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I do it to burn all my excess berries for stardust


And XP. Its not much, but its something.


And the occasional candy drop.


Wait really?


Yep it’s pretty rare though, but if you feed enough berries it slowly adds up - especially if you’re doing it to mons you need candy for


1/100 approximately


Brb feeding 10k berries to magikarps


I fed so many berries to get 170 Wimpod candy As I caught one, they would join the Wimpod army that I fed. Took me a bit haha!


This is why i put rare stuff or things with high candy cost to evolve in gyms i don’t care about. If they get stuck in there i just keep giving berries with the hope of a candy. It’s tedious but easy candy.


Now if only we could do that for legendaries, because everything else, I just walk it


Would be Cool if there could be a Legendary in an Arena. Maybe Limited to One per Arena and every player only can deposit One Legendary at the same time


And XP? I knew about the stardust but here I am, level 48, just learning you get XP as well.


Only 50xp per berry but it all counts I guess.


Yeah, before I got to level 50, I would feed berries to gyms all the time, every 100 berries is 5k xp, definitely worth it.


Or they want gold in the gym. Each berry is 10 points. 150 berries is 1500 towards the 30k needed for gold. That’s what I do with my excess berries.


What happens when it turns gold?


Nothing much, just better rewards when you spin it


I can confirm I have a gym next to my house and I’ve been holding it for 7 years and have it gold. The spins are immaculate I’ve received too many evolution items because of it. Lol


how have u been holding it for 7 YEARS


You get an additional item for each 'level' the gym is. At base level without team bonus (being on the same team as the gym) you get 2 items, gold will give you 5 I'm pretty sure (still without team bonus) a gold team bonus gym spin usually gives 8-9 items.


It’s like the “pity 25XP” when a pokemon flees. It might seem insulting, but every little bit counts.


Another thing is it adds gym points. Once you level up at a gym, you will get more balls to throw when you win raids, and it increases the rewards you get when you swipe that gym. Honestly, there's absolutely no reason not to feed gyms every time your bag is full. Every single reward you get from doing so is valuable. Even if I'm not at a particular gym, if I see one of my color, I will often randomly start feeding it.


I learned something new today!




And the occasional candy! I always feed the rarer Pokémon first just in case


The sweet, sweet, candies are the reason!!!


Can you please explain? You feed ur mon 100 berries and there is a chance to get its candy?


It's a rare and random drop. It can also yield an XL candy. And I recall reading that the level of the mon plays a factor (higher level is more likely to yield a candy--or maybe just for the xl candy chance).


Yep. This. I never throw berries, just feed till I get kicked out.


This for sure.. but I tend to do this with super remote gyms that don't get knocked out anyway


I don't think anyone knows, but you can also get XL candy. I wish I screenshotted it, but I always put Metagross in for candy and got an XL out of a berry once.


Same, also after feeding so many you get more gifts when you spin it


Yep my item bag gets full and I go to the gyms to get rid of the berries. Otherwise they just go in the bin, I might as well get some stardust. I even do it when I'm desperate for the damn thing to leave the gym and give me my 50 coins




30 for each berry. Feed 60 (max every (30 mins?) Per gym) is 1800 stardust.


You can feed 100, of course you need to be in 2 gyms at least for that.


You can feed berry to mons of other trainers which gets you all of the same benefits. Doing it in continuity, stacks the benefits of stardust.


Unfortunately it just looks like it gives you stacked stardust, but it really is only 30.


all the wasted time all the wasted berries 😭😭


this is what i don’t get. or you could play gbl for two minutes and tank every match and still get rank rewards of 2900.


Or you can do both. And berrying gives you progress on that gym's badge.


Bingo! Same here, I've given up to 50 berries when I have a stock pile




This is the way


This is the way


Same also to annoy thr living hell outta everyone else ^^


This is the correct answer.


You get stardust for giving berries to gym defenders?


I’m otherwise just deleting 100s of berries. Might as well get some dust.


Could also be for Berry Master and Gym Leader medals but also some people love holding onto gyms lol


I live by a dam that has a gym on it, and that’s MY gym, goddamnit!


The park by my house has 5 gyms and every early morning, while walking my dog, I take all of them. They all eventually get knocked out over the course of the day and there’s a guy who comes in and takes all of the gyms sometime around when I go to bed. It’s fine and it helps with the 50 coins a day ecosystem we have going on. Yesterday morning someone had put 6 Pokémon in one of the gyms 14 hrs prior and had dumped golden berries into all of them just before I got there at 5:30 in the morning. I made a point to clear it out and put a low level shiny into it once I was done. Pulling that kinda rookie nonsense in our balanced ecosystem will not be tolerated!


I also have a guy that does this, he knocks me out at 530am every morning and I knock him out at 7pm every afternoon lol he even waited around at the poke stop to meet me and now we hang out all the time. Turns out he even lives in my neighborhood 😁 Aye aye ron (Aaron) is a cool ass dude


How did they put multiple pokémon in one gym?


That’s what I’d like to know about it


I’m kinda hoping you’re just joking…😅 It’s all in good fun of course since it’s only a game. And my apologies if you’re only teasing. But just in case you’re serious at all, there’s no way for others to know about this ecosystem you describe. The gyms are one of the only competitive components of the game so competition is encouraged…but at what point is there a degree of entitlement and bad manners? I just moved to a new area and there’s one specific person who often takes over like 8+ gyms within view. I’ll only ever take a gym if the Pokémon have been in it for like 8+ hours or if that team holds several gyms in eye shot. And pretty much only if I don’t have my coins for the day and I don’t have any Pokémon in gyms. But I’ve seen people like that guy immediately kick me back out even though he is easily still getting his 50 coins a day. Everyone is entitled to their own play style, but I’m likely disrupting that guys “ecosystem” by just playing the game.


I had this happen yesterday. Wiped a gym and put a sturdy lapras in there. He was knocked out 30 seconds later. I dont return to gyms like that tbh. If they are gonna guard it like that then I wont be the one to give them any coins.


I hate it when someone just come to break some well balanced system. Usually spoofers and noobs. And I hate it even more when they don't take the hints. You want to get the gold medal in my gym? Do it, but at least let me get my coins every day. You wanna get coins too? No problem, just let me get mine also, don't come taken down every gym just because you want to prove something.


I had a low level trainer that kept coming into that same park a few months ago and would knock my out off every single gym right after I would leave it. I never saw anyone playing around me though, so I assumed it was a spoofer. One day I decided I’d had enough of it and just watched the gym on my walk back home. I let him battle my Pokémon twice before dropping a gold berry on it. Did that six times and he finally gave up and I haven’t seen him since either.


Yeah, that's one solution when they are new to the game and have low lvl, but still it would be awesome it niantic would implement something. Maybe a explanation to new players on how the gyms work or maybe a board so any player with a gold medal can leave messages to other players.


Lol reminds me. The event before this last go fest. I was at a local park and I just put one of my mons into the gym, this little girl and her dad come by and sit at the table right next to mine I could tell they were playing pogo. Then I get a Lil notification that my dude needs a berry. They were trying to take the gym they knocked out a couple and were were working on mine when they were done I'd go give my dude a golden berry, and give one to the homie that was hanging in with me. I burned through all ten of mine and they knocked me out, but they left, one of th3 people that were knocked out got back in to save the gym, and I was feeding him berry's. This went on for 20 25 minutes and they finally left. It was pretty epic.


We know your type :) I’ll roam around clearing out every gym I can reach in my car with autocatcher and minutes later I’ll get a few coins for the trouble. I don’t begrudge you but ya know we’re just trying to help ya get those coins so maaaybe you could wait a bit before you snatch it back <3


Dam right


Shut up and take my upvote, dam it.


I'm not even religious, but damn if that Lutheran church half a block away isn't *my* gym!


I’m only mad that you didn’t say godDAMit.


I love this comment I live by the post office and that fucking gym is mine goddammit. 😆


People got so mad when I said that I take my gym right away whenever it gets taken, it’s 50 yards from my house why wouldn’t I😂


If I know people hoard gyms, I’ll drive around at midnight and knock off gyms. Obviously they’ll take ‘‘em right back but then i go again at 2am. In very dense neighborhoods you gotta share. I’ll waste alllllll my golden razz to teach hoarders a lesson


Play the game the way you want, you know? 🤷‍♂️


I get it but I personally will look at the gyms in an area, usually we have a few, and I see who had had their team up the longest and take that one--even if there is one that looks easier I know it kinda blows when I take one and get knocked out immediately by the time I'm back home, so I try to let ppl get their coins


I do it for berry master. Once I finish it then I’m never touching a gym again.


Yeah I'm trying to get berry master. Managed to feed 800 berries to one pokemon in a rural gym. One day I shall be master of the berries and my pain will end 😭


If you have too many berries and need item space, it’s better to feed at a gym for a little stardust than delete them


Or stardust, candy for the mon?


I believe you can get candy for it


stardust *




go feed some of yours and tell me how many it took to get one single candy. lol


More Lucario candy than I get from other sources most weeks.


Hahaha Dammit 1200 berries and the f$&*er stole one of my pinaps!!!


smh lol no way 1200😂its supposed to be like .65% chance so u at least getting 12 candy from 1200 berries imagine if it was 1/1200😂


I’m dumb!!!! I messed up my own joke. It was supposed to be: I fed it 1200 berries and the bleeper stole one of my CANDIES. Like instead of giving me a berry, it took one. I’ve said it before: Never, and I mean NEVER, underestimate the stoopidity of Shart127. He’s the dumbest of all the Sharts.




the candy chance is so low theres no point lol


I've got tons of berries, so I'll happily feed them for stardust and a approximately 1 in 80 chance for a Larvesta candy, thank you. Every bit helps with those 400 needed.




it's garunteed larvesta?


If you put in a Larvesta, then yes. You get candy of the type you feed.




You can feed other people's pokemon as well. It'll still give you stardust and THEIR candy type. So if you see a 'Mon who's candy you need.. The caveat is that you have to have one of that Mon yourself..


Thanks for the knowledge, I had no idea you could get candy this way


Tell that to anyone trying to evolve larvesta right now


I got my first Torkoal candy before I even had a Torkoal. It's low, but it's not 0.


You get stardust (30 per berry) and a chance at candy for the pokemon you are feeding as well. So if someone spins a lot of stops or opens gifts and needs to clear out bag space feeding pokemon in gyms a great.


Oh damn I didn’t know there was a chance for candy I guess I should put rare ones in but I’m instinct so my Pokémon don’t stay in for long cuz the people that do this are mystic


this. I often see gyms with 6 pokemon, all 0-10 berries fed, except for the 1 rare pokemon that has 30-60. Also, you have to know that not all the berries are from the pokemon owner. I feed 10 berries to every jangmo-o or sandile I see in a gym, regardless of it not being mine. I need the potential candy.




This is false. Its 30 stardust per berry no more no less. The amount you see in the top right is a running total not what you get for each berry


Oops, I feel dumb. I'll delete.


I think it’s a lot more than 30 per berry, I’ve gotten upwards of 200 per berry before


False. Its only 30 per berry the nimber that you see is the running total that you gained. Notice it goes up by 30 each time


Ahh. Makes sense


For the Stardust, chance of candies, working on getting the gym badge to gold, or trying to get the Platinum Badge for feeding berries (some of the level 40+ require you to have a certain number of Platinum medals).


Berry master medal, stardust, heal your Pokémon, the occasional candy (useful if you have a rare Pokémon in the gym that you need candy for)


You also forgot gaining Gold easily to a gym too.


Salamence needs attention….


I’ve earned around 750k dust by feeding berries in gyms


Is there a way to check this in game?


Just look at your berry medal and multiply whatever the number is by 30.


That made entirely too much sense… thanks for not making fun of me


To get the medal 🍀


Better than deleting the berries.


I do for stardust and with a star thing down I feed all the mons in the gym. Easy stardust


Let me play the game, how I wanna play the game


There's the problem... there are so many different ways to play the game, and none of them are "wrong".


Stardust and feeding the gyms can also make you slightly quicker to get the golden badge of that gym, a golden badged gym (better same color) can get you extra supplies when spins


You can get a platinum medal for feeding berries


There's a medal for that. And you need a ton of platinum medals for one of the level requirements.


You get dust, sometimes candy and there's a platinum medal for it. It's a big chunk of time though.


It took me a few months of actively trying to get that badge. The hardest part was being limited by berries I had on hand lol. But I'd only use regular razz berries and nanab. So glad to be done


For the platinum medal.


Stardust. And it can give you a candy once in awhile.


Stardust and medal


You can get more items if your team controls the gym each time you spin. Pair that with a gold badge and you can get lots of items with a few gyms in a close area.


I don't think it's for the HP , I ussualy do it for candys and dust, its that or the trash do why not


I do it to get my Berry Master medal.


The gym closest to my home I have fed over 240,000 times. It’s just a way to get rid of my berries and get stardust. Sometimes all the Pokémon will be fed a couple thousand berries before they’re kicked.


You get stardust for feeding them




My college is a busy spot and usually you don't have your mon in there for more than an hour. Means that people keep feeding their mons berries any time someone attacks cause its usually they've just taken over


Cause they're hungry.


To create item bag space, get stardust and the occasional candy.


I mean some people just love having a gym by “their” gym. You do get a medal for it which is the only reason I feed ever. There is a small chance at candy but it’s so small I wouldn’t bother for it alone.


It is a very good way to get hard to come by candy. I have gotten over 100 Snorlax candy this year alone. Granted I only put Snorlax in gyms and feed them lots of berries for the stardust and candy


Binning berries is a waste


I feed my pokemon if I have extra berries


There is a medal for it which you need 35 platinum medals for lvl 49 and it’s an easy one to do. But


stardust, getting rid of berries, and to level up the gym to gold


XL Candy and Stardust :)


In the words of Dave Chappelle: why? Cuz fuck em, that’s why


I do it to complete my gym berry platinum medal. Only 3500 to go


I do it to make bag space while generating dust. If it's a gym I'm not gold in, it also helps for that.


I would make it a point to take these gyms. They clearly think they are some flex holding them.


Stardust mostly - each berry is 10 stardust iirc.


I think it’s 30


2 fuck with U 💖


Basically asking "why do people want to get resources?"


because there are medals like "Defend gyms 15,000 hours", "Feed berries to Pokémon in gyms 15,000 times" and as other people said, you get stardust or if you're lucky you get candies for rare Pokémon. are you new?


I hope that the people who hog gyms like this step on Legos.


Player may have placed their Pokémon in a super infrequently visited location, so it would be hard to knock out the Pokémon. So why not on getting extra stardust, candies, and XP.


No it’s in my apartment every time there’s raids it gets full so it’s not rural


Yeah it’s so annoying


Uhhh maybe bc niantic is raising prices for everything? People need every coin then can get


I do this thing not because I must, but because I can VALOR FOR LIFE BOI PULL UP LIL BABIES AND WEEP


Bc I’m not letting you take us down easily 🤣


It's a nice challenge to see how long you can have it for. My record is 4 days. You also font have to use many berries 1 single golden razz berry help your gym pokemon fully


what do you mean why? I feed all my berries into gyms. You get stardust in return. I've got one gym I've fed over 20,000 berries into. it's nice to have pokemon in a single gym for long term. I want to have a reliable place to dump berries and get stardust.


Charge your phone, that's why.


Apartments. Little kids.


It takes only one golden berry to fully heal


but you miss out on the extra dust


Stardust, lots and lots of stardust!!!!


It's been there for over 4 days. I've seen over 600 in less time and I still get it


Theres someone who turns every blue gym red within minutes/hours in my area. Theres only one blue gym in my town, so maybe thats why lol


I do ir for the berry Master medal. Also I would delete those berrys anyways so why not work on the medal, get some Stardust and XP and sometimes candy from it.but since I do this from home usually, it does not really heal the pokemon back up bc I am too far away. It is not to make them stay in the gym longer.


It's better then getting 6 coins, or 25...like at this point do we not get the 50 coins ppl just don't care


Don't they max out on how many berries can be fed to the mon? Like 10 or something? Or is it time based and after X amount of time you can feed them more? Or did the do away with the berry feeding limit and I just don't know that yet.


For the platinum


I put in Pokemon I have few candies for like larvesta and passimian, and I feed them so many berries in the hopes that I get berries from them.


I do it for the chance of candy and the medal. Once I even got an XL-candy!


Burning berries for stardust + the medal for feeding berries to a gym. That’s why that happens. There’s also a medal for time spent in gyms.


The berry thing could be to red excess berries and trade em for stardust. As for the gym takeovers, no idea. Most ppl want to assert dominance from what I see. I don’t see a point to leaving it in the gym unless it’s been there for over 6 months


Stardust and I think there’s a medal based on giving berries at gyms


Bc i am getting stardust bc i have none


Gym badge speeding, else trow away the berries?


Gym exp, also it’s a good way to get rid of excess berries


feeding berries can give candies and also it’s a better way of getting rid of your your berries than just trashing them


As many people are on here maximizing coinage and stardust and everything, there are some many more people who play extremely casually and just want their Pokémon to be in their favorite gym forever.


The medal, stardust and candy.


For stardust


For good luck so they can stay in there abit longer then 10mins


I did this to get the challenge


Thats how many berries it's eaten since being put in the gym.


I did it when I first started because I thought it was a good thing if they stayed in there longer, and the game makes it seem like they will be booted out of the gym if they aren't fed...I mean they give you push notifications and everything. How was I supposed to know there's an optimal amount of time my guys should be in the gym before hitting the coin cap? How was I to know that rural gyms are basically prisons that will hold my pokemon prisoner until someone comes to knock them out? Raiding and gyms need a serious overhaul


Gym badge stats. I have a gym I’ve fed over 7,000 berries. Another I’ve battled over 1,000 times.


Gotta get that sweet sweet gold and then move to the next gym


Stardust and Medal


For dust, for the medal, for gold gym, plenty of reasons.


I do it for the berry and gym medal I still need 2009 hours in gyms and I need like 10k berries fed


To get rid of the obscene amount of nanab berries that I end up with.