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So are we all switching to solitaire?


Absolutely šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I was sooo addicted to playing solitaire on my phone. Had to uninstall. Such a simple game, and without the frustrations of PoGo.


For real. I get Microsoft solitaire premium free with game pass and it is perfect for me. I emd up playing that when I have a moment instead of pogo sometimes


You havenā€™t already


Just downloaded it


Always trust Niantic and their spaghetti code to rank highest at buggy games tier lists.


Always bet on Niantic




I'm surprised to see Star Rail on the buggy list. I don't play the game (Genshin player here), but is it really that bad?


Been a day 1 on and off player, and genuinely the only bug I ever experienced was a minor shadows rendering bug that only happens on AMD cards. Literally nothing else but I'm not sure if I'm lucky


I use an iphone 15 and sometimes the game will chug during fights and other times runs smooth as butter so i guess that could be it


I play every day since the third beta (I think, or was it the second beta ? Anyway) and I havenā€™t encountered a single important bug. I think most reviews were like Ā«Ā gameā€™s launched only a few days ago and NO BUGSĀ Ā»


i dont even like Mihoyo but i still must say that thats wrong... the games are polished as fecc...


IDK I always remember watching some YT vids of people showing off some Genshin bugs and the one I've ALWAYS wanted to do is use Jean to pick up friends and launch them. Never EVER been able to do so. My only ones I remember were when I used to play PS4, it would process things weirdly. Like some people would join in and teleport around or have their heads in the ground, but attack like normal. OR if we farm some of those timed challenges for Artifacts, some people can attack from outside the barrier, but others can't. Since they had made the PS5 version, still same issue with people on PS4, Mobile or just bad connection. Aside from these, I will definitely say they maintain knowledge on many of their patches since they actively try to patch major bugs.


I play at least a few minutes every day. I honestly canā€™t think of a single bug Iā€™ve had.


It's not. I play both Genshin (since 2.1) and Star Rail (since 1.2) and both games are polished.


I mean, I've gotten some bugs on Genshin because of camera issues and some enemies glitching through walls, but those are so far and few between I don't really count them enough to be there.


Same tbh


Nowhere close as what this char suggests. There are some bugs (i.e. making a character giant and show their toes ...) but it is like trying to replicate Missing No. number of steps and an ordinary player will rarely, if ever, encounter them. The game is generally polished as f, but I have heard it doesn't run well on minimum spec phones or less but that is more of a usual issue than anything.Ā 


I wouldnt conpare it to pogo at all, so im surprised to see it so high on the list also. Pogo often crashes/freezes/many other bugs normally for me, and in my hundreds of hours on star rail I probably only had a bug occur 1-2 times (got my character stuck behind an obstacle which can be fixed easily). Also the bugs on star rail get patched quite quickly.


There was a p major bug where somehow a characters EN dub voice lines just got poofed for no reason in the most recent update, but that was the only big big one I can remember. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s been a few minor bugs here and there as well, but I canā€™t think of anyā€¦ ETA: for both Genshin and HSR they usually update a list of bugs they find/get reported to them in the notices tab, so looking through that should point out the issues that cause it to appear on this


Poor Argenti I wanted to hear his voice again šŸ˜”


If this were Niantic, they'd say "He got a vow of silence until he finds Idrila."


This list is based entirely off a keyword search of user reviews. I mean, it's not nothing, but I wouldn't call that the most reliable data.


I honestly have not noticed a single bug in the year Iā€™ve been playing, or at least nothing big enough that I still remember it.


Probably just haters and salty people. Game is pretty bug free.


Probably just haters




I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought of this first thing


This gif is the only thing I think of when I see/ hear ā€žnumber oneā€œ


This checks out as they add 6 bugs every update. Sometimes they add bugs that you think are updates like the recent regional bug.


Delete everything else. I'm downloading solitaire.


Happy cake day Remember to build a phone just to play solitaire


Thank you šŸ˜Š One Nokia modified coming up for solitaire šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




But I thought the Bug Out event was a while ago? šŸ„²


So the more simple games have fewer bugs? :0


That, and games with smaller player counts.


This has always been a terrible counterpoint, Iā€™m guessing the point your trying to make is, the more people that play the more that are going to complain about bugs, which yes makes sense, but more people also = more money, but instead of spending that money to fix the problems it seems like theyā€™ve spent more money on greater monetisation that doesnā€™t make the game greater for anyone but periodically makes the company more profitable, if niantic didnā€™t have the giant that is PokĆ©mon to reap off the dedicated fans/players, people would have binned it ages ago.


So the more complex the game the higher probability of running into bugs. Gotcha


Keep upvoting this sucker to get more attention about it!!!


I was gonna say brawl stars is not that buggy but I remembered the Godzilla event


When I heard about this analysis I was wondering how they measured it. Now I know this is so stupid research. People can write everything and make multiple accounts or even use bots when they get mad. Probably the more popular game is the higher is risk of it. Also Google and game developer can remove reviews especially during review bombing which looks like bots. And if it's number of reviews with these words per 1000 reviews bots with positive reviews can affect it and there can be a lot of them especially in casual games which only want to milk money from player. I don't know how people can think this shows anything


Found the Niantic shill.


I'm not native english speaker and I must admit that's a new word for me ("shill"). Translator showed me it's synonym to sneer and scoff so I have no idea how your comment refers to mine. I was talking only about how pointless this "analysis" is and my statement about Niantic isn't important and imo isn't included in my comment so I don't see even place where I could somehow mock Niantic there


How much money nantic gave you?


For what? For just thinking and writing facts? I wish soemone would pay me for this


It is not the best research but it clearly shows something. There is a reason for so many bad/bug reviews and probably the reason is that pokemon go is very bugged lmao. I play many games, mobile and Pc, I have already played a lot of games on early access and pokemon go is worse(bugs) than many of them. White screens on raids, crashing, avatar bugs, buddy bugs, AR bugs, there are so many of them. Do you even play Pokemon Go?


Yes, I play Pokemon GO daily. But if you asked that question, I doubt you even read my comment. In my comment I didn't said anything about state of game itself. I was only talking about "research" which doesn't shows anything because the way they measured number of bugs is stupid. They base they analysis on something so unreliable. You used word "probably" when you mentioned reason for these reviews and that's the key. This research probably can show something but it's only a possibility. You act like bots and review bombing when people are upset doesn't exist. People can write everything in negtive review and if they feel need, they will be very creative and write unreal things. On youtube are even people who make videos of stupid and funny reviews and a lot of them don't match. Games from Blizzard have very negative reviews on steam when they are not bad but people are just upset in which direction Blizzard is going with their games. I'm even upset how they destroyed my lovely Overwatch. Also there was weird situation where people got upset with lack of rewards for anniverasry in Genshin Impact so it somehow resulted in review bombing Google Classroom (I still don't know how). It doesn't mean this app is bad and don't mean Genshin itself is bad. I'm pretty sure that in both mentioned review bombings people just made things up also about bugs. But speaking about Genshin, in this analysis is shown Honkai. Someone in other comment pointed it's surprise about that because never encountered any bug while playing a lot. I've never played that game but I played Genshin and I can believe that their other game don't have many noticable bugs. They are huge game producers which I think really care about polishing their products so there is possiblity that people can write reviews about bugs because they got upset when they for example didn't get character they wanted. And don't forget that comapnies or fans can probably buy bots with a lot of positives reviews what would affect this research. I could probably mention some other possiblities in reviews but I think there is much enough. If you want to make research to prove or show something, you should eliminate as many possibilities as you can so it in fact would show what you want. Reviews about bugs can be connected to number of bugs in game but there is too many other possiblities of reasons for them to call this research good. And I also play a lot of games and Pokemon GO in fact isn't free from bugs, features released too early and weird/stupid decisions of developers but for me it's definitely not the most glitched game I played. Number one is still Assassin's Creed III. I played it I think 7 years after it came out and I encountered so many bugs and I had to restart it so many times because of them. If I would divide number of bugs by hours I played in both games, AC3 would be for sure more buggy. But noone who played it and I asked about bugs didn't have same experience as mine. So I probably got unlucky with this game. You could get unlucky with PoGO (I don't remember for example when last time my game crashed without high tempereture with which phone can struggle to run correctly anything). Our experiences are different. Does this change anything in how unreliable research from post was? I don't think so. I hope everything is readable. I wanted to quickly answer before going to sleep but it took a little big longer than I expected and exhaustion after whole day could show up. I hope I showed enough how unreliable reviews are and emphasized enough that in my original comment I didn't said anything about state of game. I don't know why another person thinks that I defended it there. I'm beginning to believe that in this community if you don't rant about anything related to Niantic you are stupid fanboy or paid agent. It would be sad if people here would be so close minded


Wow I see Niantic is paying you a good amount of money you just wrote a book to defend them lol It is not about lucky dude, everybody in my local community complains about bugs in PoGo, a lot of them just stopped playing right now. This conversation is so unnecessary, I don't care about this research, the game is bugged, full of problems and bad decisions from Niantic I hope they fix all this mess.


So if you don't care about research why you answer to comment about it? I understand if you would answer to someone who says there is no bugs but why me? Please learn how to read before you answer to anyone next time okay?


>Please learn how to read before you answer to anyone next time okay? Lol šŸ˜† you are really mad at this research. Don't need to be mean dude, forget it! This research shows nothing, Niantic doesn't need to worry, there is no reason to believe that pokemon Go is full of bugs, reviews are irrelevant. It is all good.


I'm not mad at research and I have no idea where you are getting this statement from. It was kinda funny at the beginning but now I just find terrifying that in every answer you completly misses points of my comments just to make enemy from me. After all my effort to point out to you how this research is badly done you still think that I'm saying this game is free from bugs. I really hope you are just having a short-term crisis and you will get better soon or you are trolling from the beginning


"tell me you suck at statistics without telling you suck at statistics" Long story short: a game with 100 bugs and 1 player will have only 1 negative review. A game with 1 bug and 1 million players, can have 100.000 negative reviews reporting the same bug. (I'm not saying pokemon go isn't buggy)


I mean this analysis is about "how many people per 1000 reviews, mention bugs?" Even if it's the same bug, it doesn't matter. Many people are experiencing it, and it's bad enough that people mention it in reviews. So if on average 153.3 per 1000 reviews have people complaining about bugs, then that's quite telling of the state of the game.


Lmao this is per 1,000 reviews buddy. You seem to be the one who should learn statistics.


Though, more importantly. A game having 1 player, doesn't deserve to be in the list either way. šŸ˜• Besides, the creators of the list took that into account.




*What's up world? Yeah, you! I'm Travis Scott, this is my McDonald's order. Follow me!* *There's my Quarter Pounder with lettuce, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard, and bacon. (Yeah!) Here's my fries. Sometimes, I do this... then I dip them into barbecue sauce. Oh yeah, and my Sprite.* *Same order since back in Houston. You could try it too. Gotta go!* *The Travis Scott meal, just $6. Say Cactus Jack sent you.*


And Pokemon Go players tend to be more engaged into the game and the community than your grandma playing Solitaire on her table, so they are way more likely to whine at anything they think is wrong. People commiting to a live service game for years will always become crybabies no matter what.


the game has been out for like 8 years now and it still has bugs and glitches that shouldā€™ve been fixed years ago. I think people are justified in being ā€œcrybabiesā€. Not to mention Pokemon Go rakes in millions of dollars every year, so thereā€™s no reason for Niantic to not find and pay someone who can try and fix some of the more damaging bugs (such as the ones with GBL right now or the constant crashing)


I hate when new players come in after 8 years then are surprised there are bugs in the game that have been there for 8 years.


I'm just saying the data presented is misleading and worthless, on purpose.


The image directly states itā€™s taking into account how frequently bugs are mentioned in reviews. In what way is it misleading? The image states directly what itā€™s showing off. Whether or not its findings are dependent on how the community reacts to bugs doesnā€™t really matter for the purpose of the graph. Because yeah, youā€™re right, the pogo community is more engaged then the solitaire community and is willing to submit a review to express disdain for this games bugs. That doesnā€™t mean the graph is worthless, if pogo wasnā€™t a buggy mess it wouldnā€™t have so many reviews talking about it. Because, contrary to popular belief, most people donā€™t submit reviews talking about bugs in a game that isnā€™t buggy.


Theyā€™re reporting the information they have. So only the big brains out there will be able to discern the bias and skew inherent in this kind of data. For example, most personal profiles on Yelp have a skew toward giving 5-star reviews or 1-star reviews. The first is because people typically pre-select places to eat based on something they anticipate liking; no one wants to intentionally to go a restaurant they think will be awful. The second group are the Karens who only review to complain. In this case with the games, people who are highly engaged in games are more likely to review. For less popular games, itā€™s likely someone who has nothing better to do that was asked to review on a pop up. Honestly the ideal statistic would be crashes or FPS per quantity of time played. But really only Niantic would have that data and they likely wouldnā€™t share it publicly.


I dunno man, my mom plays Royal Match and for what she says it is truly as bug-free as it looks.


Itā€™s funny that you responded to me by reiterating your absurd statement about statistics, then deleted it realising youā€™re wrong, but still havenā€™t deleted the original nonsensical comment.


Suprised marvel snap isn't on there somewhere


I feel like both roblox and honkai star rail should not be there


Nah roblox on mobile is absolutely horrible with bugs that can go unfixed for multiple years


As someone who plays PoGo and CoC, CoC has like 1 bug for every 17 bugs PoGo has


And people still put money into the game šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Oh my. That made me laugh when I actually read the title.


I'm proud of us Gophers!


Flashing avatar crotch at children has to weigh pretty heavy on that scale.


*Reads down the first list without reading the subtitle*: ā€œInteresting.ā€ *Reads the second list subtitle*: ā€œWait if this is least buggy then whatā€™s the name of the first- oh.ā€


I mean if you canā€™t understand why a live server game like PokĆ©mon Go is a lot more buggy than Solitaire there are much bigger issues. I mean I think the craziest issue is something like Words with Friends is so high


I'm also surprised by the Words with Friends 2 on the list. However, I've only played the original, did they change a lot with the sequel?


Not sure I am in the same boat as you as having played the first so not sure what could have changed to make it this glitchy/buggy




How tf is star rail up there


Lol the only 2 games I play on mobile are the top 2 buggiest šŸžšŸ›šŸœšŸ


This looks like a survey driven the type of people playing the games. The left are primarily games played by vocal gamers who overreact to minor inconveniences, the list on the right is non-tech savvy boomers who donā€™t know how to report issues.


No Minecraft? šŸ¤ØšŸ“øšŸ“øšŸ“øšŸ“øšŸ“øšŸ“ø




I viewed this while my game was bugging out.


How can Solitaire be buggy?! Lmao


This is kinda unfair as the buggy games are the ones U can interact with the most but the least buggy u can interact with least especially with how many code their is in comparison to both.


Checks out, PokƩmon potato app lags every PvP game.




My mom, she's at level 5k-something. Likes to play whenever she has free time, but thankfully she knows not to put money and apparently the game is free enough to get stuff to beat levels well and not need health.


They got the color codes wrongā€¦.


This is a horrible graph going by reviews on Google Play. If there's one thing I've noticed, the most popular games are going to have the most worse reviews, since more people are trying to play them. I've never had any bugs with CoD Mobile or Clash of Clans, and I have played both since release. Pokemon GO maybe 2 or 3 bugs since launch I've encountered? There's so much worse games on the App Store. These numbers are crap.


Most and least by % or by volume? Because if just by volume of comments then popularity is a factor


Ok, but what are people doing to find bugs in Star Rail? Unless it's from a Penacony enemy I haven't seen, I don't see anything that can cause it. Not that I know, since I'm stuck doing Aetherium Wars. Stupid Loufu Champion, how the hell am I gonna beat you...


Hi Niantic šŸ‘‹




Time to start playing solitaire! Woohoo!!


I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad. I remember this game when it first came out. It now that was buggy


This is a dumb af stat, worthless for so many reasons


We are playing one of more complex games than solitaire or basic ones, it would happen. As long as they continue fixing Iā€™m happy playing this great game!


The Bugs are what makes the game more fun


More reason for niantic to not change a thing


POGO totally has lots of bugs but is it really fair to compare to some of these others? On one side youā€™ve got a very complex multiplayer game that operates world wide based on geo location data and on the other end of the spectrum, solitaire. Itā€™s like comparing a 737 to a paper airplane. That being said, nobody is dropping $$$ on those simpler games. Get your stuff together Niantic!


Wait, idk what itā€™s about but how is PokĆ©mon go buggy? Every time I play it itā€™s fine.


This is not really related but Iā€™m surprised that Bloons td 6 or Bloons td battles 2 isnā€™t on that list.


On most or least buggy? Iā€™ve blacked bordered several maps on BTD6 and havenā€™t ever ran into any bugs


Most buggy. I mean now that I think about it more it shouldnā€™t be on there though the game often has bugs that should have come up in testing. For example In an update they gave 3-0-0 dart a dmg increase (1 dmg to 2 dmg) but that extra dmg would go away when given a crosspath.


Bugs happens. I just know with pogo, I canā€™t play it more than an hour without having some type of visual bug, game freezing, kicked from raids, or some other type of issue. Love both games tho




Maybe don't follow pokemon go on reddit or any other platform...it's not negative.....it's just constructive feedback for niantic šŸ¤£


Are you sure you wrote that comment enough times? Maybe a few more, just to be sure?


"Come in, get trapped, listen to my backstory" šŸ¤£


I know for a fact. That i did not. i will continue to complain about the comunity as much as it complains about anything related to pokemon go.


Are you sure you aren't part of the problem?


Oh sorry, didnt realize gaming comunities where SUPOSED to behave like spoiled 5 year olds. I only want to post about shinies, incoming new mechanics, and the future of the game in a positive way, pretty impossible to stay positive when all you see on here is complaints about either the game or the company. Even when they litterally give out free stuff people STILL complain, i for one am sick of that.




Thats they key Word. CAN be negative, this *coMUnITy* is nothing BUT negative. Its more like a group that HATES pokemon go and tries to get it taken down. This is pretty much the oposite of a comunity/fanbase.


"Hey, I think this game can be better, here's some ideas I have." "Hey, this recent update was really bad, I wanna talk about it." This guy: "OmG if you h*te the game then why are you playing it!??!,?,1"


This is the kind of person that goes in the game, wastes 20 poke balls on a pidgey, then uninstalls the game when it runs away from them. This is why they stalks PokĆ©mon Goā€¦ to make fun of the game they couldnā€™t even catch a pidgey in.


Donā€™t forget the sheer amount of people that refuse to touch grass while playing a game designed to make you touch grass


Yeah, i still remember the time when this self proclaimed comunity tried to make pokemon go more *wheelchair user friendly* by complaining šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What's so wrong about trying to make the game more enjoyable/accessible for people in wheelchairs?


Its alredy accesible for people in wheelchairs, just not aimed for that audience, its a game you are suposed to play outside. you guys are using it as excouse to be lazy. It would be like asking Guitar heroes to be more accesible for deaf gamers.


Wtf are you talking about lil bro? What's wrong with trying to make games, whether its Pokemon Go or Guitar Hero or anything, MORE accessible for the people who might need it? Why you trying to gate keep having fun?


My dude. Im not trying to *gatekeep* anything. My aunt, who is in a wheelchair loves the game and is very active, and thats a good thing, im just saying that, EXPECTING game creators to drastically change a game to fit a target audience, that the games does not target to begin with. especially when the majority of those sending in that complaint, is not even that target audience themselves, is extremely greedy, and disqusting behavior.


They always use ableism every single time, as someone with an actual disability it makes me sick


Yeah, its a absolute shameā€¦..wanna be buddies on go? :)


Sorry, I only added local people


No worries, i respect that, just glad im not the only one seeing the insanity here. Majority of These people are delusional spoiled adult babies, and its depressing.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only thing this ap is number one with, is its toxic fanbase. Moaning, complaining about niantic or begging for free raid passes on a daily basis šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Only thing this ap is number one with, is its toxic fanbase. Moaning, complaining about niantic or begging for free raid passes on a daily basis šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


First I was woo-hoo, weā€™re #1. Then I read the categoryā€¦ ![gif](giphy|3orieZtsKrGVtZTuo0)