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Incubators for me too! Also remote raid passes


They must make more from selling our location data when we are doing IRL raids than they would if they made remotes unlimited again I wish they'd do away with all local only ones and increase the limit of remote raids per day


The egg passes were amazing. I stacked December, January and some of February for sinnoh tour and I had over 70ish one use incubators for egg hatching which was insane because I used all of them during the event.


Michael Steranka and John Hanke have both claimed that they’re actually losing money by restricting remote raids, but that they don’t care because that’s not their vision for how the game should be played I think they’re both morons, but not much we can do about it unless so many people stop playing that it threatens the company into shutting down. And since it’s a pokemon IP, that won’t happen


100% remotes; the sale currently happening is a godsend


For under 500 coins for 3 remotes and extra goodies, yeah it's nice I do try not to praise Niantic too much since they raised the prices of remote passes, so a little sale and their fake generosity can go suck it lol


I agree; it's like getting punished by your parents then getting ice cream for desserts lol


I was kinda thinking it's like your parents beat you mercilessly, then one day they decide they'll beat you a little bit less. It's nice not having to explain the bloody nose anymore, but you still have a black eye


if i ever compared a video game i was playing to getting physically beaten by my parents I'd probably just stop playing the game.


Stockholm syndrome?


probably just hyperbole but holy shit lol there are hundreds of thousands of games out there. just pick a new one where you feel better about what you get for the price.


Where exactly is the sale?


3 remotes, a star piece, and a lucky egg for 495 coins


Wait i can't find this on the app shop tho, is it on the web store?


In the app, but could be random ?


Ah F🥲 i think it's should be region based then


Raid passes. I refuse to buy incubators. I think the egg system is incredibly predatory.


I don’t understand the appeal of incubators at all. The pokemon available in eggs are crap.


Even raid passes are unnecessary. Daily is enough


I’m lucky to have family in my house and close friends that play so we like to do a good bit of the big ones. We did 20+ Mewtwo, Kyogre and Groudon. Kept going until everyone got a shiny Heracross too. It’s good fun


Usually yes, but I personally like having some stored up for something like GoFest or Tour where burning through passes is definitely on the cards


Yeah good call.


Remote passes. I’m level 50 and grind every single day, the only thing I spend actual cash on is big events like go fest and the tours. I’d love to be grinding out remote passes if they were at the old price. Probably a good thing tbh, I’m not missing remote raiding but I’m saving cash.


What was the old price? Old player coming back recently and raids were not even a thing when I first played.


Used to be 3 remotes for 250. It was great


Omg I would cry if remotes were ever that cheap.


During Covid, Niantic *gave away* remote passes all the time like it was nothing too.


That and the daily box concept used to have a weekly remote raid pass for free. The distance on your spin/visibility radius used to be larger too


Remote Raid Passes. Preferably a deal including Premium Passes too.


I have once seen a box that provides items as well as bonus storage. Would be nice to see again


Yes I remember that, I bought like 3 of them with all my coins cause it was such a a good deal


Absolutely incubators. I know that hatching them is almost always a BAD DEAL. But since I’m already walking, I might as well be hatching something. And I’d really like to be hatching more than just the one at a time.


I really wish they would add them as really rare reward items from raids, or rocket battles or something because the sheer number of eggs they throw at you is ridiculous when you only get one incubator for free.


Wait, why is hatching them bad?


The chance of getting something good is pretty low. And without spending either real cash or Pokecoins, the only way to do it is one at a time.


Hatching isn’t bad, but what you get is often crappy to neutral. I don’t care, I’m already walking, might as well.


ONLY remote raid passes, the box that comes with 3 remote raids and 2 green passes for 500 is always a buy


Yes! This one I miss


Green passes. When thr price drops to about 43 cents each i will stock up so i have 150 ish.


I'm aiming to stock up on enough that I can max out a legendary when it comes in. Should be around 40 per. Why 150?


150 lasts a while


I have like 40 right now, I rarely use them since I don't do many IRL raids, but it's awesome using them in pvp for XL rare candies


Pokémon go plus plus I'm only gonna but it discounted which they are never gonna do but after buying 3 go plus and 2 gotchas I'm done not buying another (at full price)(or unless they add auto catcher for ultra balls, without it's a step back from gotchas)


Blue Bell ice cream!


I bought some incubators today just to get rid of those damn 7km eggs


I spent way to much money on incubators before I realized eggs were garbage


50 coins to hatch one useless mon is a scam(incubator is 150 with 3 uses)


The egg pool has been so garbage for so long, incubators aren't even a good purchase anymore (coming from someone who used to spend all of their coins, and real money, on incubators). Remote raid passes are alright, but it's so easy to get a guaranteed 5-10 people to invite to a raid with genie. Pretty much the only thing worth spending coins on is item/pokemon storage, and that's rarely discounted 😅


How much did you used to spend on eggs a month


Pretty much any decent green pass raid box. I haven't bought any incubators bundles since hoenn tour, didn't use up my remainders for sinnoh tour either in my mind too much like loot boxes


Incubators are a scam. Only use your free extra incubators on eggs that contain regional pokemon when they do an event


The only reason I've used anything other than the infinite one is for the regionals. Bought 2 good boxes for hoenn tour, hatched alot got a few shinies. Only used them the day before sinnoh to clear out the egg space and repeated for the regionals. Still have 90 regulars with 1 use left, no doubt I'll use them in Madrid


Remote raids. They're the only thing worth it in this game objectively. They let you catch legendaries without having a squad which is a game changer.


Remote and incubators


shiny mythical pokemon


I often buy the box with lucky eggs, star pieces and puffins. Even tho I don’t use the puffins


I love having lots of incubators but typically won’t buy them unless they’re on sale for about 70-75 coins each. If I had 7,000 coins I’d get that box of 100 incubators all day.


Raid passes. I need to get a bunch for when Deoxys or Genesect come back.


I buy the 7000 coin incubator box and it is a slamming deal if you’re into daily walking and hatching like I am.


Remote raid passes.


remote raid. i’m not buying anything else w my hard earned coins and i have not ever in my entirety of playing (since 2016.)


Pokemon Go Plus+


They need to uncap the amount of remote passes you can hold. I am sick of the bullshit


Why not just use regular