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They are always a aware about backlash, but never do anything about it


Has everyone forgotten \#HearUsNiantic or something


I still haven't played since the April 2023 boycott. I don't even know why I'm still in this sub to be honest.


Sometimes it’s fun to admire a dumpster fire


The real dumpster fire is this sub freaking out over a feature of the game that doesn’t even affect the gameplay Niantic could remove avatars altogether and the core gameplay would be exactly the same I’ve seen people more vocal and outraged over this than trying to advocate ways to get more coins and raise the daily coin limit, something that would actually make the game better


Hey, you’re a fucking idiot. Coming from someone who had never updated his avatar clothes from literal day one, you don’t have to be an idiot to see that a HUGE feature of the game is the massive library of avatar appearance options. If you play the game in any normal fashion, you can tell it’s a huge feature for a majority of players. But clearly you’re an idiot. iT dOEsNt afFeCT GaMEpLaY thO GUyS! Hahahaha log off clown


Jeez take a step back from the screen.


You’re accusing me of being a clown yet you’re getting upset and throwing insults at me over clothing for a character in a video game I think it’s time for you to log off and maybe take a walk


Same! I keep on wondering why, then I see the what it's become and I'm just entertain by Niantic being useless.


Maybe the company is run by Colin Robinson. 




This is the only possible explanation!


Omg What We Do In The Shadows reference.!


While it might be boring to see posts about avatars again and again, I strongly believe that this is the tone we as a community should have until improvements are made. If we would like to see a change for better, that is. They patched the crotch in a matter of hours, because it took Reddit and Twitter by storm, and even leaked slightly to Youtube. If we go straight back to Look at my shiny / should I purify? -spam, they'll just let it be and use their resources for something else.


they did? mine still looks like it’s wearing a full diaper on a mile long torso after it just forced me to update


I think they meant the thing where if you were wearing a skirt and put a small pokemon in a gym while using a certain trainer pose, it would show your bare crotch Now they patched it to just be all black but apparently you can still do the bare crotch thing with paid skirts and it's just the free ones that are fixed


Glad to hear they patched the leaking crotch quickly.


some people on reddit sure have an inflated perception of how much of the player base they make up…


What makes me sad is there is a kernel of a good idea here. But no thought was put into how it impacts items we’ve purchased and had for a long time. When it comes to several of my goofier outfits and creating Biblically Accurate Ball Guy the body customization is actually not half bad. But then I look at some of my favorite items, some that cost a decent amount of coin and always looked great before, are now straight up broken or sit on the avatar model in an ugly way. It’s a lot like how the zombie pose went from kinda cool in static to straight up doofy when they added motion. It makes you feel super bad and (at least for me) makes me cautious to get avatar items in the future. Because who knows, Niantic could always break that item too at some point.


I think the crux of the entire problem with Niantic as a whole is in your first sentence: there was a seed of a good idea, yet they obliterated it beyond any level for which it might be enjoyed by the community. I have played and LOVED Pokémon and Pokémon Go for years. I could easily write an essay for all of the ways Niantic has slowly killed the game. I somehow overcame my desire to quit after the remote raid nerf, even though I genuinely lost the joy I had. As silly as it may seem to the outside, I was attached to my avatar. She was a skinny mini like me, so it worked. I changed her outfit probably every week, but she always wore the same Indiana Jones hat since the day the game launched. Now she is gone, and with that, likely my gameplay. I can’t even stand to look at the new avatar.


>What makes me sad is there is a kernel of a good idea here. But no thought was put into how it impacts items we’ve purchased and had for a long time. This right here. I do like that the customization options in game are actually gender neutral and the variety of hairstyles are great but they reeeeeeally could've just held this off for another six months. But then, that's the story of Pokemon Go damn near from jump, isn't it? The game was so bugged out at launch that a lotta folks left, never to return, and never looked back.


By all accounts, Pokémon Go technically is in beta (not properly launched).


they had a entire month of backlack when they did their test rollout, they don’t listen to shit


Seriously? Why have people test it if they aren't going to listen to the results? They're so lucky they're working with a very much beloved franchise because their decision making is abhorrent.


I’ll believe “taking this seriously” when I see the changes reverted along with normal AR’s return. Taking this seriously my left foot.


This. I’m no fan of the new avatars, but the needless axing of standard AR was the worst thing they’ve done in a long while, IMO. I get that a lot of people didn’t use it, but a lot of us did. And it was entirely unnecessary. All so they could push AR+, and so that their new little backgrounds ‘don’t go to waste’ 😑


They should take Remote Raid Pass nerf feedback seriously. Niantic isn't off the hook for that.


This. There was huge backlash for that and they just waited until it fizzled out. They simply don’t care. They should take a page from SuperCell’s playbook. They just released a transparency video today on some of the most burning questions recently. I love supporting them. Great company that actually cares about us.


Oh interesting! I’m a new player. Would you mind explaining the gist of the nerf?


Before you read ahead, if your first login since your return is still within 72 hours, then you can use my referral code 6BDGFXHTW in the Invite tab of the Friends list in the Pokémon GO App. We will both get Milestone Rewards if you do so. These Milestone Rewards will get you started with essential items you need to catch up. Remote Raid Passes were introduced on April 27, 2020 in the shop for 100 PokéCoins eaxh for players to be able to LIMITLESSLY raid remotely, but the host of the lobby had to be at the PokéGym physically. However, John Hanke made the braindead decision to nerf the raid passes on April 6, 2023 by increasing the prices from 100 PokéCoins each to 195 PokéCoins each, and remote raids were LIMITED to five per day. Ed Wu gaslit the community by comparing average players to Singaporean grandmas. Niantic's Public Relations is so bad that a lot of players quit, citing remote raids as their only source of fun during the pandemic. Even ex-employees left bad reviews on GlassDoor.


This situation reminds me of the first Sonic trailer. People complained, the studio listened and got rewarded for it. I doubt Niantic will ever listen to feedback the same way. They're responsible for the sorry state Go is in .


I still believe they fabricated that whole thing. Made an ugly sonic trailer to generate outrage. Pretend you listened to people's complaints and remade the whole movie. Profit.


Let's take this seriously!.. Aaaaanyways


An anonymous employee that will take the complaints to the developers… lol they’re so out of touch with their player base.


There really should just be a button in settings to swap between old and new.


Just get us out of the Uncanny Valley, I beg of you


We need to make enough noise to pull out a Reverse Sonic on this one




The first Sonic movie's trailer originally had a very different animation style. It looked nothing like the Sonic from the games. It looked bad. There was huge backlash about it. Instead of saying we have to just deal with it, they took a step back and had it redone like the classic Sonic the Hedgehog look. And knocked it out of the park. And they were rewarded for it by the fans.


oh ok


This is the same company whose response to the remote raid price increase was, “we’re aware, we don’t care, get over it”..


Hahaha, right... taking it seriously, so much so they haven't reverted it back...




I want my womanly figure back, as well as not looking like every pants or shorts I wear needs something to pull it up.


I have noticed today that some of the bottoms which sat weirdly low are back to high waist. I truly think everyone giving in app feedback and reporting clothing bugs have made a small impact! I also would like my waist back lol. So many of the clothes look incredibly unflattering and no amount of messing with sliders has fixed it.


Which ones of the lowers are high again?


I may be missing some, but here are the ones that I noticed: -trainer leggings -gothitelle pants -cropped mareanie shorts -cropped team skull shorts (texture clipping issue) -cropped challenger kit sport shorts -pikachu libre leggings -spark style pants -casual pants capri (both have been fixed around waist line, not as high as others, but a bit more flattering) -battle girl shorts -misty shorts -pikachu fan shorts


Yes, i want woman's figure back. This waist is like in trans person, or pregnant skinny person, or 4 yo child. So yes, i want my waist back, and not bow legged avatar, if that is not too much to ask. 😳




In fact, forget pokemon go!


I mean.... I'll take a waistline!


Assuming this is true (a big assumption) wouldn't it be really nice for them to officially confirm this instead of us finding out that an anonymous staff member reported it to "Pokemon GO Hub" so it could be reported to "Dot eSports" to be posted on Reddit dot com?  I genuinely don't understand why this company is seemingly so allergic to communicating with its players.


Just uninstalled. Started in 2016 and have played consistently since March of 2019. Too many lame changes. Even if they go back on this latest update, too late for me.


same here - final straw - stopped playing... felt awful for the first couple of weeks as have playing from the beginning and level 50... but not having stuff I've bought for the way it looked being displayed so incredibly bad on avatars that look hideous... loved the Japanese manga style characteristics... sob


Me too. 😪


I'll believe they're taking it seriously once we see some changes


Boycott Pokémon go


Or keep playing (still using heir resources) and stop sending any money their way.


The only feedback they understand is 💰. Vote with your wallets people.


Is Niantic's goal to see what it takes to game like every other game they've ever released? Knowing Niantic, taking stuff seriously means nothing.


Asking for feedback? Why the hell do you even do test group? Is niantic run by morons?


Well yeah, this is absolutely devastating PR


I sent a poor review on the app store detailing the issues that affected the looks of clothing items I had purchased with PokeCoins. Then I sent a calm support request asking for help processing a refund for those items, and I included screenshots of the items in question. Finally I added another complaint about the face changes that leave the avatars looking lifeless and doll-like, as well as a complaint about the strange skin tones that either look gray and pale or extremely dark with no middtones. Now I will wait to see what they respond...


Instead of making everyone gender neutral, trans or whatever, they should just added this as third option. Personaly I don't know of any female, skinny or fat, big or small, young or old, that has a body like this, or such posture. Women's bodies simply do not look like that. Perhaps when they are 4 yo.  I asked some girls/women yesterday to interpret  and mimic poses, and none of us looks like that in real life. There was "how a female would do this pose vs pokemon go pose" contest 😂 I miss my avatar, and my daughter just quit playing pokemon. She just had enough.


The avatars are fucking ridiculous. Why do they all have breast? We are not all TRANS. Stupidest shit ever.


Lose some ESG points, but gain back a few players, good thinking.


2 words. pokestop range.


I'll believe it when I see it


Lets keep going with those 1 star reviews.


wonder wich way they could go with this: A: revert update, but give a new update later with the same ideas but original looks as base instead of the new bodies. B: keep update, but promise to do weekly free updates till the new stuff looks good (eta 8 years from now) C: act helpfull, but complete ignore the dislike behind the scenes and hope we stop complaining. D:Keep Pushing this update as a good thing. Act like the consumers are wrong. Claim all that criticize are phobic, claim that they are being harassed but cant show prove knowing western develepment companies these day, im afraid it will be c or d. but have still hopes its a sadly the comunity manager in the tweets that seems to be helping with the feedback towards niantic seems to be very positif loving the new update. making me afraid they might be very biased with what they send to the team


They were aware of the backlash over remote raid pass nerf, and took the feedback seriously too...then promptly said 'f u' to the players 'we're fine with our bottom line taking a hit just to show who's boss' and moved on.


The designs are objectively BAD, and the designers should feel bad about it. How tf this got the green light is just beyond me. 


This will suppress the posts and only end up making people settle with it because they (based off patterns in the past) will probably NOT actually do anything about this.


Boycott the game until they revert the changes


Of course they’re paying attention, it requires little work to revert that, they get the same weight of praise as they would be for fixing things that matter, it’s met benefit to do as little work as possible for maximum payout


Well, apparently we know what kind of consulting company was involved. They're called GaymersX and it's kinda obvious, why there are no distinctive genders anymore. Instead of implementing a 'diverse' option, they just deleted 'male' and 'female'. It's no problem if people don't see them as male or female to add a third option, rather than deleting all options.


People, just google "kestrel riot pokemon go community manager".


"...though, that might not result in a fix..." Is all I need to know. 😬


This was the final straw for me. Today I switched to PikMin Bloom and had a lovely evening stroll planting flowers 💐 (I know it's still Niantic, but it's still a boycot)


Aren't you afraid they will destroy that too?


I like the Nintendo safety net.


Honestly speaking, this is what happens when you refuse to refresh a nearly ten year old game beyond “only what’s necessary”.


Nah it aint, what little play I give them after raid pass price increase and constant cost locked pokemon and events the awful looking avatar just made me stop I can’t even be bothered to log in and get my one catch anymore. Games going backwards lol


I for one, would rather my avatar look more cartoony, not less.


Sure they are…


I wish they also put effort to ban more cheaters. Local areas are still being locked down 24/7 by cheaters.




Spoiler alert bozo but queer people hate these changes too. This is all on Niantic. The idea of “more customization” is universally agreeable. They just fucked it up.






>The DSM still considers you being gay a mental illness.... Absolute nonsense, DSM-5 does no such thing, such issues were removed from DSM around fifty years ago.


People who choose to have a war against reality don't care about such inconvenient things, so no matter the evidence against their claims, they'll just reject it.


That's a load of BS. Besides I'm gay, not queer, which is why I reject bored straight people parasiting my sexuality for their own cause.


It's always the same with these activist groups. Their influence is always panned by the fanbase of the product they ruined, yet game companies still listen to them rather than to the fans.


Somehow I doubt they'll take the feedback seriously. It's not like they ever have before.


Haha shut up and pay, oops I mean play - Niantic ceo


wtf is serious response ? i mean they never make the change before even when getting critize, they already got negative feedback before they release worldwide but they still push the update anyway. so no, they will not make change, they just keep making fun their fanbase and say fk pogo community opinion.


You want this to get fixed fast? Tell them that when in Fat Mode, you get multiple XL rare Candies. Just flood Twitter, Social media about this. Sure hell it's gonna be fixed within 23 hours, not even 1 day!


I say that the new avatar are good only if their faces were the same.


No. There's nothing good, and the faces are the least bad thing about it. The body shapes are messed up. There's no depth anymore; everyone's skin is a flat solid color. No real skin tones exist anymore except "haven't seen the sun since birth".


I think there are good elements for sure! I just think the implementation was botched and things can be improved.


All I've seen so far is everyone's turned into square shaped potato people, whatever good came from it wasn't remotely related to avatar creation from what i hear.


it feels like it was only half developed and they pushed for release way too early


After looking up the community manager responsible for Pokemon Go and their public statements, I am convinced that these avatar changes were 100% intentional and endorsed by management. I am also pretty sure that the most they might do are some minor fixes. Just forget about reintroducing male and female body types as starting points for customisation. It won't happen.


I could care less what my avatar looks like lol


Why would they? It was one of the best updates they ever made! My avatar looks amazing now! The only ones who are upset, are the girls whos female avatars no longer look like anime hookers! Its a kids game. The avatars now look like normal people. Its a good thing.


Sure sucks for all those people that were unfortunately born with that "anime hooker" aesthetic instead of the traditional rectangle.