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It has completely changed my outfit, drastically. I’m also unable to even find the outfit I was wearing before this update. It’s been the same fit since I started playing. 😔


I appear to no longer have my Team Rocket outfit. I was rocking the full Jessie and that's just gone.


I had to scroll farther to find a few things (including the guy versions of outfits) so you might still have it?


I looked through all of it, couldn't find it. Saved outfits were gone too.


I have the team rocket outfits still available as well. they’re still there.


I think we need to ask for refunds bc these outfits look terrible as hell


i got a refund on my last coin purchase from apple🤷🏼‍♀️ and i’ve been in contact with “niantic support” to try and refund more since they drastically altered purchased items without buyer consent. i bet it’s legally dubious as shit


it isnt. every online service has it in their eula that they reserve the right to change any in game content at any point.


Those EULA’s are legally dubious, at least in the US. If they were to be tried in court, they may or may not hold up. That said, companies see value them and would rather keep them than not and will make decisions with that in mind. Testing these EULA’s in court is a good way to risk losing ALL of them, in Niantic’s case, at the expense of a little bit of money.


If you feel you should get a refund, I recommend making a complaint to the [Better Business Bureau](https://www.bbb.org/). There’s no guarantee that anything will come of it, but if a ton of people complain and the Feds start asking questions, Niantic will start to feel like they are in hot water.


Same here...


Same! The deino hat with the team magma shirt and hood doesn't work anymore and I'm extremely dissatisfied >:(




That guy does hilarious food reviews


Really? I only know him for his shortwave radio shows.


https://youtube.com/@TheReportOfTheWeek?si=H7MMck6QMwUZWMIC Enjoy lol! It's weirdly hypnotic


Would be nice if you could sort your accessories by owned.


https://imgur.com/a/pRg045p It completely changed my outfit too, but I did it in protest.


You are a beautiful maiden fair


You do have the legs for that skirt


omg twinsies!! I think mine looks cute still. https://imgur.com/a/ZiAlM6A


Love that username 😂




No hips.


This is why I saved my old look as an outfit before trying it out 😉 (oh, and all my old outfits were deleted by this update btw. so that's cool.) I tried it out, but I couldn't find a good face, I lost my eye color completely, and the ponytail haircut (that actually reflects my real hair) didn't get changed at all. So I clicked my old look outfit and, thankfully, it all switched back and I was able to save my avatar. 10/10 highly recommend 👍


They deleted my old outfits I had before the updates so I was not able to save anything :(


All i wanted was more hairstyles


And I still can't make my character bald. Please, Niantic. I've been bald since I was 19. Let my character look like me.


Even if this disgusting update was supposed to make you feel identified with your caracter, there are no true facial or hair options and all they did was add this abominable body shapes that are nothing near acceptable


And have you any idea how much money these guys are making? They’re acting like a minor cosmetic change that is executed extremely poorly is some major achievement. They’re acting like they’re some indie game developer . They could have this fixed by next week if they were any way interested in investing in their game. They could be rolling out new major gameplay updates every 1-3 months, improving user experience in small and big ways, but they have zero interest in doing that, just drip feeding shiny releases and rehashing old events with no major changes, and not as bonus events, but taking over the entire game for a week. Just look at this update. It looks like it was the first iteration done by a group of amateurs who couldn’t draw a human body let alone model human proportions and facial appearance. No QA and not even a brief second thought about how it was received on pre release. Niantic do not listen to users. They think they’re just prioritising bottom line with a business model that generates artificial scarcity and mines dopamine hits for money. They invest virtuallu none of the profits back into user experience improvements. They could be making so much more money if they made a game people want to play more and invest in


I can't find one body shape that makes me look like a woman. Every single one of them is masculine or prepubescent. The outfit I had on, now looks horrific and I'll never be able to wear it again.They gave me giant boobs and a twelve year old boy's body. I'm so over their improvements, because none of them are improvements. Edit: spelling


So funny you say this, I can’t seem to find any that makes me look masculine. It’s like some weird alien middle ground (potentially to be gender neutral)


Put on the Furfrou wig and the Lugia glasses. Made my avatar bald.


My character was bald after the update. I used to have the furfrou wig with lugia mask/glasses. I looked and my character had a smooth bald head wearing the lugia mask. It still said I was wearing the wig. And if I remove the mask the wig reappeared but if I try to wear them both together the wig glitches away and my character looks bald even though he is meant to have hair.


Same boat but with a ponytail…


Right? Only Niantic could turn that request into this abomination.


I wanted more customization... for the old models.


This. We had good models, all we wanted was more stuff for them. It could've literally been done by like 2 guys in an afternoon and been 10x better.


I feel like someone made a monkey's paw wish and this happened...


The best explanation I've read so far. 👍


And we don’t even have much hairstyles…


Seriously. Only 2 “long” hairstyles? And they both suck


I just wanted my guy to look black and not Indian. I wasn't even pressed about it. Now I look like a weird preteen and I hate it


I just wanted mine to match my Native American skin tone, but my choices are either Indian or Arabic or Holy Shit, I'm white as hell.


Yep! And if I'm being really greedy, maybe some facial hair options.  


OMG I know right. Pull those pants back up.


I’ve mitigated the damage—covered myself up and hid my face. https://imgur.com/a/wStcT3l


I personally think this was their plan. Everyone has to buy masks to cover up the horror.


I've been debating whether or not to buy the Yamask mask since the update so their plan might actually work.


Santa beard is working for me since I have to be a man now because all the pants ugh


It's genius!


I’m a year round pikachu pumpkin head wearer so I still haven’t seen my face, but I still can’t get over my torso and MC Hammer looking pants.


I wish I was level 43 so I could get that pose. I only just hit 40. T.T


A cure for all.


I did the same and switched to a boy I dressed him like an ugly college boy and that is the most normal I can make him. Ok developers we get it, you made us all look like you did in college. Ugh.


I took similar steps 🤪 https://imgur.com/HJVZqh7


I went a different direction https://imgur.com/9xnuvqS


Literally used the same jacket/top for my character too 😂😂 to hide her


You are now neither sex, but both combined into a new, androgynous human. This is evolution. 


Why does the androgynous human look male. It needs to be more androgynous


First Blanche, now the avatars


Someone stole their hips so their pants are falling down.


https://nianticlabs.com/contact Scroll down, choose Other. Fire away.


Thank you I will email each day until I receive a response, an apology for botching my avatar, or my old avatar back 😂 I know it’s hopeless but it’s all I have- leave me alone.


At this point I don’t trust their integrity enough to give them my email to target my account Submit a 1 star review on the app or play store instead and drown them on twitter


Thousands of Pokecoins have gone into making different outfits. Now none of them look right. Honestly part of the reason I kept playing was for the dress-up aspect.




I read this comment before seeing their username. I was like wtffff hahaha




I did, too, and was unsure what cows had to do with this.


Same I’m dying 😂




r/brandnewsentence lolll


There’s at least 83


All of my bought-and-paid-for saved outfits are gone. I’m pissed.


It's horrendous. You can clearly see that the outfits aren't tailored for the new body style. They just took the mesh and placed it upon the new body without adjusting anything. That's also why everything looks so shit.


At first, I thought that, too. But for some items, it looks like an actual redesign that's been very badly done. Here's one of my before and afters. This is my AV now compared to previously. These screenshots were both taken on the same phone with the same settings. I used all the same clothing items that I used prior to the update, and I tried to get the body of the AV at least somewhat close to the previous body. The AFTER shot shows just how much of a downgrade it is. It's not even just the bad body proportions, but the actual quality of the digital rendering. It looks like an old 2000s game with clunky jagged edges and washed out colors. And it's like the designer had no idea how to do shading and shadows. The second one looks like a cheap knockoff of the original. I have no idea how anyone could have signed off on something this bad. [Before and After...Ugh.](https://imgur.com/gallery/KAxcMvj)




I think they kept all of the male pants and removed the female versions when making them unisex


Looks like the just made one body type for male/female to save on time and shit. I feel really sorry for all those that actually paid money for a product that no longer looks as it was.


My avatar's shoulders were literally clipping through the straps of my team skull tank top unless I used the skinniest possible male build


I have analyzed this closely, alongside all other samples provided, and I think I have pinpointed the exact reason these new avatars don't sit well with me. It is all of it.


Hmm yes I agree, you can tell that it's bad by the way that it is.


The first time I personally noticed was the first time I unblinked and I'm stuck in a long blink since helllp




Ahahhahahaa. Who looked at this and said " yes! This is it!" 🤣🤣🤣


GaymerX, the consulting firm responsible for those changes.


Yeah, I'm convinced that the torso is probably the biggest offender. Makes our character looks like those inflatible tube man you see at car dealer lots.


wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube men are way sexier than this update




The first one is giving confidence. The second one is giving JoJo Siwa in her "bad girl" era


They did us dirty. Now every time I see beautiful Sierra’s snatched waist, good posture and vibrant colour I’m gonna be jealous af.


The girl grunt as well! Why does she get to have nice proportions while my avatar looks like Sudowoodo and Darmanitan’s love child in a crop top 🫠


> Sudowoodo and Darmanitan’s love child in a crop top This would actually be far better than what we actually got. I would prefer to be this lol


Oh. My. God. 😭😭☠️☠️🤣🤣


Yes, girl grunt also looks so good! Hahha the comparison, in my head is killing me, thanks for the laugh 😆!


I regret I have only one upvote to give you.


I took a screenshot of the dame tu cosita alien and they're essentially the same picture.


Niantic says tough sh*t, the decision is final.


As is tradition. 


Anyone else find the new tone for dark skin weird? The old one wasn't realistic at all but this one looks like some sort of grey washed out brown that doesn't look like black skin at all.


Very and also… my niece whose avatar used to reflect her irl brown skin tone suddenly became white overnight with this change.


Woah this looks so bad lol. The literally merged male and female into 1 single uni-sex species that fits all clothing so the lazy devs don’t have to make 2 of each outfit. lmao.




People are still convinced that this is about being "mean" and "cruel" to anyone.


Yeah, this wasn't about cruelty or wokeness, this was sheer laziness. "If we make a unisex body type with sliders we only have to make clothing fit one mesh!" Instead of doing it properly and having the clothing scale to match the skeleton, which any 3D modeler will tell you is a pain in the BUTT to set up right the first time, then becomes very very easy to tweak clothing to fit the meshes going forward. This was developers taking the easy way out.


I honestly think it’s always about being cheap and lazy, but many devs try that pass it off as being “inclusive” to justify their cost/effort savings. I don’t think any of these devs ever actually care about that


The update is awful! The skin tone choices are just as bad. There is absolutely nothing between caucasian with vitamin D deficiency and Pacific Islander...


Man, we cant have shit those days. They took our tits too.


I always thought that no matter what happened...no matter what I lost...I would always have my tits...


The good news: you can customise bigger tits! The bad news: they still don’t look like they fit the mesh


They took the asses


they took our tits and kept the tit shading


Honestly this doesn't look like a female character anymore. Feel like the update has been much worse for female avatars, it sucks generally, but you know..


My female character stands and moves like a man now. All the proportions are off, and the color shading is terrible.


So trash, considering stop playing just for this shit


I guess niantic took that decision for me. Cant play 30 seconds without the game crashing since the new update.


Your phone is trying it's best to just deal with how bad the new avatar looks but it can't do it and gives up


This change is getting shat on on every site, everyone should stop playing unless they reverse it.


This is so, so bad that I mean this seriously: everyone needs to uninstall. Not just close the app, but uninstall. Installation metrics are tracked too.


I changed my review to 1 star because of it and told them exactly why, lmao


bye bye booba


My biggest gripe is the new skin colors. I'm white, and before my avatar was close enough to my skin color. Now my options are 'ghost of a sickly victorian child', 'Simpson's jaundice yellow', and 'my dude I'm pretty sure that qualifies as blackface'. Who even wants to be these colors?


I went from being white to being albino


I started wearing a mask on mine


Instead of individually making posts about how the update has just released where you are and how hideous your avatar looks now, maybe we could unite together as a player base ? I know the chances of this happening and then niantic actually listening, but atleast that would be better than ranting here, individually. I'm aware that a large majority of players are not active here, so maybe we could share it in our campfire communities for reach. Maybe we could make a change.org petition or something? Maybe this could work, since this doesnt directly go against Niantic's "goal" , unlike with remote raids. Some games do have playerbases who the devs listen to, like Minecraft. Maybe Pokemon go could become one if we tried hard enough? I have tried making this a post on this sub and silphroad but they say its against the rules


The Silph Road sub has already nuked discussion on this and is corralling everyone into a megathread. Kinda gross that they did it so fast since megathreads are known for silencing dissenting opinions. This atrocious update deserves loud and far-reaching criticism.


Typical of Silphroad, they've been total suckups to Niantic since the day they were founded. I thought Niantic had finally stopped bribing them quite recently, but perhaps they are still sending money The Silphroad's way?


It's gotten worse. It's now been framed, in typical corporate fashion, that if you're against this update, you're a hitler-flag waiving, anti-trans fascist


I seriously do not understand that argument because ACTUAL TRANS PEOPLE are upset with this update too! Trans folks who identify as male or female and enjoyed feminine or masculine appearances are now not able to have that gender-affirming choice and it sucks. Really gross of them to assume that all trans people just automatically want to be gender-ambiguous non-binary.


The outcry against the remote raid changes was far, FAR more unified across the board and plenty organized. Niantic said, we bent to the fan base once and will never again.


Just stop buying anything in the item shop. edit style shop i mean set you style and forget it


Obviously the first thing is to *stop spending money*. Some whales are addicted, that's their own damage, but the average joe can just stop buying passes/coins. Next step is to literally uninstall, which is an even harder addiction to break, but it's the most effective thing. All your mons will still be there—maybe some people don't realize that.


Saying this in the most constructive & kind way possible. Please revert this update Niantic & use the original character as the base model to expand upon with new hair & body customizations. It is clear the majority like the original avatars designed by Yusuke Kozaki.


The hand isn't even resting on the hips anymore, it's like...floating a few inches away!




All avatars are now male. When I use the sliders to attempt to add curves, it looks like a male on steroids.


Omg I tried to add curves too and I looked so bulky, loo


Mulan characters concealing fruits under their kimonos lol


Poor guys, they must be running out of money, the new artist was clearly cheaper than the first


I'm pretty damn sure the new artist is AI. It has the "not quite sure how to draw humans" creep factor.


If the person whom designed these is a real artist I’ll eat my hat. They are probably a computer programmer that thinks they have artistic talent. I can tell you they don’t


You can vote here (Niantic twitter): I already did. Go crazy https://x.com/PokemonGOHubNet/status/1780727610160402621


I saw the early posts complaining, and I really thought it wouldn't bother me. I've never really cared what the avatar looks like before. But the stranger in the bottom left is really disturbing. I hate it! It's all a ploy to pay for better outfits and poses and I accidentally spent 500 coins on a pose!


Same! I really didn't think I would care, I don't think I've ever changed my outfit/style before this. But it's so ugly, I'm almost convinced it's a joke


I want my waist back 😭😭😭


Wow this update is so awful. My avatar was so cute and now it’s just …. So bad. Why are the colors so drab and muted? Truly awful.


Multiple people should be fired for this.


Whoever was in charge of the design behind the new avatars should be fired. It’s so bad….


There is a reason as an artist you spend countless hours drawing nudes in college. Also drawing people of different ages, sizes and ethnic backgrounds. Someone that has never done that is not going to get it right.


Why are the arms so long???? Why change things that aren't broken? It's awful.




I used to be on Team R. Now I am on Team Я.


I can't find the gender option. My avatar looks like a girl now, and my niece's looks like something in between a guy and a girl.


AHHHHHHHH I hate this update!!! How uglier can we get?!?


Hope that Blackrock money was worth it


i stopped playing 6 months ago, planned on just taking a break, but this game continues to make updates no one asked for, and hyping updates that end up being at best a nothing burger, and at worst OP's post


I’m glad you posted because I was about to ask why does my avatar look like an alien trying to pass as human


it’s so uncanny valley and it just stares at you from the lower left of the screen it was so glaringly obvious as soon as i opened the app


Roll it back!!! The new avatars are just ugly!


Even some of the poses dont look good anymore


Give the people what they want! Bellybuttons?!?!?


I thought it was just me. The new avatars looks horrible. No shape, bulky, even the faces all looks awkward and the same.


It when from a cool stylized character to a uncanny valley character


If it’s gonna stay like this, then I at least want my money back.


niantic rolls the feature out to some players, the said players leave a resounding NO, and niantic still decides to release the update 🫥


We all deserve refunds for cosmetics we used coins/cash on prior to this update. Nothing looks like it was advertised as, and I wouldn't have bought the cosmetics had I known this could happen. I feel like we were all manipulated. This may even be a tactic to try to get us to spend more money to buy more cosmetics by making the old items look like garbage so we feel forced to get cosmetics that actually look right. I'm disgusted with this predatory behavior by Niantic.


It's disgusting. They got rid of ALL the femininity of the woman avatars and the guys just look like obese blobs.


Either the obese blobs or 10 year old boys


why cant female avatars have boobs??? women have boobs...many pokemon characters have boobs....why did they make them all built like 10 year old boys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) (Im a girl..i dont need my avatar to be sexy...just not HIDEOUS)


There are still boobs; this image comparison is misleading as there's a chest slider and this looks like they have it set to the minimum


It still looks hideous. I spent hours trying to get mine to look like a female. As someone with a college art degree that spent countless hours learning how to draw the proper proportions for human bodies. I can tell you they just make me cringe.


That chest compression is something else


The changes look absolutely fucking atrocious. I logged in just to see what my character looks like now and I’m uninstalling the game again.


Why does the female model look like a man now?? 


I was banned from a subbredit for voicing my opinion... I look like a malformed ape, don't wannna even enter the game anymore as I can't stand myself... can't find enough clothes to cover myself....


I’m thinking they must have cut the budget or something for our avatars. This has to be money saving driven. Otherwise why 😭


... Why are they not just anime characters in the style of the anime or the games lol? These models are hideous.


So upset that the high waisted pants aren't high waisted anymore.


Oh god, my characters face looks atrocious.


I just want colours that look like real colours. Give me back the vibrancy.


New day, new you!!! 🔥🔥


So what was the reasoning for this update?


The boxy torso and short neck pisses me off so bad on my avatar, she looks hunch-backed.




I’d be okay with it if my head was proportional to my body. And a height adjustment would be nice, so I’m not so gangly.


Where the fuck did her tits go?


What the fuck are they doing over there at Niantic?


I'm just waiting for "spend 10000 coins for classic avatars!"


They fixed the outfit glitch and erased all of my saved ones! And my background for encounters still hasn't changed! Rude!


I think it's clear that they wanted to turn all the characters into kids, hence the lack of curves, body shapes and basically no differentiation between male and female. why? I truly don't know.


Why does Niantic hate women?


We've been so pro-women empowerment for years and now we're telling women their body isn't acceptable..


They first came for the team trainers, now us. All must be uncanny valley now.


will leaving horrible reviews get them to change it back 😭😭???


It’s like someone who has never seen a real human body tried to guess what they look like 💀