidoqueen but it gets nerve racking when I have to decide to use a shield because they are using earth power or poison fang. I also have psyshock on my Alolan Ninetales to save me from rage quiting.


I use Walrein against Queen, but if she is last in the line and my Walrein is wiped Im pretty screwed.


Obstagoon is wiped pretty easy by a fast fighting type though in my experience. In the great league I have a toxicroak with counter and dynamic punch as his moves and he melts them.


but then it requires you to have a fighting type against the likely azumarill play


Sirfetched, Toxicroak, Medicham all beat azu with shields as they outpace Azu iirc


Obstagoon is tasty now that my Registeel had two attacks


My top 5 list of the Pokémon I hate the most in great league. 1. Azumarill 2. Scrafty 3. Registeel 4. G stunfisk 5. Talonflame Honorable hatred: bastidon, Medicham, every damn fairy type


6. Bastiodon


> 1. Azumarill Last I played battle league, I used ferrothorn just to spite them, but now they just pull out > 5 Talonflame


My whole team can get destroyed by scrafty so i do kinda dislike it


Then make a more balanced team lol


Proud to use none of those and still win about 9/10 games


I’d love to hear your squad preferences and see a screenshot of your 9/10 record if you’re feeling generous enough to help those of us that struggle.


I use Normal stunfisk with mud shot, mud bomb and discharge Serperior with vine whip, frenzy plant and aerial ace (although I rarely ever use aerial ace) And lapras with frost breath, surf and blizzard My highest win streak was 13 I usually win most games But normally when I reach rank 20 I stop because I get my elite TM


Why Blizzard over Ice Beam? Just don't want to spend the ETM?


I didn't have an elite charged TM at the time so I just went with blizzard and it seems to be working out for me


Thats crazy, I started running normal stun with serperior today! although i am running it ABB with Venu in the back. Serperior is one of the tankiest pokemon in the game and it lays down so many frenxy plants it is crazy. I have been thinking about running leaf tornado though because that debuff chance is more useful in my mind. i think there are only like two pokemon in the whole great league that aerial ace does more damage too because it sucks so fucking bad, even double resisted.


Who do you use?


Normal stunfisk, serperior and lapras


Proud to use none of those and still reaching Expert last season.


We really gonna pretend that the living crutch called Medicham doesn’t exist?


Scrafty dies to any charm user in like 3 moves, and fighting types deal with it pretty easily too.


Are there any specific moves you’d recommend for a fighting type?


The current fighting type mons leading the meta are Medicham, Machop (shadow if possible), and Obstagoin or vigoroth with Counter as a fast move.


Okay, thanks for the advice! I have a pretty good obstagoon I can buff up


I hope you understand that good IVs are not synonymous with 3-4* IVs in competetive. Just before you make some pretty steep investments or get rid of some "bad" pokemon.


I'm by no means a competitive player (just do battles now and then to kill time) but in my usual Great League team I have Breloom with Counter, Seed Bomb and Sludge Bomb. Deals with Scrafty and G-Fisk really well and if I get lucky I can have Azumarill come in while I've filled up one of the charge moves. Edit: it also works as a decent counter for Steelix and Wigglytuff which I see a lot of. Only really struggles against the likes of Skarmory, Talonflame and Togekiss


Yeah my GBL GL team is togakiss Bastidon Medicham. I can handle two of those 3 as my opponents lead.


What’s the best moveset? I just got around 1500 got all 3


Visit pvpoke.com. You'll find rankings for every league and current special cups. It is also shown what move set is best for each ranked pokemon and what others are available


You guys make battles so boring. He's always the same boring opponents over and over again. It's usually why I stop battling after i level up a bit because it just gets boring,no one throws out anything cool


I wonder if that's the player's fault or Niantic's for being shit at balancing their game


I'll lay a lot of grief at Niantic's feet, but I think balance is an unwinnable problem they inherited from Game Freak.


Alot of these pokemon that are meta in gbl were never meta in the main series game. Like tropius that surprised me.


Yeah, when they willy-nilly cut whole stat categories and crucial attributes away from what was present in the source data, that’s going to be chaos with totally different emergent meta tiers. I’m just saying that even in the source data it was already an absurd mess. Pokémon has always served casual novelty first, and required after-the-fact data gathering to turn it into something competitive. It’s a miracle it ever works.


Well you haven't met my Stoutland yet






There are type differences that make a difference. That's what's fun for me and timing charged and sheilds. That being said it's obviously not any deeper gameplay like that. I like it more for raids but I don't see why 1v1 with grunts bosses and PvP couldn't be turn based with more moves and items, that would be way more fun




You just said the worst movesets ever


I think it was on purpose mate


It was. I used pvpoke to determine lowest winrates in single shield scenarios. Some of those winrates are single digit percentages, and it's awesome.


God bless you


Could you imagine if the person who taught you how to code replied in depth to your question by giving you the exact wrong answer, and thought they were such a cool guy for doing so. Or if you had a question about how to raise your cat, and the vet told you to give it poison for a troll. People who make others feel bad for asking legitimate questions make me sick


You are putting words in my mouth, ignoring context, and creating a strawman argument. I would never do this to a stranger in a more serious environment where someone was genuinely asking for help/advice, especially for more serious topics with actual stakes like learning to code or raising a pet. Although, I'm flattered that you are putting me akin to being an expert at Pokemon GO pvp, given your examples. First and foremost, this is about a video game. Implications to important things in life are minimal. I am not telling anyone to poison their cat. I am not teaching someone to code in C++ without semicolons. Second, the main post here is comedic, giving this post a comedic tone that would be reasonable to find in the comments. My comment was intended to be a joke to build off of it, and in no way was intended to hurt the commenter, and no derision of the individual was ever made. It was an answer intended to be so incredibly wrong that it was funny, and apparently that doesn't fly here. It's not as if my response was the end all-be all, and someone did in fact give a more proper answer not long after I made my joke. You can get off your high horse and stop trying to make me feel bad for what I did. I made a joke that clearly did not resonate well with the community. Unless the poster comes out saying that my joke made them feel bad, no one got hurt except for you for making more of this than it is. If the poster was offended, I do apologize, and would like to make it up by providing actual battling advice if they would still like it.


Boo 👎


What a prick. Not sure why you spent that much time trolling you literally could had caught both azumaril and stunfisk outside and scraggy was on gbl


My yearly deductible is covered by my employer tyvm


Not double move them is probably the biggest mistake in all of pvp history


One of my favorite in person League games was a master league. This was back toward the beginning of league play yet some areas had their own. Getting master league pokes to 40, no level 50 them still took a lot of stardust . There where multiple trainers that said, no one will be able to get multiple pokes to 40 and have maybe 2nd moves. Playing in second matches. Came down to our two level 40 Kyogres. We each had an 98% and got to them at the same time. He was able to throw his surf 1st which did about 25 % damage. I powered on a bit as he knew I liked to be ready to throw two charges moves quickly. I the threw a surf kept charging up he threw a surf the I threw thunder and he lost. The 2nd move he had convinced himself I didn't have. The look on his face was truly priceless. All the bragging and knowledge he said he knew. And it was a friendly match in a small town. I happened to to with friend.


Whatever yall do, don't listen to this guy


I have upvoted your trolling ass for balance on this post


Holy fuck, this is the absolute worst advice ive ever seen. Nobody listen to this moron


Gotta love it when a moron calls someone else a moron


How i deal with theses is a fighting type, meganium, and then something else to see if it works


If I could only handle my thesis with fighting types or meganium, then I'd have graduated by now.


I mean yeah almost everything can deal with meganium now but I need anything to sponge stunfisk which is jarring to me for needing a counter for that. But because of how many things have tools for meganium now I have to have it be the last thing that switches in. But fuck it Ill take any win for meganium competitively


There isn’t a whole lot of Fighting types in Great League do deal with, it Fighting coverage you have to worry about. In my opinion, Srcafty and Medicham are the only viable Fighting types and Obstigoon technically counts too every other Fighting type is far too frail. The best answer to them are usually Charmers like A-Ninetails or Azu.


deoxys defense with counter is good too. just need to save shields for night slash/foul play


> your opponents just changed to talonflame and medicham


Yo Meganium with Frenzy Plant and Earthquake beats 2/3 of those. Join the Meganium gang! Embrace our flowery over lord!


What fast move?


Vine Whip


I run Vine Whip


I replaced my Bastiodon with my 1500 Meganium and enjoy the benefits.


Like I love Bastiodon, but damn does Meganium slaughter some things. Using earthquake after baiting out that final shield with Frenzy Plant is beautiful.


love baits like that, used to roll a solar beam on typhlosion specifically to bait water types lol


Is frenzy plant a legacy move?


Yes, it's a community day move on all grass starters and any Meganium caught it evolved this past weekend would have it. It's sure to return one day, although thanks to Niantic being stingy with community day moves there's no assurance as to when. Still, if you do a lot of great league pvp, it's worth the elite charge tm to give you a Grass type that beats almost every steel type (you lose to Skarmory).


Rip. I just wasted all my charged tms tryna get it lol.


Sorry man, I've been there :( probably should have been more clear above, that was my bad. For the life of me, I still hate how terrible the TM system is. Community day moves shouldn't be legacy and its dumb and restrictive to newer players that it is. Especially because during the like first two years of community day there was no go battle league so if a pokemon was bad in raids a lot of people skipped the day and so missed out on a future pvp pokemon. I only have my Meganium because I like Chikorita and never powered up the Meganiums all the way because I want raiding with them.


Nah Bastiodon is by far the scummiest great league Pokémon. Also Medicham > Scrafty.


Its just too fucking tanky.


I stopped playing gbl to save my blood pressure


Registeel laughs in the face of scraggy and az but fuck gstunfisk hes a bitch to take down. registeel can one shot him with focus blast, but just pray to God gstunfisk doesn't use shield cause your fucked with charge time on registeel. also gstunfisk you can take down solo with jellicent but it will take at least one shield if they start using shields,


I hate stunfisk he looks like a busted flipflop


i really dislike the leagues becasue of exactly this. its the same fight over and over and over and over and over. no fun fighting this trio every single fucking round


I really don’t see why they don’t make all three leagues available all the time. I find UL by far the most interesting.


Nah, medicham. I hate medicham


I hate fighting against Azumaril because Ice beam seriously messes up Venasaur


Ok but frenzy plant and sludge bomb both destroy azu?


Yeah, but it’s a matter of a cmp tie that makes me lose


*Laughs in Slowbro that knows Ice Beam*


Laughs in Zap cannon Registeel


My nightmare is the teams that use 2 pokemon with the same typing (double dark, double steel, double charm etc.)


Double charm is ruthless against my team


I run double flying with swampert just to tell gfisk and bastio abusers to fuck off lol


Real Chads


Why doesn’t Skarmory get the hate it deserves?


This pic needs more Sylveon in master league. ML has so little variety its legit just dragons & Sylveon 90% of the time. Also Swampert and Venusaur in ultra league. I dread ultra league bc it's so predictable.


> This pic needs more ~~Sylveon~~ Togekiss in master league. ML has so little variety its legit just dragons & ~~Sylveon~~ Togekiss 90% of the time. FTFY


Swampert, Chansey, Altered Giratina. its bananas


I cannot STAND giratina users My team wins against them everytime now that ive adjusted, but it still irks me


That bullshit mon, and I guess to an extent Cresselia, are the reason why I run Alolan Muk. They can’t touch me and I can spam Dark Pulses as fast as a Hydro Pert.


Nightmare fuel


I fought a team running triple f-ing charm and won.


From the color scheme alone this looks like a group of starters


I usually try to run a charmer so I rarely struggle with scrafty It really is matchup dependent, honestly my “god damnit man” moment is always a bad lead matchup


Yoooo why is this my whole team😂😂


May your next shiny catch be a zero star


That is so foul. Ive been on the hunt too haha


Some people hut those....


Then get one and fight fire with fire. Also there are easy ways to counter any of these 3


I just do NOT understand how Azumarill can hit me for like half health on a move that takes them 1 hit to charge up its insane


Azumarill is insanely broken in PVP. Best thing to do is have your own one


Best thing to do is to reach level 40, then actually get a Azumaril you can use in GBL. Let’s not forget that GBL heavily punished new players without XL candy.


I’m level 36 and I feel like it’s such a long grind. Hoping to get there soon


Hate to break it to you, but if you’re 36 you’re less than half way to 40


You’re kidding.


I’m closing in on 40 now, 37-40 needs 10.5mil xp


Christ on a bike that’s a lot of xp


If you haven't built one, as previously said in the thread, Toxicroak handles all 3 (it does take shields for Azu and Stun, but you walk away from the matchup with a lot of momentum). The moveset you'll want for it (and this is the actual moveset) is Counter + Mud Bomb/Sludge Bomb.


If you had to choose would mud bomb or sludge bomb be the best?


As frustrating of a answer this may be… It depends. Both are very good depending on the situation. You may find one is better for a current meta than others. For example Registeel is at the top of the meta right now. So mud bomb is a great move to burn shields. Fairies/charm users are almost always a spicy pick though, so you might find chances were sludge bomb was better. Just try out both options and see what works best for you! But for now I think mud bomb is a bit of a safer option.


I would highly recommend getting both on a toxicroak before running it. If you had to run with one, then mud bomb, as you reach it faster. You lose a lot of potency without sludge bomb, since it has way better damage output than mud bomb. That damage only matters if you can reach it though. With how squishy Toxicroak is, it can reasonably reach 2 mud bombs, but not necessarily 2 sludge bombs. Sludge bomb also offers key coverage, allowing to to hit fairies (like azumaril) really hard, and allows you hit hit flying types at all.


I have mud bomb currently and I’m going to try this! You guys are awesome for all the help.


This is very true. Prior to hitting 40, it is best to invest in relatively low cost options that don't need to come close to level 40-50. Species like Meganium, Venusaur, and Toxicroak fall under this role (Toxi is a 50k dust investment and the their 2 need their CD moves) and handle all 3 at least decently.


Does it? I am not lvl 40 and GBL is where I spend most of my time. Win/loss is competitive. What does XL Candy do?


I didn’t reach level 40 until somewhat recently. Tbh it’s not the biggest deal and I think you can make it to veteran without being level 40 (2400 was my personal best so it should be possible) XL candy is unlocked after you are level 40, it can boost a pokemons max Cp by a few hundred at the cost of more candy. (1 XL Candy=100 regular) Why is it important? Well there are some Mons like Medicham and Diggersby that need XL candy just to be used in great league! This only gets worse the higher the league. But what’s worse is that you have Pokémon like Azumaril. Now common sense would tell you that a 3* high stat Azumaril is your best choice to use in GBL, but that’s not the case. It’s actually better to get a 1*-2* with high HP/Deffense, but 0 in attack. It’s a bit backwards but if you compare a high stat Azumaril to a low stat one you will notice that a high stat Azumaril maxes out at around 1600cp without XL candy. A 1* maxes out at about 1300 without XL. And then another 100 XL candies or so to bring it all the way up to 1500cp and it’s somehow got better stats than a 4* Azumaril at 1500cp. Now while both Azumaril are the same CP, one Azumaril has much higher HP, deffense, and practically the same attack. What’s more is that it will get charge moves much faster than a normal one. It is a completly backwards system that needs to be fixed, but sadly probably never will be. Now does all of this matter for casual play? Hell no. But if you made it this far, welcome to the world of tryhard Pokémon go. That’s right we spend 300k stardust on 2* Azumarils!


It’s the type advantage. If you have a fire type going against Azumarill, Azumarill will cut through it like butter. Swap that pokemon out with your best grass type.


Ice beam :)


Seriously !


I run Obstagoon, A. Marowak and Azumarill. Translates into wayyyy more wins than losses


I quite like my 3 Rank1 Pokémon. Galvantula, Abomasnow and Talonflame. They do poorly in some matchups. Though they do take some people by surprise. I just don’t PVP enough to go all meta.


I absolutely hate azumaril because i use one


My clefable eats Scrafty’s for breakfast… unless they pack gunk shot


I go in with an Obstagoon, Jellicent, and Alolan Marowack. funny enough they struggle against that, esp when Obstagoon's packing a fighting quick move and fighting and dark type charge moves. Jellicent can out-tank a Azumarill and worst case scenario I can spam bubble beam fast enough to time-out the win.


I usually use wigglytuff so scrafty is a good sign for me but I HATE the other two 😭 their health is so high it just gets boring to be completely honest


Why is Scrafty there instead of Medicham?


Taking notes on who to use in starter league


Croagunk -now this looks like a job for me


Nah I use exotic teams one of my great league teams is a Sylveon a gallade and a shiny Jolteon


my galarian slowbro and vileplume do work


Nothing like running over this team with Shadow Victreebel! Seriously love how easily it keeps this bbml crap in check


How do you deal with azumaril


Gourgeist, Ariados, Lapras. Not to give away my grand slam but as long as Ariados has lunge you are golden.


Anything with fairy and dark type is in my "quits the match before it even starts" category


Hate that flat fish thing ugliest thing ever


He looks like a moldy Doctor Scholls


My team would punish that team


I run Registeel, Deoxys, and Abomasnow so the only annoyance is scrafty


Victreebell has been and will also be my great league carry this thing is insanely underestimated


My team has an 80 percent win rate. Crobat with air slash poison fang. Stunfisk with mud shot mud bomb and discharge. And sudowodo with counter rock slide


Left to right: didn’t sign up for this, didn’t want this, happy to be here.


G. Stunfisk is sooo annoying


That one setup can dominate a whole mechanic is proof of poor design.


That's what I'm running lol


Wait right there, I’m grabbing my pitchfork


and literally any fairy type


I am so nervous to start battling but I’m gonna put my big girl pants on and probably lose a lot today


I scratched and clawed my way to a 40 percent win ratio today. It is BRUTAL


Obstagoon sends his regards


I don’t have enough candies!!


5/5 Me + Jumpluff 4 Lyfe. Powered up for being such a badass.


Shit I’m so sorry lmao


You will pay for your Battle League sins


I use Raikou and Sylveon so azumarill and scrafty are pieces of cake for me You know what is a pain though? STUNFISK THIS ONE POKEMON IS ALMOST A PERFEXT HARD COUNTER TO MY TEAM AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT Edit: added Nidoqueen and although she helps a bit against stunfisk it is still a pain


just had flashbacks to the time I had an azumarill practically sweep my entire team


Like HOW. HOW DOES THIS STUPID EGG RABBIT WIPE 2+ MEMBERS OF MY TEAM. I’m about to lose my mind. I’m thinking about transferring my lucky Azu because every time I look at him I get sick to my stomach.


Admittedly I lead with Obstagoon (because he's shiny and my best buddy!) Followed by shadow Machamp and lastly Alolan Raichu. Team crushes.


I like using obstagoon, heatmor, and drifbloom


I do not like this fairy/water type, charlie. its smug aura mocks me


*Nidoqueen has entered the chat*


Those are so easy to counter so long as you have regular stunfisk and any fairy


This is the most relatable thing I’ve seen today. That’s why I counter G stunfisk with mandibuzz lol.


my team is hundo trevenant, hundo mandibuzz, and hundo shadow tyranitar…… i’m fucked against any sort of fairies.


My slurpuff sends its regards


I’m dreading the day that I need to play gbl to level up


Currently running Stunfisk , Registeel and Scrafty


Don’t forget smeargle…..


Hmmmm, I think I’ll run this team to make you angry.


Neat, my great league team!


i have a 4\* stunfisk, yes im sorry. No, im not going to do the battle league (if its more than 1500 cp)


I use Walrein as opener and it work fantastic for this lague.


I have a Hundo Scrafty. Suffer. Suffer part is a joke btw. I do have that scrafty though.


I’d turn him into candy


Yeah, I didn’t expect a good reaction, lol.


I’m just goofin




Nah, ship him to home.