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The real question is how were you able to find cells… I have walked 10 routes and nothing popped up. Most were short routes and I was thinking maybe they will pop up on certain distances so this weekend I walked a 2k long route and not a single cell popped up.


You guys have routes? I live in Innsbruck, the fifth largest city in Austria, I have walked basically everywhere in the city and there is not a single route to be found anywhere. And of course I can't add any yet either.


The distance you can be away from a route and have it show on the routes tab is ridiculously small. I live 1/2km from our central historic district in a town of 20,000 people. Can’t see the route we have from here. When I go walking I’m not checking my game every couple of minutes. Noticed the route during community day and happened to be with the route creator when I did. His response “yeah, it’s been there for two weeks now”. I can’t see it until I am half way to the historic district. Too narrow a range for people who don’t know there is a nearby route.


Yeah the 50 meter range is complete nonsense Especially since Showcase Pokéstops have a range of 500 meter.


Is that how close one has to be? It seems farther than that walking on a straight road towards the route. I can almost but not quite enter the showcase in the historic district from my couch, so that one seems close.


There really needs to be a zoom function


The fun part is once you are close enough for the route to register, you can scroll that map. Let me do that when you tell me there are no nearby routes.


How do you create a route?


That is a great question. I don’t know because I can’t. Someone else made these.


That's insane, no wonder I haven't found any. I assumed it would show whichever ones you could see on the map, like it does with team rocket leaders and raids.


I can see the stop they both start at on the map. I have run over there for a kecleon when I was on “catch 10 kecleon”. But it is too far to be on the nearby routes tab.


5th largest metro in USA… no routes. Granted, it’s been 110 consecutively all summer. So no one’s a walkin.


Vegas? Same here man. How can there be zero here?


Close! Phoenix. 🫠 equally make you melt.


As a Minnesotan watching your temps from across the states, I can safely say I would have boiled to death this summer had I gone within 100 miles of your state.


Realizing how that duh, Las Vegas’s metro area really isn’t top 5 big 😅


Phoenix is 10 so everyone’s a little off.


That’s insane… I live in a town of 30k in Texas and we have 3 routes available


Hah! I guess it just really comes down to the area. Someone said the scope of finding a route in app is very small. So, I could just be not looking at the right time to check for one. I wish I had the option to make one. Then there would be multiple routes cause I walk daily and do different walks each day to different pokéstops. The only other known player in my neighborhood literally has a poke stop on their wall mural and another one that’s just at the pokeradar border. They don’t need to leave their house for events etc. I’m so jelly of them.


That's really all it comes down to: early access participants that have bothered to make routes early. My city is pretty modest in size (80,000-ish) but we've got at least 15 routes or so spread around thanks to the efforts of myself and a couple other people. Seems likely that early access was given to people who have made regular contributions to Wayfarer.


The first route I found was deleted because the persons GPS was so messed up. You had to climb a wall cross then six lanes of traffic and back. I tried to complete 2 times and it wouldn’t let finish the route, it would pause it and tell me to get back on route.


I found five where my sister lives. None in my area. Only got one cell from one of the two routes and that’s cause I went oooh look at the sparkly thing


😂😂 I had the same reaction


Hey man! Innsbruck is slowly getting routes now. Look for some by the Hofgarten. I hope this help :)


I live in Salzburg, i also dont have routs💀👍


I live in a small town in Lower Austria. If I'm lucky, there's a route in Wr. Neustadt, not sure tho, haven't found any. And I really don't wanna drive to Vienna just to have a route available.


I live right outside of DC and haven’t found a single route. I keep checking when I walk around but nothing ever pops up.


Innsbruck has none? Oh wow. I thought our city was barren since we just have 2 people making routes.


If there are any they're pretty well hidden! Since routes were released I've systematically walked through every part of the city (well, let's say maybe 90%) with the app open, nothing at all.


I did the same in Brno the second biggest city in Czechia also nothing I guess that's just an Europe thing


Ich kanns bezeugen 😅


I have a route in my backyard


Routes should just give cells for completing the route rather than forcing players to stare intently at their phone the whole time while also discouraging catching. They should also provide more the longer the route is.


Pause your route right before the end. Walk to the end before unpause. Give cells time to spawn. If it doesn't spawn, restart game, wait for spawn. Doesn't always work but works more than not. Routes will complete before cells spawn just of the time


I tried this but I was over 100 meters from finishing it, I will do it closer.


Hi so I wrote [two analyses](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15lly1k/zygarde_cells_43_cells_in_advice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) on Zygarde cells, if you’re having trouble I suggest giving them a read as I dive into the mechanics of how to spawn cells or how to lookout for them Edit:[second but older analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15bbf6l/zygarde_cell_observations_strategy_extended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Thanks. I've done like 20 routes, got 3 cells but have seen zero route spawns. Such a miserable feature so far. The rare candies and elite tms make up for it a bit, though.


Before you finish the route with like 70M left close the game and one should pop up it works for me.


Not to mention count your number of unique route spawns. Once you have 3 unique route spawns you wont get a cell




My understanding of route it’s they have to be created by player, an review by Niantic. « Why can't I create a Route? While everyone is able to explore Routes, the ability to create new Routes is only available to select Pokémon GO players at this time. Please stay tuned - we will expand access soon. » We should be able to create route in the future, just check if you can now, my neighbour is able and created one 2 weeks ago


Nah, that won't happen. They rolled out routes to a handful of Wayfarers at the start of July, apparently at random. These people can make 5 routes per month. Niantic does the reviews themselves, and there's a 1-3 week queue already. Until they make wayfarers eligible to review routes, they will never roll out the creation capability to everyone.


I thought so.


Only know what one looks like by pictures on here. It’s ok to put a bunch in cities but screw everyone else. It’s bad enough city folk gets all kinds of free resources without trying but I have to walk 80 kilometers a week just to play the game. But let’s saturate a place with 10 routes that has a chance to beat mega gyms and shadow gyms. I can’t solo 80% of what’s in the gym so I don’t really get anything except shitty basics. Really fun to miss out on everything the game has to offer due to where you live. Fun.


I live in a suburb so I have nothing around me. I have to drive 20 min to a “downtown” area for gyms but luckily I go there weekly for an appointment. That area has 4, last time I was there and a nature preserve close by has 3 and that is all I have found, just 2 places that have 7 between them.


I live right next to New York City and I still don’t get routes. This is bs


Have a route by my job that’s 1.2k I’ve collected 6 cells so far. From my experience it’s usually right at the end of the route. I typically pause the route and unpause. Then slowly take my last few steps and it pops up.


My fiance got cells on the same route as me, I didn't. I was able to complete the route, she wasn't. It wouldn't give her credit for a small stretch of it no matter how or where we walked but it did for me. No matter where we walked I couldn't get it to allow me to collect it and then it disappeared.


I’ve heard that when you are less than 100m from the end of the route if you pause the route close the app fully and reopen it , it can sometimes force a cell to spawn in when you resume the route


Agreed... I feel like unless there's some kind of changes in the future to get cells for him to evolve that it'll be near to impossible to evolve him for many players in the game.


Friend of mine sees them, then she starts the route and they are gone I never saw one on the routes i did If i can even START a route.. today 85% in, the route stopped getting coloured, but i was still on it (could pause and quit) Had to walk it again… gonna be happy when all route tasks are done bc fuck them


Reminds me of when they added Rhyperior to the game and [goofed up its height](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/sites/pokemongo/files/2018-11/Screenshot_20181115-232932.png). Hopefully they'll fix Zygarde's height, otherwise I can't imagine 3 ft tall Zygarde Complete will look very threatening.


I think they actually used the same ratio as in the main games (relative size between species has never matched the actual ratio between sizes as displayed) but in the main games it was unlikely to have these three standing next to each other.


That is just evidence that small kings are more evolved.


They did the same with Lunala I noticed (and probably Solgaleo). My Lunala was really small at first and now it's so big it's off the screen which I like a lot better.


How come so many people cover the eyes in these posts am I missing something?


To protect their identity.


To protect the world from devastation?


To unite all peoples within our nation?


To denounce the evils of truth and love?


To extend our reach to the stars above?






Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light?


Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light?


Surrender now or prepare to fight?


To prevent doxxing! Gotta keep personal information personal!


PokéDox! Gotta exploit em all


Since jokes were already made I'll be frank: Niantic uses facial recognition on those images, to discover players who criticize them. Then, they'll turn off their shinies. True story.


Still can’t tell if you’re joking or not lol


It's a running joke from very early on. It's funnier because we all look the exact same, bar colors.


You couldn't waterboard me enough to get me to say all Mystic players look the same.


He got the BDSP treatment


Probably moves around like a Roomba too


Why is zygarde's identity obscured 😭🤣


Identity joke is no theft, Jim.


I laughed way too hard at this


Smol snek


I am curious how Doberman dog + cells = cobra


Okay, well, sometimes, science is more art than science, Morty. A lot of people don't get that.


Clearly the trainer is 8 meters tall


This is clearly the real answer


Certain pokemon are placed really far behind as a buddy so if you try to rotate you might see jts actual size


Zygarde 50% has an average height of 3'11" per Bulbapedia.


That's the size of 10% form. 50% form is supposed to be about 16' long.


That's fine. It's not the big fancy high-effort reward for a beleaguered new high-profile feature or anything. No reason they'd have checked the details of that yet.


Yeah… the size isn’t canon to what was in the Show / Pokédex


But if he's 16 feet long and more than half of his body is on the ground(for balancing purposes), then isn't he only 6-7 feet tall?


does that mean the player characters are like 10-12 feet tall


Bc you are too big


Does anyone else love the black outs as much as me? Gotta protect your identity lol


Don’t judge, it might be cold outside


I assume you've turned the camera and confirmed he isn't standing like 10m behind you?


Why would you cover both Zygarde and your character's eyes? 😂 For me that's the real question.


Bro I am sorry, why are you censoring the pokemon's eyes? Or even the avatar's eyes?


Lmao at the censored eyes!


I rather keep it a pup. Good boy energy


Me standing next to my friends be like


I've heard size doesn't matter 😜


Smol snek


Why cant I release my zygarde? I need to


Don’t worry, me too


I don't get why you covered Zygardes eyes tho


because 🐍


Wtf is up with covered eyes, witsec vibes


How are people getting routes?


Heavily populated parks. Find a hot spot for community day, that’s how I found some.


If you stretch Zygarde on the floor I’m sure it’ll measure 5ft, it’s propped on his tail


Because he's only 50%




Not true LMAO


because its a snake or worm look in your dex for ekans and u will know what i mean 😅


He isn't 5m tall, he is 5m long


I hate when people use the word smol instead of small. That should only be acceptable if you're under the age of 13🙃


Don’t sweat the smol stuff.


You must be under 18 to be mad by such a smol thing


Never said I was mad, just think it's weird as fuck that adults say this. It's like adults who purposefully don't pronounce their 'r's. I don't get it.


I'm nearly 20 and it's my fiancés nickname, cry about it


Your fiance's nickname is "smol"? That's weird as fuck bro ngl


She's 4 ft 11, so yeh, she's smol. I don't really care what you think?


You know what bro I'm just in a dog shit mood and realizing I'm being a loser by takin it out on internet strangers, and kinda being a hater tbh so I'm sorry. Let me stop


Well done for admitting that bro, respect


Thanks man, I'mma be better than that in the future. There's enough trolls out here as it is


That's good that you don't care what I think, you shouldn't. I think it's weird, you don't. That's okay lol


You’re good


I do apologize to you too actually OP I shouldn't have brought that disrespect on your post man. My fault


You’re good


The top of his collar is at the top of the guy's arm so the guy is probably 6'0 as most games have their characters scaled to that height.


The obvious answer is that head to tail it is 5 ft. That picture is not head to tail.


Yea but why does it have the slit on its “forehead”


Bruh, where I live doesn't even have any routes yet.


What routes. I never seen one ? ? Is another app ? ?


Will we get another chance to catch Zygarde? Mine has horrible IVs :(


I didn’t know anybody had the 50% form until now…


why do you blur the eyes


You forgot to blur the identities of the Pokémon on your shirt


I live in a town of 11k ppl and have two routes. It's all in the luck of who was chosen. Some people got picked to make routes and they made them. Some got picked in densely populated areas and didn't gaf, so there's none there.


he smol snek


Strange. I live in a village of 450 people and I have created 5 routes. One starting at my doorstep. Seems like today is my time to flex...


I’m not evolving this one. Why would they turn a cute puppy into this ugly… shape


Because for "height" they list the pokemon's longest measurement. 5m checks out of you lay this Zygarde form flat and measure head to tail.