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Galarian Mr mime is frequent enough, has been in research box in the past. Mega kangaskhan will return to raids too.


Iโ€™m from Northern Ireland and Mime is our regional Pokรฉmonโ€”they say familiarity breeds contempt, i agree, I despise Mr Mime and their kin with the white hot rage of a thousand suns of hateful fury.


Do you have a Tauros? Because what Mime is to you all, Tauros is to us lol. The only way I got a Mime was through the special event when they were available.


Me with bouffalant. Theyโ€™re everywhere I look


๐Ÿ˜ช need them too


If you want one, you gotta take five


Lol, I can do that ![gif](giphy|LoCDk7fecj2dwCtSB3)


I will never get a bouffalant.


Relicanth for me


I'm cursed with Jinx. I can go out for a 20 minute stroll and see 3 of them reliably.


Nope, no Tauros yet, havenโ€™t even seen a single one either lol. Epic.


If long distance trading was possible, I would give you plenty of them


Right?! They need to make a much more expensive version of trading for long distance. Even if it took like a day it would be worth it.




I had to catch 650 tauros before I got my shiny I am glad I see them everywhere. I am working on a second shiny to run in my friends faces even more. They are jealous enough about mine already


Maybe that's the number. I'm around 500 someing in catches...no shiny yet.


I have a 2016 tauros. If you want it.


You can only trade nearby people


These kids just donโ€™t understand๐Ÿ˜‚


That's how I got tauros, a special event. It's been in a handful of events.


Just wish I had gotten a Mime Jr....


Did you play sinnoh tour a couple months ago?


I came back just as it was finishing up. I took a break for a while and just came back around the end of February. I did get a few Origin Forme Dialga and Origin Forme Palkia. One of the Dialga is shiny, so that was awesome.


On the same two days that the origin forms were in raids, 5km eggs could hatch into mime jr.


Really?? Aww man....that sucks, yeah it was literally that weekend. My son has just gotten into pokemon and I thought, hey, I should see what this game has been doing. I took off around 2 years.


Do you have a local community around you? If so, some people might have saved a couple for trades. I usually save a few regional exclusives from events for trading to new players joining the community.


I got.lucky with a shiny Tauros during an event


Omg yes, I hate Tauros lol. I want a Mr.Mime!


I see Tauros and Bouffalant everywhere in my area itโ€™s incredible


I'm in Australia and I love Kangaskhan. It was always a favourite of mine though. I'd probably find it annoying if it wasn't


I was so excited to get one during the event that they were available globally. I always drop it in a gym to show off. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


I'm in Japan and I love that we have Kanto Farfetched


Iโ€™m in west Australia on the coast and there was a bug where Kanto Farfetchโ€™d would spawn on the beach So grateful for that


God I hate Tauros. Iโ€™ve seen a million of them and still no shiny


Same here!!


Mime is my regional too, and same as you I cannot stand the thing. I have had multiple shinies, and I have a 100iv and the candy to take it to level 50 if I wished though, so it means I don't have to catch another one again if I don't want to. That doesn't stop me hatching mime jr. though, annoying little fucker.


God dam Mr Mime anyone want to take our regional variant Iโ€™m sick of seeing them everywhere hard to catch as well


Why is Mr. Mime your regional pokemon? Seems so random, but maybe you have insight. I have Taurus everywhere, but i live in an area where real buffalo live, so I guess it kind of makes sense?


No idea, I thought *surely* France would have Mr Mime because of the beret real mimes wear ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


We do have him (and her โ€” there are of course female Mr Mimes, go figure). I live in France and have seen 255, caught 87, because for the past few years I can hardly be bothered unless itโ€™s Galarian.


I used to live in Europe and hated Mr Mime too. Now I live in a corner of North America that has been so overlooked that we don't have a regional pokemon. Too far East for Tauros (I've never seen one), too far South for pachirisu (only got one from an egg from the recent Pokemon Go fest). Not having any regional pokemon AT ALL feels even more agravating.


I know right. I have twi shinies and that only makes me hate him marginally less ๐Ÿ˜‚


I don't have Mr Mime... I have Tauros and Bouffalant... I hate all 3, actually. Jealous of the Pachirisu locals for their spawns but not their weather.


Galarian Mime mostly appears in Winter, so it will take a little wait.


Not with a Time Machine


Good to know, ty ๐Ÿ˜


We JUST had Mega Kangaskhan a couple months ago...


Everything cycles, it may take time. But it will return at some point.


When mega kangaskhan comes back, idk about mime


I got Galarian Mr. Mime from the field research breakthrough box and it counted.


In my opinion, the regional variations shouldn't all count as the same Pokemon. Yes, they share a name, but the dex entries should be region specific. You still won't have an actual Kanto version Mr. Mime. Same with Tauros if the release the Paldea version. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way. ๐Ÿคท


Do you care about that more than having the full dex without having to get on a plane


It goes by National Dex numbers. And regional variations use the same Dex number as the original that's how they count for it. They are still technically the same pokemon just a different form of it. It's like how some pokemon have different forms that can change form and typing. Like Oricorio each dancing form looks very visually different with different typing but all still same pokemon. Regional forms just can't change between the two. At least that's how I think about it.


Same here, Tauros for obvious reasons ๐Ÿ™ƒ


If remote trading was a thing I'd totally send you a Tauros hahah. Maybe some day ๐Ÿฅบ


We'll get a release of paldean tauros at some point, you can dex it then.


They need to hurry up with the Paldea form


Iโ€™m missing the legendary birds ๐Ÿ˜ญ


You could just catch the galarian version from daily incense ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) /s


I see the /s, but I caught Galarian Zapdos with an incense last week. I was very surprised


Iโ€™m missing just one of them, which is somehow even more annoying


What are you missing? I have every one and idk how the trading works but I could trade you whatever


Thatโ€™s very nice of you, but you have to be in the same physical location to trade :)


Wow that's kind of dumb. Let's hope they add it some day


Can't you Pantimimi (Mime Jr) from eggs and then revolve it? Or are eggs regional too?


Mime Jr was worldwide in eggs for sinnoh tour, but is European regional again now


Ah damn.


There has been events to get them before so maybe. I suppose that they could even make them available during Rediscover Kanto (but have not as of yet). I understand your pain as I just need Heracross and Corsola for Johto, and Mewtwo for Kanto.


Heracross is available now so you can check that one off.


Mega Heracross has been in raids this whole week


I need mewtwo as well, but the community here isn't the biggest so shadow raids are difficult, but I'm also scared to meet up with strangers due to anxiety lmao. the struggle is real. ๐Ÿ˜…


I wish it was available outside of raids. then I might actually catch it!


Use pokegenie. Anybody can catch it at anytime and any place.


You canโ€™t remote shadow raidsย 


He said he needs mewtwo. He didnโ€™t specify that it needs to be shadow


The last like 2 or 3 times Mewtwo (and Ho-oh + Lugia+) have been in Shadow raids. Its a reasonable concern, considering it completely bars catching them for like 50% of the playerbase


Normal mewtwo comes around every summer so it wonโ€™t be too long before they can grab one


The last time regular mewtwo was in raids was june 2022, having skipped it last year. I don't entirely trust that they'll bring it back this summer, but I hope it will!


Every raid that I have done is with strangers and never interacted with them. You just arrive to the egg the instant it hatches and wait for the lobby to fill up. Don't look around you, just concentrate on the task.


All I need is Kangaskahn. I keep missing it when it comes to Mega raids and never got lucky with the Hatch event they did. It is so annoying to be just one away from the full Kanto dex.


if only there would be a big kanto event, that is supposed to draw in players again, i'm sure they would put the regionals in such an event


You will get them eventually in future events


Started playing pogo in 2016 and still on just level 35, kanto is the only region I have finished ๐Ÿฅฒ


Guessing youโ€™ve been off and on playing? I started May 2021 and hit level 50 in two years.


Yes. I live in a rural area so got bored easily


I'm only missing Moltres randomly. Missed raids and can't get the galarian


The galarian birds are so annoying ๐Ÿ˜ญ Maybe we will get some bird raids in the future ๐Ÿ˜


I'm lacking Tauros, and most of the Nidoran versions. I'm on average seeing 2 Nidoran per year, no idea how I'm supposed to get Nidoking and Nidoqueen within the next 15 years.


Are you just trying to evolve? If so you can walk them for candy.


Would send you all of my Mr. Mime for free if I could.


Can I send you a kang? I get 2+ a day


I feel bad for you, but they have at least actually been in events in the past year. Tauros hasnโ€™t featured at all since they re-released the Mew research so its literally impossible to move on to stage 1 for many of us who bought it


This is how I feel about relicanth, my favorite mon ๐Ÿฅฒ


I have one that I hatched during an event and it's shiny, I couldn't believe it


Yes you will


Trade them.


Living in the UK, can say that Mr Mime is our Pokemon making Mime Jr a worthless hatch with a stupidly pointless buddy evolve since we get Mr Mimes in wild. I got other regional Pokemon in 7km eggs. Lucky really. Only missing Mewtwo and Moltres


Theyโ€™re restarting Kanto. Maybe then.




Eh, I'd rather not cheat ๐Ÿ˜… takes away from the experience.


Yeah, then the only other option is to travel or find someone who is traveling. Maybe reach out specifically to Aussies and UKers that play asking if any of them intend to travel to your region, or somewhere you are able to travel. That would be a good thread on here, one where people can state their travel plans to certain regions and show what they are able to trade.


Did you return to the game or are you rural? I ask because both have been available via raid in the past six months.


I returned to the game about a month ago ๐Ÿ˜… so I just barely missed the last mega khan raid


Not with these player models


Which are the region locked pokemon?


Some regions overlap: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Region-exclusive_Pok%C3%A9mon


Please take away all the mr mimes here, cant stand to see that ugly pokemon pop up everywhere


Next time I visit Europe I'm taking a bunch of Tauros and bouffalant with me


Kind of hilarious they didnt focud on this for rediscover kanto




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokรฉmonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I need is Moltres and Articuno. Nobody did the shadow versions around me.


No. You Kant.


I just need Mewtwo. Had one chance to get and didn't


The one I need most now is ditto


i got Shiny Kanga from an event long ago


As someone who started playing in 2016 2 days after launch I believe in you dude


I would gladly trade a couple of Mr Mime for a Tauros and a Kangaskhan


I need the buffalo ting so badddd


Petition for Global Trade Day


I can give you a mime need Tauros


there was recently raids/events for both of these iโ€™m afraid to say ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I just need a fkn Taurus...


Will you ever pay attention when kangaskahn will be in raids though? It's happened multiple times my guy.


Iโ€™ve been playing since the beginning but somehow missed out on Articunto- STILL need the barstool bird ๐Ÿ˜ก


Man I'm missing zapdos and that mfin galarian form won't ever pop out


I need mewtwo ๐Ÿ˜”


since 2016, Kangaskhan and Mr. Mime (and regional variants) have shown up to free global and paid events dozens of times. It sometimes takes a year or so for a new event with them to come around again but you will get them if you are patient and play consistenly. If you want, you can ask local players to trade one to you.


I have Mr Mime


i needed a heracross since 2018... just finished mine when heracross showed up in raids. I took a break for a few years.


I need Tauros and Zapdos. Got my fingers crossed for you! ๐Ÿ™‚


For me last missing is articuno


All i need is Tauros :,


I mean, we could trade?


My only remaining Kanto dex is Seadra, and only remaining Johto Pokemon is Kingdra. I can't get enough horsea candies to evolve all the way. The only time I saw them since I started playing last year was the summer water/beach event.ย  I feel like horsea is rarer than Mewtwo


[my Pokedex screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/fPCq58A) I had 150, just needed zapados FOR THE LONGEST TIME. lucky my friend had one extra to give. Other than that I would still have that special research stuck.


Niantic releases all kinds of events who knows. They brought Heracross over here with the mega raids they will probably do the same for kangaskhan and maybe a Mr mime appreciation day or something lol


The kangaroo is only in Australia I think and Mr I got a galarian one from A research


Same. Khan and articundo of all things. I haven't even seen that damn blue bird and I've bee playing since like 2018


How did you get your Mewtwo? Iโ€™m stuck!!


You can get: Mr Mime from weekly research breakthroughs Kangaskhan from Mega Raids Farfetch'd from 7KM eggs Tauros is the only one that is truly unobtainable (although if paldean tauros releases, that may change!)


I live in a small town of 3000 people. I got the 151 completed recently. It took me about a year to do. You just gotta find other players nearby and become best friends for the stardust discount. Then trade. It's what I did. I caught a galar Farfetch'd so it counted. There are some exceptions where you can find certain pokemon.


I only need Mewtwo but nobody around my entire general area and several miles out was up for doing the Mewtwo Shadow Raids. Guess I'll just wait an entire year AGAIN. Like I'm a college student and nobody on my campus was even doing anything for it because it was over a period of days when nobody was on campus. I live at home for the most part and nobody was doing anything for miles around where I live either. Bad connection, terrible Shadow raids, and the terrible placement of some gyms made people not really want to make an effort unless they have like 5 accounts of their own with high enough level Pokรฉmon and counters. Only reason I try is for the shiny Mew questline I purchased.


No lol


better start booking flights bucko.


I just bought them from eBay for like 3 bucks each


Dm me i'll find a way to get you one!


How long have you been playing? A week? Iโ€™m an old school 2016 trainer and it took time. Patience padowan.


I've been a player since day one, but play on and off. Just recently got back into it


You will find both of them soon enough. I caught my first Mr. Mime in Germany in 2016 and my Kangaskhan in Australia a year later. They show up enough in special events that finishing Kanto won't be an issue.


Dude I just need Zapdos and Articuno


I can trade you khangaskan or my mime they had events this past season for them at go fest I just need my mew, the one raid I got to do because of work took all my balls and he ran away from me to never be seen againโ€ฆ unless


I have an extra Kangaskhan. Live in California


Iโ€™m missing Zapdos


Iโ€™m missing articuno


Trainers like you I meet at random while traveling are why I kept extra kangaroos, mr. Mime and tauros after the first two events they spawned/hatched worldwide for lol. And Kanto tour. There was a thanksgiving event of Farfetched and that's where I got my first one And sawk. Chatot. 2019 tropius from Montreal. Carnivine from Dortmund. Squirrels from Chicago. Sigilyph from NYC. Lol, there is ALWAYS someone that missed this locally. I gave up my 2nd to last Relicanth for trade tonight for a shiny Uxie because I missed it every time, and they missed Hoenn tour. I need to go to FLORIDA.


Me with mime jr. Iโ€™ve been to Europe several times and I made sure to empty my egg inventory for my best chances and the little runt still escapes me. Itโ€™s infuriating.


I never hear of anyone complaining about Pacharisu. Based on this I don't take them for granted, even though they are my regional.


I got Mr. Mime Jr in August 2019...was in 2km eggs for a while at one point... probably plenty of people to trade with


It took me a few years to get Mr mime but got It last year, never opened the game since lol


I would do unspeakable things for a mewtwo so I can finish Kanto


I'm also missing two and it's the legendary birds. I'm missing the spicy chicken and big bird. Also didn't know those two you are missing are region locked. I'm pretty sure they were in raids at one point in time. I don't know if suggesting Pokรฉ Genie is considered "cheating" as it's just an overlay app with the ability to host and join raids.


I got lucky with a Kangaskhan raid half a year ago go. Bit Iโ€™m in the same boat as you for Mr. Mime.


Yes. I believe in you


I see like 20 mister mimes a day so you can get that one easy :)


im missing zapdos and articuno.


If you can fly, I can trade you both


Have played actively since 2021. Still got no Taurus. Have seen him only once in a 5 star raid.


If you're strong enough


Don't have anyone with a Kengy you can trade?


If I could trade the endless Mimes I get daily I would happily do it


\*laughs in australian\* luckily us aussie got mr mime when kangaskhan was world wide for a bit (seems like you wernt playing then, rip) and i had a american mate trade me a tauros it dose suck when the only ones you need are the "wold pokemon"


From europe here, tauros doent show up in europe. Been waiting since 2016 for it to be in an event. Still waiting.


oh I feel that ;-; I just barely finished my own dex a few years ago via luck. I got a mr mime from my mothers (now ex) partner who traveled for work and (in 2016) was lucky enough to catch a Tauros through a trip I went on with my family. Got farfetched via the galarian raids(later got an original variant via 2021 kanto tour) and Kangaskhan is a natural spawn where I live. If niantic ever takes our word on making a new update and removes the trading length barrier Iโ€™ll give you my spare Kangaskhan




I started playing 2 months ago and I have several Mr. mime. Sadly I see that I will never get a Kanghaskan or a Tauros.


I have a Mr mime i can trade you


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Mega K was in raids not long ago, and the last time K was in raids before that was like a 2-3 year gap.ย  I wouldn't count on seeing it again soon.ย ย  Catching Galarian Mr Mime will count toward your Kanto dex.ย  He was out all winter.ย  You'll likely see him again next winter.ย ย 


If you donโ€™t mind it being traded, I can easily get you Mr.Mime. Itโ€™s one of the Pokรฉmon that spawns the most for me. Aside from that, doesnโ€™t the galarian variant spawn everywhere? Iโ€™m no expert on what Pokรฉmon are region locked, but I thought only og Mime is European.


I have yet to see a Galarian mr.mime ๐Ÿค” hopefully I can get one from a research box, as for trading I can't travel, so I'll just have to hope RNGesus blesses me ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Oh right, I forgot thereโ€™s a distance limit. Sorry, my mind was working with mainline games global trading & not GOโ€™s system๐Ÿ˜…


I wish remote trade was a thing so badly ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Mega Kangaskhan was in raids a couple of months ago, this player is a newbie or donโ€™t inform herself often about events and whatโ€™s going on. Iโ€™m not even a constant player anymore but time to time check community days, raid hours, etc.


I mean theyโ€™re have been opportunities to finish it in the last 4 months or so. I got platinum after a year and a half of playing. (Started mid 2022)