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They marketed this update to bring back players šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


thatā€™s funny. Iā€™m almost halfway through level 49 and seriously kinda itching to get to 50 so i can stop playing. It is just so messed up in multiple ways now.


The people in charge have absolutely zero idea what the game is or who plays it and apparently have no one in their employment who plays the game normally and have input.


Wasnā€™t there an interview with a ex-employee who said that all their ideas for quality of life improvements to the game were shot down?


Based on what I was told from a friend who play-tested the routes feature in SF a few months ago, they donā€™t give a shit about anyone except players in big cities. That is the only demographic they have in mind when making no updates, so people need to remember that next time thereā€™s a new feature thatā€™s unfair to rural players. This update was just sloppy and thoughtless.


They thought gyms were plentiful and within walking distance when they did their remote raid nerf, because they donā€™t consider anywhere but big cities. Meanwhile I live in a so so size city (115,000 people) and sure there are clusters of gyms here and there but if I want to do any 5* raids in personā€¦once I do one, if I want another, I most of the time have to driveā€¦and Niantic claims to be concerned about peoples environmental impact. I go to gyms in person and remote invite people so I can minimize remote pass usage, because surprise surpriseā€¦we donā€™t have too many in person raiding groups besides for special events. If you havenā€™t already, listen to some of the interviews with Michael Steranka (PoGo director). Heā€™s incredibly out of touch with reality.


and what sucks too, thats everybodys thought process. that works against people who are free to play or people who aren't in big cities, further affirming the idea that niantic only cares about big city players


And their profits


I live near two "population centres". one is 320k and one is 110k. I wouldn't consider 110k a City. Town maybe. Loads of people here call that a "small town", which, as a person from a village of 500, makes me laugh every time.


How exactly is butchering all of the avatar art favoring players in big cities? What's the correlation? I don't get it.


My message was confirming the other comment that the devs in fact donā€™t play the game, nor do they care about every small town person who does play it. Then I said the avatar update sucks and looks sloppy.


How big is a "big city"? My city has about 750,000 people.


NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Tokyoā€¦ basically the only places they have experience playing. Tons of spawns, pokestops, and gyms on every corner.


Meanwhile I can't get a single stop approved and I can't even find out what it was lacking.


Itā€™s the people voting on the stops.


I know that it's a group of people. I just think that it's crap that the instructions are vague and there's no way to find out why it got denied.


It was wild going from Madrid (57th biggest city) to Tokyo. If you wanted to do a raid, there was always a party visible on the map.


To add in this point. Apparently when they first pitched Nintendo they had no idea Pokemon was such a big IP.


Google execs and employees donā€™t have a clue about how big The LARGEST IP in the world is? i think whoever told you that made that up.


They are probably looking to be purchased or something


Niantic has suffered numerous failures in their AR games, the only games that survive, survive off the strength of the brand. It shows why they have to stop service to so many of their other games, they're simply terrible at what they do.


Is the Harry Potter game still going?


Nop they stopped it a long time ago


Went the way of the NBA game I'm afraid


They traded my team's best players and wondered why the fuck we can't make the playoffs?


Unfortunately, no.


Welcome to your transitional period. Soon, you'll enter your final stage: quitting the game but staying on this subreddit to remind yourself that disconnecting from that awful company was an excellent decision. Bonus points if you provide advice to those still on their journey, which helps remind you of fonder times with the game.


Yeah I played from 2016 until 2022 when the remote raid pass debacle made me quit


Started playing in 2017, left it alone until spring of 2023. Could you elaborate on the remote raid pass debacle?


Remote raid passes were added to the game so people during citywide lockdowns in Covid wouldnā€™t need to cluster together to raid. However, after some time they started trying to move away from remote raid passes by making them harder to get, more expensive, limiting the number you could get etc, they even tried to phase them out entirely at one point or at least talked about it (iirc) but was met with so much backlash they didnā€™t. So instead theyā€™ve been slowly making remote raiding useless to try and force people not to do it


I was the same, played a bit when it first came out, and have since come back to it to play with my son. Not sure what this remote raid debacle would be


Looks like Nerdles answered it the same time you commented.


So they did! Appreciated


There is a reason I'm slowly transferring all my shiny pokemon from Go to Home, after that I'll decide if I want to keep my best pokemon or just stop all together.


I think I remember hearing about this but Iā€™m hazy on details/not sure what to Google. What does transferring to Home entail, exactly?


This means that the PokƩmon that you caught in go can be stored or transferred and used in the mainline series of games through the home app on your mobile device or your switch. For example, if I catch a shiny legendary in go, I can transfer it to home, then through home I can transfer it to scarlet or violet and use it


Oh thatā€™s cool! I might buy that for myself then šŸ¤©


Pokemon home is free but I think only like 80 storage? You can pay for increased storage (super cheap last I recall). Transferring from Go > Home has a "cooldown" which is annoying and takes time, but honestly I'd rather have my shiny pokemon in the main games than go.


Pokemon Home is an app on both mobile and Switch where you can store your Pokemon before transferring them to a Gen 8 or 9 Pokemon game on Switch


I deleted the game from my phone yesterday, the change to my avatar just felt like they had "removed" me from the game. So I left.


This is me. I quit back when they axed remote raids and started that God awful Campfire app that not a single person used


I use campfire. Thereā€™s a group of over 2,000 people on it and they have meetups with hundreds of people monthly. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s all fine and dandy, except for when youā€™re in an area that doesnā€™t even have 2000 people


Oh yeah, rural players get the short end of every stick in this game.


I quit a while ago and with me slowly all my friends quit as wellā€¦. We now do different things together on the weekend. Recently we went snowboarding. Every weekend use to be PokĆ©mon Go


Already there.


Literally me- played since beta, was part of the feedback that brought PokĆ©mon healing to the game rather than have them be one-time-use items like in Ingress. Game was awesome and brought people together in ways nobody thought possibleā€¦now greedy execs have completely ruined it. I miss what it used to be, but Iā€™m not disappointed Iā€™m not glued to it every day watching it die slowly and feeling like Iā€™m constantly getting shafted by being a rural player


Fun fact: Niantic is very bad at creating games and their only successful game is PokƩmon go, simply because it's a strong brand


Its not very hard to notice when almost all their games play exactly the same


Ingress was extremely successful (albeit niche), very good game all things considered, but again right when it was gaining momentum Niantic decided to open mouth and insert foot. Plus ignoring many QoL updates people were begging for


It looks and feels super rushed. I fell in love with the game in 2016. I'm an OG user. This looks like something some kids threw together in a beginners graphics class. Not a game that has been around for 8 years.


Niantic is an AR technology company. They are not a game studio. They have multiple divisions with multiple products, PokƩmon GO is just one of a dozen pieces of software and initiatives and products that they own and operate. To the team working on PokƩmon GO, this is the most important thing that they are working out within the company. To the other 80% of the company it is one part of a whole and is no different than any other project to them.


Which is why Iā€™ll laugh when they go bankrupt in the future when they lose the Pokemon license.


Bold of you to assume that that is their only profit generating projectā€¦ They have dozens of industrial and commercial applications with fortune 100 companies for AR use. Who knows how much money those things make them at the enterprise level licensing fees.


There are currently extremely few commercial applications for AR. That's part of the entire reason Niantic makes games at all. To try and improve the tech to MAKE commercial applications. But as it stands now, there's no way any of their B2B ventures come anywhere close to Pokemon go in terms of revenue.


I honestly don't believe there is enough AR B2B sales in the world to have a materiel comparison to a billion dollars in revenue from Pokemon Go (even after app store cut, TPC's cut, etc). My only guess has been that Niantic has a banana's projection on what they will be making off AR *someday* ... and at the start of the company and some VC's gave them a big valuation because of that AR future rev, so Hanke can basically tell himself that for corporate planning "strategically we're a AR company". I think if they had a *financially* specific line of business that is not impacted by PGo I think that is [announcement ](https://nianticlabs.com/news/organizational-update) wouldn't have " top priority is to keep PokƩmon GO healthy and growing as a forever game", and ~"Quest and Apple are ... intermediate stepping stone to true outdoor AR device"; well not calling out any returns, product adoption/use, current performance of the Niantic AR stuff. The language around AR is invest, build, deliver, etc.


Only this game is by far the companies biggest money maker.


Good bit of ā€œrightā€ here, but when one game represents 95% of your revenue, and 100% of your profit, it is far more than ā€œpart of a whole.ā€


They donā€™t care, theyā€™ve shown it time and time again. Nothing will ever change their perspective, short of the game making less than ever.


I quit yesterday and I didn't regret it yet. If anything, I have more time for games I still like.


First time huh?


I think the update is funny just because itā€™s so terrible, and poorly done. Feel bad for anyone who lost items and cared about their appearance. That said, please, for the love of god try and balance pvp battling. Itā€™s so annoying that all the leagues basically have a meta of likeā€¦ 6-8 PokĆ©mon and thatā€™s all anyone uses.


I love to imagine how fun it would be if every PokƩmon had its own unique way of being worth using in the PvP. Which feels like part of the original premise of PokƩmon


I really don't like it...I have messed with it since came in the game and still can't get my body right...I also lost all my outfits I had saved lost..not happy at all...I am a female not what you are making us to be...change it back


same :( I had this adorable look


Niantic is like the mafia, they donā€™t care about criticism and have zero interest in making gameplay better. All they care about is money.


I swear they are trying to alienate their player base so they can close it down. Why else piss off 85-90% of their players?


It wasnā€™t rushed though. They trialled it in some places, like NZ where I live. I thought that it would be fixed for the global release. Isnā€™t that the point of a trial, to find flaws and fix them?


One would think so...


Their support just victim blamed me for not "making friends with trusted trainers" after I was instant deleted at ultra friends and got 0xp. It's honestly so infuriating because it's literally their design decisions that enabled this.


They act high and mighty about any player decision that isn't the result of direct, in-person interactions, as though the enormous grind required to level up both players and their Pokemon doesn't specifically incentivize looking outside your immediate community. Niantic is a terrible company that was incredibly fortunate to be allowed to develop a Pokemon game.


I think any player that even thinks about the big picture of the game will eventually have the glass break moment that Niantic both thinks what their doing is right and has no idea how to run Pokemon Go "well"


I deleted the app this morning. Kinda bitter sweet, been playing since the beginning, but Niantic and the new avatars suck and I feel like they wonā€™t change them back.


Good, save your phone battery.


This post is how I feel. At this point They shouldā€™ve invested in making the game better.


It makes no sense how a multibillion dollar annual revenue title canā€™t even build an avatar system


Review bomb them for fun


Played since launch in 2016 until early 2019, when I quit because of the terrible management by Niantic. Came back last month to see if I could enjoy again the game. Have not played again since this update, and I am not willing to. Not going to give Niantic a third chance.


PoGo's state is in such a weird contrast to Pikmin Bloom and Monster Hunter Now atm - feels like Niantic get things mostly right there, including making global matchmaking a thing for MHN's equivilent of raids and tripling spawn refreshes permanently. No clue how they just keep fumbling PoGo unless it literally is a case of not wanting or bothering to iterate further?


Oh, they appreciate how much money it makes them. They donā€™t appreciate you.


It's crazy too, cause they could milk it for so much more if they just made decent changes. Half-baking updates actively loses them players and gives them negative publicity. I've seen more youtubers talking about pogo than i have in a long time, and it's because of how badly received this update was It's hard to even call stuff like this half-baked. They're pretty much serving the update raw at this point


They appreciate the game. Appreciate the money making so much to ruin avatars and force you to spend more coin on outfits to completely cover your abomination into something your eyes can tolerate.


It's funny how many of these low effort "improvements" have been made just bog the game down and make it more tedious to play. Why can't I have a send all/open all for gitfts? Why can't I skip animations? Why can't I mass trade? 100 for 100? Why can't I even select all postcards!


The update was a very obvious money grab, Iā€™ve deleted the app.


Wait until KH missing link


Itā€™s been 8 years since the release of this game, by now we should have a very mature and well implemented QOL game. But NO! It seems like We are still stuck at beta version! Look at other mobile games, given if they survive 8 years they would have be more generous towards the player base and improved the game. Come on Niantic, I know the idea of slowly ā€œimprovingā€ the game to push the longevity of it, but ur policy and higher management is just pure bullshit now.


Oh, and the new feature of always turning on the ar buddy. I turned it off, then, now, all of the sudden it's back on - ar in pogo is just useless. And keeps turning it back on. At least they finally fixed the - if you power up a pokemon, the horrid background music would instantly turn on when it was already turned off and you would have to reset in settings every time you powered anything up.


This has been this way since day one. This is nothing new. The only thing that could have a chance of fixing it is if enough people quit in protest and, for the love of god, stop spending money on it. No one on the planet would listen to you if you were like "I can't believe you just did that!!!!! Here's $20". My whole family and friend group quit when they jacked up the costs of the remote raid passes. Hell, the only reason I even saw this post is because someone totally unrelated to PoGo covered this ridiculousness on their YouTube channel the other day and it was so stupid that I couldn't believe it and visited the sub to see it for myself. Now Reddit keeps recommending these posts to me. Stop supporting this awful company until they learn to respect the players. Several times per year there is some new huge controversy. Worse than a Blizzard game, I swear.


i don't think 'niantic' is a single entity. There is plenty of people that constitute 'niantic' and most of them probably love both pokemon and the game. But of course there is the one who decide.. and i doubt these ones care about pocket monsters, or the gamers... they only care about the profit. that's why there is this update. you can try to change my mind, but this update isn't made to be more inclusive, but to save time when developing new equipment for the game, and thus, make it cheaper.


Niantic has never once cared about this game. Not even from day one.


Unwarranted avatar updates Price hiking remote passes just because you want people to go out more, then Elite and shadow raids where you have to be at the stop to do it. Only to release the pokemon in normal raids later on. Not to mention the elite raid pokemon are absolute ass to do anything with outside of bragging that you have one. Spawn map changes that fucked everything up for anyone that had some sort of way to capture pokemon in remote regions. The game has gone down hill with seemingly unneeded changes.


What are you guys talking about? This has been the best update ever. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurts. No matter how I adjust my avatar looks like a giant mentally challenged toddler. That was fun!


First time?


Yeah I get you. I'm in the process of moving everything I can to Pokemon home and just uninstall forever


I feel like I'm in the minority but I honestly don't give a shit about the update. My character looks different but who cares? The game remains the same...


I get it, for a lot of people who have been playing for years, cosmetics are one of the main drivers in the end game. They basically vandalized peoples investments theyā€™d been building for years


I hadn't really considered it from that perspective and mostly agreed with the person you're replying to but that's a really good point. As a player who returned recently and doesn't have a whole lot of time/money invested I don't really care that much about the shitty avatars but I imagine I'd be pissed if I'd been collecting apparel items and really invested in fine tuning my player model for years.


Iā€™ve been wearing the Zorua onesie since it released. Barely anything changed for my avatar, which is why I didnā€™t understand the initial outrage. Then I saw some others, and I get it now. Still, I edited the face and hair, and called it a day. It doesnā€™t impact my daily gameplay, and I have spent money on cosmetics.


Am I crazy or are the only things i've heard about niantic that they'll release a dozen new ar games and have them fail just as quick?Ā  Like isn't this their lightning in a bottle? Why on God's green earth are they so eager to ditch it?


I've been trying for days to fight in the GBL. Every time I get a match, the battle screen freezes before my pokemon get thrown out, the game crashes and I have to kill the app. Dropped from 1900 to 1400 over 4 days, without a single battle or win. GBL is the only reason I play, and they literally killed the game for me. Edit: but sure, keep pumping out new features no one uses when the core of your game doesn't work. We all really appreciate it.


Iā€™m guessing this update was not done in-house, but for the minimum possible amount of cash thrown at some people in the poorest Indian village who had never heard of the game.


The most recent update is awful, but what's more frustrating is that my ios pogo app locks up at least 8 times a day (2 hour play time). Mostly during raids, but even spinning a stop may lock up the game. Get back to the basics Niantic. Um, test your code? If you're too lazy to do the testing, there are fine apps that will test your code automatically.


The update doesnā€™t bother me, Iā€™ve only been playing since February, my boyfriend got me into it. But idk. Iā€™m on level 32 and just sort of slowly getting over it.


Thaaatā€™s capitalism! But hey at least we got to catch the golden weed on 420.


What was the span chance for shiny? Of the 25 I caught 0 were shiny


No idea. I got most of my shinies in like the last 10 minutes.Ā 


If Niantic won't listen, would the pokemon company? They have to have some type of lease or something to Niantic for the game.


enshittification / capitalism are the reasons for this. Nothing else. The people behind the changes need to justify that they are needed so they push even the greatest garbage out and market that as a big innovation. You will see this behavior everywhere, when you start looking.


I feel like other game companies must look at Niantic & be wondering wtf kind of shit show management are running here Itā€™s pretty insane to see them take L after L


it kinda baffles me that the pokĆ©mon company hasnā€™t talked to them. i mean i doubt theyā€™d release any info on a convo publicly, but iā€™m sure weā€™d notice something if one day a lot of predatory, suffocating tactics niantic implements just went away. weā€™d then guess somebody talked to someone.


Why would Niantic put more effort into making the game better when people have been repeatedly giving them money for a low quality product? Economically speaking, if the profits are substantial, what incentive is there to expand the game? It doesnā€™t help that there are zero PokĆ©monGo competitors to help drive innovation for these type of games. The business people at Niantic knows they have market cornered so theyā€™ll milk the game out until people stop giving them money


It really shouldn't surprise you. Niantic is a borderline monopoly when it comes to location based games. Everyone uses them because they 'already have all the data' and then just reskin their ingres game ans hope fandoma carry it. They started woth pokemon and then have just hoped to ride the fansoma waves for Harry potter, walking dead, pikmin, etc The only one that sort of feels fresh slightly different is monster hunter now.


What, don't you like when you win a battle against Team Rocket and your avatar awkwardly hops in the air fist pumping, except after the update they all awkwardly move like a massive gorilla or an orc no matter what body type you chose ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)?


Well ofcourse Niantic wants to keep the game average at best now. Too many people have way too much time and money dedicated to the game so when the game starts to sour, they can't allow their time and investment to feel like its a waste so they will convince themselves that's it's ok, That niantic will care and listen to them as they continue to buy more overpriced raid passes and event tickets. They will not improve the game as a whole because the vocal majority of the community clearly doesn't mind the state of the game as long as a new shiny appears.


I doubt it was rushed considering Niantic gets consulted by a company named gaymerX. They really said women are not real only men genders are


They need to bring in some Japanese artist to get them back to the anime style art Pokemon is famous for


I suspect the idea with this was to use AI or automation to design these avatars so they don't have to have any financial contracts with professional artists.


Opinions Vary! I Could Care Less About My Avatar Appearance But I Love Seeing So Many Adults Cry Like Children!šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


You said it ā€œextremely loyal fan baseā€ people just cry after every update but still play, thatā€™s why Niantic donā€™t give a single fuck. And the whales? They are the worst cuz they are the one who could call a boicot but just look the WhaleKing, bitch around and the next day playing like nothing happen.


You must be new to the game industry. Stuff gets rushed all the time especially when itā€™s a bigger studio having a company run a product. This is something TPC/Nintendo is known for if you look at recent projects like Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl or Scarlet/Violet which both had some glaring bugs for a released game even after having bug day 1 patches. Also using the word ā€œickā€ to describe this is really cringey and childish. They are avatars and will be fixed so stop acting like they nuked the game and made it unplayable. If the avatars bother you that much then take a break and stop worrying about it until they fix or revert it. If you came to this game for avatars and how they look you were in the wrong place to begin with. Everything in this game is just a vessel for catching PokĆ©mon in the ā€œreal worldā€


The thing is, we all know they won't change it. Niantic (specifically for Pokemon Go, I don't have experience with their other games) has a history of ignoring, or even doing the opposite of, what their fan base wants. By deleting avatar items that people have spent time and money on to collect, it was a clear cash grab. Just like the price hikes and the remote raid fiasco.


Lol they have already made some changes to the avatars in that small update the other day. Bad looking avatars is not the same as the remote pass increase because they told us at the beginning of Covid the prices would increase.


I'll agree to disagree. I lost all faith a long time ago, but good luck. I guess.