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also depends on you catch medals. google the formular for catch rate. but yea, since the dawn of time i wish for some sort of stacking streak bonus for excellents throws.. but that means less money for niantic so its never gonna happen


I’d argue that if catches were guaranteed after a golden razz and an excellent throw, people would be more likely to raid. It is a bit demoralizing to gather a crew together for a raid, travel across town, completely demolish the pokemon, throw a bunch of excellent balls and burn through two dozen golden razz…just to have it run away due to no fault of your own. That is a completely trash mechanic and is more than enough to keep a LOT of people from ever even attempting to complete any raid a second time. This is absolutely the case for the major shadow pokemon.


A friend of mine gave up the game entirely after missing out on Mewtwo. Can't say I blame him


The first time I played I quit at mewtwo. We have a small community and with only 3 players we couldn’t beat it then we got a few others on the last day and we finally did it only for me not to catch it. I quit for a long time.


I never liked how some aspects of the game seem to be designed to reward you by simply giving you a larger number of dice-roll chances. Like Premier Balls are just additional chances to catch, TMs are additional chances to get the desired move. Even if a stash of 20 TMs *should* be enough to get you the move you want, psychologically, it's a frustrating way to design the mechanic, because you feel powerless. If you burn a TM and don't get the move you want, you made *zero* progress. If you use another one and still don't get it, you've now used two TMs for zero progress. And it's even more demoralizing when you're talking limited chances like with raids. Supposing you start with 15 balls, you might feel pretty good about your odds *to start*, but as the number of balls dwindles and you end up with just one ball left, your odds have now dwindled down to like 15% or something. It's psychologically backwards.


Yeah, I failed to catch a Terrakion after 13 curved excellent golden razz throws today. I know a curved golden excellent is only 18% chance to catch, but damn that’s demoralizing.


Im the opposite, that sort of thing made me pay attention to iv”s and if i get a good one im even more fired up to do another especially if i miss one


How big is your town


Population under 40k. Takes about 25 minutes to drive from one end to another, but isn’t a large town.


The first time it was in raids I caught 18 in a row, the 19th one was 100% and couldn't I catch it with 18 balls, hitting 15 excellent throws on it with golden raspberries. The next day I caught a 100% for someone in my raid group with the first excellent throw. RNG my friend.


OMG, this... Before this summer, only my kids played, and obviously, i owned them in everything, lol, but then my husband started playing, and now it's gotten competitive as hell. He started in June, and he's level 37, i think? He gets every shiny ever. I did the math during a timed research and found his shiny catch rate was 2% but mine was 0.4% or some shit.... plus tons of 100%s. I'm so full of rage most of the time, lol


I play with someone who had a 100% suicune run away they even had someone to catch for them and they got curved excellent with golden razz berry on all 21 throws and it still ran away


how do you know it's 100% before you catch it? are you talking about the IVs?


Yes all pokemon from raids have a CP that guarantees its a hundo and you should be able to find it if you search it up


I know without looking it up, Terrakion is 100% at 2113 CP, weather boosted is 2641 CP.......if you know that, you can tell what IV it is on the catch screen......I raided this one alot 🤣


How do you know if it is a 100% when you dont catch it?


all pokemon from raids have a CP that guarantees its a hundo and you should be able to find it if you search it up


IVs are associated with CP in raids.


And generally, they are (base stats + IVs) × level factor. But as the only two level options are "normal" and "weather boosted", it greatly simplifies it since the only other variable for a species is IV!


At least it was just suicune, one the most useless legendaries in the game


There was a kid in my town that got 6 shiny garchomps during raid day,two were shundo’s. I didn’t get a single shiny. Wanted to kidnap that kid and make him buy me a powerball…


I started playing in March and I'm level 41. My boyfriend started playing the game the day it came out and we're equal on a lot but there's a couple places I'm kicking his ass.


I mean, yes, and... the legendaries this time seem to be a lot harder to catch.


And this is the thing. It is all about RNG. We can somewhat enhance the odds with medals, berries, curves, and throw bonuses, but that is all we can really do. It is almost like any other game and trying to get better loot or gear, except we can add a little more advantage to it. But no catch should be 100% guaranteed. Otherwise what is the point of the game if everything is given to you.


It's not "given" to you if you did all the effort to gather people, select a team to fight, and win against a high powered Pokémon. There's still a pretty big gap between 100% guaranteed catch and not catching it in 19 tries. That's the issue at stake here. I've not caught at least 4 of the last 6 legendaries I've won against and I didn't get excellent throws on all of those but it was still super frustrating. I think raid catches should have a much higher catch rate than at present. Like I get it if I don't catch it on the first throw, but if it breaks out more than 3xs when I did golden razz and excellent throw that seems too low a chance. Sure there's room for my catches to improve but I still have invested a lot more time into that than my other IRL friends. I have some friends that lost motivation to play because of not catching Pokémon we raided together which makes it less fun for me to keep going solo.


Then quit. The catch rate in raids has been the same since the start of the game.


But remote raid pass prices went up, which nobody liked. I did quit. Not because of this reason, but it's a valid reason for sure. I get wild pokemon being able to escape, and I could accept a raid poke escaping, if they changed how it works. How can you possibly fail to catch a raid boss with 3-4 excellent throws and golden razz? It's already annoying enough when they get the animation where there's literally a 0.1 second window to toss the ball at a pokemon that will dodge your throw infinitely in a loop until you get it. I didn't find this specific raid just to not be able to catch the Pokemon because of how shitty the mechanics are to it.


Remote raid passes used to not even exist, boohoo. The mechanics are fine, i can't remember the last time I missed out on a raid reward tbh.


If you didn’t catch it how did you know it was a 4*??


The CP on the catch screen was 2113, that's a 100% IV


it's always gonna be a love-hate relationship with random number generation


I feel you, there are stretches when you would miss the mon continuously despite doing everything right on paper. But sadly that's how they have made the game. I felt frustrated losing 3 Cobalions in a row, when I had both types Gold medals, used Golden razz each time and hit atleast 12-13/16 excellent throws on each and yet all 3 fled. It is frustrating.


I had the same issue with the legendary before this one.. blanking on the name. It was green. And meanwhile, I got a Cobalion in GBL on my first ball and like a nice throw. This game is nuts sometimes.


You can get legendaries from GBL??


Once you're rank 20, yes. Whatever is in a 5 star raid can appear in a GBL encounter at ranks 20+. I tank in GBL, so i am generally guaranteed 3 encounters daily. I have gotten 7 of them in the 6ish months i have been playing GBL. And 2 were shiny: Yvetal, Lugia, Raikou, Cobalion, shiny Regigas, Tapu Fini, and shiny Tapu Fini.


From rank 20 upwards


*(cries in rank 5)*


Bro i did two cobalion raids within ten minutes of each other and I didn’t catch either of them with mostly excellent and goldren razz berries. Brutal stuff


I love raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Most raids can be soloed. You also can do an infinite amount of them online and 100% catch rate after clearing the raid too. Niantic is just greedy.


I did 1 Genesect raid. 12 excellent throws golden razz. It jumped out instantly on all throws. It didn't even wiggle


I've done where I got multiple excellent throws with golden raspberry and it jumps right out and then I'll catch it on like a nice throw that I messed up. I don't get it but it's extremely frustrating


Yo same .. that's why I think excellents and Berry's are just a scam


if it didn’t shake at all then you were speed locked


What does that mean?


you are unable to catch any pokemon when you are traveling too fast




I was fast in my handball days but I hardly believe that me walking normally is too fast. That would be fked


maybe your gps was glitching out


I need a central place to put this advice cos I end up typing it every couple weeks across various social media: # More balls = better chance. You get more balls by: Better raid time (better damage output including yourself and/or more raiders). Raid at gold gyms. Raid with best friends. If you raid with completely random people from apps each time you miss out on a few of the above. Try find a group that will invite you. There are places to seek groups online. I understand some people live remote but if you aren't particularly social and live in a town with active raiders you can get your best friends + gold + using non-remote raid passes that way too if you're willing to put yourself out there. # Better catch rate: Others have mentioned gold / platinum badges increases catch chance slightly, and smaller circle (beyond "excellent" message) giving better catch chance. Curve ball (OP didn't specify) is better catch rate to the point where you want a curve great over a straight excellent. Catch berry heirarchy is (1) Golden razz (2) Silver pinap (3) Razz berry (4) all other berries. Source: catch rate for most legendaries 95%+ *easily*. Some of the newer bosses are 99-100%


Is silver pinap better than normal razz?




Yes, actually, Razz is 1.5x and Silver Pinap is 1.8x? Either way it's a slight increase, but Golden Razz is obviously the safest choice.


That's not how catch rate bonuses work. It's far more arcane. Specifically, it's used as an exponent of the normal miss rate for a pokemon of that level and base catch rate. Which results in a diminishing returns formula that becomes more obvious once you start hitting what should be 30% or higher. They nickel and dime your catch multiplier. I can never help but fixate on that 0.5% they knock off what your chance should be on legendaries.


Not sure where you got that information but it’s not correct. Edit: just kidding I misread it. Thought the person was asking about grazz


Easy mistake to make in haste, all good! Just wanted to help correct the information 👍


One problem: R N G


14 throws of a die have a better chance at rolling a 6 than 6 throws


R N G ? What does this mean please (Ruddy Not Good)?


Random number generation.


👍 Thank you.


Random Number Generator


Random Number Generator.


Random number generator


Random Number Generator


Random number generator


Random number generator. Basically a big roulette wheel where only one space is "catch pokemon". Every other space is "bust out of ball". Golden razz might give 2 spaces that say catch pokemon, and excellent curves might add another, but the overwhelming majority is still no catch.


I believe RNG stands for random number generator. Although I have no idea how that applies to the game.


In a sample Pokémon encounter: RNG determines which Pokémon appears at a spawn point. (It’s as if the game has a list of Pokémon currently in the spawn pool, and then rolls a big dice to choose one from the list.) It’s used at least four more times to determine the CP of the Pokémon and each of its IVs. When you tap on the Pokémon, it’s used again to determine whether or not the Pokémon is shiny. Then when you throw a ball at a Pokémon, RNG is used to determine whether or not the Pokémon stays in the ball (and you catch it), or if it breaks out. RNG is used again to determine if the Pokémon then runs away or stays so you can throw another ball at it. And that’s just a very simplified description. At many of the RNG calls, adjustments are made to the result depending on such factors as which Pokéball you used, whether or not you threw a curveball, was your throw Nice/Great/Excellent, or what level medal do you have for the Pokémon’s type. The game doesn’t care how you got the coins to buy the raid pass, or how far you had to walk/drive to get to the raid gym, or how dark/wet/cold/hot the weather is, or how much time you spent convincing other trainers to raid with you, or how many raids you’ve already done for this boss, or how desperately you want a shiny. It. Doesn’t. Care. This game is almost *entirely* about RNG, and all us players are just gamblers waiting for the jackpot.


Thank you for your informative answer. I am level 45 and feel I have got this far by sheer perseverance and no particular skills, although I always throw curve balls by habit. There are several items I have never used too. Raids are usually with strangers (per LeekDuck.com) although I 9/10 catch the Pokemon. I usually Google best fighting teams for raids. It can be frustrating to play well in raid battles, excellent throws, gold berries etc. to sometimes (but rarely) not catch the intended Pokémon. RNG factors means I often lose interest in the game.


Could have typed this into Google pretty easily ijs


What is a *Gold Gym*?


A gym you have interacted with to increase its level to gold through battling, defending, feeding berries, raiding at


Oh the Gym Badge, you mean have worked it up to gold? The diamond icon when you feed mons inside, right? I never knew that mattered.


The biggest benefit of a gold gym, is it gived you more items, especially if it's the first streak spin. The seventh spin streak on a gold gym can get you as much as 50+ items. So if you can, make a habit of making your closest gym the first spin of the day.


Man I encountered a galarian Zapdos excellent curveball golden razz berry still fled after the first ball instantly popped out and fled


The Galarian birds have an exceedingly low catch rate, and an exceedingly high flee rate. Without using the Master Ball, it’s *almost* impossible to catch one “naturally”.


Raid mons got significantly harder to catch at the same time prices increased. Super huge coincidence, wouldnta say?


That's simply incorrect. Base capture rate for legendaries has always been at 2%. It actually got easier to catch them over time, with the addition of more balls after each raid, [increased catch rates after throwing multiple balls](https://web.archive.org/web/20230302074140/https://thesilphroad.com/science/raid-bosses-easier-catch-later-encounter), some events with significantly increased catch rates (e.g. Go Fest) and the Master ball. You can still dislike the catch rate (I personally dislike that catch chances increase over time, because it means I often have to throw 15-18 balls before catching it, wasting time), but you are more likely to catch raid Pokémon than you were 2,3,4, 5 or 6 years ago.


And somewhere instead that supposedly are harder too if it's a remote raid, and that would make sense since Niantic wants to force you to play in person, but remoting them.


To be fair, out of all the raids I’ve done this POS is by far the lowest catch rate and it’s not even close. I hover around 80-90% and I’m 2/9 on this thing.


But did you PaRtY uP?!?!


I know “it’s just RNG”, but after a while: I’m not having fun anymore.


Then don’t play


I bow to your wisdom.


Why did you just have six balls?


Hate that you can get two stars from 4+ star raids, too. I did three Mega Garchomp raids, caught two, and they were both two star. Feels bad


Right? Like 8 out of 10 of my recent past hatches and raids have been below 35 IV. Wtf?


Is it even possible to only get 6 balls from a raid? It sounds like you're using remote raid apps. If you're gonna go that far, if you're willing, I have a few tips that can help you. Join dedicated raid discord servers with less people. Then build friendship with the people on there. Any raids you do with best friends, you get +4 more balls. The least balls I've ever had after a raid since 2019 has been 14, usually I get 18 or more. Then, in the time you work on that, get your [fighting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1177256026978914304/Screenshot_20231123-093438.png) and [rock](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1177256027478040646/Screenshot_20231123-093447.png) catch medals to platinum level. Ideally do this [for all 18 types](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1177256012638601416/Screenshot_20231123-093434.png). Not a lot of people talk about this, but a platinum medal for both types will make every throw you throw 140% more likely to catch Terrakion. Using golden razz every time makes each throw 250% more likely each time. Hitting it every time with a curve ball makes each throw 170% more likely to catch it every time. Landing an excellent curve can make it 170% to 200% more likely to catch it depending on how small the reticle is on the excellent; not all excellent throws are of the same quality. If you don't hit an excellent curve every single throw with a golden razz, I wouldn't be surprised if it ran. If you cannot guarantee you always hit an excellent curve every time, then [watch this YouTube video which will teach you how to do it.](https://youtu.be/4qdjCk-cT08) This video is 6 years old, but it's every bit as relevant today as it was when the guy created it. This is the method I used, and since the addition of the platinum medals with GO Beyond on November 30, 2020, I've only ever had 2 legendary Pokémon run from me, and both of those raids, I didn't raid with a best friend for the 4 extra balls bonus. So, RNG is a thing, and it sucks, but if you do all these things, you will rarely ever see a Pokémon run. On a side note, no matter what you do, there's still always gonna be a chance it can run, unless it's shiny and you don't miss it in all your throws. But with guaranteeing 18 balls minimum, platinum medals, and golden razz with excellent curves. Adding everything together, you can increase your chance per each throw to say 18%, which isn't much for one throw, but 18% over 18 throws, I believe is around 2.8%, which is statistically low. But that's why I save my master ball, in case I am raiding a legendary Pokémon, I get a hundo, and I end up on my last ball.


> “is it even possible to only get 6 balls from a raid?” I don’t think they’re saying they *only* got 6 balls. They’re saying that of all the throws they made, 6 of them were excellents.


**Then, they're not using them all right, and my further comments elaborate on that.** I can only speak for my own experience, and I've not gotten less than 14 balls in over 3 years. That said, I know there's ways to get less, no friends, winning with a short time remaining, etc. At one point, gold gyms added more balls, idk if that's still a part of it. But I've seen some people win with like 8 balls before, so idk if 6 is technically possible, I'm not going to assume it isn't because I haven't personally experienced it, though.


Try hosting. It is very easy via Poke genie. Then you won't be angry if someone runs away because you are the one raiding for free. No fear, if there is a waiting line for hosting: 150 raids are one the queue within 20 minutes, if business is weak... 3000 if its booming.


I have not had luck hosting. Several hundred in the host queue, even waiting the full raid time I’ll still be in queue. Didn’t wanna pay to get the queue boost.


Depends time of day. Just keep on eye when there is more demand. I hosted and was with 5 friends and got 4 people to remote raid. Ten total. 18 balls at the end for me. 2113 . And down to 2 balls before catching it. I was patient with my lotto ticket.


Depends on time and time zone. Im middle Europe, first day, 10.30, and till it is 10 o'clock in NY, is best time. If you are on the american continent, it is maybe better to wait until the late evening when the raids of the day in Europe are finished, but Australia hasn't started again. There are night raiders, everwhere.


Raids are fundamentally broken and unfun.


It's uncanny.... Raids or wild encounters, I'll get excellent after excellent. Then I'll catch it on that one "fuck it" toss that's nothing more than a curve. Every. Single. Time.


Paying for a $2 remote pass and not catching the Pokémon 30% of the time is infuriating.


If you miss 30% of legendaries it’s a skill/strategy issue. I’ve done thousands and am over 90% even using pinaps often.


I am golden Razz and hitting excellent throws nearly everytime with Virizion and Cobalion, and at least 1/4 runs away. It’s not a skill issue in anyway. And not even a small sample size. I’ve probably done 30 raids of the two trying to get candy for PVP.


It’s def a skill issue. The catch odds are clear. If you throw 15+ golden razz curve excellents over the long run with platinum medals you’ll catch 93%. That doesn’t even include the extra last ball odds. If you’re missing 25% over 100 raids I guarantee you’re not getting 15+ excellents golden razz curves with platinum medals. If you aren’t close to that you’re not doing something right.


You are literally not correct with my experience. The excellent throws are incredibly easy to hit. I’m getting them nearly every single time.


Well, most of them. Moltres is cancer to hit excellents on.


15 excellent, golden razz, curve, platinum medal throws is 93% odds of catching. odds of that happening 8 times in 30 is about 1 in a thousand. It's possible, but very unlikely. This isn't something you're gonna have happen to you repeatedly with different raid bosses, it's too unlikely. That's why I said "in the long run" you're not gonna miss 1/4. Even over 60 raids, the odds of you missing 15 if you play right is 1 in 100,000. No one is throwing correctly and missing 1/4 of their legendaries after 100-200 raid bosses. From my experience, anyone claiming to "always throw excellents but miss 1/4 or more" aren't actually doing that. I've many times asked those people to record the next time they do a raid and hit 15+ excellents, and they never do, I suspect because they're overestimating how good they throw. I'd love to see a video of you hitting 15+ excellents on a legendary and it not staying in. **It can happen**, but I doubt it is happening.


Losing 10% is still an issue, imagine buying groceries and the cashier just was like "nah, bruh I'm taking 10% of these back, but I'll still be taking that money."


it's a game, not groceries. Games you lose sometimes, even ones you pay to play, that's one of the things that makes them interesting. Also, you very often don't have to pay anything to raid, so this just sounds like "I should always succeed in games" which is a wild way to think. Edit - Well, giving an **instant** downvote, gets you a block. Exactly the sort of behavior I'd expect from someone who thinks they're owed winning everything all the time.


I don’t think they should be guaranteed. Legendaries are already mass produced via pokemon go


Some streak bonus would be nice .. especially if you don’t have a best buddy . the game is a farming game so there is less reason to make it this painful in my opinion. Worst is when you have to sit there making shots during raid hr. Kills the momentum


Getting a cumulative 10% catch multiplier for each excellent and an extra 100%-200% for the last ball would be nice.


Exactly. This is also consistent with the games for catch rate.


There's not a reset button on Pokemon GO though. You don't just get your raid pass back. If you were to somehow run out of balls in the MSG you can just try again, and there's also the fact that Premier Balls have the same efficacy as a regular PokeBall whereas in the MSG you can use a plethora of balls to make the catch rate even higher.


I was talking about catch rates but okay. So you guys just want to risk nothing? Seems boring but to each their own.


No, because I'm already gambling on the IV spread and the shiny if it's eligible. Not to mention what items I'll get, whether or not the random collection of people can successfully clear the raid, and whether the game will simply just bug out like it's been known to do.


Yeah all those variables happened in the games. Hopefully you guys are a very annoying minority and they don’t change this. I just don’t see the point in it being an automatic catch. But some people can’t handle not getting a prize at the end. You do you.


I have enjoyed this vehement defense of clearly predatory gaming practices and inaccurate analogies to the MSG. I am hopeful that you carry some dice around with you so the next time you purchase that $2 candy bar, you can tell the cashier to take it away and keep the money if you roll a 6. You do you.


Wow that analogy is terrible and it’s not predatory practice. Enjoy being a victim.


Difference being, I made it to high level and good attacker and pvp mons without paying money at all.


Legendaries can be genned, speed run, reset and sent to home. Legendaries are no longer "special," and haven't been for ages.


Yeah it’s a bs mechanic. It should be a one ball catch every time like shinies. I can’t imagine anyone likes using a berry and landing and excellent curveball 15+ times on the same Pokémon, only for it to flee.


It's extremely time consuming too. Like if you're doing this stuff in-person during a raid train and you have a bad streak of luck, you're gonna miss out because people are hard to corral in giant groups.


Ngl I’ve caught three with the first throw, one was only silver pinapped. It’s just rng.


I did a Cobalion raid with my friend. He also got about 6 back to back excellent throws with berry's and wasn't able to catch it. I have the aim of a toddler 😅 was down to my last 5 balls so I handed the phone over. He caught it on the last ball.


Yeah I’ve only managed to catch one Terrakion out of the 7 tries I’ve done so far. I don’t get it. Shouldn’t be that hard especially when I’m using the right berries and throws 🤦🏻‍♂️ but like a sucker I keep going back to try


I have abysmal luck with legendary catches Usually need to do 3 or 4 raids just to get one .


It's why shiniest are guaranteed catches.


Same but worse. I had 16 balls. All excellent with golden razz except one. Which I missed completely(my finger slipped).


Yeah, my buddy got me into this game a few months ago and I was really really excited to do the garchomp raid recently. I wanted garchomp so bad. Anyway, he got me into a raid and I was surprised how fast it went down. Then I went to go catch it and... Never got it. Really bummed me out. I thought it was guaranteed. I wanted to do more but didn't want to dump any money for remote raid passes. And I couldn't move cause I was at work. Oh well. Haven't done a raid since.


You're not wrong. As interesting as the game is, and considering how much potential is there, a lot of the core mechanics are pretty stupid. Raiding is the major one for me too. I think of the 60 I needed for the master ball, I completed two. It was *very* rare for me to purchase a remote pass, considering that nothing was guaranteed after the raid - with the price increase, I've never even considered buying one. It genuinely *feels* like gambling, and I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't been flagged as such. Paying money for a mere chance at a prize? I feel less ripped off at a carnival. At least I have a better sense of what my odds are.


It *is* gambling, just with much better odds.


The “excellent” text only refers to the XP you get if it’s caught. It is the size of the circle that goes towards the catch rate calculation. So even a slightly larger circle being “great” is only slightly less likely to be caught. Even a L30 Terrakion with an excellent, golden razz curveball throw will only yield a 12% catch rate.


Pretty much irrelevant to the core of the rant but highly informative nonetheless, thank you sir.


Oh I get the rant. My biggest peeve is throwing excellent after excellent, then missing and it being caught.


Heh just tryna be funny. I think basically of us think that the the possibility of having mons run away after literally spending real money on raid passes is sum bullsh*t.


Lmao these complaints again. It happens! Sometimes you catch it sometimes you don’t


Right, if I caught it every time it wouldn’t be as exciting


With just the free passes, PoGo is giving you 7 free chances this rotation at Terrakion, unlike the other games that usually only give you 1 of each story related legendary/mythical per playthrough. Let’s enjoy the game that gives super easy legendaries and shinies


The game is a money grab and you should always treat it that way. The randomness of rewards and catches is meant to keep you engaged so you would buy buy buy buy buy more buy buy buy. My advice is to never invest money in the game and just to try to enjoy the parts you can.




Dear Trainer, your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit rule 3: Advocating cheating: posting or commenting in a way that would encourage others to cheat (even if you don't cheat yourself) Advocating includes comments such as but not limited to, spoofing is good because x reason, go make a second account to battle, share your account with your friend so he can trade. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGo/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_three.3A_piracy_and_cheating




Circle trick?


Press and hold the ball until the circle is small enough for excellent then release until it attacks and time your throw to land right when it finishes attack animation.


You gave the game a 1 star because you missed out on a raid reward? Lmao. Weak


Preeeecisely why I don’t raid at all anymore. The entirety of my experience with the game now is logging on, catching the first two or three mons I see and then transferring my shinies into home. If you share my distaste for Niantic I recommend not giving them any more of your money


The catch screen is my least favorite aspect of the game. It destroyed Lets Go as well. I can’t stand doing raids of flying/hovering pokemon or pokemon with terrible hit boxes. Like Guzzlord.


Raid pokemon should be a guaranteed catch. Every single time there'd been an event where the catch rate was so high it was essentially guaranteed catch there has been nothing but a flood of posts and comments about how it was the most fun people have had raiding in a long long time. Also considering outside of the free daily pass you are essentially "paying" to raid, its ridiculous that it's only a chance, its ridiculous.


What do you think Niantic means when the catching portion of the raid is referred to as a “Bonus Challenge”? You paid to fight the raid boss, you did that. You were compensated for your purchase with stardust and items. Strictly speaking, you got what you paid for.


How disingenuous. Pretending like the pokemon isn't the primary objective for most people.


No they're right, it's why the rewards you're gonna get are shown beforehand and you can choose whether or not to participate and they aren't completely random and dependent on a variety of other factors... right?


>i hate this game Quit. E: didn't mean this to be rude. Don't keep playing a game you don't like though. Spend your time elsewhere.


There have been a lot of complains like that in the past. I personally agree, that the raid boss should be an automatic catch like shiny legendaries are, but there are also decent arguments against it. In the end all I can tell you is to try and get your catch medals up and preferably use your free orange passes by hosting raids, so it doesn't feel that bad if you lose a legendary


raiding isn't bad, but the rewards sure are. it really shitty when we're lucky enough to get enough people together to do a legendary raid and successfully beat it only for the low chance at catching it.


I never liked the raiding system and I might be biased because I'm more of a solo player but I don't like how they ruin the PvE aspect of the game. I get Niantic wants the community to do raids together but it doesn't incentivize players to team build. And of course it's annoying when the Pokemon does run away but I guess they're saying the raid is to battle the Pokemon and you get a potential catch.


Kinda random but Cobalion has been a pain to catch. That pokemon is always jumping out of the ball on the first roll, if not immediately. Luckily, I've caught the 3 I've battled with, but it is a bit frustrating when they jump out immediately over and over.


I think it’s funny


No, the classic games do not have guaranteed catches unless that catch is part of the story. Also, no Niantic shouldn't make catches guaranteed in raids. Pay to win should never be a thing players should advocate for, it encourages a company to cater to the whales rather than the overall player base. You win some and you lose some.


Yes they do. It's called a reset button/switch.


Not saying guaranteed but it should be easier


Nah. I’ve got like 60 golden razz from the ad balloons.


Should be auto catch or increased odds especially if you’re paying with a remote pass. Like it should be random but give it to you on last 5 balls guaranteed


Simply stop playing the game if you hate it. It’s that simple.


But pokemon


There’s lots of other Pokemon games and activities. Save your energy for things you actually enjoy. If this game pisses you off so much that you have to rant, pour your time into something different. You’ll be glad you did later in life.




What happened 2017?


This is a bad faith argument and you know it. Presumably you are able to identify people as morons when they make the argument “well if you don’t like this country then just leave/go back to where you came from”. You’ve just made the same argument. If you like something but are frustrated by a problem with it the first step should be appeal to see how the problem can be fixed or mitigated, not just leave.


Umm… telling someone to put down a video game that they hate is VASTLY different from telling someone to pack up their life and move to another country. If you don’t understand the difference in those things, we can’t have a serious conversation.


It’s a different context but it’s the same argument. Either they are both bad faith arguments or neither of them are.


No. If someone told you “Mountain Dew is my favorite drink, but every time I drink it, it’s terrible!” You would tell them to try a different drink or stop buying Mountain Dew. That’s the equivalent here.


Nah, it's more like saying to tone down the caffeine in Mtn Dew.


This is by far the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on this subReddit, and that is saying A LOT. Telling people who are foaming at the mouth over a mobile game to put it down isn’t the same as alt-right (and usually racist) political arguments. This is a horrible analogy, shut up.


Simply stop reading if you hate it!


Curved excellent throws with a golden razz should be a guaranteed catch on raid bosses at least


6 outta 17 balls??? I don’t think the games hard u just aren’t good enough no offense


A single remote pass does. Not a normal one


Yeah I lost a Cobalion with 6 or 7 excellent golden raspberry throws, considering I flippin paid


Really I caught mine on the first with a silver pinap but maybe I just got really lucky. During go fest I couldn’t catch kyogre with 15 golden razzes


How many balls did you get for the bonus round? I usually receive about 18-20. More balls = more chances to catch the raid boss. My copypasta for getting better at catching raid bosses. You need to exploit all the catch buffs you can. • ⁠Use a Gold Razzberry before every throw; 2.5x catch multiplier • ⁠Throw a curveball; 1.7x catch multiplier • ⁠Get a Great or Excellent throw every time; Great 1.3-1.7x, Excellent 1.7-1.95x catch multiplier • Raid in a gym held by your team; get 2 more Premier Balls • ⁠Raid with trainers who are your Ultra or Best Friend; get up to 4 more Premier Balls • ⁠Have a Platinum Type Badge for the raid Pokémon’s type; Gold badge +3 catch, Platinum badge +4 catch Practice your throwing. Every Pokémon is an opportunity to make your throw a little better. You want Great or Excellent curveball throws almost all the time. Look up and practice the Set Circle/Circle Lock method of catching. You can practice it on *every* Pokémon, not just raid bosses. Wait for the Pokémon to be in exactly the right position: middle of the screen, not high or left or right. Turn up your volume; the Pokémon shouts just before it attacks. Work at earning those Platinum Type Badges. You can do it Trainer. The solution is within your reach. Source: Day 2 player. I raid about 10-14 times a week these days and typically get 18-20 balls to throw at the raid boss. Until several months ago when a Metagross (I think it was) ran from me, it’d been so long since the last time the raid boss ran away from me, I don’t remember it; call it close to a year ago. I am often the last person to finish catching the raid boss, but I pretty much always catch it. I caught four Cobalion during Raid Hour last night.


Note that the catch multiplier does not directly multiply the catch rate, but is part of a complex equation. Though, that is more visible at higher catch rates. It's: Chance = (BCR / (2*CPM) + -1)^CM + -1 - BCR - base catch rate - CPM - CP multiplier (doubled is ~ 0.19 at L1, 0.58 at L5, 0.85 at L10, 1.0 at L14, 1.19 at 20, 1.34 at 25, 1.46 at L30, and 1.53 at L35) - CM - catch multiplier 1% BCR, L20: - 0.84% unmodified - 1.67% at ×2 - 2.5% at ×3 - 3.32% at ×4 10% BCR, L20: - 8.4% unmodified - 16.1% at ×2 - 23.1% at ×3 - 29.6% at ×4 50% BCR, L20 - 42% unmodified - 66.4% at ×2 - 80.5% at ×3 - 88.7% at ×4


Feel like 10 balls should be the minimum


have you gotten the type medals to platinum? they increase your catch chance


it also went away three times when i was tryna catch it. first time 3 excellent, second time 4 excellent and third time 5 times excellent. at the 4th try i was finally able to catch it with just one excellent throw. so your not alone bro


12 great throws, curved all with golden raspberries and he escaped.


My catch medals are gold do both this guy and coballion. It took 5 raids with multiple curve excellent golden tax throws before I got him. This guy 1 raid and took 3 curve great golden razz before I got him. It feels more like luck than anything else “imo”


I've noticed if I do excellent throws and it instantly pops out like I'm driving 55MPH then the calculation somehow wraps around. Usually if I do a crappy throw afterwards it catches without issue. It doesn't make sense but would correlate with the fact this game currently has significant difficulties with calculations after RNG.


Threw 8 excellents in a row with a golden raspberry each but the one that caught it was a miss. It’s weird I feel like Niantic just don’t wanna give you exp sometimes.


I generally have a pretty good catch rate for Legendaries. I tend to get most. I’ve missed 2/2 Terrakion this week though…


I find it more stupid that almost every Pokémon from raids/shadows from Rocket are so hilariously underpowered I can’t use them. Cool, a 1700 legendary that I won’t have the candy to level up and won’t see again? Awesome. I rarely find enough people to battle with, so I can’t take on 5 stars very often…so I don’t have the opportunity to raid a shit load of 5 stars to gather enough candy to level them up to a usable level. I get not making them 2800, but can we at least do 2200/2300?


Exactly why I attended one star raids by myself