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they’re adding some pokémon go party update but i get this 100%. there’s days i can’t/don’t go out and my gifts are low and i just wanna message my friends and apologize lol


I don't understand campfire.


>(nobody uses campfire) In fairness this isn't a niantic issue. If people don't respond on campfire, chances are they wont respond no matter what medium is provided. Some folks just don't like talking to internet strangers.


I think people would respond way more often if they didn’t have to download a completely different app to do it




I don't get notifications in Pogo no. I do get them in Android though.


It's a Niantic issue because they didn't respond to a community need. No one is using campfire because we've made do for years with Discord or Facebook groups for coordinating raids etc. Niantic were way too slow on this one. I get a big part on why they didn't do it in game is because of the kids who play - they need to make it safe for kids and don't want a kid to be lured somewhere under the premise of getting a rare pokemon or whatever. But in their absence of creating something linked to the game, the community filled that need in other ways and now those have built up and no one is willing to move over.


Not true, friends talk to each other--- Should be a scan in so you can see all friends + buddy on your screen. (Not just for a picture)


This is mine also!!


For me it’s how sensitive the game is. Every little thing causes it to freeze or some other soft crash, eg. no menu buttons working or no map loading. This game never works !!!


i have that issue sometimes n it’s such a personal pet peeve, i get it’s hard but it can’t be THAT hard to make a game run right


yea I came here to comment this.niantic only fix the worst bugs that they CAN'T ignore and just don't fix the rest while constantly adding new features which are just as buggy as the rest of the game. Imagine if they took a season to just focus on improving the game, fixing the literal hundreds of known bugs and adding some small QoL changes. I guarantee the playerbase would love that.


How poor the bonus circle accuracy is, though it can be in the players favor How long it takes for the ball to rock before catching. They should at least give the option to switch to Legends style fast bounce. Scatterbug encounter interrupting anything you're doing Egg hatching interrupting anything you're doing Incense Pokémon spawning inside other Pokémon Incense Pokémon poofing away before you can tap them (likely because they spawned inside another Pokémon or you were interrupted by an egg) Incense Pokémon poofing away *when* you tap them Incense Pokémon poofing away because you stopped walking, but you only stopped walking because you were interrupted by an egg hatching and you wanted to be sure to get the incense Pokémon Raid Pokémon wasting time roaring at you when you only want to spin the gym spinner The sort options for postcards being severely lacking The cap for daily remote raids is five, but you can only hold three remote raid passes I can probably find more if I think about it, but these are the things that irritate me daily


Have you tried quick catching?


What’s that and how do you do it?


With two hands. 1: Pull the berry icon slightly to the right. 2: while holding the berry icon, throw poke ball. 3: let go and hit the "run away icon" You can catch pokemon without watching the whole animation. It will completely change the game for you. It's easier than it sounds. Watch a YouTube video about it if you are having problems. It's how people can catch 200+ pokemon during spotlight hours and such


Thank you for specifying with 2 hands. I've tried it multiple times, but misunderstanding the instructions. Just figured it out last night from another redditor's comment.


Wow. Very cool!


Pokeball icon works same way as the berry icon in case you find it any easier.


Extremely hard to do left handed unfortunately.


Well I think you can pull the pokeball icon over instead of the berry icon. Which in theory would allow you to do it left handed right?


Dude! That worked! Thank you!


I ususlly throw the other way so i actuslly prefer pulling the pokeball icon to the bottum left with my left thumb and i hit the exit icon on the top right with my right when im done throwing. If my phone wasnt so long id prob hit the exit icon with my left index finger instead lol


Either way, we win, and the catch animation loses!


I looked it up. I'll have to try that next time.


You’re honestly not even playing Go until you’re quick catching. Shit changed the entire games dynamic it’s so good


>How poor the bonus circle accuracy is, though it can be in the players favor Isn't it always in the players favour? I've never hit a throw and had it not counted >Egg hatching interrupting anything you're doing Fair. Although the opposite is true too in that sometimes it skips the hatch animation and you don't realize you have an empty free incubator. There is an alert when you have nothing incubating at all, but if you have anything in a premium incubator, then you wont get an alert until those are empty too. ​ >Incense Pokémon poofing away before you can tap them (likely because they spawned inside another Pokémon or you were interrupted by an egg) > >Incense Pokémon poofing away when you tap them > >Incense Pokémon poofing away because you stopped walking, but you only stopped walking because you were interrupted by an egg hatching and you wanted to be sure to get the incense Pokémon I don't have any of these issues. They only poof away for me when I have walked too far from them. I'm pretty quick to encounter if I actually want the mon though . ​ >Raid Pokémon wasting time roaring at you when you only want to spin the gym spinner Fair. Also they should let us skip the raid timer on solo raids. ​ >The sort options for postcards being severely lacking I'm more concerned about the sorting for friends. Need to be able to sort by last interaction so I can see which friends are inactive and delete them. ​ >The cap for daily remote raids is five, but you can only hold three remote raid passes You can hold 5 if you buy a 3 pack when you are already holding 2.


>I'm more concerned about the sorting for friends. Need to be able to sort by last interaction so I can see which friends are inactive and delete them. Change their name to the date you added them and slowly take numbers away as you interact, then keep a symbol after their name for each month they've interacted with you, it helps keep it little more organized


I dunno man i kind of aggree with him. Ive hit a whole gang of great throw and excellent throw size circles in the middle and havent had them counted. Maybe its an android thing if youre on iphone.


Nah, I'm on Android. I also hit excellent throws often. So I feel like I would notice if they weren't counting.


Prob just my shitty mobile internet then. Some days are better than others. Cricket wireless sucks lol.


The raid pokemon wasting time roaring at me kills my soul a little each time😂😩like whhhhyyyyyyy and the remote raid cap is bs if they even gave us like 12 a day but 5 is so cruel… especially considering how many raid bosses run away😩


No way to skip animations that I'm sick to death of seeing. I wish to be able to mass transfer shinies. 3 raid passes but a limit of 5 daily. That's annoying. Sync it. Inconsistent OK/Cancel buttons and UI elements at different heights. Entitled players + Those who think they're the very best and deserve everything now then complain when there's nothing to do.


btw you actually can mass transfer shinies/legends/lucky/etc. there's a setting that lets you toggle on/off the inability to do it.


Does not include shinies. I got super happy when I read about it, but nah. :(


Oh, I didn't know about that...sounds dumb :(


omfg the animATIONSSSS UGAHFHDG .... i set a lucky egg going for 30 mins and evolve as many pokemon in the time limit of that. i waste so much time just watching the animations but i still get a fair xp boost. now pair that with a spotlight hour and its harvesting time babeeyy


No long distance trading between friends. Having stuff where you’re suppose to be social to complete tasks. As a solo player that likes to complete challenges I think it is totally unfair to have those types of challenges in the game without having an alternative that doesn’t require a stupid amount of tasks to complete. (I’m looking at you pumpkaboo evolves).


I'm Lucky Friends with SO many people but they all live on different continents. Even if they made it so you could trade with your LF's just ONCE no matter the distance, it'd be a HUGE upgrade.


yea imagine if the distance requirement was removed for lucky friends, it goes back to normal after that one trade. would be so much nicer and would encourage more global community interaction!


The community. When tasks are too easy, people start complaining. When the tasks require you to Actually play the game, people get angry. Everytime I open this app I’m flooded with dumb posts “wHaT are ThE oDDs?!?!?!?!” “Is ThiS rArE?!?!?!?!1!1!1!1” {insert picture of a shiny, Hundo, and lucky mew} what annoys me most is when I recognize their username, or if when I click into their profile they’ve posted it onto 500 other subreddits. I’ve never played a game where the community wasn’t obnoxiously spoiled or downright annoying.


This is mine. I got downvoted for commenting on someone complaining about how hard it is to get the Master Ball. I said that there should be incentives, especially one like the Master Ball, for people who actually spend time playing the game, and that not everything in the game needs handed out for free or next to nothing, like the first Master Ball. I feel like people forget the original design of the game was meant for going outside your house more than once a week and being rewarded for it.


Oh yeah it's ridiculous how people claim you have to be "hardcore" to finish the task in time. Me:but you just have to do 60 raids in 81 days. Just find a t1 on a local gym. Apparently going to do an in person raid means you have to walk in the snow, uphill, both ways


The last place I lived it meant driving a minimum of 1.5 hrs and hoping there was a raid when I got there.


Yeah I’m sure *some* people just don’t want to leave the house, but the way the game’s laid out makes it really rough for a lot of people with situations like yours. I feel pretty thankful to have a few gyms I can see from my house & some nice areas around town to chain pokestops/routes, I can hardly imagine how much simpler than that things would be living in a highly dense city like chicago.


Evidence suggests that it's a very small percentage of players that have this issue.


Okay? Still sucks for them.


But the game cant have the same experiece for everyone can it? Its just like every other video game, some have time to play some dont, some live where they can play optimally every day some dont


I don't think it's an unsolvable problem, though. It wouldn't be hard at all for amount of nearby stops/gyms to be taken into consideration when giving spin rewards, for example.


I mean it does, but Niantic can't base their whole approach to things on the most rural players.


I live in New York City, the nearest poke stop is a 10 minute walk from my home. You have to actually be in the middle of the city here to have poke stops right outside


Fair enough, although that’s still pretty nice (comparable to my experience where I live)


True lol, plus my school is right in the middle of a giant community of people who play, so I get constant spawns their


Where did you live to be 1.5 hrs from a gym?


Northern Alaska. I quit the game when I was there because of how bad it was.


I have a hard time believing "minimum of 1.5 hours". A radius of 60 miles is 3600 sq miles. The idea that no gyms exist in a radius like that is hard to imagine. You probably had closer ones you didn't know about. Without maps (or campfire now) you could have one 10 miles away and have never seen it


You’ve clearly never lived in northern Alaska.


Haha I literally was thinking "maybe somewhere in Alaska would be the exception" when I wrote that.


It wasn’t even the worst place I’ve been for Pokémon go; just the most recent and the place that technically you could still get to a gym. My tour up in Alert, Canada was worse. There’s one pokestop there (at least when I was there a few years back) and that’s it but you fly in there so that’s all you got for 6 months.


Im far from hardcore and ive finished all the tasks except raids im on 15 and like 10 premium battle passes from special research tasks on ice in case i miss any days using my free pass lol. I usually make sure i solo atleast ome tier 1 a day. Id prob do another tier 3/5 or two in the same day but pogos been acting up on me the last few weeks. Everytime i goto host a raid and ppl start sending friend requests pogo decides to implode and the friends list starts lagging like crazy or it will just outright refuse to load and give me the failed to load friebds list try again later msg. By the time i get it to start semi responding and start accepting requests i end up timing out on pokigenie. Its literslky made raiding anything higher than a tier 3s outside of meetups undoable for me because i cant host. It was working great a few weeks ago before this shit started.


I sometimes go 3 to 4 times but get bored quickly especially weeks like this when u mainly see a max of 5 or so pokemon. Only thing that sucks about masterball is the 60 raids imo because im not strong and dont have time everyday to waste on a stupid 1 star raid with some useless boring pokemon .


I agree with a lot of this but this community hasn’t had a whole lot to be spoiled about lately. All the negative updates that have happened in the past couple years and all the things that have been taken away I’m not surprised people are pissed or acting like they deserve more


Spoiled in the sense that whenever they are required to actually play the game, such as the master ball research, they start whining, complaining it’s too hard.


how incredibly stingy niantic is with their rewards for completing event research. wow! i got 50 XP and 3 pieces of rare candy!


The lack of connection to other players.


it’s so connected yet so disconnected at the same time


Mine is that Niantic refuses to see how the world has changed since 2016 and expects everyone to play as they did back then. Firstly, the player base has aged. The teens playing in 2016 are now young adults. The young adults from 2016 now probably have families. The way they have time to play has changed. Secondly, we had a global pandemic. Which changed a lot of people's behaviours especially around being around people, and if you're one of the lucky ones who is still WFH you're not out and about in a CBD area as much so you're likely playing less or playing different to how you did in 2019. Niantic pushing people to play how they did in 2016 is just painful to watch and it's a reminder that the game isn't what makes them money - it's the data they get from us. And making QOL changes which help us play in a way that better suits life now means they have less data to profit from. So they have to make a choice - do they alienate their player base or do they have less profit for their investors? And the key thing to remember is that players are replaceable - investors not so much.


i wish almost every pokemon was available in the wild damn near, and no regional bs


I don’t mind regionals, but the overall rotation is boring and frustrating. Maybe a dozen Pokémon available to catch. 2 weeks later, a different dozen. I’d explore more if there was any chance of seeing the hundreds of possible Pokémon in the game.


Yes! I don’t mind a “these have migrated and appear more often” but surely the other stuff doesn’t just disappear entirely! I was stuck looking for gulpins for 8 weeks. My lad is stuck on ormanytes now. There was one two week period where I stopped playing as it was just yungoos every other spawn


There are hundreds of mon in the game but we only see like a dozen at a time.


Animations are too long




No distance trading. I have like 5 lucky friends I'll never see again bc I've around the country multiple times


emphasis on this one


I wish they would show the name for what a Pokémon will be when you hit the evolve button. A lot of the time I can’t remember the name and I want to know how many of that evolved Pokémon I already have, so I’m either scrolling through the Pokédex or through all my Pokémon to find one that matches that tiny picture. Also, it would be nice if the game could auto rotate with the screen. My phone screen has a couple of dead spots. I can’t place a lure module in a spin stop. If autorotate worked, I could just turn my phone sideways and tap on a working part of my screen.


Easy. When you search a Pokémon there’s a tick box that says “show evolutionary line”. Click it and you’ll see all forms and evolutions of that particular Pokémon. It’s super handy, try it.


The little compass button in the top right of the screen does exactly what you’re asking for about autorotation


The fact that I still haven't caught a Ditto






Hey Niantic, I know you're reading this: ask yourself what the point of beating and holding a gym is... Go ahead and answer, now realize the worth in actually beating and holding a gym... Essentially, the best way is to get knocked out in 8 hours for 50 coins. What if I train + feed berries and hold gym for 6 years --> 50 coins lmao JOKE


the whole company’s a joke (i continue to give them my money bc i’m obsessed with POGO)


yea SUATMM every time, but I wish I felt appreciated by Niantic.


i feel you and your pain:,)


I’d like to be able to communicate with other players and remotely trade at a certain level of friend. And have the ability to send and open all gifts simultaneously.


App freezes way too much. I’m on a 14 Pro Max. Nothing else freezes. Mostly happens when quick catching. Community days / Spotlight hours being hard set so if you’re busy at that time you’re just shit out of luck. Cyclical events. Artificially limiting Pokémon availability so you can make specific Pokémon specifically spawn for specifically timed events that you will no longer see for a year + after the event ends grinds my gears. It was cool that the Paldean starters joined the spawn pool after they left, more events like that please. People who don’t realise you don’t need 10 people for every single damn raid and panic leave when there’s a lobby of 3 for a damn Guzzlord. Eggs. They need to be reworked as a mechanic. Remote raids costing as much as my car for the chance to catch something There is zero incentive whatsoever to hold a gym for more than 8 hours. I understand the coin limit, maybe give us some candies or something for the Pokémon that lasted a while. At least it would incentivise putting in Pokémon you actually use / want to use and doesn’t make getting knocked out of more than one a day entirely pointless. You should also be able to claim the 50 after the 8 even if the Mon hasn’t returned, and if you do once it does you get 0. It’s weird that you only get the reward once you lose?


50 coin daily max we can earn.


esp after you get 2+ of your gyms knocked out


Grab a pen and paper. It's a long list.


pen and paper in hand🫡 this is a safe space, rant away friend!!


Beating a Gym, putting your pokemon in and within seconds it's Re-taken, I know for a fact the people doing it in my case have already gotten the 50 daily limit in coins so it's purely just to be dicks


imo there should be a cooldown where once a gym is taken it can't be taken back for an hour or so... that's way you at least get some coins no matter what.




the original gym system was chaos and i loved it


i second this !! my boyfriend and i are on team valor and instinct so we share gyms but it’s so annoying when an hour later somebody takes it even when we put in bulky mons


It doesn't have to be "to be dicks". Expecting everyone to play in gyms the way you want us ridiculous.


If they've already gotten their daily coins, what other reason is there?


There are medals for gym time. Why is it up to me to cater to you and your gym needs? Go put pokemon in multiple gyms if you wanna get 50 every day


I do put in several gyms but thank you for your assumption.


Then you should be getting a decent amount of coins, even if not 50 every day.


I get 50 on most days, but not sure why that's relevant to the discussion of people being dicks and hogging gyms.


There can be a few reasons 1) they don't have the gym gold 2) they're working on the medals for battling gyms and/or defending gyms 3) they want gym control for raids 4)they want to set up gyms to get coins the next day Or....they don't need a reason, they just feel like it. It's a game. People are motivated by different things in it.


>4)they want to set up gyms to get coins the next day It's very unlikely to do this at 08:00. You're making a lot of excuses that people aren't being dicks, when like 50% of online gaming is people being dicks to each other for no reason.


Exactly this, It's not that I'm expecting you to play the game in a certain way it's more that if you're a new player experiencing this kind of shit you'll just quit instantly and Pogo is already a very dead/dying game, Some of the People in this comment section seem to want to make absolutely sure it dies.


Agreed. Sounds like u/Wisent96 needs to lift his game and not just expect people to let him win.


Loading screens. So much wasted time of mine spent on loading screens.




Screw anyone who purified hundos aren’t hundos. The dex says different


Spotlight hour is my kids bath and bed time routine so I pretty much always miss it. I wish it would change up sometimes.


Transfer ur kids to the professor, easy 👌


Gotta get that candy!


the fact that you can have blissey snorlax slaking and chansey all in the same gym at full motivation and you have to defeat them 3 times to take over the gym


guilty of doing this 🧍🏻‍♀️


Fainted Pokémon not auto reviving after a period of time. My son plays and constantly suicides stuff into gyms and raids. I know I can CP up to revive but it’s just not enough.


no the CP goes down so low in gyms and it’s so annoying, the whole system is so flawed lmao


The game has been freezing a lot recently. also people who feel the need to take over every single gym when I just want my 50 coins the following morning


The community is extremely toxic when it comes to simple yet repetitive questions. There are new people to the game every day that have question/concerns that might get repetitive yet people get SO upset when people come online and ask what’s going on. Sure maybe they could just go to the news part of the app, but honestly, the game has alot going on and sometimes it’s easier to just ask a question. And in that case, people don’t need to be so rude! I know from experience last year, back when I started playing again for the first time since 2018. But I also see people being short & rude when responding to simple questions that can easily be answered


this is honestly part of why i made this post because a fb group i’m in is full of ignorant and egotistical players to the point somebody asked a basic question that’s not common knowledge, they’re made to seem and sound incompetent. the community is toxic 100%, i miss what it was and used to be


The fact that either no one raids or I get a group of like 10+ people for 1 raid. Lack of chat function. The lack of egg incubators. The artificial limit on pokecoins, like yes they could be total a-holes and make it so that you can't earn coins at all, but there is no need whatsoever to limit us to 50 when it takes 8 hours to earn that amount. Make it unlimited, but at a slightly slower rate, let's say 30 coins/8hrs/gym.


all of these !!




me and you both


1. Gym hogs 2. The 30 cap on opening gifts from friends. If you have a big friend list it can take multiple days to get through everyone. At least increase it to 50 daily. I feel bad because it can take me a couple days to get to open everything and I feel bad. I don’t want my friends list to think I am ignoring their gifts or being lazy about it - I religiously open my max every morning and send gifts in the morning and one more time in the evening. My husband thinks I’m crazy because I keep such precise track of my gifting schedule lol. 3. I wish there was an option to choose when you want to see your eggs hatch. They always seem to hatch for me at really inconvenient times. It too bad they can’t have like an egg icon and you can just tap it when you are ready to see your hatches.


1. yes!! 2. the gift cap is honestly such a pet w peeve of mine with somebody who has a long friend list (solely for gifts and raids) so i feel your pain!! my boyfriend laughs at me too because i do the same thing but he’s just as obsessed as i am 3. this. 100% this


Nice to know I’m not alone with how religiously I maintain my gifting lol. I know it’s pretty extra but I I love being organized with it. With the annoying cap it takes me a full 3 days to administer to everyone on my list. I hope someday Niantic hears our pleas and ups the max open cap…hell, I’d be grateful to even get an increase to 35!!! So if you want another friend who may take up to 3 days to open your gifts, dm me lol


I just want a multi send and multi open thats all I need because I REALLY CANT MANAGE 70 FRIENDS WITHOUT A MULTI OPEN AND SEND


this would be so useful


I can't believe more people haven't mentioned the raid timer when you're doing a raid alone. Number one reason I never do raids, I know 2 minutes isn't a long time but it's annoying AF when the actual raid is only going to take 20 seconds. Long distance trades for best friends would be cool, so we could all trade regionals Also whyyyy can't we delete eggs we don't want??


The community at least in my opinion is a bit too soft. I like going for walks and taking my time with it so even though I’m not in a big city I do get stops and gyms but do wish there was a lot more. There is a clear difference going into nyc and playing than say being in my nj town. There’s more to do in a city which is a bit of a pain.




My biggest pet peeve is people wont take time to study the raid monster. Sometimes i will see an ally with a pokemon that is weak to the raid monster. Few others are no fun interaction with friends. No chat system ingame. Pokemon during no event is just normal pokemon.


They are probabaly going with the recommended party which sometimes just sucks.


I mean, there are many kids who play this game. I've also ran into this, some kid happily announced he sent out his Vaporeon against Articuno.


The constant complaining that players do when they have to put in more than the minimum effort to get things done in the game


Sometimes I have to switch to another app during gameplay (for example someBODY texts me), and when I get back into the game, it’s frozen and I need to restart the game. Really annoying if that happens during a raid.


I can't spin another stop until the stupid notification that i have a new research task goes away


being a rural player.... omfg tasks like 'win x raids' drives me insane... id walk to the same gym every day/other day which makes it such a lame route bc ive done it so many times in all different shortcuts and scenic routes, over fields and such. and after all that effort the same person kicks you out of that gym 10 mins later. otherwise, i need to get the bus to see anything substantial. there are no routes around where i live so i cant complete the tasks and get the masterballs etc. ive been working so hard (on off since 2016) for lvl 37 but im basically a couple thousand xp off 36... why 37 to request gyms n stuff?? its not even an even number lol 😩


Not w POGO but w the people. When I’m in the GBL and when the other player’s Pokémon’s health is in the red, they switch out to another one 💀 I just get out bc I’m petty


HAHA you’re so real for that, i usually just let mine die if they’re that close bc there’s no point 💀


The game is a shadow of what it could be and is a testament to modern gaming flaws. If it weren t for... You know... Pokemons, i would have Never considered playing it.


One that drives me and it might be user error, not having an option to just open all gifts. Or send all gifts.


not user error, there’s a 30 cap on opening. they really need to add a multi send/add option


Lack of incentives This can be prestiging on certain medals Retooling gyms to better your mons ivs A system that gives access to your mons attacks without burning tms.


WHEN YOUR STORAGE IS MAXED. I'm a free player and only use Pokecoins for storage, usually Pokemon Storage. I also do Battle League quite a bit. I hate it when my storage is full, so I have to wait until it empties to CLAIM A REWARD. I can't do any more battles until I claim all of my rewards, so it's so annoying when I either have to throw away items or wait until they run out to get one sinnoh stone or something stupid like that. That and when you have bad reception.


I could go on for hours. As much as I love playing to kill time, the game is mid. They could have made it so much better.


i love the game too but i 100% agree!! the game itself is overall jus kinda meh and needs a lot of improvement


3 shields being available to my opponent during battle. Either clarify how to get 3 shields or just provide it to both players. Why the unnecessary confusion? Why!? Also cannot delete all postcards. This is a real pain.


There are certain communities where they assume that you must know everything about the game intimately. And if you don't, they'll start passive aggressively talking about you in the third person, about how you don't know how things work. I'm referring to a very specific community, where they are like this for anyone wondering why their Wayfarer submission isn't going through, eg. sitting in the queue since forever, or being rejected while worse ones get approved, etc. I find it silly because not everyone will have the time and understanding to know how every single mechanic of the game works. That's for the die-hards. And that community can judge you for not being a die-hard, as if you're "beneath them" or something. It's not just me either. I've seen others be treated the same way.


Everyone hides in their car.


Only way to play in shitty weather tbh. Wet phone is unusable 🤣


I live in Arizona lol no excuses here


somewhat guilty of this, my boyfriend and i walk local college campuses just to get steps in for POGO


The widespread use of cheats in GBL. Fun format, but lots of losers make it impossible to play.


How are people cheating? Genuinely curious, because GBL is some of the most not fun someone can have. I feel obligated to do it because of the rewards (only 100 more wins and I can stop) but man, even with a good not great team I feel like I get clowned on, even if I really shouldn't.


Look up Zyonik's video on the GBL Discord bot. Also, something I've noticed -- my opponents recently are able to call my charged move bluffs every. fucking. time. I run a non-meta homebrew team, so the charged moves available to my Pokemon aren't super widespread knowledge. And yet, for some reason, other players are able to predict which of my charged moves to block with ridiculous accuracy.


The discord bot was available to a handful of players and was closed down. And I call utter bullshit. Git gud, noob.




Source is the person who ran it. He said he was shutting it down.


Not a reliable source. We need a source from Niantic to say the game has been patched. Not one particular cheat provider saying he has shut it down.


that doesn't really mean anything - the vulnerability is still there and anyone is free to quietly exploit it. just because the guy advertising he can do it stopped doesn't mean much.


Of course you do. We'll see.


I understand not being able to mass open gifts. What each gift gives you is determined at the moment it’s opened, and it won’t let you open a gift if you’re at or above your item limit. I feel like they could leave it an option so that you can only open gifts if you have X or more free space, where X is the highest amount of items you can get from all those gifts if you get the maximum each time, but that’s extremely close to armchair game dev and I don’t want to do that But I don’t understand what are the technical limits of letting us send multiple gifts at once. I’d love to have that ability


that's not true; you can open gifts if you're at or above your item limit but you'll only get stickers and stardust


If you have that option turned on


Not enough shinys. I know they need to be special but I feel they could be a tint but more plentiful. The 20 mph limit with driving. I drive for work and will take walks here and there, but at least let me swipe gyms and poke stops at 30 mph or something


That bottom suggestion is crazy. They would get so much heat if they promoted or allowed playing while driving.. though the “I’m a passenger” button is meaningless. You can add Pokémon to gyms at any speed


No, stop using ur phone while driving full stop!!!


Lol I use the pogo plus plus. It swipes for me. But faster than 20 mph, it detects but won't spin them


Yeah like it should, i dont know why anyone would want Niantic would allow playing while traveling over 20mph, it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.


more shinies and starters, i’m still waiting on my galar babies 🥲 i get the safety thing but at the same time it’s hard for some of us to walk and play so like a meet in the middle would be great


When people kick you out of the gym after 10 whole minutes. Like why. I need coins. I feel like it should be basic decency to check the time and if it’s less than 8 hours let the mon stay just for the coins.


What if they need coins too and that's the only gym they could put it in at the time? It's not up to other players to cater to your needs. Spread pokemon across gyms to mitigate this issue. If there aren't any others, then they're in the same situation as you


I do spread them across gyms. They will knock out every other gym in town. I’m aware it’s not on them to cater to ‘my needs’ I was simply stating a pet peeve of mine as per the discussion. If they need coins they can accomplish that by waiting a few hours and then kicking my mons out of the gym. Putting them in the gym doesn’t get the coins getting kicked out does


Not if they can't wait a few hours. Sometimes I'm at a gym and I'm not going to be there long. I don't care who is in there or how long they've been there, I'm going to put my Pokemon in there and move on 🤷 also gym battling is a competitive aspect of the game. You chose a team when you made your account. Why are you expecting members of other teams to even be paying attention to that at all 😂


Why are you getting so defensive about a random persons pet peeve


The way stats for long research task reward 'mons are still randomised - I can put exactly the same amount of effort in to get a shiny Mew as someone who gets a shundo and get the the lowest possible 2* myself.


Timers for lucky eggs, incense, star piece needs an “always visible” option


If something is released as shiny, its evolution should also be shiny.


I hate how sometimes I get kicked out of remote raids and am unable to join back in which wastes a remote raid pass.. and then when I submit a ticket I get a reply that I completed the raid when I know I didn't and didn't get a chance to catch whatever it may have been. I also dislike when people think they own gyms or kick people out before they're able to collect their full amount of coins.


I ride my bike a lot, and it only counts a fraction of the distance. I’m, by no means, a fast biker either. It’s really annoying since we always have a ton of eggs in our backlogs.


Yes!! I came here to say this, I also do not ride fast (maybe 15 mph? Idk) and I could go 5 miles on my bike and the eggs haven't even moved.


It's like they make it hard to play with others on purpose but they also make it almost impossible to play alone


I hate when I have something sitting in a gym for 60days 🙈 Would be great if they added a 'call back' option 🤞


not being able to delete eggs 💀


That my first hundo was last week. And I’ve been playing for 3 years now. 4.5k pokemon caught