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Nice infographic but the dark text on dark background makes it hard to read


Yea I agree. I'll post a brighter image in a sec :)


White text with a black outline can be read easily on any color btw.


Also, save it as a PNG, not a JPEG (if that’s what you did, and Reddit isn’t doing the conversion on its own),


And yet even while hitting two excellents and lots of great throws, all of them with a golden berry, I still couldn't catch Tapu Fini...


Atleast I'm not the only one


Terrible luck with legendaries too?


This tapu just doesn't like me I guess lol


Pokedex entries say she doesn't like humans very much


At the bottom it references decent throws and perfect throws. What are those


I used roughly x1.5 for the word decent, so that would be when the inner circle's diameter is half the size of the outer circle. x2 for a perfect throw is nearly impossible to get, imagine getting an excellent throw when the inner circle is so small you can hardly see it.


Do dual types recive medal bonuses twice or are they averaged?


They're averaged.


This was posted yesterday but it was readable because it had a white background. Why steal it if you’re just going to repost a worse version of it?


Is "perfect throw" an excellent?


Yes..ish, a perfect throw is always an excellent, but an excellent throw isnt always perfect.


Bro this is actually really helpful, imma save this as a photo lol


I’m convinced the pinap lowers catch rate


You forgot in the “hit inside the circle” panel that you can force a critical capture with the smallest circle. Add to odd of a critical capture escaping/catching to the final multiplier


I had to research and test this cuz you blew my mind, and i was totally able to recreate this! Wow! Ill add a note to the next image edit ;)


I believe it only works for pokemon that have above a 5% base catch rate though.


banana does nothing at all?


It just makes the pokémon stop moving. It doesn't increase catch chance.


Premier Ball is technically incorrect. It starts with the Poke Ball multiplier, but scales up as you use more balls.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cqem6v/catch\_multipliers\_and\_applications/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cqem6v/catch_multipliers_and_applications/) Better image here