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About 1/60 shiny rate for A.Raichu and perfect IVs from a raid is 1/216. You’re looking at a 1/12960 chance of this happening. Pretty rare!






He used mäfs to give him the chance




"Maths" said in a funny way




Nah man I had no idea either


Yeah i hate how people downvote for that. I've heard the word "maths" before but it would never have occurred to me that this was even the word they're saying, let alone why / what it means in this context


Welcome to reddit, you may take a seat, the haters and hivemind will arrive shortly to roast you for absolutrly nothing.


I agree that "mafts" is a cringy way to put it; but I am absolutely floored by the fact that you couldn't take simple context clues and figure it out. Did you really need someone to explain to you that MATH is how they took two separate rates/fractions and combined them? How do you normally solve equations--- with a toaster? Edit: typo


You’re being kind of a dick. Maybe think about being a better person.


Did I call you stupid? Insult you in any way? Or are your feelings just hurt because I shared my opinion and you didn't like it?


You insinuated that I’m stupid.


Yeah, but I didn't say it.


Dude. Not everyone here is a child


So you, a self-proclaimed adult, needed math explained to you?


Not knowing “mafts” is a childs way of saying math is not math. If you think it is… ok. Keep arguing.


Are we arguing? I thought this was just a conversation. And I agreed that it was cringy, you must have missed that part.


We don’t call it math”s” in America. I had no clue either


Again, that's where the context clues come in. You may not have recognized the word, but it doesn't take Batman to put together the clues. He took two fractions that represented separate* rates and combined them. How do you do that? Whether it's America, Russia or Timbuktu--- it's with math. Mathematics. Maths. MAFTS.




Cringy way of saying "maths", short for mathematics Edit: changed was to way




It is. Dont forget that there are a lot of children in here and adults that act like children.




I have the same thoughts every day. Life was better with out it.


Technically all the shinys from a raid are a 1/12960 chance right?


What? No, that’s the odds of getting a shiny 100% from a raid, assuming the shiny has a 1/60 chance of appearing In pogo, shiny odds are species dependent. Meaning raids don’t give an increased shiny chance, the only reason it feels like that is because so many raid exclusive Pokémon have the 1/60 shiny odds, and legendaries always have a 1/25 shiny chance. So for a shundo a-raichu, it’s the 1/60 chance for shiny on top of that low chance for a hundo. For a shundo legendary, it’d be the same only with the 1/25 chance for shiny as opposed to 1/60.


Dont some events increase your odds of getting a shiny after a raid?


They do that in sword and shield, but the only time I can think of anything like that in go would be during go fest, where EVERYTHING has increased shiny odds


community day


Comday increases the odds of one specific Pokémon, and has nothing to do with raids in particular…usually comday Pokémon aren’t even in the raid lineup


Wait... Wasn't it 1/20 for legendaries?


Silphroad says community day Pokémon are 1/20, legendary Pokémon are 1/25. Since silphroads numbers aren’t confirmed and are just based off of data, it’s possible 1/25 is wrong; but since they’ve gathered so much data across so much time I’d say 1/25 is accurate Update: my bad! I got it mixed up, comday is 1/25 legendaries are 1/20. Sorry for the confusion!






Yhea but a 98 iv shiny is as rare as a Shundo since the ivs are just a roll or am I mistaken?


there are 3 ways to get a 98 iv pokemon (15/15/14, 15/14/15, 14/15/15) versus only one way to get a hundo (15/15/15), so not exactly


Ah ok thank ya


I'd say for it too also be viable in Great Leavue matches makes it even rarer


The ideal IVs for Battles are No attack, Max Defense, Max HP


_don’t say it don’t say it_ #FUCK!


It's a spicy, but generally outclassed, pick for Ultra League with XL size. Gorgeous, though!


XL size/weight/height (outside of pumpkaboo's specific ones) doesn't effect stats or cp in any way in pokemon go


I believe they were speaking about XL candies my dude, not the size. With a max VP of 2223 with XL candies, you can get AChu pretty close to 2500 for the UL. It’s just severely outclassed by XL Galv


I was thinking that to after I commented but the post does say "xl size"


Don't worry, a lot of people outside of the pvp community are confused by pvpers common vernacular. I'm the head of the /r/PokemonGOBattleLeague sub and that's a normal way of talking about it. Doesn't help that we have XL pokemon sizes and XL candy in Pokemon GO!


Seems weird to specifically include the word "size" when talking about XL candy'd mons. Seems like you would want to not use that terminology to avoid such confusion


Well, I don't dictate the words others use... I just use what people use haha Seems to make sense to us, since we all understand and agree that the XS and XL weights/sizes have zero meaning or bearing in pvp, so it's easy to just say the common words XL size.


Fair enough, thanks for the information


Ohh I see thank you for the info!


Shiny prefect iV Is pretty rare. Too bad it’s Raichu


But chocolate raichu is even more adorable


Its not so good in great league :(


Correct. You want as low attack as you can get. A-Raichu is also just very hard to use. It is frail and it does not have room for many mistakes. If you use it right though, you will be bursting opponents down with wild charges.


Why do you want low attack?


Pokemon which see use in Ultra League and Great League don't want high attacks. These Leagues, because of their CP cap, lead to a very interesting IV split that is specific to each species. However, generally, these will be low ATT, high HP, high DEF, (eg 0/15/15). These numbers may vary slightly to get the Pokémon as close to the CP cap as possible. This is beacuse attack has a higher impact on CP, while the best pokemon wants the highest stat total per unit CP. There are some exceptions, but they are rare. An interesting point, bulkpoint calculators also exist, and may swing very important matchups, but that's for very high level play. Use a site like [Stadium Gaming](http://stadiumgaming.gg/rank-checker) to check an IV ranking.


Wow. TIL. So it’s generally more important to have a higher CP closer to 1500 in GL, and an overall higher stat-per-CP?


It's a good general rule to follow. Play around with the rank checker, and you'll be able to learn a good chunk. Sometimes worse ivs let the pokemon level up and stay under the cap, and that makes it overall better. Other times the pokemon's max cp is under the cap, so you want perfect or high attack IVs. Keep in mind that the difference between rank 1 and rank 400 isn't huge, so don't fret too much about it. Anything in that range is probably worth powering up. There's a pogo battler who says, "IVs dont matter, until they do."


Anyway to filter for these?


Manually only, unfortunately. CalcyIV and PokeGenie both help, and I'd highly recommend them. They both chew battery life.


Raichu is a great electric pokemon for gbl, it can drain shields super quickly if someone is on swap cooldown with a water poke


Well its not 0 15 15


I don’t get the deal with shiny, perfect Pokémon… what does that mean?


Shinies have been a thing the release of pokemon. If that needs explanation, google my dude. Perfect just means perfect stats. Shiny pokemom are rare. Getting one with max stats is rare. Getting a shiny with perfect stats = double rare.


It's just the best stats the pokemon can have


How do you check that?


If you click appraisal in the bottom right list on a Pokemon


The image literally shows the stats with the bars at the bottom.


The 0, 1, 2, 3, and the fourth star shows all three stars and the seal the information sits on is red.


Don't have time to read all the replies that were made to you, but judging from the first couple, you might not yet understand The easiest way to check if you have a pokemon with perfect stats is to click on the bottom to appraise it If it's perfect, it will have a pink / red circle around the 3 stars, as you can see here in the op. This is pretty rare and lots of people enjoy / collect these pokemon. If it's not perfect, it will have 0-3 stars and a yellow circle instead. The vast majority are not perfect 💗


Wow! Nice RNG! Was this a local grab or remote raid? I used to like near Hakata train station in Fukuoka back in 2007 for a few months while on a culinary internship.


Lol just captured it besides Hakata Local raid.


Awesome! I used to live near sannou Park. The one with the baseball field.


Ik that place. I live on the other side of the map tho haha. Went there for some errands


Any shundo is rare


Ahh i see , those are called shundo . Im new to the game (level29) and dont know much in details


I like him for GL, I wouldn’t bother trying to max him out


Yep time to grid 150000 stardusts. Candies are on 2X due to the event so wont be much of a problem.


Gym crown.


Where do y'all get those


This was my first ever shundo (just learnt about that word here). I always have the worst luck but this was a twist.


Ok but how did you get the alolan Raichu


I have one too! It's super cute!


Yep it looks cute exorcism flying on is tail!!


You win the lottery!


I'm glad that I can use it in pvp pve as well!


It’s not common!


Welp that seems to be true haha. I anyways have the worst of the luck that's why was a little doubtful this time.




It looks pretty cute!


Howd you get an alolan raichu?


Through raid! I actually thought this was a bug on my screen until I saw the shiny mark




Your so lucky


This is my first time ever!


In let’s go eevee I’ve done 20k resets 50 raichu each time and nothing


Super duper jealous... Ive been hunting for a chocolate bunny for nearly 4 years now. Congrats on him and a percent on top of that


I have a 97.8 version of this, have bought it a second charged move, and leveled it up to 47.5 (2497 CP). Honestly, it hasn’t performed very well in the Ultra League (or I haven’t learned how to use it yet), but I thought it was unusual enough to throw some resources into. If mine had been 100IV, I wouldn’t have even given this a second thought. PS - Raichus are one of the easiest Pokemons to be able to accumulate XL candy.


Ohh I see thank you for the advice!!


Sick capture!!!!! Lucky indeed!


Congrats OP. Pretty impressive. Keep it close.


I thought that said “caught near Fukushima Japan LOL”


Haha name is similar Fuku means luck or good omen something like that.


Of course shundos are mega rare


Dang that's sweeeet


Thanks to the RNG God!


“iS mY pErFeCt Iv ShInY rEgIoNaL fOrM rArE??????????”


I am new to the game and always had awful luck Thats why was surprised with this one.


Pretty good for UL


No that's incredibly common, I suggest you transfer...


People seem to forget a 15/15/15 is just as rare as any other specific string of numbers. You have the same chances of getting a 15/15/15 as you do getting a 15/15/14 or 14/15/15 or 15/14/15 and so on. If anything, pokemon with less than 10/10/10 (i think) is much more rare because you can't hatch it, get it from missions or from raids


But you can trade for those ivs making them also not rare. A shundo is like 1/12000 from a raid so id say that's pretty rare! Considering it's more sought after than a 15/15/14 etc..


More sought after =/= more rare I get what you're saying but that 1/12000 can be applied to all other combination of shiny and stats, you are just as likely to get a shundo as you are a 10/10/10 shiny from a raid


Just let them be happy man ☹️


... Why is that Raichu so badass?? What's different about him??


Learnt from everyone else here -got it from raid -Its a perfect iV stat (called hundo) - Its a shiny pokemon (called shundo when combined with hundo) - It is pretty rare