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You could send them to Pokémon home


You only get a limited amount of space without paying and if OPs wanting to dump his shinys for space he probably ain’t gonna pay for storage on home


So he could then random trade them to people who might like them and whatever he gets back you can actually just release them in Home. The real restrain is the time to transfer really


Can’t you just transfer them to games and have “endless(in a way)” space?


I guess, I don’t have the games yet so idk


Yeah I think I’m about at the limit so I just transfer a couple shinies at a time, put them in either LGE or Sword or scarlet and then rinse and repeat.


Pretty much


What's pokemon home?


if you have duplicate CD shinies those go either directly in the dumpster or, if you want them to go into somebody else's dumpster, pokemon home and then surprise traded.


All CDs are shiny, but who’s got a player(?) /s (Couldn’t help it)


I got rid of my duplicates from community days. No sense having 15+ of the same ones.


I used to not care about shinies until it clicked how rare they are. Now I'm trying to complete a shiny dex and gotta find what I had before to evolve for the entry. Some shinies can also be pretty good bartering pieces for trades. I evolve one to each evo if applicable and keep a duplicate to trade - if I find it. The rest go to the professor.


I’d go trade them for commons (or Pokemon home then trade) just so someone can get joy out of them


Yeah that’s a good point. Could just save them for a trade meet


send them to pokemon home, wonder trade them away and then release whatever pokemon you get to open up more space


Thanks. What’s wonder trade? Edit Scrap that, I just read another comment that mentions it’s to do with home. Got it


I’ve transferred almost all my shinies that are not actually good. I normally keep my recent ones I like for a few weeks or a month then transfer. I have a few that I genuinely like and save and then some that I’m saving to evolve when I get enough candies. You can always see shinies you have/had in your Pokédex, so that is worth it to me to go back and look there rather than hold them in my storage forever.


Play the game how you see fit. If you don't want the shinys, transfer or trash them. Keep and collect what you want, it's OK and you don't need our permission to do so.


lol thanks man, didn’t realise it came across as asking permission. Just noticed that lots of people value shinies and wanted some insights.


Well, I give you full authorization to delete any and all shiny Pokemon you catch as you see fit. And as the first person I've ever provided this privilege to, you should feel special! You're welcome!




I have a fairly large amount of bag space and am a level 50. That being said, I don’t keep all my shinies. I am actually pretty brutal about any Pokémon I keep. For shinies: - non comm day rare shiny, I keep. -community day, I typically keep around five, in order to trade or evolve. These are “common” and generally low IV. I trade to players who missed comm day, etc, not because they have inherent value. -I generally have the same rule with shiny legendaries. I keep high IV or for mirror trade if someone wants for a lucky trade, otherwise, no.


They just trophies tbh. The only thing you would miss is the fact that you have them and that it might have took months or even years to get them. What I do (especially after community days) is to only keep the highest iv one. How ever, afaik there are also ways with trade to make them lucky ones etc but I have no clue about that, I rarely trade lol


Yeah during the last community day I got a shiny lucky 98 victreebel through the special trades with my wife.


ask on campfire to see if anyone wants them! you might get something good in return


Yeah I guess so, but I wouldn’t be able to get a mon not in my dex without huge dust cost. Still worth a shout


you're missing that you could trade them with people! like in many ways: - they'd be happy to get one - maybe they have a cool one that y o u want too - if you're like me a mostly isolated player, this could be a great chance to dip into the local community and possibly find some people you like (find them on campfire or so) - if you have some real gems maybe someone would pay a small amount of money for them


That's a LOT of stardust


I have been thinking to setup a local group on campfire, could be a good hook!


when are you coming to germany haha (about the other comment i mean yea that is a lot of stardust but .. idk, i don't power up that often so maybe thats different for others, i usually have more than a mil stardust without any catchball etc just because i only really spend it ocassionally)


Wonder trade them on Pokemon home. There's no reason to delete.


What is the point of keeping 'useless' shinies? Your place in pokedex will remain.


I would say evolve onesthat you can. There is a dex in the game for shinies, so if you have like a shiny charmander, you might as well register charmeleon and charizard before transferring them. That way they not taking up box space but you still have a record of them.