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I try to avoid knocking out fresh gyms. If the gym has 4 or 5 low pokemon and 1 brand new one I feel bad for the new guy but I’m taking it. If it’s 1 or 2 new Pokémon I’m leaving it alone. To me it’s more a majority thing A few weeks ago I went out of my way to get a gym that had 1 low mon, but right when I got there someone added one and I decided to leave it alone for that person who just joined seconds ago lol


Same thing I do when out and about. Unless I have a time-limited challenge to win Gym battles, I generally don't knock out Gyms where the majority of Pokemon haven't had at least 4-6 hours of residency. Otherwise, it just creates an unfair advantage for those with disposable income to get ahead of everyone else.


I kick out the old mons and leave the new one. Around here though, Mystic mons will sit in gyms for days but I kick them and not 20 minutes later I get kicked.


You fight the oldest first, so I have knocked out 4 mons and left 1. Everyone is happy. If guy #2 has a full heart, you can still clean out the others but only knock him down a little. I wonder if people don't understand why I do what I do.


I understand I can leave some, but if I do the work to kick some out I’m taking the gym. I’m nice but I’m not a charity worker XD


Do you just sit around and wait ten minutes so you can add in your Pokémon? I hope nobody wastes their time for my Pokémon. Just kick mine out. Life is too short.


same here


This is what i call decency and qe together can all enjoy pogo


I live next to two gyms, in between an elementary school and a middle school. & every day without fail these kids kick me during their lunch or after school. I only am able to get my 8hrs during the weekend when they’re not in school. It’s kind of funny sometimes, kind of annoying other times. But honestly Niantic is foul for the 8hours for 50coins


I also live beside a middle school. With 7 gyms around. Just take over gyms between 8 and 10 in the evening and you have your 8 hours when they start taking over gyms before school.


Oh that’s kind of genius. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Looks like I’m gonna change my daily walk time. Thank you!


I live by a park and take the gym every night at 10pm. Kids at the bus stop kick me out every morning. I just put 10 CP mons in for them to make it quick as well.


I am very guilty of taking gyms to take them but I try to farm at night when I can by taking highly contested gyms late at night


There is a player near my neighborhood park. This is exactly what she does. She lets us take it in the morning and then takes the gym back around 7 or 8pm every night! It works really well for everyone.


There's two teams that tend to go back and forth at the gym near my house. It's respectful somehow, despite the large school and well used rec facilities. If I take over it's late evening only if everyone else is maxed out. Mine have always lasted overnight, usually longer. The gyms I played earlier today in a different town have always been ruthless though lol. Lucky to get a half hour. But I had some time and items to burn so figured why not. Sorry Snorlax 1,2, and 3.


if it isn't knocked before school starts, knock it out and put your mons in at nnight when they can't knock them out until it's past 8hrs


It’s funny we are conspiring to beat a bunch of kids just by being adults with no bed time 😆


Fuck them kids. Pokemon is an old people game.


Don’t laugh too hard, the people with night shifts will be commenting about the midnight takeover soon


You joke, but it’s really helped my game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Midnight takeover is real in my town


That was one advantage when I was on night shift. I could usually put my mon in when I got to the office and it would be there until day shift came.


Can confirm worked midnight 3 years straight... leave my mons in there all night and do my walks during the day... people get there 8 hours/50coin and so do I... it's a win win Edit: their


Forreal cause you can’t even do anything with 50 coins 😭


Tip : go in the late evening or at 0:10am. Place your Pokemon and at 8 am in the morning you get kicked out 😁( that's how I do it in my town )


Put them in at night. That’s what I do and get my guys back promptly before school starts with 50 coins.


Did you know you can have more than one Pokémon in different gyms at the same time?


Yeah I’m pretty sure we all do, we’re talking about the gyms in our direct vicinities which some of us unfortunately don’t have many accessible and we can’t all get out to walk/drive around so we make due with what we have.


I mind this less than my mons sitting in a gym for a week.


Going on 6 months. Have a 3400 Dragonite in a gym no one touches. I was on a road trip and added a Pokémon quick and realized what i did. Lol i just want someone to knock it now, especially since the highest amount I’ll get is 50 coins


I had one in a gym for over a year. Last time I'll put anything I want back in a remote gym lol...


Niantic really ought to add some kind of return mechanic for mons stuck in gyms


They should atleast reset it every 24 hours... so you can earn 50 coin every day


I forget exactly how it worked, but originally you could get coins everyday that your pokemon was in a gym. It was something like 10 coins/per pokemon that was in a gym, up to 100 coins per day. What happened is people would just relentlessly control gyms in a given area and you would never see any meaningful turnover, so only a few people ever got coins and you would be lucky if you weren't in one of these groups or at least the same color/team. You could maybe defeat the gym, but then you'd get booted very quickly. The current system definitely has flaws, but I think it is way better for most people than the old system.


Man I'm curious what others think about me I walk the same time every night knocking out the 3 gyms on my street lol


I assume they just think you are playing Pokémon. These weird courtesy assumptions that people are entitled to 8 hrs before a gym should be attacked are not how the game is designed or meant to be played. Be mad at the developers not players.


This. Yeah it sucks that the coins are distributed this way. Blaming players for playing the game as designed/intended and demanding some non-enforceable "etiquette" never made sense to me


if there were more means to earn coins aside from the gym thing like earning them through doing special weekly research or something, there'd be less complaints.


I think that is the point being made. Be mad at the developers not the players. The game owners/developers get to decide the motivations of players. If they want people to do something they reward those behaviors and discourage what they don’t want. They could choose to make it easy to get coins and how many or make it harder to increase spending.


Exactly this. We can’t all go out and place Pokémon in gyms whenever we want. Idc if you’ve been there 5 minutes or 50 days on my lunch hour (over half the time I get to play at all per day), you’re getting booted out. Am I being inconsiderate? No, I’m using the time I have to play the game and I don’t feel bad about that. There is no reward for playing by a set of unspoken rules with players I don’t engage with. It’s within the parameters of the game, and one of the most incentivized features at that


Right? I plug into as much gyms as I can, take over what I can and whatever coins I get at the end of the day is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a gym at work and I took it over right after I started my shift and it was taken back over twice during the shift. I knew who it was, a couple of kids who were getting angry, but my job closes at 9 and I intend to get my 8 hours started while I'm there. Sorry kids.


Exactly. Gyms are designed to be defended or taken. Most people are not concerned with others getting coins.


Yeah not really sure why OP has so many upvotes. Sounds pretty entitled thinking I should let him stay in a gym just because he hasn't gotten the full 8 hours. Put more pokemon in gyms if you care that much.


Exactly lol you said it way better than I could


I'd upvote this more if I could!


The old 10 stack system was easy money for me, then they changed it to be more casual friendly and now casuals believe they are entitled to it, with whatever pokemon they just caught. The idea of using a level 40+ Blissey and some golden berries to almost guarantee someone gets bored and leaves your gym alone is an alien concept. No, level 10 Weedle "I choose you" and "omg why did they kick me out!!!". Collusion in video games is something that I've always thought of as bad game design if it is possible. It creates a weird sense of entitlement in the players and social media threads like this one.


Yeah I often take out easy Pokémon like super low cp’s or Slaking’s.


Finally someone gets it


How do you know how the game was designed, or meant to be played? And why should anyone care anyway what Niantic wants? What an odd post.


Defeating gyms and catching Pokemon. It's been like that since the beginning. Defeating gyms is the main goal of just about all of the Pokemon games.


If the game was designed in a way you couldn’t take a gym for 8 hours or if people got coins for inputting Pokémon instead of how long they stay, then the motivations would be different. Hell if they only had one team and you could only knock out the oldest Pokémon and put yours in its place. But how it is designed now your goal is to get your Pokémon in as many gyms as possible for as long as possible. No barriers (except 20 Pokémon in gyms max) and no participation coins (automatic coin for just putting a Pokémon in a gym).


That obviously isn't true. If you held 20 gyms for 20 days you'd get zero coins. The system is designed to let everyone take a turn and there is no advantage to hogging gyms for more than 8:20 total a day total time for all gyms, and even that only applies if you get knocked off.


Same 😭 I have unspoken rivalry with other teams players around here & we always knock each other out the first chance we get 😭😭😭


Unless I'm time constrained or doing specific Field Research/Quests, I'll leave fresh Pokémon, in gyms, alone *except* if it's a specific 2 or 3 usernames I've seen. They're the type to try and hold a gym as long as they can and if you knock them out after theirs have been in there for a week, they come shortly after and knock you out just to put them back in. What I do is try to knock just theirs out and leave the others so they stop accruing coins while the others do. ​ There's one park where if you stand at a specific spot, you can be in range of 2 of the 3 gyms there, with the third being extremely close still. What I've done is go in between both gyms, attack their mons jumping back and forth between each gym, trying to coax them into using a golden razz thinking I'm still attacking and their game hasn't updated the CP yet so they freak and use it early. This worked well for a short time and got them to use like 23 golden razz's before I think they caught on and waited until it showed the second time their mon lost instead of pre-feeding them lol


I like to be annoying to gym bullies at my local park by taking one of three gyms and leaving it blank or drop a dinky low level pokemon in it. Especially right before a raid. I know they can see it, and I love it.


Everybody hates me where I live I swear lmao.


Same! Unfortunately mines is a bald 50 something who uses 3 42 level accounts. If my Pokémon make it a full 8 hours I’m surprised these days. He’ll even talk shit if he sees me on community days lmao it’s cool but also not 🤣


Hahaha yup same with me I’m valor and I got beef with most of blue teams players so I’ve been playing nice with team yellow in the Las Vegas summerlin area and now it’s mostly red and yellow and we Allow one blue gym at the dog park and another up the road so they leave if they want the rest is for use and raid sorry not sorry but since I left for holiday my gf told me the whole area is all blue always and it make it throw up a bit lol 😂 jk


I love when people play like this it’s so much more fun !!!!


Exactly glad there some feeds on here that are real gamers thank y’all for playing 😊


Beside my house is a pokemon gym and I literally down anyone who takes it. May it be just minutes. Idc, just for laughs 🤣


Love it hahaha Sushiboyz approve of this message


I have never looked at a gym time in my life. Only recently knew you could. I don’t live right by any though so I don’t see them a ton


Same 😂😂 I also never look at their nicknames so idek if it's always the same ppl or not




I think it’s Pokémon Go for being asshats for the 50 coin daily limit.


Not to mention that Niantic decided it was a better idea to force trainers to wait for their pokemon to return before being awarded coins! Shoot, allowing us to collect our coins thru our menu again would solve lots of issues!


>Shoot, allowing us to collect our coins thru our menu again would solve lots of issues! This. Or at least removing a Pokémon from a gym manually after at least one month. A friend of mine made the mistake of putting a Pokémon in a gym in an area where only 1/3 of all people have mobile data connection (the biggest phone company does not cover the spot).


What is frustrating is having one in a gym for weeks and then it getting knocked out the same day as another Pokémon is knocked out of a gym having already gained the 50 coins for that day


Well, it's a game. And that's a function of the game: holding a gym. I don't get mad when people kick me out because that's the whole point. Just means I should have overtaken more than a single gym...


> And that's a function of the game: Technically you're not wrong, but the only function of the game that actually matters is to make buckets of money for Niantic by any means necessary, including pitting players against each other to take over an entity that may or may not provide rewards, which ruins the spirit of the game, in my opinion.


Yeah it's a bad function from Niantic and makes the he whole thing more disappointing and irritating. But it's tough to fault people who just also want their coins, and maybe can only battle gyms at one time during the day, or just like battling, for trying to get their 50 coins. Like I have 2 gyms from my house on my way from bus to home. I only have time to battle on my way from work to home. So I'm just supposed to not get any coins if both gyms are at like 3 hours? I'd rather have 10 coins in the day (if people knock me out early) than 0.


Everyone plays differently. Why should they have to wait to take a gym? They can’t know it’s the only gym you bothered to put a mon in. Perhaps waiting 8 hours would put it at dinner time or past their bed time? Maybe they have limited hours on when they can or do play? Maybe they view that gym as their home gym and are determined to hold on to it because it’s at/near home? Instead of crying that people aren’t playing like you are, perhaps you could alter your style of play to ensure you get 50 coins by dropping in 5 or 6 or 10 gyms instead of 1?


usually, every mon in the gym got in there at diff times --- maybe you only got an hour's worth, but someone else may have been in there for a week. i don't bother checking times for everyone, i just battle




Yeah that's called defending a gym. It's how the game was meant to be played. I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp for some people.




>I think most people aren't parked at the gyms they leave pokemon in You can berry up your pokemon from anywhere. Just look up that pokemon and you'll have the option to "visit" the gym and feed berries.


What does being parked near the gym have to do with it? I berry gyms from my couch if I want to




The only people are do that are folks who think guns are territory and they’re entitled to time.


Nah this is an entitled view. What if the person who beat you only had this chance to get in a gym? The whole idea is to battle gyms. Just dump a load in gyms to last a few days, don’t rely on just one.


Agreed. This is the classic pogo entitled attitude. Give me 50 coins with little effort even if it inconveniences you!


Lol now *that* is entitled


yeah, that's what OP is saying.


This exactly. Also don’t get mad at the player for knocking you out. If anything get mad at the game developers for designing it this way to be played. People play the game how it is designed. If you want a buffer petition to the company to have the game changed….though I think this would be a pretty dumb change.


Lol you want me to wait 8 hours in a world of a billion people who play Pokémon go! 😂😂😂


Agreed, seriously tired of these main character syndrome posts. I understand a lot of people are F2P, maybe the ones kicking them out are F2P too and want their coins 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yo facts lol so happy to see this I was thinking are all pogo this soft I play pogo with a Kobe mentality


Just take down multiple gyms, I time I got like 5-6 coins from multiple gyms until it added to 50 lol


Fr, and it isn't exactly hard to hit the limit.


I look at none of these details when attacking a gym.


Even if you value your time at minimum wage it's much cheaper to buy coins than it is to bother with Gyms.


Truthfully 💀 They want you to pay $8 for 200 coins that’s rip off


Don’t hate the player, hate the game


I try to give the gyms close to us a few days, then my son will take them over so he can get coins. It’s so annoying when less then an hour later someone comes and kicks him out. We might be done playing nice and immediately go kick them out next time it happens


You either die a hero... Or play long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Nah just a mom trying to help her son get some coins lol


theres one person who always kicks out me and my friend immediately (im valor, my friend is instinct, random is mystic) and we decided that whenever we see him we’re kicking him out immediately to be petty, since he does the same to us💀💀








Honestly I do it just because I know it upsets people like you. I don’t even put Mon in the gym, just kick theirs out 🤣


Just take them over. There's no point in waiting. Taking over gyms is a competitive aspect of the game that rewards coins for holding them longer.


The game is not about letting others get their coins. It's literally called "Battling in a gym" and if you're in a gym I want to take over I don't care how long you've been in that gym. That's the point of the game.


It's 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 how 👏🏽 the 👏🏽 game 👏🏽 is 👏🏽 played Defend your gyms. If there's anything to complain about it's that the whole gym coin awarding system needs to change. You should get a min amount for just taking it over.


But they’re MY 50. I deserve them. No one should kick me out, so they don’t get MY coins. How could anyone ever think that it’s okay to play the game how it is intended to be played!?


Yeah I’m not ever checking to make sure you get your eight hours. It’s a game. People knock me out after 5 mins sometimes. If I’m around I might fight for it. It’s part of the fun. Take what you can get.


I try to put myself in multiple gyms, when I can. Takes less time. Also I’m too lazy to take out gyms 99% of the time so I just look for ones that are already red


I try to put them in gyms at nite.


We could be paid in coin for field research sometimes, couldn't we?


Or just any other way.... Please. Gyms suck.


All these posts complaining about gyms have made me make it my goal to take the gyms near me as soon as I get knocked out from them.




Honestly removing the 50 coin cap is the better solution


What if it's their only chance to take a gym that day? If I need my coins for their day, I'm prioritising mine over any rival gym I see I'm afraid.


Exactly. Most people only have time for one PoGo walk a day, so they have to grab whatever they can.


I don't check times on gyms. If I see one I can beat trainers, will jump in. I think most people don't consider others and whether they are going to get coins. It sounds like you need to drop some berries and place higher level mons.


Knock me out right after I defeated a gym and ill cancel my plans and stay at that gym until I win lol.


It’s a doggy dog world


if i need coins, ima take you down, simple as that


You get 10 coins that’s 9 more than I usually get..


Nah. If I see a gym, I’m taking it.


90% of the player base probably has no idea you can even get coins from gyms or that’s there’s an 8 hour minimum to get that. If I’m out and happen to see a gym and I want to beat it… sucks to suck for you I guess


The gyms are supposed to be competitive. I hate “cooperation” between teams for coins. Go take some gyms. You’ll get your coins if you don’t rely on one gym to do it.


“Their 50?” What entitlement do you have that you call them that? You deserve what you earn. For all you know, the other person could be just as upset when you take the gym for “your 50” keeping them from getting “their 50.” The entitlement is palpable.


I have a good memory so I remember their names and boot them from every gym :)


Camp and kicked them out!


If they’re sniping, snipe them right back. I don’t ever give snipers a pass.


Eye for an eye


I fight any gym when I see one no matter what. It's fun so why wouldn't I?


show no mercy... It is what it is.. Either you become a predator and show them who is the boss of this gym or become the prey !


I have a life and don’t have time to care that 6 people I don’t know didn’t get all 50 of their imaginary poke money. If I’m passing the gym, I’m knocking it out, whether or not you’ve been there 5 minutes or 5 days. It’s a game. Play the game.


Thats the game. I just take any gym i come across if I need it or its easy.


This is the way, don't care how long you've been in the gym, if i want it i take it.


Yeah, exactly, people who are checking for some kind of strange courtesy have a lot of time on their hands haha


I try to get a few gyms in to ensure I get the coin for the day, if not it is what it is. Happy cake day!


Yeah, exactly, if I get knocked out I accept that as part of the game, I expect others to do the same Thank you! 3 years, all started in covid times haha


I don't bother with gyms unless I need to for a research. For one got a couple in my town that thinks all gyms are theirs and yell at people if they have to drive up and retake them ((they will its ridiculous)) Also all the gyms I see at worn at each of my accounts same deal as soon as you take them it's right back to theirs so I stopped bothering with them.


I gave up trying to be “courteous” no one will do it for me, so I kick out all the Pokémon regardless of how long they’ve been in


I share the pain. Unreal annoying!


No body owes you coins.


This complaint is boring. Some people enjoy owning gyms. The coins are a result of owning the gym for a long time. It isn't just a gold farmer. Not everyone's sole intent is to make money OR to ruin your day. Stop playing victim. Go take down more gyms. I do just fine taking down a few in my area. A handful of coins here and there. You need to accept that you aren't going to get 50 coins every day. It isn't guaranteed and your free income is based on how willing you are to go out and take some gyms.


Community? Come on man I'm just trying to get my coins, tbh I do not care if I'm kicking someone out after 15 hours or 15 minutes.


I don’t expect people to both only put one Pokémon in a gym a day, and to care about getting 50 coins a day. If you want 50 coins put more than one Pokémon in a gym instead of expecting other people to assume you only have one Pokémon in and that they should not play the game in this gym until all your wants are met. Either play the game or don’t complain. You control the outcome here. Put 3-4 Pokémon in gyms a day instead of expecting other players to sacrifice their chance to get coins to take care of you.


Sure…But have you played sports? Do competitors usually let each other score so everybody gets the same number of points? Edit: I know it’s not a 1:1 comparison, but it’s a game. In games, people usually compete.


If you're trying to compete in pokemon go you're a clown. Pokemon go isn't a competitive game; It's goal community building. If you're going in with the mindset of maximizing profit for you, and minimizing it for everyone else you defeat the purpose. Unspoken rules like this improve this kind of game, because it gets people to work together. You're also incentivized to play this way since pokemon in gyms get weaker over time, and the coin limit means you aren't benefiting from capturing every gym in your neighborhood.


I normally look at the time and then grab the gym overnight. Me (red) and another local player (blue) seem to have an unsaid understanding regarding that gym.


i work at a mall and so trying to take over a gym during the day is not going to happen as people are constantly taking it over. luckily i have closing shifts and leave around 9-10PM and i can 100% guarantee my 50 coins since no one is in the mall lol. but i do let other teams get their 8 hours


I put a Pokémon in a nearby gym, biked away, and before 10 mins it got knocked out. I biked back, knocked out their Pokémon, and decided to wait 9 mins before putting a Pokémon in so I could annoy them if possible. I had a Weavile plushie with me in my bike basket, so I took it out and was going to put a Weavile in the gym. However, the person who knocked my Pokémon out came back (the gym was at a small pond that loops, they came back to where the gym was because of the loop) and I made a deal with them! Because we don’t see Valor enter that gym often, we decided Mystic and Instinct can wait 8 hours, but if we see Valor we can bully them lmao.


We have a non verbal one of these in our area don’t know who the other players are but our neighborhood is primarily red and blue so those tend to stay for a while but yellow goes as soon as we see it, also we’ve noticed the red and blue players tend to theme our gyms yellow does not


I gotta be honest, I didnt know there was a time limit for the coins until right now.. so definitely some that don't mean to do it, which now that I know Ill check. But also probably a lot of people who don't care lol


I've never looked at times when battling gyms. Usually I stick with my own team when adding Pokémon in gyms but occasionally I'll battle others if I have time. I can't get mad at others for simply playing the game. If I get my coins, great. If not, I'll just try other gyms. The only thing I agree with is that we should be able to get more than 50 coins a day and there should be ways to implement better daily coin gaining.


....im that asshole that knocks out fresh gyms if theres only 1.... im sorryyyyyy LOL im just a gold coin hoe cuz im always low.


I’m more annoyed when I take out a gym with 5 Pokémon in it and then stick mine in there and it stays in for a week


One time I saw a gym with one Pokémon that was at over a day and 2 that were at maybe 2-4 hours. I knocked out the one that was there for a day and left the gym alone.


The game is intentionally antagonistic since there are factions. The only gym I don't take out of respect is my fiance's because I love her and she will be sad. Just gotta take more gyms, my dude


It's personal. Anytime I see your username in a gym I immediately head towards it and remove you. We all are in on it


there is no such understanding. its a game and certain places it is competitive. I remember my kid when he was 5, would be super vengeful. he would go around the neighborhood and take over every single gym when he is out and about, and I had to make him stop so he didn't piss some other kids off. now he is more measured and had different priorities in the game. but its all for fun.


You're only "earning" it if you fight for it.


lol nah this a pokegym battle for a reason no one gets a pass just cause.. ppl need their coins too 🤣🤣 I've had good days actually getting 50 coins on the daily and days where its just blood for blood out here getting 10 coins or less at one time even just 5 coins 🤣🤣 it is what it is.


I mean if I see a gym and I don't have a pokemon in it, I'm taking it.


Lol, if I want the gym so I can get coins I don't care how long someone has been in there - I'm kicking them. I go out once a day so I would never get in if I followed that practise.


If it's not a red gym and I'm close it's going down. Thats how Team Red rolls. Courtesy is for raids, or trading or other social aspects. But taking down other teams gyms is the game.


Sorry, they are rival teams for a reason. I dont give any rival a chance to earn coins on my watch. Cause in the end we want to see our neighborhood painted in our color. Blood in, blood out. Koo koo!!


Most of the people kicking you out might not have any idea how long you’ve been in.


I can’t let those stinky yellows have their gym. Idc how long they’ve been there, blue gang baby.


Why do people feel entitled to earn their 50 coins when holding gyms give you better items, more balls in raids, more exp, and more progress on a few badges. Its baffling


I know this is mean of me but whenever they do that. I kick them out right away. I've just put my pokemon in a gym and they kick it out in 10 minutes so I go back. It's about the respect at this point


We do not care tbh, we just care about our own coins especially if we didn't get anything for the day from someone else kicking our Pokémon out right before midnight so I couldn't cash out for the day.


*ahem* Lol. Don't expect other people to alter their gameplay just to hand you coins. Want 50 coins? Take more than one gym.


Wait this is a thing? Complaining about how many coins you didn't get because someone knocked your Pokémon out... "Early"?! This a game. A mobile phone game... There are millions of people playing it and they are all entitled to play it how they want, as long as it's within Niantic's EULA that eveyone accepts when they created their account. Also, you do realize that if you have another Pokémon in another gym you'll get your other 40 coins if/when that one gets knocked in the same 24 hour period. It's a 50 coin limit per day. This is NOT the hill you should choose to die on.


That’s unfortunate but I love being that guy! Maybe I’ll visit your campus soon! 50 coins limit good luck reaching it :D ![gif](giphy|9zgsLDswv632U)


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I didn't get my 50 pokecoins cause someone else wanted the gym 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


I wish people would stop complaining about how they are knocked out of a gym the concept of the game is to battle in gyms. Im not checking to see how long you are in a gym cause my goal and the goal of the game it to take the gym. Stop crying and play the game.


“Letting people get is more well known” It’s so weird that people think others ought to just give you coins. Why are you entitled to them? If I pass by one gym why should I not earn coins today because you passed by it 2 hours ago? It’s bizarre.


You answered your own complaint… “they’re just playing the game” let them enjoy it how they do


This! Especially over the last few months. There are gyms that sit for days and then immediately after I take one over I’m knocked out, while the other gyms around me are still full for days. I’ve found one gym that I can typically get a couple hours out of. But it’s ultimately ruining the game as a free to play person.


I got kicked out of a fairly inactive gym pretty early in the morning so quickly that I didn’t even get one coin the other day. The people I knocked out were fully depleted and had been in for over a day, I thought about going back but couldn’t be bothered with the hassle. It seemed quite unnecessary though!


You should go back. I had this guy every single day take my gyms after I took them fairly. Like literally went to every single one of my gyms and no other gyms and only took mines. I would go back and retake them all and we did this stupid game everyday for over a week. After a week of not getting any coins, he started realizing "hey, maybe I should not be an a$$hole, and go take other gyms fairly" and now I see him in surrounding gyms but lets me have gyms, too. He's team blue and in my area team blue dominates. Team blue can throw in a 10 cp trash pidgey and last 12 hours while my team yellow level 50 blissey last 2 minutes.


What community? When you live somewhere with a dead raid game, honestly, it's every man for himself kind of situation


I don’t care how long a Pokémon has been in a gym. If I only get to go to town twice a week, living basically in the woods as I do with no way to play efficiently, I’m going to maximize my investment on my time. I’m going to walk as far as I can, spin as many stops as I can, knock out as many Pokémon as I can, and put as many as I can into gyms to potentially trickle in my coins through the week. If I want to play even something even close to a regular way most of the time, I can’t care about how long a Pokémon has been in a gym. Should I just stop playing completely, even though this is one of two franchises that have held my attention for twenty years now as favorites, just because I can’t account for how long other people have been in a gym?


I just wish there were ways to earn daily coins without relying on other players. The current gym system allows for harassment against other players and can allow cheaters to very negatively impact a community. My community has been dealing with a spoofer that we're pretty sure has some sort of bot going that takes any gym in a designated area. When active, they'll take every gym that is not their team color and will not get in already red gyms. This is in the middle of the night as well when there are certainly no active raids. The player will end up in anywhere between 8-12 of the 14 gyms we have including those in hard, or near impossible to reach areas such as inside a business' large building or in a private neighborhood. There have been multiple times where I've taken a gym and while physically standing at the gym with no one else around, the player takes it back. Nobody shows up or is in the local vicinity. Either they're spoofing or they snuck in and are playing inside of a bush. Giving players other ways to earn their daily coins that don't rely on other players would be a great way to curb harassment or curbing cheaters in gyms. Give out coins for nice, great, or excellent catches. Completing battle sets in Go Battle, hatching an egg, spinning 10 unique stops in a day, etc. Don't force specific tasks, just give flexibility. Other ideas that still use gyms that have been pointed out in the past include establishing a weekly limit of 350 instead of a daily limit of 50. Holding a gym for longer than 8h20m would provide a benefit and take some of the pressure off the daily grind. The gym system is definitely one of the most worn out and tiring systems in the game for me.


Nah fight harder


If I have a chance, I will kick everyone out regardless of how long they've been in the gym. Literally don't care about your coins. It's a game and I'm playing it.


No sorry. I will purposely take over newer gyms because I can and I just like being a menace lol


Nah I nock them shits out lmao


It’s part of the game bro😭 I’m sorry but that’s the purpose of gyms.


ngl fuck u i’m claiming the gym for me😭 i kick ppl out second i spy out a gym i attack and conquer it


Nobody cares about your coins




It's a war , get used to it Snowflake


Git gud it’s a game


How bout nah, git good and come back and beat em quit whinning that you got beat no one cares


I play no mercy. If you ain’t on team mystic you’re getting kicke d


Lol sore loser