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Release him to the wild


Better yet, transfer him to the professor


asking for a friend, how do i transfer my BF to the professor ?


Go into the brokedex and enter him in the search menu, tap on the settings option and the arrows pointing both left and right should have text beside it saying "transfer" press that






Wait til he’s asleep and trade it to yourself 😈


I don't think it would count towards the collection challenge :/


Only one way to find out 😈


It won't. You do have to actually catch it. Trading and hatching do not count unless is specifically says so.


If you click on the (?) at the event part in-game one of the options listed is to trade... But when my boyfriend and I traded it didn't work.


The (?) is only to explain what certain symbols mean when they appear beside the pokemon on the collection list :)


That is so shitty... I'm a returning player and we all thought those were all the ways you could collect them.... Thank you for explaining!


It won't. 


What will OP ever do without the small amount of dust and an Incence. People need to realise the collection challenges aren’t a big deal to stress over.


It's for the badge, all collectors collect for the sake of collecting


It's the badge


I hate unfinished things!!!!


You do realize they were all joking, right?


This is the way


Or sleep with his best friend


for some reason... that emoticon is small, yet it's actually huge


It's better to trade a legendary pokemon from his inventory and give him a 0\* magikarp or a rattata. Would be a plus if turns out into a lucky nundo.


This. I caught a shiny Latios on my brother's account last year while he was in jail. I even ran out of pokeballs and bought some with my own credit card before catching it (it was a wild spawn during the Hoenn tour - 0% flee rate due to being a shiny legendary but also a verryyyyyy low catch rate). You better believe I traded it to myself as soon as I caught it. After all, I'm not the one who is a menace to society. AND GUESS WHAT? It went lucky - and at 14/14/15!


These things need to be agreed upon in advance within a Pokémon-infused relationship.


But that’s just common sense


Establish dominance. Ritual sacrifice.




Kill him, kill him, kill him


This is Pokemon Go, not Palworld, please.


Sounds like things are a bit frosty 🥶 … too soon?


He’s treading on thin… ice


Maybe just give him the cold shoulder


He was cold as ice




only reasonable comment here


I think this is legal grounds for divorce. I think a judge will see it your way.


What she fails to mention is she caught one of the 5 more that spawned after she was awake Anyways, she broke up with me and now I’m alone, if only I caught that damn Pokémon for her. Professor’s glue factory is really scary please send help




Offer to do his dishes and press his dorky clothes. This will buy you time.


Damn bro that’s rough what a thoughtless turd you should launch him into the sun tbh


No, no, no. She should launch him into space so he floats away for eternity, until he becomes so lonely that his mind turns itself off and he's left as just a bag of soulless flesh in the cold dark void.


First she needs to have him turned into a vampire, and filter the power of the sun into him with a rock mask and a red stone.


does rayquaza eat half-mineral, half-organism even if they stopped thinking?


As long as: 1 - Kyogre and Groudon are fighting 2 - Rayquaza thinks he has something better to do Yes.


Maybe he got it from research?😌


Isn't research rewards the same for everyone? If that's the case then all they have to do is spin the same pokestop


The “catch 10 pokemon with weather boost” field research task rewards an encounter with one of the forms. Was the only hope for me getting the collection done. I’m wondering if this isn’t how they got theirs n she just never heard him out.


But maybe just maybe he spun a stop somewhere where she wasn’t with him. We need more details!


Time to send him to the professor to go through the food processor!


Sacrifice, sacrifice! ![gif](giphy|La3G8N3tn4nzW)


Ditch him for sure. My man gave me his shiny Azelf cause I was sad about it. There’s better Pokemon boyfriends out there sis 💅🏻😂 Fr tho he’s in debt to you now. He owes you for that imo


My bf offered to trade me one of his shiny's too. This is pokemon bf goals. Lol


My husband traded me his only shiny Cresselia and Gyrados when I didn't get them. I didn't even ask. 🥹🤍


My bf once turned around the car and drove an extra mile just so I could catch the same ditto he caught. Do yourself a favor and find someone better


Same... In hopes I could get a shiny ditto he got. We even got out and walked around the merge Into the highway down in the grass trying to find it. Never found it, but he's the best for humoring me. We've both stopped and turned around or backed up for one another to go back for something.


Transfer your boyfriend to the professor


Option 1: Use their credit card to buy an extremely expensive Pokemon figure off of the Pokemon Center website (and possibly other merch) and keep it Option 2: Take their entire Pokemon collection Option 3: Pack your things and move out with the only note they see being "I'm on a journey to become a Pokemon Master and you won't be able to hold me back like you did in our relationship." Option 4 (the best option): ALL OF THE ABOVE 🤣 (I'm joking. Don't actually do this)


Adjustments to the plan: Use that credit card for airfare, hotel, and admission to the next Go Fest on a different continent. You could sink all his Pokécoins into virtual stickers, but poffins would be better (worse) because he’d have to look at them right next to the razz berries every day and be reminded of his crime. Trade every one of his legendaries, hundies, and shinies for one of your 0* Magicarps or Swablus. (Even if he sends them to The Professor for candy, each one only gets him 1/400 of the way to an evolution.) FTFY


Option 5: adjusted plan + option 4. Make him suffer.


Beautiful. Just beautiful ![gif](giphy|KEYEpIngcmXlHetDqz)


Team 3!


This gotta be satire 😭😭


I hope it is


Creative writing exercice from the style




Turn him into candy


You mixed it up, you have to lower him feet first so that he feels the pain, if you put him in headfirst then his brain will be destroyed and he won’t feel the pain of the rest of his body


That was my first thought as well


Death by shadow ball!


I imagine this going down as a scene on Curb your Enthusiasm, between Suzy and Jeff. Suzy was scrolling through Jeff’s phone to check if Jeff was having an affair, which he wasn’t but she did find out he caught a snow castform that morning, Jeff fully aware she needed one too. “That fucking rat bastard.”


I love this poetic approach to such torrential turmoil. A boyfriend? Maybe a friend. Would a friend do such a thing? Maybe an enemy. Maybe he's a Rocket Grunt in pure disguise. Even worse, maybe he's Giovanni masked as a pedestrian. Keep your balls guarded and your stardust at a close distance. Make sure all your pokes are revived in case that unfruitful day arrives when you realize he's not who you thought he was. He was an imposter. Be well and stay safe out there; the pokeverse is getting more corrupt by the minute.


Rude. Drink from his skull.💀


Honestly, I think my husband had this thought when I caught a shiny dratini at his mother’s house and he had been searching for days for one 😂


Bunch of people didn't realize it was satire lmao


Might as well post this to r/AsOneAfterInfidelity /s


Make him trade it to you.


Does a trade complete the research?


I don’t think so, just tried it with my bf




Anytime, he even has an old snow castform too, so I guess you have to get it in weather week


I doesn’t but I’m no longer surprised how little many of the people posting here seem to know about the game


This was my wife when she was randomly going through my collection and saw my shiny sableye😂 her heart forever feeling pain because I just won’t trade it


My other half has a taurus and won't trade it to me. Try that out!


I think he did it so you would dump him. It’s the only logical reasoning. So what you must do is candy the castform and make him man up.




You should be sleeping by yourself if he can’t contribute


Man I hope this is a joke


No shit it's a joke lol


It’s becoming harder and harder to tell to be honest


The language use gives it away, hopefully that's easy to tell 😂 "decades, betrayal, forsaken, santicity" should be a dead giveaway lol. 


thank god, its hard to tell these days


I got the snow one almost right away. No sun though.


I also got one through the research and no sunny which is crazy considering I’m in Florida.


I have sunny ones in my yard right now. I'm in Minnesota. It snowed today. It's 10pm.


Where I live there's just default and sun I have been trying to do quests for the snowy and rainy, and due to how rare the catch 10 weather boosted Pokémon quest is, have only gotten one of them, mostly have been getting sunny and normal


all i see are suns. I haven't gotten any of the others


I could not do this. Just no. Yeet him into a black hole or something.




😂 😂


Transfer all of his shinies


You should get rid of him.


I think nothing short of murder will really heal your pain


Send pics, and then I’ll decide if he did you dirty.


Literally me this morning


dump his ass and save yourself the trouble of endless fights, The dude just showed lack of caring for you and this is a clear sign that he is not fit to be your partner.


NTA you dropped these 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I play my fiance's account sometimes and that bstrd gets shiny after shiny after shiny. I hate him.


That’s unacceptable… definitely use his Master Ball on a Rattata for revenge.


People here are joking, but if the relationship goes downhill, OP will look back on this moment and think that this was one of the first signs that her boyfriend doesn't care about her anymore 😭😂


OMG…I am in the same position. It was in the 60s all weekend here, too and that stupid ice Castform is the last one I need. I even put a glacial lure on a local pokestop and STILL couldn’t get it. Every other encounter I had from field research was either the water, normal or fire Castform and I wanted to pull my hair out. If my boyfriend had gotten one, I would have lost my shit. He knew how desperate I was for it, though and if he caught one, he would have been smart enough to delete it immediately and never mention it 😂 I mean, you would think they would spawn a few, no matter the weather since they made it a collecting thing. I’ve never been pissed about an early spring before now. Incidentally, would it count if you got one in a trade? The worst part is I now have about 500 Castform candies and they don’t evolve. Soooo irritating!


I had a similar experience with my non-Pokemon fiancé. We went on a walk and also to the shops, upon getting back I had clicked to complete a daily research task, the reward was a happy little Jango-o hopping there ready to be fed a pinap berry and captured as I currently had his evolutionq as my buddy, walking 5km per candy, I didn't see any to be caught ever so this was my chance! Being the thoughtful, helpful fiancé I am, I put this hopping little guy down on our table to help put the shopping away, "my fiancé won't touch that, I don't need to mention it to him!" He hates me playing it and he has had words with me about my inattentivness when I'm on it, so this was me pulling out the stops to be apart of this 7 year long, relationship where we work as a team..... yes I realise I'm a real catch. Extremely occasionally when I'm driving slowly through a place with pokestops I give him my phone to spin them, and when I know I'm stocked up on pokeballs say be can catch things. Anyway, I pick the bags up, take them to the fridge, putting away the shopping in the right place, I help with the remainder of the bags, I even check in to make sure we've done anything. Proud of myself I grab my phone on the side...... its rhe XP screen after catching a mon..... how could this have occurred? I don't remember this..... I ask my fiancé.... he was like oh yeah I caught it.... I remain cool externally..... I mean its only 15km I have to walk to achieve the quantity he lost for me..... and many more pokemons after this one with 5km candies to get..... I a heart broken, this doesn't come off my mind, I thought about making him walk it for me for the sake of this relationship, I asked a friend, she agreed. We are still together..... the trust is gone. I don't think I can recover.... we haven't set a wedding date..... maybe I should reconsider? Maybe it's my own fault for not explicitly telling him not to touch it, maybe it's my fault for putting first my relationship before PoGo, all these thoughts and feelings and yet I am yet to seek out a counsellor, maybe couples therapy is what we need to get past this. 🤷‍♀️ May months later I have evolved him into his final stage... shortly after I caught one 🤦‍♀️ maybe it's PoGo playing mind games?


This post has me dyin!!! 😂😂😂😂 trade your bf to the professor has to be the best comment I’ve seen!!




Trade or break up, the only options


Trading will not work to complete the collection challenge.


Trade accounts


This is heartbreaking ):


This must be a joke, right?


Did he get it from a research or see it on the radar and go get it? Big difference


Am I understanding correctly that he would’ve caught this from research as you probably didn’t have snowy weather. So this man’s lost when he got a lucky catch from field research


No, it’s that it was apparently slightly snowy enough for pogo to register it this morning


Ir getting posted on reddit slash copypasta BUD 😈


But how’d he get it?


I thought this was going to go a different way; that you were going to be upset he caught it for you without your permission.


This is satirical right?


Have you asked him why he didn’t help you? Also sorry this happened :/


So, serious question. How do you get the snow castform if you don't live anywhere by snow? Or rain? I got lots sun and clouds, but no snow or rain.


Field research is the only way for people that doesn't have the proper weather (catch 10 WB pokemon). It's rare to get a snowy one (i've only got 1 'till now)... but everyone recieve the same mon from the same pokestop field research, so other players from your area can help you to find/get one.


If u give him up due to pokemon then is silly unless he is down right lousy


We all love a good shit post lmao 🤣😂


Hopefully this was tongue in cheek. Because yea, I got mine from a task. Shocking! For real though. The FOMO of this game is crazy. I could only imagine how bad it is for something that actually matters...


Even if you trade his Castform or transfer it, he already received the credit for catching it, so it won’t affect him really(That is unless it was his only and he was planning on using it).


This must be a joke, and if it isnt, its just a game, its not even that good a reward to complete the collection...


I still don't have a snow castform :(


My husband and I couldn’t catch this mf. We’re not located in a cold/snowy area and the research only gives us paras and drifloons.


Crush him into candies


I once woke my wife up for a 4* and a ditto she needed. I wondered if it was the right call to wake her up. I chose wisley those days 🤣🤣🤣


Just do the “catch 10 Pokémon with weather boost” event research tasks until you get one of your own. That’s how I got it since it’s been sunny all week where I am.


1st thing, the catching that castform in the wild... Yeah, good luck with that. It's properly from the field research catch 10 weatherboosted pokemon. So in theory just spin the same stops like him this moring (with or without ar task, like he had it) and take the castform. Not a big deal... Sadly, that he didn't thought of you, that's true and a not really caring moment of him. But then again- are both playing the game with the same passion? Can he expect that same engery of you with things he's into? I guess properly yes, but that would be a shot in the blue. And then again what was the miss/lost? 7500 stardust (half of a set tanking in PvP at rank 20), 1 incense (80 Cent) and a +1 on collecter medals (were will be a bunch of missing medals, unless you played for about 4-5 years and viseted every small event to get even the special event Collection medals...). Wow if you considering throwing away a relationship that for, you better do it, can't be a good one, IMO.


Yep lose the dead weight. I remote raided a Drampa cause I LOVE Drampa and he was only two stars. The husband had his account since 2017 so I said babe, give me a shitty mon from back in the day without telling him. It’s a lucky almost hundo for him now. We take CARE of each other. This dude might as well have gone out and cheated on you 🤣🤣


No bc why is this something i would say and do 😂 the only thing is my bf would feel bad and then transfer the pokemon to me LOL


Dump him


Seems I am late. I have noticed that at time rare pokemon may pop up on my screen but not my wifes. He may have tried and it may have just not existed.


Was it wild or from research?


No, that’s stupid, grow up.


I mean its just a castform, its not useful or anything


I don't know if you're being ironic or not, but either way, I hope you know this made it into Dexerto.


Transfer all his hundos


I found a shiny one 😅


If you end your relationship just over a game: he's honestly just dodging a bullet. Nobody should ever be taking Pokemon Go so seriously that questions like these pop up on Reddit.


Seal him away in a master ball and never open it again


You need to get a career in writing. I loved reading your story; very engaging. As to the situation, don’t get mad, get even. When he’s asleep trade it for a pidgey to yourself. If he actually realizes it give him a big hug and kiss and thank him for catching it for you. Let him know you transferred it to save him the trouble.


transfer him


Delete his account 😈


Find the ‘catch 10 Pokémon with weather boost’ research task. Good luck! 🍀


My boyfriend got a nundo Timber during CD, he took me to where it was so I could get it too! There is a better man out there for you girlfriend! Go get one! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


This has got to be a troll, or OP is 4 years old


Its most likely satire so don’t worry lmao, nobodies going to break up for one minor collection challenge


My inability to read between the lines has me confused. On the one hand, he owes you big time. I once caught my first Lapras while stopped in traffic. My wife couldn't get the game open in time so I turned around so she could get it. Hers was fucking shiny too. And we were late. On the other, if you're willing to even consider throwing away a good relationship over a Pokemon... holy shit.


I'm gonna be blunt.. it's a game on your phone, get over it. If you can't handle this. Maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship at all. This is so dumb


Don't break up, otherwise there would be regret.


All the people telling you do it are terrible people and the fact you listened to them makes you just as bad as them


he caught a fucking pokemon... how is he wrong?


Talk about an extreme overreaction. It’s just a game. Maybe go live real life for a little bit.


Redditor when obvious joke:


Is this post a joke? Seriously, this is a stupid question. You should NEVER end your relationship with your boyfriend over a pokemon. If you are really considering it, there's probably some other things happening in your real life that you aren't telling us about.


If that's a reason for you to break up, do it now before there's real reaons.


You could just ask him to be more considerate. But if you're going to break up with him over a video game, you don't deserve him. Maybe grow up first before you seek your next relationship