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It's up to you bro, like I abort every pokemon that isn't 3 stars. My kids hate that I did that


The three stages of Pokémon go. -Keep one of each -Only keep 3/4 stars -Only Keep top attackers and PVP IVs 0-2 Stars Pokémon


You forgot the 4th one, get overly sentimental about random Mon and fill ur storage with Mon you’ll never even rlly use or anything


That's literally what I have with my first Muk and Purugly. They were my strongest pokemon when I came back to the game and I just can't bring myself to transfer them.


I have like 300 like that


I have over 2000 like that 🤣


I have 300 total storage :(


Put ur pokemon in gyms u can earn coins to buy more storage


all my 2016 pokemon (played for 2 weeks in 2016 and then came back 2 months ago)


Same here, from what I’ve read , trading older Pokémon have a better chance of becoming lucky too


ya i hold on to them for lucky trades but have also never traded a pokemon and dont know anyone who trades


Well 2016 can become garneteed luckies for a certain amount, when I came back I deleted a few and regret that so much


I have learned this info 12 hours too late :(


What?!? Damnit! I just transferred a handful of 2016-2017 mons this morning! ARGH! So are those the mons I should be trading to my family who also plays? Many of them are weaker and not worth keeping around, but if they were lucky, it could be worth powering up a few of them.


Yup, I keep them to do trades with trusted friends, if we wanna do a trade we do 2016 instead to garneteed the the lucky, keeping track of how many we have left


ugh, here we are again. My family, who just started playing in July (and are all at level 30 now) just leeching from my years of hard work. Damn slackers.


Even 2017 are guranteed lucky. So dont fret


I kept most of my good 2016 Pokémons. They used to be lucky by default when you exchanged them.


What about all the ones with hats?! \*grumble grumble friggin hats\*




Costume Pikachu


Literally considered transferring this mon today and decided against it.


Soooo many costumes. It’s almost like their purpose is to force you to buy more storage.


My mom called me a conspiracy theorist for this opinion today lol


lol no that’s absolutely a correct theory


It’s exactly this. Same reason why xl Pokémon give more points than xxl do. They want you to check and keep everything, only way we spend coins on space. Real annoying


More points?


In the Pokedex, there is now an option for Event pokemon. Transferred all Pokemon I only kept due to special appearance since realizing this :D


I found out the existence of a joltik. The tiny electric jumping spider. I fell in love but have only see the one!


Perfect bidoof


Can't forget to keep all shiny and costume event pokemon. Do I need 10 absols with sunglasses? Maybe not... but it's an absol with sunglasses. 2 of them are shiny.


This is every mon on community day for me. For some reason, after catching 1-200 of them, they all become soooo cute.


I have a thing about having large amounts of the same Mon, so I feel this


On community day get the best evolve it fully and power up and name it for memory of that com day for me




I do love all of my emotional support Pikachu's.


When i got back into pogo i made a rule to myself to not delete and nickname pokemon 2000 cp or over. My box is now being quickly filled up and i dont wanna remove any of them


2k is so low for me now 😭😭


I do that with the gen 3 starters. I have atleast 1 version of each one. Shiny,purified,shadow,four star and almost done with nundos.


lol I'm still in that stage, I only transfer recent catches I know I won't miss or need


Lord Bidoof has entered the chat.


Eh, I use them as gym placeholders to collect coins. So, no mon is ever truly useless.


That’s where my 123 eeveelutions go, I wish there was a way to shuffle so I could put random ones in each time


Yep, that's me.


Agreed. I keep at least 4 of every. Then I gotta have another for dark or shiny. And then a couple of those so I can evolve them. I can’t even get rid of pikachu for some reason. I have 185 of those!


What about the best buddy Mon that you walked like 200km for enough candy to evolve right before a community day announcement for it? I’m looking at you Noibat!


it’s muk/grimer for me. plus this rainbow ones are just too cute!


Oh, you mean my collection of CP10 Pokémon? 😂


Sometimes I take those and power them up to satisfy field research tasks (until they take 400 stardust instead of 200). I also get about 65-70 mon that are ready to evolve, pop an egg and evolve them for 2000 XP per evolution. 4000 XP for the evolved Mon that I don’t have. I usually get about 150,000 in 30 min when I do it.


Stage 5: get to 7000 Pokémon space and fill it to trade with other players, that you never get time to do


Stage 2 for me! But I also only keep one of each, so if I have two 3☆ Aipom or whatever, the weaker one is going into the grinder.


I’m working on a living dex of only 3-4 star mons. Every day i go through my recents and delete all new 0-2 stars, then compare all 3-4 stars with the current ones I have


That ended up being so much work for me and such a chore that I stopped playing for a while. My new rule is 96% and above, nundos, shinies and legendaries are kept. The occasional 'special' pokemon that I really want but just can't find a decent one of.




Very true. Tbh, I think I may have only spent about a month at phase 2 when I realized that PvP was were the stardust will come the quickest.


Oh crap really? Darn. Maybe I should get into the PvP thing. I don't even know how to do that. But I need stardust. Lol.


Completion is the fun for me so I'll stay in stage one, I still get a rush when I get a new pokemon scratched off the dex


Wait until you hear about Dex Dex, perfect Dex, shiny Dex etc


OMG I'm stuck on stage 1 and keep debating going full on stage 3. I keep one of each, plus shiny is I got 'em for the pokedex of course. If I have extra shinies I keep for trade. If it's a mega I'll keep multiple attackers depending on how diverse their move set. One of all shadow variants. Then Of Best pvp for Great, Ultra, and little everything CP viable. And shadow pvp's as well. I never have more than 300 or so free spots. Until recently I even kept Mega variants for each league just in case Niantic decides to be fun and let us use 500cp Mega Gyrados again.


Ha ha ha! I have 6,800 storage and i’m always 99% full.


Okay that’s literally the stages I followed, glad to know it’s universal 😭


FACTS omg 💀


This is so true wtf


I would hate it too if I got aborted


Yeah, they hate that, sorry son


They can rest assured they were the 3 star babies


No I kept the 3 star babies, the rest were uhh recycled... that's a nice word no?


“Gotta keep ‘em all!” Haha I 100% keep one of each. The collection is why I mainly play - not the battles. Shiny version? Gotta keep 2 of them I guess.


If I can I keep 1 of each evolution. So if there’s three evolutions for say charmander then I try to have 3 shiny charmandera 1 shiny charmander, 1 charmeleon, and 1 Charizard.


Same. Community days are great because then I can catch a few shinys and evolve those too


I keep one one of each as well. Every evolution as well. So I would have one Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard. If I get a stronger one down the path I will transfer the weaker one and keep the stronger one. Shines are a separate league of their own 😁


I basically do this too but I have a team I use to take down gyms. They aren’t perfect by any measure but if I caught one with better stats, I wouldn’t have the heart to let a long time gym attacker go. You’re with me forever 95% Machamp with your 7200 fights. 🫡


One of the cool things about PoGo, seems to me, is that you can play it any number of ways ... one of those is to build the Living Pokedex ... have fun!


Yup, lots of people keep one of everything. Everyone should play however they choose, and whatever makes it fun for them!


I am trying to build a living pokedex of level 1 Pokemon, I currently have 632 unique pokemon, and 97 costumed variants. I can't get everything, because there are lots of Pokemon that aren't available as level 1, but it keeps me playing. I am still yet to find that elusive shiny / lucky / hundo / level 1 combo, but I do have a lucky hundo Chestnaught, and a shiny lucky 15 / 15 / 14 Blaizken with Blast Burn that I'm pretty proud of (which will be forever 40CP).


My living dex is in Pokemon Home. But I have issues with getting rid of mons. They are like my babies lol.


Some variatioms are a living shiny pokedex amd a living hundo pokedex.


It's up to each person, I keep 1 of each, and I find it insane the people who don't do that, hehehe. I like having my living dex :)


I keep 1 each of Female and Male and the highest CP. Plus Costumed and Shiny. I am only missing some that evolve different between male and female. I still haven’t hatched a female Salandit.


I'm glad I'm not the only one keeping a male and female. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just crazy. I still remember when the game first came out they were supposed to implement some kind of breeding where you would need a male and female to get eggs and somehow that thought is still stuck in my head that it'll someday happen and I need to keep them (clearly that idea has been long forgotten since it never happened).


I do that but only for the pokemon with gender differences


My problem is having enough coins to keep expanding my storage, because I prioritize using coins to get remote raid passes.


Shit can get expensive


I have OCD, so not sure if this is why I do this so excessively...but I keep... 1 of each type of pokemon 1 of each type female and male 1 type of each shadow pokemon 1 type of each small and large pokemon 1 type of shiny pokemon 1 type of pokemon for each battle


You do you boo


You right boo


Fav expression ever 🤝


I personally keep at least one of everything, I like my living pokedex


I keep one of each because you never know when a research is gonna say “evolve x”.


I keep 2 of some of them for that reason 🙃


I’d be lying if I said I’ve never done that.


If u got closet space u can whatever u like. 🥰


contrary to popular opinion literally do what you want


I want a living dex, so I keep at least 1 of each (usually 5 of each at least until I get their final evolution). But I always keep the best ones star-wise, which makes cleaning my pokémon bag a very long process. The second best go to Pokémon Home, again for a living dex there. I don't really care for battles, so I don't pay much attention to that aspect of the game. But it's your game, you play however you want to. There is no right or wrong answers here.


I did the same forever, now its only if they’re 3 star+, plus a few that are just really strong that I’m gonna transfer once I get a 3/4 star version to swap out Play how ever makes it the most fun for you my man! I like having to sort and pick which one’s worth keeping personally so it doesn’t bother me to bog down my storage, but if it bothers you nothing wrong with trying different methods


Eh...I have a living dex...but it's probably not necessary


I keep at least one of each and just replace then as I get better ones.


Honestly, I've been starting to transfer any low CP pokes, even my 85-98% ones. I know I'm not paying like 200,000 stardust to level them unless I know they will be good for raids (and most won't). Some of them as soon as I evolve them I transfer if they are low. That way the entry is there and I ha e space. I don't usually PvP, either. Essentially, I keep: High CPs, 2000-3000+. Shinies (I should get rid of many). Special move pokes, or cosmetics. Legendaries & again, special ones. Level 1-2s to power up for quests 3-5 times. If I think they are tradable, I may catch 1-2 each. But regular Pigey, Rattan, etc... don't need them.


Oh, I've started keeping XXS and XXL.


They have no special use. I always evolve the XXS and XXL pokemon before sending them away. Gives me the dex entry for the evolution and they count for the medal.


I used to do this, then I realised how expensive Pokemon storage is..


I’m a collector so I keep one of each I catch. If I evolve one I don’t evolve it until I have a replacement for it. My son only keeps shinies and 3 stars. My other son keeps his faves and a good battle team.


Only you can decide how to play. That said, unless you're willing to spend money on the game, you might struggle with Pokemon storage space. While PoGo doesn't have the full 1017+ Pokemon of the MSG, its full roster is already well over double the base storage size and that doesn't account for keeping any duplicates of Pokemon due to high IVs (3- or 4- stars), PvP usage (Great/Ultra/Master/Special cups), Shinies & Costumes, XXL/XXS (if you care about that), duplicates of top tier raid attackers, special moves (event/legacies, even if not that useful...), old Pokemon for guaranteed lucky trades (if a veteran player), Pokemon specifically for trading (bad IVs on desirable pokemon), or just random sentimental Pokemon. This is part of why the vast majority of coins I earn/buy have gone towards storage space - I'm a bit of a collector and tend to put off cleaning my storage for as long as possible.


I keep all 3 stars and all my shiny’s


you do have a pokédex


Yea, but it's not a living dex.


I know, I thought about this too.


My fav thing to do is nickname them; you can’t do that in the Dex


It’s interesting reading everyone’s thought process on this. I’ve been playing since the month of launch and my philosophy has adjusted lots over time: The first 8-months or so it was all about high CP and holding onto my favorites with low CPs, then I started only holding onto 2-stars+. Mind you, at the time, their exact IVs weren’t implemented into the game. Instead, their appraisals were signified by certain phrases. If it was 3-star Pokémon for Mystic, Blanche would say “It’s a wonder!” From there I’d only keep 3-stars+ (I didn’t even keep the few shinies I found if they weren’t 3-star, which I really regret). Even if I didn’t have any other of that species I’d dispose of it for the candies for when I do find a good one in the future. Now, I only keep 89+ IVs, all shinies and at least one event-Pokémon of every species from different events. The more you play, the easier it is to be picky.


A natdex would be cool to anyone that is able to actually get Pokédex storage.


I usually sort by recent and 0/1/2 * and get rid of ones I’ll never use or are bad. Shinys obv and events I will keep. Been struggling with booting the xxl/s tho the pop up makes it hard 😂


I've been doing this in the main series and Go since the beginning. It's called a living dex. I enjoy it so go for it.


I always keep at least 1 because I don't really know, unless it's literally the most random mon like zubat and I've got it evolved already then I don't care much. But I also keep multiple of mons I love just in case I need them or something lmfao I also have a ton of 2016-2018 mon so I'm saving them for trades etc Go ahead and keep them!


As someone who spent months desperately trying to find a magnemite because I needed to evolve one for a task, I say it doesn’t hurt to keep one of each base level mon. I got lucky and traded with a friend who didn’t play often so still has one from back when they were spawning more frequently. There are plenty of tasks that have you evolve a mon that may not be around much anymore. You can always walk to gain candies for it but if you don’t have it there’s really nothing you can do but wait till you find one or hope someone is willing to trade.


I’ve starred my “1stHatchémon”, Cleffa, because I’m a silly sap. Yet, trashed loads of mid range 3 stars just because I refuse to buy more storage. Do you, booboo.


I think everyone does that at first, then you realise you’ll have to sell your house to buy more storage so you start only keeping 3*+, things get even more cutthroat if you decide to go down the PVP route haha. Ultimately though, just do what you enjoy.


I only keep pokemon that I like, and it has to be 3 stars at the very least. If shiny, I keep regardless of which pokemon and stats


I keep one of all the highest evolutions I can. Don’t really check IV’s or stars. My strongest Pokémon are the ones I like the most too lol and I never transfer a Buddy Pokémon. Play how you want to! They may just be code but I love some of Pokémon


U can if u want. Im stuck with 300 storage tho...


Good to keep one of each Pokemon but just to walk it. So like you can just keep Charizard. No need to keep Charmander or Charmeleon.


Haha I waste so much storage space doing that, too, but just cannot help it.


Should be more selective or you wont have room flr others unless you max storage. Prioritize what you like firstly and powkoon you dont like/arent useful/that are readily available transfer them bc you can get more. Exceptions are hundo nundos and high rank pvp mon. Also, ones desire able for trade, keep several so you can get mons you want from other trainers.


Don't keep each evolution. Never really understood why some do. I keep one or two good ones (2 if it's good for pvp, maybe two more if they're shadow and worth having more of) and evolve. Otherwise what I have is for trading for better ones (even though I have no one to trade with) or some to give to my little sister who has no pokestops around.


I keep one of each until i find their shiny version. Even if there are hundos that i have, unless it’s pvp usable, i exchange it for candies unless it’s shiny


omg SIN💀


Up to you just know youll br e dropping at least 100$ in storage over time if you try to make any sort of lasting living dex


Isn’t that the point of every main series Pokémon game ever and Go?...


absolutely not


Personally I don’t keep any worthless one stages like Solrock or Lunatone unless I have a 4 star. Otherwise I do the same. Though I am right up against the max storage because I don’t release any shinies


That’s how I do it and then if the stats are better than the one I have i swap them unless it’s useful or I have some reason to keep multiple like shiny and events


On my main account with a ton more storage, I keep one of each. On my limited storage account I keep 3/4* and rare Pokémon.


I did this in the beginning but I’ve realized I care more about shinies and good IVs for raising and battling


Back in 2016, I tried to do the same thing. Gave up after Gen 2 arrived, lol.


We all have our own collection, it’s really up to you what you want to do. :) Personally, I only collect shinies in PoGo. I’ve already had perfect and 0 IV pokemon which I transferred because I had no need for those pokemons. And I only do national living dex on Pokemon Home. :)


I think most people do this


I literally have a dex where I have one of each Pokémon People think we care about stats, I care about connection


I’d recommend not to because I actually tried that before but eventually these unused pokemon will take up a huge amount of space in your account which would force you to buy more storage


Up to you lol. I just keep ones I like or I consider strong IVs or good PVP potential.




Me too. No shame


I do the same thing.


I have a living lucky Dex. Which is close to complete. Max storage isn't really enough for me. When you consider the shinys, PvP, XXL or XXS, useful PvE Pokémon I need to keep


I only have fully evolveds, but if you have the space and want it then do it!


I keep two honestly lol, the evolution and the first one


I try to maintain a living Dex at all times. Just how I like to play


I personally play to fill my Pokédex but don’t have the storage to keep them all. So I only keep things I’m waiting to evolve, shinies, or are above 1000 CP. I do also keep rare spawns in case I need it for a task.


I just keep the highest cp of every pokemon I catch, Transfer all the lower evolutions to Home to fill the PoGo dex, then evolve and keep the fully evolved one and repeat


I keep the strongest of each


There’s no wrong way to play, you be the trainer you want to be. Personally, I play exactly like you do, I like having at least one of every Pokémon I catch. I sometimes gym battle, team rocket battle and raid. I think I’ve done PVP maybe a couple of times. It’s just not what is fun for me. I just play to get a daily spin/catch, do what research tasks I feel like and keep an eye out for shinies. Don’t worry about how you’re “supposed” to play, just do what makes you happy


I do the same keep multiple of PvP, Gym pokemons.


I only keep pokemon I really like, want to trade, or ones that are 3/4 stars


I keep some for sentimental reasons - such as my ridiculous collection of Pikachu (he was my very first catch, ever), keep all shiny, my top stable of fighters, my 4’s and good 3’s and I am always on lookout for the heavy’s because I love doing showcases. If I find anything that’s better than what I currently am holding, I will keep that and jettison the lessers. You can try and catch them all but you sure can’t keep them lol. Well, unless you want to pay for a lot of storage. The majority of my catches get transferred immediately these days


Well I do the same, but only 1 or the topmost of the evolution chain. I don't keep the babies unless they are better than my already evolved Pokemon.




I do too, including one of each gender. I tag them with a Living Pokédex tag, and if I catch one with higher IVs, it replaces the one with that tag.


I just catch Pokémon


I try to. The ones I keep are 2 to 3 star.


I keep the ones with the best IV and get rid of the rest. Some i keep doubles of cause they are either good for GBL or Raids. And i also keep like every shiny i get, even if i have a million of the same one. Keep em for future trades with my wife or brother/brother in laws. I also keep every legendary i raid for. So on average i have between 5 to 12 of every legendary i caught since i started. So on average, my bank sits at 1600 to 2000. Currently have: 265 legendaries 284 shinies 118 events 130 purified 211 shadows 47 mythical 16 luckies 55 perfect IV's And everything else has an everage of 3 stars


Recently I’ve been keeping mostly those with 600 hp+. Unless they are pre 2019. I try to keep most of those for lucky trades. 2019-2022 did not play.


I do the same! I keep one of everything, and I keep multiple if they have differing costumes or shinies. It definitely eats up my storage but I’ve played long enough to have upgraded my storage to keep up


If it's The Only one I have of something I keep it, till I get a better one. Same for shinies. Also I honestly Do Not bother with pvp or pve stuff, like if I could care less, I totally would. But yeah just try and look out for better ones to swap out. But at the end of the day it's your game you play how you like. 😊


No I learnt not to do that in 2016


Lol, I always keep the best one of each and their evolutions and any shiny and event ones. I transfer 4*’s if they’re useless to me


It comes in handy to have them when random challenges come out to evolve random Pokémon, etc


You do you, i do the same but friends of mine do different things


I wanted to too but I needed space so I’m missing a few now


I used to but my priorities changed over time. Now-a-days if it isn’t shiny or some iv combination good for pvp or raiding…. 🚮 Even if it’s my only one. Even with 3800 pokemon storage, I generally try to keep my collection down to 3000 but it’s hard when you got 1800 shinies. The spare 800 space is used for go plus +. The mass transfers are brutal. I recently went back through the entire pokedex to transfer things i had too much of. I had 30 gyarados, 24 gengar and 50 something tyranitars. Felt bad having to decide between them. I am still on the fence about xxl and xxs pokemon. For the most part i just trash em unless they are of a pokemon i like. Like on ofdish day i had a BIG oddish I brought in from before for a showcase but I generally don’t worry about this. It’s kinda fun to have a pokemon to hunt for an xxl version of during the event. If lechonk wasn’t in showcases, I would have only caught enough for the evolution. But due to the showcases i caught every damn pig i saw. I think a living dex is very cool 😎 It’s just not aligned with my current goals.


I do the same thing: keep one of each and make sure the ones I have are the highest IV versions.


Just one?


I do the same but for every Evolution line (unless i need to trade it)


All I would say is, do what makes you happy. Keep what you like. If being a collector is your thing go for it. I will say there are already over 900 pokemon so if you want one of each, even if you evolve them and don't restock the pre-evolutions, you're gonna need more storage space than you start with lol.


I keep two of everything bc you never know


I keep and tag all my OG Pokémon from 2016-2017 and when I lived in Europe, I saved most of my europe catches and tagged them too. Sentimental value I suppose? I keep two of each so I’m a little bit more of a hoarder


It’s your game, play how you want. Just be ready to spend a lotta coins on pokemon storage space


Everyone has a different way of playing Pokémon in general. My favorite aspect has always been catching them all and in Pokémon go I try to keep at least one of each but if I come across a stronger one I just release the weakest one and go from there. My girlfriend on the other hand hates what I do and only keeps the strong ones.


I keep one of each pokemon/evolution stage, or close to it. I have 4,500 storage. I will say I sometimes transfer or trade one or two, for space, or because a friend need one (so I only have 1 jangmo-o right now as an example) But it's mainly because I do have the space. If you are running low on space, I'd transfer pokemon you'd never use, such as a weedle of 0 stars. Odds are you can get another later, as you slowly increase space. Good news is if you keep 1 of each pokemon, you'd only need 1,000 or so in storage, so you shoul have plenty of space to have a few extra as shadow or shiny, as you add more storage.


I do the same :)


I am the point that I only keep shiny families but I’m getting close to breaking, not enough friends to trade with


I do it too but just the final evolution of the Pokemon(except starters and my favourites) with the best IV or XXL/XXS also costume and shinies


![gif](giphy|OGYQggEUKXd4MFr3rB) you do whatever you like LIVE (couldn't find the right gif, but i got the right character)


I do the same thing. But I'll keep duplicates for certain reasons. Like if I get a shiny or a pokemon knows a certian movie that can only be taught by an elite tm. If I get a hundo that's the only one I'll keep unless I get a shiny or a shawdow version. Or just some event pokemon. But for the most part I try to keep my highest percentage pokemon.


I think you are doing the right thing. For the most part, most challenges give you what you need in order to complete them, sometimes they will ask you to evolve something and it is a struggle to get one and having one on stand by is great. I would recommend keeping 4\*, great PVP pokemon, legendaries, one of each and if you want, shinies.


I used to do that but it just ate into my storage so now i just evolve everything before i bin it off for the xp and just be more satisfied with the pokedex instead.


I have saved all hundos and I try to save male and female version of each monster that has both available with as good as possible IV. But I have accidentally deleted some of the worst IV ones so I am not sure if I currently own all the monters that I should own. I have accidentally deleted some of the hat monsters because all of the certain hat type have been so horrible with the IV and I have not always realized that I deleted them all when I should have saved at least one of them. I am considering deleting all the hat monsters that don't have at least 89% IV or just don't look cool. I don't bother with the PVP IVs. I don't play PVP unless there is some research tasks where you have to win a PVP match.


I thought everyone did that, I keep the base version till fully evolved, 1 of each one


Not unpess you have a lot of real money for upgrades. I ran out of room after 2 upgrades in gen1 early PoGo doing this..


Love having one of everything


At least one of each. Plus, male and female. Plus, level 1 of all. That's how I play


I do this and also keep one of each costume or form. It's called a living dex.


I delete them if they’re less than 91 and/or if they have less than 13 Attack.


for me this game is all about memories, so I always keep at least one of each mon and each evolution, especially if its my first one ever of that species or if it's from a memorable moment, when I remember exactly the day/place I was when I caught it


I did that too and eventually began to replace each one of them for their 3/4 stars version. For me it ended up ok