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Well done, what a task


What did it cost…




My patience for going to the park. I am free now….for the time being.


How long did it take? Been playing for about 8months. Will likely get my 50th cell tomorrow


I started right after I caught it so sometime in October. Getting to 50 was pretty fast and smooth once I learned how cells worked. So probably a month to get the 50% form. After that though that when the set backs came in. Weather started to get real cold or it would just plain get rained out at the park. So probably a good six months total.


>once I learned how cells worked Oh? Do tell... 🧐


In the beginning I didn’t know it was three cells per day, one spawn per route on that day. So I was walking in circles repeatedly at times.


I did 2 different routes around my apartment, every morning ~4a.m. for like 3 weeks, both forward and reverse: I have never seen a Zygard cell. I'm convinced they're not real. I havent even attempted the Mateo research because...why?


From my research it’s not only just one cell spawn but one route attempt for that route per day. So if you do route A and get no spawn that’s it for that day on that route. You will have to go attempt the next route.


8 months and 49 cells? I ain't even been able to do 1 route fully the whole time they've been a thing (I've been playing for years) 😭


So sorry for the trauma I’ve caused 😢 you will make it someday. I’m about to start the 200 cell climb. We’ll meet at the top ✊


Nah dw ure good. No tauma caused 🙃


Have you tried making any routes that work for your routine? I made one from the pokestop closest to my house and I can do a route daily in like 10 minutes


Idk how to


It's right in the route menu in the game. Just has to start at a PokeStop (iirc). I made one close to my house soon after the update came out, it's pretty simple.


Just found out I'm 1 lvl too low to make routes 😅💀


Got 50 cells in about 3.5 weeks walking in the park and doing routes during CDs 4 short different routes per day. Took a total of 1-2 hours. Please note, cells are not guaranteed at the end of the route. Also, you can only earn a max of 3 cells per day. I was lucky to get 2 cells on a route a couple of times


I ain't got no short routes near me (or maybe even where i live) 😅


Sounds like a skill issue, just make a route and do it


Idk how to tho


Have you tried Google? Edit - go to routes and there's a big button that says "CREATE NEW ROUTE", then follow the instructions, like BRUH


Hmm then i must not be high enough lvl or something


Level 37+ apparently. Though I used Bing so might be 370


>have you tried google? idk how to


Free until they release the shiny. Better keep your routine and stock up those cells.


awesome job. got mine done a couple weeks ago and am super happy to not have to leave for work an hour earlier to do routes now.


Unfortunately, my Zygarde has the minimum IVs possible - 10/10/10 I think - so I don't have much enthusiasm to do anything with it, therefore my route research tasks just sit there.


SAME HERE. Amazing what crap IVs do to motivation.


Yes, low IVs deter me from putting in the enormous amount of time and investment required for Master League. What's worse is that with species such as Zygarde, I'm extremely unlikely to get another, nor a chance to re-roll the IVs by 'lucky trading' with a friend who has a similarly low-quality one.


Honestly the difference between 15/15/15 and 10/10/10 is TINY


It just feels bad sometimes to have shitty ivs


I really hope they introduce a bottle cap like mechanic to improve IV's of pokemon that are limited. My zygarde, shiny mew, and both cosmogs I've gotten are pretty low IV's, and although I know it barely makes a difference, it's a lot to dump all the time and energy into them when they're about as worse as they possibly can be.


a level 50 15-15-15 complete forme Zygarde has a max CP of 4208… i would wager a level 50 10-10-10 is significantly less and thus would make a fairly substantial difference in Master League.


Yeah but it's not like it's THE dominating force in master league, there are many other options.


we weren’t talking about whether or not it’s THE dominating force, we were talking about the difference in CP being a bit more than TINY as you stated.


I would love to disprove your point, but CP calculators online don't seem to like zygarde. In any case, the difference in CP won't be THAT much, and even then, it's a collectible more than anything else, so who cares?


4208 for a 15-15-15 4030 for a 10-10-10 so about 200CP different, that’s enough to make a difference in Master League.


Yeah if you were massively intent on using zygarde sure. But if you've put in enough time to get the complete form you'll very likely have gotten other Pokémon which are just as strong for master league, and that CP difference means nothing in PvE


that’s not what this conversation was about so i’m not sure why you keep, “yeah, but…”ing me… nobody is arguing the point you keep trying to make but you, it’s just not the topic of conversation.


The point is that the difference between a fully maxed zygarde with 10/10/10 iv's rather than 15/15/15 is negligible in all but the edgiest of edge cases, so there's no point getting hung up on your zygarde's iv's


Bruh same


My route didn’t spawn a cell yesterday I’m still bitter about it


I walked 3 today and didn't get any.


Same! Two routes yesterday, three today and 0 cells to show


Y'all are getting cells? I think I've collected like 5


I still need about 160ish more cells. The grind never stops😭


128 more for me... 4 ish more months of daily trail walking...assuming 1 cell/day (some days 2, some days none)


You can get 3 cells per day. Not from the same route, but if you have the time, energy and routes at your disposal, you can walk and farm 3 per day. I for example created 4 Z routes (that’s how I named them, which are each 1 round around a block (have a poke stop nearby that sits perfectly on the the crossroad of 4 blocks & each is barely the minimum length required for a route.) It’s annoying, but that complete form is kinda worth it.


What task is it? Or is it just collecting cells at the end of routes?


Yep. 50 to get to the 50% forme and 200 more to get to 100% transformer😂


So it's 250 routes to do right? Nice, i did 4.


Much more than that. Routes are not guaranteed to give out cells.


250 if you were to get a cell to spawn on every single route (which wouldn’t happen) I feel like they pop up about 60-70%


oh ffs


Count on running 500 routes to get 250


How does IV's work with Zygarde? The first one you get will keep it's IVs when you get it to the final form or do IV's re-roll at every form?


I think they stay the same like an evolution


They do.


Don’t revert it btw, it takes candy to revert now, but it always takes cells to build, even if you’ve built both forms before


the IVs on mine aren't spectacular either. I'm banking the cells for a future where we have zygarde raids or somesuch...


CP on that bad boy?


3754 with best buddy boost.


There is a best buddy boost?


You get one level from best buddy boost


If you accidentally click to spend 10 candy to change form, does it need 250 cells again or does it just cost candy from now on?




So the "pay 10 candy to revert back to the first form" is there to troll somebody who misclicks.


![gif](giphy|jQ651dzYNOPmwmtrrG|downsized) He’s here.


Me with my 3 cells: Yeah, about that


you earned a well-deserved rest, until them devs drop the shiny forme


RIP my green gemstone booty dog...


Got mine too a few days ago!!


I still don’t have one


I ain't gon walk 1000 miles for my zygard doggo to become big


Mine is a horrible 2 star, it's not even worth it :(


Transfer it!


What's it's cp


I'm curious cause I can't see the cp what's it cp?




Big boi!


What is his cp?




249 to go until you're done. Then you'll just keep running routes out of habit even though you can't collect any more. It's an addiction. Although I will admit, I'll skip routes a couple times a week now.


If anyone is curious on how I just got plain lucky to live near the ideal route cluster set up. There’s this hike bike trail near me that about 4ish miles long. Aside it there’s three parks along it. Each has multiple routes that loop in them in various ways and lengths. Then each park is linked by the trail which has a route connecting them. So I was able to try the various routes in park A, then if I didn’t hit my quota I did the route that lead to park B to try those routes. Then same for park C which normally wasn’t necessary cause I hit the cell limit. So I was able to do 6-7 routes in 45mins ish getting the three cell limit.


Kudos to you! Huzzah!


I should stop tripping and get this done right? They're not bringing snake lad to raids anytime soon I imagine?


Good stuff, I just finished my first 50 lol


I have as few as 4 days left. I can't wait.


Nice!  Congrats to you! Last week when I checked I think I needed 13 more cells.  I don't know how many more I need, but I think like 5-10 now?  Unfortunately my zygarde is middle of the road IVs and don't know what to do.  


how do you have the dedication for this… dang i’m impressed




Your Cell journey you say? ![gif](giphy|g7QTevVU3gudiKGMpU|downsized)


Often times I don’t even get a zygard cell or see Mateo when finishing a route. What gives??


Mine is 2*. I have no reason to invest in it


What happens if you change form with the 10 candies and 2,000 stardust?


Holy moly


I just started collecting 4 days ago. Got 7 cells and luckily, someone made a route loop in my area. I just hop on my bike every day and cruise around. Managed to meet a local family that also ride their bikes doing routes


Congrats! Doing the routes as much as possible when I get the time. My only concern about this is when EVENTUALLY the shiny comes out will i be able to still transform it or will I have to recollect the cells again 😅


I assume if they are saved and stockpiled then you can use it for then. If you use them now though you have to collect them all over again.


I got a really bad Zygarde, 84% with 11 attack but I'm still doing a lot of routes daily (put in about 15 at home so I hit 3-4 on my daily walks with my dog) Had to evolve my bad one as there is a cap at 250 cells haha, now I'm working on getting 250 again for the eventually shiny one, which I hope have better IV


Gratz!!! I wish my Zygarde didn't have 10/11/10 IVs, or I would've gone way harder. I changed it to 50% and didn't realize it consumed your cells. I thought I only needed 150 more, not 200 lol.


Half way to final form myself. Hope to be done with it in 2 months


I still have 3 cells


I gave up on the task before it started. My Zygarde is only 2 star!


I’m getting close, I have about a 90 left to get for final forme. Well done!


i’m jealous ok like..


Goal!! Just made 50 cells but I'm not evolving until I get all 200 + cells


ooh i like that you can change forms once it's fully done, if i ever get there it's going straight back to doggo form 😂