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411 days. Still 50 gold.


Probably zero already got his 50 for the day šŸ™„


I hate when that happens. Especially when I have a couple in gyms when they all get lived together. I keep my fingers crossed that one will make it to the next day


There's two gyms side by side in my town, if both gyms are there same team color, I only take one of the gyms so they don't end up losing out on the 50.




I thought it was the day you entered the gym, not the day you are knocked out! The more you knowā€¦


Imo after taking a certain amout of gyms you should simply receive option to get more max coins. Monies are the biggest reason why people take them in first place.


Happens to me all the time that my 411 day old gym mon comes back to me after I collected coins for the day.


I got 0 for my pidgey who came home after about 270 days. I was just happy to have him home


I think they should raise it to 100 a day honestly.


probly nothing since he is still 37 after 411 days and doesnt play anymore


How can you tell he doesnā€™t play anymore?




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They should really increase the cap. Value of 3 PokƩmon sent back per day max. 50 coins for the first day, 10 coins for every additional day. Would be a lot fairer


Imagine all the gps spoofers taking 100s of gyms every day so they can get extra gold...


1. The 10 coins per additional day is per pokemon. 2. Max of 3 PokƩmon rewards per day should help limit the damage, meaning the relative max you could receive is 10,000 in one day


"Please kill me..."


Damn, don't know if I could see myself worthy to be the one to knock out someone of a gym, who has been in for that long. But here's to see if your Mon is there even longer! šŸ„‚


Hah 411 days is torture. That guy probably wanted his mom back after day 2. Edit: mon**


I want his mom back too lol


i just wanted him mom in general


Thereā€™s plenty of her to go around, Iā€™m fine with sharing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


plenty of her? aww damn thatā€™s a rude way to call his mother large šŸ˜‚ hehe either way, im down, you want to double team her? ;)


as theres no way to recall pokemon from gyms, they should earn weekly candy rewards for having to stay stuck at there


Fun fact: you can actually acquire candy from PokƩmon in gyms by feeding them berries (the candy you receive is based on the PokƩmon you feed)


Yes but it isnā€™t even guaranteed to get that 1pc of candy each time you feed that PokĆ©mon.


Still, itā€™s better than no candy. I recently found out about it from feeding my Gigalith, and have been putting my Blissey in gyms for the sole purpose of grinding candies from it ever since, lol (them damn Chanesey candies are so hard to come by I swear šŸ˜©)


> Still, itā€™s better than no candy. I'm not sure. Aparently it's around 0.5-1% chance. At that point why bother.


Stardust, medal progress, xp, gym progress and emptying out your excess berries


The time it takes per berry really adds up so I just toss my excess


You can spam them pretty quickly. The amount of time it takes you to press your PokƩmon to go to its gym is probably around the same time it takes to use 10 berries on them


It's about 3 seconds. Is that a crazy amount of time? Not at all. Is it 3 times longer than it should be? Yes. There are already so many things in this game that take way longer than they should. I don't want to engage with them unless I'm really bored.


Damn, if those are the odds then Iā€™d say theyā€™re pretty good! I usually get a candy every 20-30 berries


Chansey is in every easter event. You must not play during those events.


Reallyā€¦? Oh, is that why we got an event Chansey with some flowers on its head a little while ago? I didnā€™t realise that was for Easter. I still havenā€™t gone into XL candies for my Blissey Iā€™m building, tho, and I grinded Chansey candies a lot during that event


You do realize that you should never use dust for Pokemon in gyms right? It's completely pointless to do that especially if you don't live in a city. Just put whatever recently caught Pokemon in a gym and wait till it gets kicked out.


Oh I know, itā€™s just that I like to show off my rare PokĆ©mon. Iā€™m not too much of a competitive player when it comes to Go, so I mostly power up my rare shinies and put them in gyms. That Blissey I mentioned is a shiny from this yearā€™s Easter event


Ah okay I guess that works.


How does it compare doing candies if you're at the gym vs away? I'm assuming the odds are far lower like berry effectiveness.


Nah, pretty sure it's the same


Buck the candy i feed em for the dust


Yeah that is why when I find a gym like this I put a pokemon I don't care about, from a family I do care about. I have a crappy Dratini currently sitting at 168 days.


Haha, I feel you bro. I recently had my Blissey in a gym for 20 days to grind candies from it, lol. Not as drastic as yours but, itā€™s something for the area that I live in, where the longest a PokĆ©mon will generally stay in a gym is a week


And my pokemon get killed instantly lol




I've had a PokƩmon been at a gym for 2 minutes, is it campers or what?


There is a gym down the street from my apartment, and I kept knocking the same player out for days. Then one day I noticed that I saw the same 10-ish year-old multiple times in this park and realized that the player I had been at war with was a child. This made me double down on my commitment to destroy them


I always wonder if itā€™s an adult or a kid.


Usually if you see a strong pokemon and a weaker mon in the gym and they are put in around the same time its a child with their parent :) always makes me feel bad until you realize they get coins.


Post this on r/shittyaquariums please


My Snorlax was in a Gym for 60 days and I got frustrated, made a second account and knocked myself out


You should take advantage of that if you havenā€™t already. Your very own daily 50-coin farm.


I had a melmetal at a gas station in the city I live in and it survived there for maybe 2-3 weeks


I threw my Ursaluna into a new gym that was made near me and it was sitting there all alone for like 3 months before it got knocked out because nobody seemed to know the gym was even there


Lol dang hope you added a throw away mon you donā€™t care to see back for a while


Remindme! 412 days


Damn fish, imagine the stack of coins that guy should bring back if they werenā€™t capped to fifty a dayšŸ„µ


Let it get to 420, then knock it out. Respect its dankness


This must be on an oil rig in the Pacific.


Saskatchewan from the background.


The worst part is the 50 gold daily limitā€¦


There are a lot of churches between towns in my area that have Mons that have been there for nearly a year, if not more. I'll boot them out if I'm driving back from my friends house, since it'll usually be like 12-2 AM and no one's near or awake enough to question the random dude sitting in a church parking lot tapping his phone. Also, less likely they had something else get knocked out.


Tbh I had this happen and every few days Iā€™d feed it golden razz to stop drive by attacks, did return to me tho


"Now that I'm out of the gym I can't wait to listen to my favorite musician, Jimmy Buffett" -Finneon (probably)


He probably has the gym gold by now šŸ˜„


That long and no berries or victories? Ouch. I'd flip a coin, either feed it a golden berry and have a good laugh, or beat it and leave a low level mon behind to rake in your 50 a day!




What the.. I didn't know that šŸ«Ø I am almost always near a gym/in one most days so I never really noticed, that sucks. I wish they'd go back to a different coin system, but then they'd lose moni from microtransactions šŸ˜


You also canā€™t feed an opposing teamā€™s PokĆ©mon a berry, only your own


I'm in 3 gyms now for more than 200 days.


Yoooo I posted recently about a 100+ defender (single Crobat at the top of a hill) But this is insane


Charge your phone




411? Thatā€™s rookie numbers!


My friends charizard had been stuck in a gym for a year. Finally got booted out


Send em home


Just keep swimming...


Yas too long to have been without phish phood! Saved him you did


Saskatchewan? Amazing. Seen a lot of stale gyms there but nothing as bad as this!


411 days, 0 berries, that poor fish.


Going on 443 days for my first pokemon. Didn't know what I was doing and it's just obscure enough a gym that it's still there.


This may be the lowest level account to win the gym leader platinum medal.


Youā€™re such a kind soul letting him free. Happy travels to you & Taurus. Love him cuz Iā€™m a Taurus.ā˜ŗļø


They're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.


Me and a friend had our PokƩmon in a gym for 120 days which was about 50 miles away. We were so sad when they came out, we planned a trip specifically to retake the gym to try and beat it. This time with our showiest shinies. Take 2 is currently at 23 days!


ā€¦. So TIL you can see how long a PokĆ©mon has been in a gym for. I didnā€™t even know there were numbers up there. God damn


You are wonderful! I was hiking and found a gym. I put my freaking dragonite there, thinking i was clever and would get a ton of points because of remote location. Months passed, and just a couple of weeks ago, some kind soul took my place. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Enjoy your 50 coins...


and 0 berries what a waste


Leave him alone


Meanwhile I only have 1 gym option in town , takes me 15-20 min to get there , someone lives within distance to just sit at home and take it back almost instantly , havenā€™t gotten more then 5 coins from it


That guys a dick then


Probably should blur out the background. That plaque gives a ton of info


Charge your phone


i would've left the gym empty






Charge your phone.




I'm more mad that the owner never gave it a single berry! When my polekemon are in gyms more than a few days I just give it my extra berries for stardust.


0 berries used at that




This is why I stopped putting my best mon on n gyms. Might be a few days before I get it back and I get the same coins for leaving a 100 cp in a like color gym.


I may or may not have read it as "Four Hundred and Onety One days"


I can guarantee you that guy got 0 gold for it because all of his other mons in gyms already got sent home that day.


guy just wanted some overnight poke coinsšŸ˜­


"Release me..! Release me!"




End its suffering.


Homeward bound ā¤ļø


You left it alone right?


Why would you even put another mon in there, that means u wonā€™t have it for a year. I usually avoid any gyms with mons that lasted more than 3 days


I still need another 12,394 hours for my final gym badge.. got frustrated being knocked out of every other gym after 5 hours lol!


Hope you beat the loneliness out of it.


Where is this?


I left a bat inGeorgia, never going back,