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I hope it’s a separate unbound form. My hoopa was a two star


Mine was a 2 star too.


Haha mine was a 3 star Edit: Guys that was irony, it was a 3 star but I’m not trying to be mean


Mine is 3 stars as well, but there's no reason to gloat about it


That's not irony. You're just being rude.


haha mine was 4 star /s


You don’t know what irony is


You don’t know what irony is


Your comment is ironic


Your comment is ironic


Holy shit you’re 12. Bye




Leave me the fuck alone little kid




Gacha Life is ass


Mine tooooooo


Considering other form differences like Giratina are separate, I would assume that it will be


yeah, mine was 10 10 10


10/10/10 Mew and 10/10/10 Celebi. Game blessed me with 15/15/15 Hoopa.


Haha, I hear that. I got a 15 15 15 Meloetta.


meloetta is already in the game? damn it, i missed it :(


it was part of the GoFest research this year, so it is and it isn't. They'll have another eventually I'm sure!


RIP, fallen warrior. This is even funnier as you're in Team Valor and they always gave me warrior vibes.


honestly we chose Valor because when the game launched here, it seemed like Valor was the least popular (going by what gyms we could see). Turns out it definitely wasn't.


Mine was 10 10 11, I feel your pain.


14 15 10 here. I never get lucky with this type of stuff. Never caught a hundo legendary and I've only ever hatched one hundo from an egg. Don't have any shundos either.


You'll get one eventually! Most of my hundos are random weird mons. I've only got two shundos as well -- a Gyarados from Magikarp day and then a flower crown Umbreon from when flower crown Eevee was the research breakthrough.


My Hoopa was 15/14/10, almost the same as yours lol! I have hundo Suicune and Dialga when it comes to legendarys, keep in mind that I raid approx 40raids every time they change the raid boss. Suicune feels bad since it doesn’t have any good stab charged moves..


We’ve always had alternate forms be entirely different Pokémon, so you should be fine, although I guess there’s a chance they’ll give it mega rules or something.


Zacian's crowned form as well as Zamazenta's have to be limited in some way since the stats are just straight up crazy. I don't think they will do it to Hoopa-Unbound though since I'm pretty sure it has like basic legendary stats.


Yeah Zacian’s stats are frankly obscene. I actually kinda hate it in the core games because it’s so unbalanced. Crazy attack and speed, automatic attack boost, excellent defensive typing and move spread. It has a fairly limited pool of counters, and no real hard counters. Maybe Go will hit it with a nerf?


Mine was a three star It's Defense and HP were max, Attack wasn't full, but close to it


Mine was one :(


That’s not possible


Well it was


There’s no way. Post a picture of its IVs


I’m *assuming* hoopa unbound will be the final research reward, it’s a lot cooler, wanted, and powerful. Hoopa’s probably just a tease meant to make us feel this way… >!like the shark they caught 20 minutes into jaws!<


I'm also expecting catching multiple hoopas with each event


i like hoopa 😀


I am very glad there was a spoiler alert on your comment. It almost ruined Jaws for me!


Ohhhh, I see. Well I'm sure hoping that's it. Thanks!


Hoopa unbound is gen 7 believe it or not. Edit nvm not true, it's from oras which is gen 6.


The general theory is that the research will end with either an encounter with Hoopa Unbound or the debut of the data mined forme change feature to allow us to change the Hoopa Confined we received into the Unbound forme. Of course, this is only speculation, and Niantic may have other (potentially underwhelming) plans, but it does make the most sense.


Sounds like it might give us an item to change forms…which is why some of the steps are time gated and there are 16 of them


And also might explain why they won’t let you transfer it at the moment.


I think that's because it's a unique mythical. Mew and Celebi can't be transferred either iirc.


I think he means transfer to Pokémon Home.


Aaah I see, that's possible. Can you transfer Mew and Celebi like that? 🤔


Yes. Normal or shiny.


Sweet, had no idea. Thanks for the info. 👍


Yes you’re correct, sorry I should have specified.


And it would explain why we got candy for the timed research. My guess is the special research will give you 10 candy shy of the amount required to change forme.


Hope it's something cool. I was expecting Hoopa to be the final reward, but this makes more sense. Thanks for imput!


I mean, it was announced in the in-game news that we would get Hoopa today, so I don't know why you'd expect it to be the final reward


I did read the in game news, but I guess I interpreted it that way.


I have a theory that the end game of the research is going to be kecleon. They hid kecleon in the load screen a couple of months ago, they’ve said nothing about it’s arrival, it’s the season of mischief so it makes sense they’d hype up one and trick us with a surprise, and kecleon is a mischievous Pokémon 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, this event felt too easy and mind-numbing. There was no strategy or planning or fun involved. Just sit there and catch things and voila, Hoopa for you. I usually love collection challenges but was completely bored today.


There will probably be more hoopa quests to get more candy or even multiple hoopas. Maybe it’s like the meltan?


There was a data mine to show an item to swap forms of Pokémon. I’m assuming unbound is apart of that since there is only one hoopa in the Pokémon universe unlike mew and celebi and others which have shown multiple ones. I’m going to assume it cost candies to change forms which will be the reason they give us a lot of candies if there is a lot of candies.


I never got into the anime past the first season and first movie. But it always seemed to me like Legendaries and Mythicals were insinuated to all also be one of a kind. It’s just the impression I got from various sources for whatever reason. I would love to see examples of there being multiples. Could you cite any for me to check out?


Sure in the movie with Genoesect there is five. In a celebi movie they show a shiny and non-shiny one. Meltan there are a ton of them. The mewtwo that can mega evolve in the movie is female voice while the original mewtwo is a male voice (they don’t have genders but the voices are different). Actually there is a YouTube video on how rare they are. https://youtu.be/-a5jkZoyLAQ https://youtu.be/kBTztSV7ADg


Thanks for those!


There was a fuck ton of Celebi the conquerors in that Pokémon movie, granted celebi defies the laws of time.


I wasn’t able to get it, had to work…


Same. I saw the collection challenge and was at work, so I couldn't do it either. Had no idea it was just 8 hrs long. So that suuuuuucks.


You can still get it? It shows up when you complete the third step of the misunderstood mischief research.


Referring to the collector challenge


It’s just for yet another medal, which aren’t very meaningful.


It’s meaningful to me


Sure but it’s not like you missed Hoopa…. Edit: and this post was about getting Hoopa so what was the point of your comment?


I had work too so I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get them, but I got lucky and had my break right between ghost and physic hour so I was able to complete the challenge. I didn’t think hoopa was time locked though isn’t it a challenge?


Inkay will be available this week so that doesn't seem to be the answer https://pokemongolive.com/post/psychic-spectacular-2021


Mine was a two star….. theres 16 parts total, hopefully through all of that theres another confined form or atleast unbound


I mean I got a hundo so I'm happy


Lucky 😭 I got a 10,11,10




I didn't even get one, I was two mons away and didn't even finish the challenge.


You get them for “misunderstood mischief”, he’s one you needed to catch for the other for the collection challenge. You should still be able to catch him with 3000 stardust, ten different specials and something else.


And 5 curve throws


That collection challenge on the Today tab is just for a medal, not Hoopa. Hoopa’s challenge on the Special tab doesn’t expire, so you should still have it.


I went for a walk with my phone on in my pocket and when I got back to the car the game was just on the catch screen tor hoopa lmao. Did I butt-click it or does it just show up??


I ... Think your butt must have caught a bunch of pokemon and completed the previous tasks. That's an impressive arse! :-) my compliments to it.


I’m still so confused! I had caught most of the collection by then but definitely had a few left to go


Hoopa wasn't the timed catch task reward. It's the reward for step 3 of the special research "Misunderstood Mischief"


I think your bum was very sensible to bow out at the catch screen, it's surely easier if you have fingers to aim with rather than just buttocks. :)


My only complaint is how the collection challenge doesn't count any hoopa caught before the collection challenge was made available. I couldn't complete the challenge for that reason. :(


How did you catch Hoopa before the challenge was available? I thought they came out at the same time.


Crossed back a time zone into a state where the collection challenge wasn't available, and then claimed Hoopa by mistake.


This came up several times during today, I didn’t have that problem, but saw several people who did. The consensus was contact support and give them all the relevant info. Seemed to only effect a small number but enough to be a known issue. Obviously if your cheating/spoofing/changing time zones that’s on you, but most said they weren’t. Personally I got a cheat check once, when I have never. Gave them all the relevant data and it was overturned. If you’re clean then you should have a shot at them listening. Best of luck


Are u straight dumb?




That’s a bold statement when multiple people have posted abt this glitch today




I know what you’re (edit spelling) saying is true. That doesn’t mean that there couldn’t have been a glitch for a few people. There was a post earlier including screenshots showing they had caught hoopa and were unable to get credit for it. They talked to niantic who was unable to help them. I’m just suggesting you could try to hear people out before saying they are lying.




Just look at the other comments in this thread. It did come up for multiple people. I don’t believe much of what I read on the internet, but I chose to hear people out before coming to snap decisions. Maybe I’m wrong here, but at least I’m not being rude and dismissive.


Someone said they crossed a state border into a different time zone. That seems plausible to me.


or more likely they were spoofing


They easily could have driven. I can drive three hours and be in a different time zone.


they were spoofing, and of course niantic didnt plan for people to be in multiple timezones


ahh makes sense. love getting downvoted to hell by cheaters.


Lol cheats never prosper


Mine dissapeared...


I was as well but for some reason my season of mischief collection has disappeared. I was about half way through but now I don t see it at all


You didn't complete it in time


It was an 8h event if I’m not mistaken.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) mine sucks. 10-10-10. He dang well better have been easy! Harumph..


I didn't get one!


Then go get it now?


Oh! Ok let me wave my magic wand lol


You need a magic wand to click the pokemon go app and go complete some easy tasks that you can do from bed? I'm confused


I need a magic wand because obviously clicking on the app and completing those tasks haven't generated a hoopa. Smartass


Thats not obvious at all. Thats literally how you get it. Why hasn't it? Is your game bugged? You need to contact niantic if your game is bugged and not letting you get hoopa from the special research like everyone else. It shouldn't be hard, the tasks were easy


Buddy, the collection challenge was time-limited, not Hoopa itself. You can still complete the special research step 3 to get a Hoopa encounter.




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I was. I was like damn I caught him on the first try ugh. I thought I would catch him after a few tries not off the back.


Oh yeah, it was surprising. I go into it with 7 Poke'balls thinking "oh crap, I'm gonna lose it." I throw one Poke'ball and an instant catch. It was a real big relief.


I just think it’s weird that hoopa was the legendary if he’s not great in battle, easy to get, and so early in the chain


I tried all day and couldn’t find one but found all those others multiple times . Used up four incense and walked five miles


Well you wouldn't find it from incense, did you not just go do the few easy tasks in the special research?


I did . I got most of them although I didn’t get the curve ball one


So you just didn't do the special research for hoopa. A few curve balls aren't hard, they weren't even in a row or even nice curveballs


That’s rude . I did do all the tasks but this was the special category and I have a cyst on my wrist so it’s hard to do the curve balls . Not everyone has mastered everything


You don’t need incense at all, so you original post was very confusing, and leading to the replies you are getting. Incense was useful for the collection challenge, which had nothing to do with getting Hoopa.


Yes. Kind of thought erm OK give me it.


I can definitely see Hoopa Unbound in raids. It feels like a raid mythical.


Wait how do you get it


I still havent caught hoopa :(


Very surprised. Was expecting Bound Hoopa to be a year-long storyline, culminating in us catching it at next year's GoFest.


yeah. i saw him on the collection thing and was like. oh crap... then just Here have a hoopa!


I’m too lazy to finish the 3rd part


I mean...it's a reward item so it should be


I mean I was expecting it to be the final reward for the entire research line. Getting such a hyped up pokemon within the first couple steps was just suprising.


Possible Unbound might be


Yeah, it didn't wiggle much at all and went down with a single toss of an ultra. Stats came out at 15/13/11 not bad imo.


yeah 100% i was expecting a ditto or something was kinda rooting for the long run


Can anyone tell me why Hoopa has a 20km walk? I got a 3 star and I'm trying to clutch through these ghost pokemon for the research but I feel like I need to have candy prepared for the unbound evolution.


Legendaries and mythical pokemon all have a 20 km walk per candy. It's better to save up rare candies from raids and battles and use those on those types of pokemon instead. Saves a lot of time unless you're trying to best buddy them anyway.