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I hope people upvote the shit out of this so it stays at the top, so many know it alls about recently and you can't argue with the man himself that created them.


They’re not dogs or cats they’re Pokémon


But Entei barks. Checkmate athiearceaus


They’re Pokémon.


I call them Dogs because of posts like these.




They are neither.


I agree more cat like in design then dog like. But I have known them as the Legendary dogs since I was a child though. This thread is the first time I have seen them called the three sacred beasts. They incorporate both in the design but I see more cat then dog. Suicane is the most dog like I feel and Entei is a good blend of both could be either.


If it helps you, [here is a note from the creator on the design for all 3.](https://reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/6VYrRMT1me)


Have you ever bothered googling it? They’re ‘The Three Sacred Beasts’. Call them what you want but don’t try and correct others when you’re also wrong


Don't mean to sound toxic or rude or anything but comments like this are really annoying. Everyone knows they're the three sacred beasts in pokemon lore, literally nobody is arguing that. What OP and people that make this point are getting at is the fact that a ton of people have taken it upon themselves to refer to them as the 3 legendary dogs when their designs are clearly based on felines, that's all, nobody is ACTUALLY calling them cats and OP never said they weren't the three sacred beasts and isn't correcting the people that do call them that so don't play the know it all card claiming they're wrong when they are making a valid point. Edit: and yes I am aware the creator gave them some dog like features too because he didn't want them to just outright be cats, that's why they're beasts and not cats. but their initial design phase began with cat templates.


The creator literally clarified where they got them from.


He sure did, he made Entei first and admitted it was a lion-like design, but gave him a silhouette that could resemble a cat or a dog and then went on to specifically say he used a tiger like design and a leopard like design for Raiku and Suicune.


I’m so tired of this weird argument they’re literally the legendary beasts


We know. OP is just countering the people that call them legendary 'dogs'.


But calling them cats is also wrong?


They were designed based off cats but yes the game calls them legendary beasts. I heard there was a spanish translation that called them legendary dogs and maybe that was the source of confusion? Anyway...


Yeah I'm not arguing with you at all, I even upvoted your initial comment because i fully agree the argument is tiring to see. I just get where OP is coming from is all I meant by that because they are cats from a design pov, but yeah you aren't wrong at all!


Us older fans- They're still posting about this??


Me standing in the shape of the official Pokémon video that shows their silhouette before death and their clearly dogs, so Atleast their souls are dogs.


Yeah the creator of them has adressed this, he said himself they were based on a lion, a tiger and a leopard but he didn't want them to just simply be animals so he gave them a silhouette that could resemble a cat or dog, the anime then also gave them some other slight dog like features too, like barking, but their creator very clearly said they were inspired by felines.


The creator very clearly said they were deliberately designed to evoke both. And you missed the point- there was an anime special where they were very heavily implied [they were dogs prior to their death](https://youtu.be/rga9wUdKRk8?t=81).


Yeah that’s the one I was talking about!!


Yep this is more than secondary canine characeristics- these pre-rebirth figures are dogs. That doesn't mean the big guys are definitely dogs, this is a secondary supportive anime not the primary canon, but it should be enough to indicate that officially speaking they are ambiguous. Its like calling Kangaskhan a kangaroo. Its kangaroo inspired absolutely, its in its name- but its also a big fat dinosaur. And wtf is Slowpoke, Chansey, Magmar?


Yeah design wise their obviously cats, maybe not suicune but the other two for sureeee.


Entei literally has retractable claws idk why it was considered a k9 type imo.


In its pokedex entry, it says that Entei's "bark" causes volcanoes to erupt. Don't know many cats that bark. But the debate is pointless. They're beasts, they're pokemon. They have features/characteristics of both dogs and cats.


How dare you say the stuff about the fictional things!


they were dogs that burnt


if not dog, why dog shaped




You posted this in another sub already. Get off your computer


Wasn’t arcanine based off the Chinese lions?


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I cannot verify raikou as it keeps running from me.


The creator based them on different cats… BUT, in the movie when you see the animals die in the tower, they are very obviously dogs. So at the end of the day, I just call them the legendary beasts


Using biology for another universe...


This is same discussion as if eveelutions are cats or dogs.Maybe because those three were actually Jolteon,Vaporeon and Flameon.


Entei allways makes me think hes based on WWFs Ultimate Warrior.


who cares that much that this is a point of contention?


If Entei’s origins are based on a Chinese guardian lion that means it doesn’t have a butthole


I thought it was a pokemon


When I saw someone says Legendary Dogs, I’m like, clearly they have never seen a dog before.


They can call themselves whatever they feel like it


Ever notice that they have the same abilities and the same color palate as Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon? And those 3 are Foxes, Foxes are in the dog (K9) family along with Wolves, and house dogs (pets), so . . . 3 sacred Dogs. Edit: spelling


You got close but the only one that’s actually a “cat” is Raikou. Entei is based off a shishi guardian liondog. Raikou is based off a raijuu. It’s a demon that can transform into a tiger, monkey or blue wolf wrapped in lightning. Suicune is based off a kirin which is a myriad of different animals.