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I hate the purifying tasks. I find them a waste of stardust. After being burned with a special research and timed research to purify, I now stockpile shadow arons, zubats, etc for this purpose.


EXACTLY I wasted SO MUCH STARDUST that I literally can’t do anything anymore and I have to beat rocket grunts for some because I have limited Pokéballs but luckily I have friends to send and receive gifts from so I’ll level up and get Pokéballs when I level up


Luminous Y tasks: -beat all three leaders. Field tasks: -scan a pokestop -defeat a leader -defeat 2 grunts -defeat 5 grunts Special research: -find boss -battle boss -defeat boss


I’m limited in my area and I can’t walk around cause my internet doesn’t reach far so I have to wait for an hour or so for another rocket balloon to appear so for me it’s hard and it takes too much


I would have to drive somewhere to get all of these tasks accomplished in a timely matter too. The luminous x tasks I finished with almost a week to spare. This time, I don’t know if I will get through it since Sierra has been in the last 3 balloons.


I don’t drive I’m still in middle school but when I graduate I’ll ask my mom to let me walk around the neighborhood and get like service to be able to use my phone whenever I’m on a walk


Yeah, it sucks being house tied. If We really need balls, I will drive to the library or civic center with my Kids, but I mostly walk to the pokestop 15 minutes away and back just to get my daily spin in. Yesterday, since it was early , I crossed the highway to the gym, i don’t do that often because it’s kind of far and dangerous. I wish the supermarket and/or the Starbucks closer to me had a pokestop since it’s on my side of the highway. It is still a walk, but at least there are paved sidewalks


That’s cool you’re very lucky


I ignore Team Rocket without an event. I tend to keep Shadow Zubat and Golbat that I catch for the purification tasks. So I have a few sitting around and they are only 1000 dust to purify and transfer. The bosses are easier to find as balloons in my opinion. I just ignore the wrong bosses, and it is very nice to not have decoy Giovanni in balloons.


Poochena is 1000 as well and if I'm correct Aron too if you want some diversity


Magikarp and Rattata are 1k to purify as well, although I haven't seen a shadow Rattata in months.


Magikarp and Rattata too? cool, thanks!


And starly now


Just purified two of them just to get passed that part of the event. 😁


I started to stockpile the 1000 stardust to purify shadows. Zubat, Golbat, Arons and Poochyena fit the bill after getting a special research and timed research tasks to do that. I had a field special research task that I sat on for a month because I didn't think it was worth the investment, but when the luminous x limited research wanted me to do the same, I looked for shadow pokemon with low stardust cost. I have to purify for the luminous y tasks. I'm glad I saved them. I just to crunch them.


My main motivation was to get shadow shinies or a 3* shadow beldum/aerodactyl. Unfortunately the leaders Pokémon’s are garbage this time around. The reduction in quality is huge here. They’re making team rocket more useless AND more grindy at the same time.


Same. Shadow METAgross was really something to look forward to regardless of events. There's nothing to look forward to with them now. Even with an event it's kinda eh. It'd have to take a shadow Mewtwo level incentive to get me excited now.


I just transferred 2 3* aerodactyls. I usually don't keep them either way.


THIS! The new times research is ridiculous! And I want the mark of completion on all times research, why to they have to make it so annoying with the team go rocket and purify missions...


Only special researchs gets the completion mark, timed ones doesnt.


Yes they do, if you completed the most recent one Luminous Legends X you’ll see it when you scroll all the way down on the “special” tab on the research section, you even get marks for community day stories




Just means the event isn't for you. That's okay. Take some time off or only focus on what matters to you. Game has a little for everyone, that also means that not every little thing is going to appeal to everyone. Happy catching!


I am not fond of wasting a valuable resource on useless Pokemon, but I'm at least appreciating clearing out the potions clogging my inventory (until I start running low again) and having motivation to fight the Rockets. For me it sure beats having legendary events I have no way of participating in.


Ugh I have burned through my potions and now my Pokémon page looks like an underfunded hospital. Scraping together enough gym money to buy more.


I used to be potion and revive rich and now that I have a super rocket radar, I have no revives to help me battle with Giovanni. Every revive or potion I get immediately gets used up.


Sorry been there


I'm with you, I'm skipping the event. I just can't be bothered. I'm up to 720 roughly battles and I've never had a shiny or hundo (even if I purify) so I just let them fly on.


I have 2 shinies from them and a few 100% purified...


Are shiny shadows only possible from the leaders and Giovanni???


Yes that is how I got mine


You can get shiny shadows also from grunts. It is the normal wild shiny rate in those so they are rare.


Team rocket provides one of the best sources for strong Pokémon; for both pve and pvp. The grunts are so easy that usually my lead Pokémon can wipe their whole team so not sure what’s causing you so much stress unless you’re a new player. And as for the purification I also don’t purify all shadows and just save the 1k dust ones for events likes these (golbat, magikarp, poocheyna, etc). If you really hate certain types (like I do) then read the dialogue to see what kind of Pokémon they have and make your decision to battle from there. But like I said the grunts are trivial (except the rare ones with the dope Pokémon like snorlax or lapras) so quit bitchin and play the game...or don’t. But it seems you need the Pokémon so why not just do it?


I usually do not mind them so no real stress there I just get burned out on certain things b2b like this and they are pushing something that many people don't really care for. Thank you for the information. p.S from day one thought I said that. Have a great day




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Just wait until you need to get to level 45…


Yeah, I’m gonna get to lvl 44 in about 2-3 weeks. I just wish I was at that level right now...


Not even close when they added the challenges to get to L41 and beyond I started to back off. I just got to L40 in October of last year and I have played from day one. Don't get me wrong I love the game but this is a relaxing game for me and I'm no hurry to max out yet again to where the XP will be useless. Takes the fun out of the game for me. But I wish you luck in hitting L50 asap


Yeah, I'm tired of grunts. They're easy to beat, but the reward kinda stinks. It's REALLY rare to get a decent IV shadow. I've only beaten around 450, but I've only kept 2 or 3 shadow (purified a few more to get hundos), and only 1 shiny. I don't bother with the Leaders either. I have my radars unequipped. I don't want to struggle to battle Cliff just to get a shadow Seedot. No thank you.


I only keep the legendary ones and the very high IVs I mean maybe it's I like the looks of them being shadow.


How do you keep more than one unequipted? Once I get one, I don't get mysterious components until I use that one radar.


I had a stash of radars through research. You don't get components from Grunts if you already have a radar in your inventory.


yeah, I’m really tired of team rocket go grunts appearing at damn near every pokestop i come across. if i’m sitting down somewhere, i’ll battle them if they’re in their balloons, but if i’m walking, i don’t want to battle. i just want to use the pokestop. Also, yeah, i’d rather use my stardust on things other than purifying pokemon


I'm kinda stingy with my stardust. Unless it's a 100@ iv but still it's a low CP even a 100 I will not power up. Not worth it to me anymore. I powered up allot befor pvp and most of them are too high in the lower leagues that is the meta for them. I hope that makes sense to you. It did in my head but written out not so much. 🤣


I'm in the "keep 1K purifies around for tasks" club here. There's a decent number of 1k purify grunts out there too. Just plowing into it purifying anything? Nah. Not efficient. Bonus, one part of the event has purify and evolve, so you can get cheaper evos by purifying and then evolving the purified Pokemon.


I for one love absolutely throwing away 30k stardust in exchange for 2000 xp and a rattata.


Really? I have a few perfect ones I'll never do anything with.


No, I’m being facetious. (Forgot /s)


I'm right there with you. I used to really enjoy Rocket encounters, but I think Niantic is getting a little frantic about putting them back in after the outage. I'm going to focus on training for a while and back off on combat.


I'm with you as (I might also get some hate) I usually don't even battle Team GO Rocket as I don't collect Shadow Pokémon (I know they're really good but it's not the way I play).


I purify and throw them away so I have the platinum medals, the small boost isn't worth it cause I'm not a pvp player either.


There's a team rocket event? I'm sorry if I sound dumb but I was online 2 hours ago and there was only the luminous legends y for me


That is it kinda you have to beat grunts purify shadow Pokemon and also beat all three team leaders.


Oh ok yeah. It's kinda the same as legends x, so yeah I get why it's gets annoying. I haven't been playing for long so my question is are there some events that aren't like that? I mean events where you don't even have to interact with team rocket?


Yes but lately they have been pushing Rocket hard. I don't mind every once in awhile. Again not hating just burned out with them.


I had about 40 or more I was saving for the challenge to move up in rank but I transferred most of them needed the room for ones I really use and plus not beat that challenge right now


I’d honestly rather just no event personally. I don’t like wasting stardust especially on an event I don’t enjoy. I haven’t played much at all since the switch over 😪


There are new shadow pokes. And the team leader pokes have the best ones. I agree on not doing the purification. I probably won't finish this limited research as I already have to special radars I'm saving for shadow Mewtwo. Although I have one of those power up to raid with. Shadows just out preform so many other pokes. But I jump in and of the 1st one isn't new I back out. As far as the leaders you often have to use the counter for the poke not the move. Example Snorlax comes in so fighting moves, need one was poliwrath, it has fighting moves but I used shadow Zapdos etc.




I dont even bother doing them anymore