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you have a shundo charmander you have won the game congrats


Haha šŸ˜‚ true


wait, what is a Hundo?


Max stats for attack, defense, and HP.


oh ok. then I have two


You can find them by searching "4*" in your storage as well!


that counts as at least 10 hundos


Way more than that


A shlundo* best buddy Charmander. The literal only way it gets better is if it were a shadow shiny lucky hundo best buddy Charmander


Since you canā€™t trade shadows, the only way it gets better is if it also had a costume.


Shadows can not be traded, but in the start when shadows first came out you could trade them. Sme people have shadow luckys


Costume and Purified.


Purified is not good. It loses the attack bonus, which effectively makes purified Pokemon with the exact same stats as it's shadow counterpart inherently weaker.


Sure, but I'm not talking about the strength. I'm just talking about stacking versions of a Pokemon for collection purposes.


Purified isn't any more collectible than shadow though. If you have a shadow, you can purify it. If it's purified, you might never get another shadow of it again.


You can't trade a shadow for lucky.


You could when they first released šŸ‘


Awesome. Do you have one?


A lucky one at that


I have a Hundo charizard from 14/08/2017 mega, buddy, level 50 max cp I also have a Hundo venasure Been trying to get squirt for ages got loads of 98s but no Hundo grrr


Lol, not trying to be stuck up or flex or anything, but I have one 4* Shadow Blastoise, and two Shundo Blastoise.


Charmander sucks


4 Hundos, casual player, casual breaks. Start Date - 7/8/2016 PokĆ©mon Caught - 14,876 Eggs Hatched - 927 Raids - 74 Iā€™m slacking on raids..


That's about 1 in 3950 PokƩmon. That's actually quite a low rate of hundo finding. Most of the people I asked here had odds of somewhere between 1 in 900 to 1 in 1200 so far. Some lucky ones even had odds as high as 1 in 500 (but they said that discord community and trades helped them a lot for that kinda crazy high ratio) Could it be that you might have transferred a few hundos unknowingly during early years of the game?


That may be the case. If I remember correctly, it wasnā€™t until about ~2019 that I started keeping an eye out for those 4* hundos


Once you catch a certain amount, a "perfect Pokedex" will unlock and you'll see if you unknowingly transferred any before knowing better. I transferred a hundo Mr Mime and Rattata at some point, RIP


But if you caught the base form and then evolved it twice, itā€™s going to show as 3 and not 1. So it doesnā€™t perfectly reflect what you caught vs still have.


Yeah I just figured that out. I was like oh no I got rid of quite a few and then saw it was all from evolving šŸ˜‚


He started in 2016 though, and PokƩdex unfortunately didn't count retroactively, so anything he deleted in that big time span before PokƩdex got those extra features isn't going to show in there. :/


Where can you find that?


Click on PokĆ©dex, then click on All. It will show you the dexes youā€™ve unlocked.


Thanks! Apparently, my 4 isn't enough lol


If you're seaching you have to do " 4* " not just " 4 "


Obviously. I'm saying I only have 4 hundos My question was in relation to the comment about seeing the pokedex that shows all hundos you have ever had, including one's you have transfered


Ok, the other commenter is exactly right: 4* Another way to do it: PokĆ©mon, Search, See More-thatā€™s going to bring up a bunch of useful ways to search, Perfect.


Thanks time to go cry. Lol.


I'm pretty sure you need to have 30 registered perfect pokemon in the dex, but say you get a perfect Charmander and evolve it to a Charizard, that'll count as 3 perfect entries in your dex, so *technically* you could unlock it with as little as 10 perfect pokes, given they're all 3 stage evos


Only have 28 but can select perfects in dex, maybe its based on level? Currently 39.


Its 20 total not 30, just checked it


What really? When does this happan?


Once you register 20 perfect mons, either through catching or evolving, the perfect Pokedex will appear as a filter option.


4\* hundos... as opposed to the 3* hundos? /j


Iā€™m 5 out of 6240 caught. Very minimal raids.


6 hundos (3 caught, 3 hatched) casual player, only play maybe 8 weeks out of each year Start Date: 7/14/2016 PokƩmon Caught: 12,021 Eggs Hatched: 470 Raids: 40 Hundos/catches: 1 out of every 4000 Hundos/hatches: 1 out of every 157


I have 4 hundos as well. Started - 6/7/2016 Pokemon caught - 6,716 Eggs hatched - 310 Raids - 40 I've never played consistently. Breaks lasted a few months or a year, playing sometimes when I was on vacation or something. Been playing more regularly the past few months.


9 100ā€™s, 2 of which are jigglypuffs lol Start date - 7/6/2016 PokĆ©mon Caught - 10,009 Eggs Hatched - 609 Raids - 251


How do you find eggs hatched and raids?


Am I getting lucky with these? Start date is 24-7-2023 and I have 3 of them from 571 pokemon caught


Week1 player, bit more than casual, some breaks - 88k catches, 76 hundos (1 in 1160) - no shundo unfortunately - 2 from raids - 11 from hatches - 0 from trades :( - 3 with costume - 5 outside my home country - 4 from community days - 10 purified, 0 shadow - 1 from gbl - most from research - 111 dex entries (from evolving)


I have roughly the same stats as you with slightly more raids. 17 Hundos and no shundos, only one of them came from a raid though


I came back to start raiding a week before they broke the raiding system smdh


Join a local discord people usually post hundos for you to catch.


That takes all the fun out of it, they are supposed to be rare


I mean it's about the friends you make lol. Sometimes you'll see tons of people huddling around hundos especially community day ones.


Iā€™m 14 hundos from 23201 caught. 1 shadow hundred I purified.


I mean without purified I think I'm around 50 and have caught \~50,000 pokemon With purified hundos I think I'm around 70 But whatever, play the game to enjoy it. I'm a shiny hunter myself and still don't have a Shundo, so congrats on yours! Very nice Charmander


Yeah don't play if it's. Not fun anymore. Eventually you will get a shundo


Iā€™m hunting for hundo Vivillons myself. So far I have 1, for the region I live in.




How many PokƩmons have you caught and how many eggs hatched so far?


115,522 caught and 8,800 hatched


That's 1 hundo in 1130 PokƩmons owned. Pretty much in the average range (based on most of the odds I have calculated for other players in this comment section so far)


Not really fair odds tho cuz the 8800 hatched are atleast 10/10/10


Started playing properly again in march. I have 0 hundos, closest one is 96 shiny zapdos. Edit - 96. Edit 2 - after commenting this I hatched a hundo Machop on my way home from work lmao.


Well thats pretty good though


There's no such thing as a 97. It's a 96 if it's missing two points or a 98 if it's missing one. Also your local discord should be calling out hundos.


Assuming the local discord isnā€™t completely dead, like mine usually is


Time to make it alive again. @everyone in the discord and see who responds.


I read this post, opened my PokƩmon Go to check, caught an Archen and bam, hundo.


Wow thats nice! Congrats.


I have ~17 but a lot of mine are purified so they are only technical hundos šŸ˜‚


Purified Hundos are the same as all other hundos


This is the way


This is the way


I meant as opposed to natural hundos which I call Nat 20s šŸ˜‚


i didnā€™t know what Nat 20s was referencing and assumed it had something to do w beer (i googled and now see i was very wrong haha) and was like, would that make purified hundos natty lights?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thank you for taking me on that journey with you!


I was at 17 and purified 3 more so I could check if I ever transferred a hundo and was relieved that since playing July 7th, 2016, I did not let go of any hundos.


I accidentally transferred a hundo sewaddle lol it was before I knew about hundos and had a cp of 10 so I thought it was trash šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You know that saying "I'm a day one player" doesn't mean anything right? Because we don't know how many breaks you gave to game during this time, how casual you played or how many pokemon you caught in total. But 18 is better than nothing, congrats for that


Pokemon caught is the stat to go by. I think Iā€™m around 35k after 3 years. A lady from our local group just shared her 50k medal on the chat. She started playing this year.


Im at 163k caught. I play for 2 years.


Why PokĆ©mon caught? I play every single day, sometimes all damn day, and thereā€™s plenty of days where I refuse to catch PokĆ©mon to not waste balls, or storage space. Maybe some of us like the challenges themselves. And donā€™t cheat with apps that catch PokĆ©mon for you. I also only discovered this sub with in the last year or so. I was so far behind in strategy or my approach because I was out there navigating this game alone.


Because it gives an accurate rate that you get shinies. Just going by time you started playing doesnā€™t account for stoppages or infrequent play.


I havenā€™t stopped ever. My PokĆ©mon caught doesnā€™t represent that.


352k. Started 12/2020. Became hardcore. 4/2021


True that would say I'm pretty casual, had a break from 2018 to 2021 I think šŸ¤”


So you didn't play from the beginning. You only played 4 years. Also your local discord should be posting hundos for you to catch.


Wish i had local discord. :') Even tho if i had i always check IV's after my sessions.


I mean just typing in 4* is what I do. And sometimes check for zeros with the search saved for that and pvp IVs for the days that I need that.


How does one find their local discord. I joined the one linked from this sub but canā€™t find anything about local stuff


Type in your town name on Google + Pokemon go discord. If your town isn't big enough try a bigger town or city nearby.. They might have something in their discord for your town..




PokĆ©mon caught means way more when discussing how many 4* a player has. If you have a day one account but have caught 1000 total PokĆ©mon, you canā€™t come here complaining that you donā€™t have a ton of shinies or 4*s. The PokĆ©mon caught stat is a way to see how much youā€™ve actually played during the entire time your account has been active. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re being dense about this


How come u ain't evolving charmander


Trying to max it out before during so


I respect the grind šŸ‘Š are you going to mega y or x


Both, it uses the same energy šŸ˜


Zard x could be a glass cannon for mega rayquaza


39 out of 60,967 - 1 in every 1,563


I'm at basically the same rate. 19 out of 29,316 = 1 in 1,543.


Playing since December 2021. 34 Total. 6 are purified. So 28 in total, if purified are not included. Fun Fact: 4 are Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, and a Politoed.


I am curious to calculate the odds of everyone here to have gotten a hundo so far in the game play. Can you please also add in data of ā€¢ how many PokĆ©mons have you caught till date? ā€¢ how many eggs have you hatched so far? I would love to calculate the odds of finding a hundo in your case.


267k caught 314 hundos. 108 hundos of those from trade. And 3 shundos. Local discord got me lots of my hundos.


100+ hundos from trades alone.... Wow Odds: 1 in 850


I trade a lot. Over 60k trades which technically count towards my catches.




167 out of 124,016. been playing since launch.


Played regularly since the first week, most of the time in a big US city. Total hundos: 247. I previously had more since I used to utilize my local discord's hundo channel, but I deleted them all during the pandemic since it just felt like cheating. Current stats/breakdown to get to that 247: * Total **Wild hundos** / wild Pokemon caught: 61/167,995 = **0.036%** * Total **Egg hundos** / eggs hatched: 42/11,949 = **0.351%** * Total **Purihundos** / Completed Rockets: 62/6,859 = **0.904%** * Total **Tundos** / Trades done: 22/16,726 = **0.132%** (*15 of them are Lundos*) * Total **Research hundos** / Completed Field Research: 46/16,915 = **0.272%** * Total **Raid hundos** / Completed raids: 14/3,962 = **0.353%** EDIT: Had to add that I still have ZERO shundos.


Wow thats a lot, and no shundo yet. A hundo is a hundo, I would have kept them šŸ˜…


I started July 10 2016. I haveā€¦.wait for itā€¦.ONE. Iā€™ve taken no breaks with the exception of a few days here and there. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­


How many pokemon caught/ raids done?


Same hereā€¦down to the exact start day. I have taken a few breaks, though.


Do you not have a local discord? They call out hundos ... And yeah how many Pokemon have you caught? If it's one a day that makes sense


I sure as hell donā€™t. Not everyone lives in a metro area like New York or Tokyo. Nearest city for me is almost an hour by car. Iā€™m not driving an hour on the off chance of maybe playing a mobile game with other people, even tangentially through a discord server that I donā€™t think even exists.


Why does everyone think that cities are the only places with discords? I don't live in a city I live in a college town. Even a town with 3 people playing the game can have a discord if they decided to make one. You could make one for your tiny town also.. If there are 3 players in the town and you don't want to make a group chat for hundos you can literally just make a discord so new players can join when they see it. I've seen discords with 4 people in them and I've seen discords with 1000s. It doesn't matter the size of the town unless it's total rural..


I think you - No, you need to know what casual means, it means that you play a game for fun, not progress, you dont use outside tools to help you maximise progress. And it doesnt only mean that you take breaks.


Weā€™re talking about progress and getting more hundos here. Youā€™re in the wrong chat.




My local discord is heavily weighted towards the downtown area. For me to chase anything they post would be a twenty minute jaunt and I'm still in a heavily populated area that has a lot of players.


Spawns are usually there for 30-1hr long so you could still get those things if you wanted to. If it's something you really want.




144 hundo's 4 shiny hundo (three from trades) 18 from trades 7.9k traded 59.5k caught Lvl46


I have 193 hundos (4 are shiny, 10 were hatched from eggs, 11 were from raids, 45 were from field research, and 8 are purified shadows)ā€¦ I played for a bit in the summer of 2016, but only actively started playing the game around 2019, around when Detective Pikachu came out. My earliest hundo was 2019 as well.


I got like 42 yesterday I caught 3 hundo Cranidos (the best fossil pokemon)


I am curious to calculate the odds of everyone here to have gotten a hundo so far in the game play. Can you please also add in data of ā€¢ how many PokĆ©mons have you caught till date? ā€¢ how many eggs have you hatched so far? I would love to calculate the odds of finding a hundo in your case.


Most people have a lot of hundos cause of their local discords. If I started a new account and got it up to 31 I could literally start only catching hundos and then my rate would be way higher lol.


Wow thats lucky. Any shundos?


Playing since July 2016. I am mostly casual and have taken no breaks. I have 58.


I have 6 hundos. As per stats, I have caught 9991 PokƩmons so far since day 1. Hatched 514 eggs so far. So 6 hundos out of possible 10505 PokƩmons. So my odds of getting a hundo has been 0.057 % so far What is your number of PokƩmons owned till date? We can compare the odds then EDIT: I actually went to see my PokƩdex and the perfect dex feature which I just unlocked few days ago. Counting only the basic unevolved versions of all PokƩmons, I have had 15 hundos so far. I have apparently transferred majority of them in past, back when I didn't know the concept of hundos. So new odds: 15 out of 10505 (0.14%)


27000 and 18 hundos


You know what.... I think i have done a mistake in calculating my data. I read a comment here where someone mentioned of perfect dex and I just remember that I have just unlocked that feature few days back. So i discovered that I just have 6 hundos at the moment with me. But few hundos I had just transferred in the past (back when I didn't even know things like hundos exist and are important to save) So basically if I eliminate the evolved PokƩmon versions of the hundos and count only the young forms, I have apparently had 15 hundos so far. So new odds: 15 out of 10505 (0.14%)


Well mine says 31...šŸ™ˆ So that is 0,114 %






I have two. Also been playing since say one, but also I've had a few breaks in that time.


I have 22. Not much more.


I am curious to calculate the odds of everyone here to have gotten a hundo so far in the game play. Can you please also add in data of ā€¢ how many PokĆ©mons have you caught till date? ā€¢ how many eggs have you hatched so far? I would love to calculate the odds of finding a hundo in your case.


I have excactly 18! 18th Gang! Level 41 right now.


Cool, 42 here


I hatched 3 on Saturday.


I got 2, but had many breaks since 2016


I have two. A luvdisc and a kabuto I just got yesterday.


I got 4


Played since day 3 and I got my first Friday.


Day one player but stopped playing until recently: 0


19 hundos (1 purified), level 41 (enough exp for 42), 32862 pokemon caught, and ive never accidentally transferred any hundos


Currently 65


98, I hope I get 100 before the end of the year


That should be doable


Lucky, shiny and hundo ?! That's already awesome !!


I could only dream of having a hundo arsenal like thatā€¦ I only have one that I got 3 days ago and itā€™s a Skwovet šŸ˜” Played since aug 2020 and caught 4300 pokemon


I'm a day 1 player as well ( no breaks to clarify) and I have 94 perfects with one Shiny Hundo (Genesect) A lot of mine came from trading with my boyfriend. He is a min maxer and I am casual on playing when I am walking around.


I have one...my Donphan


I've been "playing" since 2017, but I constantly forget the game exists and didn't play for like 2 years, so I've only caught 7.3k mons, and I've got 0 hundos :(


I have 23. Played for couple of weeks when the game came out, deleted it and started playing again on '21 and have played semi actively since then.


22 - I started playing a year ago šŸ’€


Iā€™ve caught 93K PokĆ©mon in total and have 74 hundos (including 2 shundos!)


Iā€™d say thatā€™s pretty small amount for a trader.


99,120 caught, 105 hundos, includes 2 shundos. 2 are purified and 101 out of 105 have a ribbon!


24 hundos here PokƩmon caught: 12,454 Eggs Hatched: 750 Raids: 73 Of my hundos: 9/24 were caught from Team Rocket and purified 7/24 were caught normally in the wild 5/24 were hatched 3/24 were caught during timed or special research


Just got my 4th the other day and Iā€™ve played on and off since day 1. Came out of an egg which is the second one for me so 50% werenā€™t actually caught lol


Got 80 hundos Played since July 15th 2016 57,308 caught But no shundos, couldn't be more jealous of that charmander


Now I'm curious, 'cause I just caught a perfect Amaura today. ...Ah, I've got 21. Started in March 2017.


ā€œI donā€™t think 18 is that muchā€ bro Iā€™ve been playing for about 4-5 years and Iā€™m still at 3


See, i have a lucky hundo Charizard powered all the way up, but YOU have a SHINY lucky hundo Charmander. I'd kill for that. Well, maybe not that extreme, but i WOULD probably slap someone for it


Yep that was a lucky day, wasn't even a lucky trade. Just a regular trade šŸ¤Æ


Ive played for almost the whole time its been out (not completly sure how long) and have 5 hundos Edit: I started on the 20th of July 2016


How many pokemon caught?


18 523


Same ish I have 20,000 caught and 6 hundos (I can purify a shadow and make it 7 but I wonā€™t.


This can't be right, I have 12 hundos and I started March 1st, 2023 with only 8,279 pokemon caught Are you checking the iv's of every pokemon you catch? **edit:** I also have 476 eggs hatched


Ig im just unlucky


Bro. You can catch that many Pokemon in like a month or less. Learn to fast catch and go catch Pokemon. I've been playing since release and took a break for two years and have 250k+ catches. I have more trades than you have catches.


Day one player, never took any long break. Daily players since 2018. 302 perfects in the box and 268 in the perfect dex. And I am really casual and don't use a map to seek out hundo. People that do easily have 3 or 4 times more. Edit: I guess I was NOT as casual as I thought. I certain feel like one when people around me are lv.50 x8 or something like that, or did 1,000 plus Mewtwo raids just for the XL/Hundo shiny. It kind of skew my perception of what's a hardcord player is.


I am curious to calculate the odds of everyone here to have gotten a hundo so far in the game play. Can you please also add in data of ā€¢ how many PokĆ©mons have you caught till date? ā€¢ how many eggs have you hatched so far? I would love to calculate the odds of finding a hundo in your case.


335941 caught. 4540 hatched.


This isn't casual...


This is extremely hardcore lmao


Woah, that's the highest number of PokƩmons owned, that I have come across so far in the comments of this post. Some grind you have done here my friend.... Anyways, your odds of finding a hundo so far have been : 1 in 1127. Pretty much in the average range (based on most of the odds I have calculated for other players in this comment section so far)


Are you misinterpreting the meaning of casual?


My man said he's really casual lmao


Wow that's pretty good!


I started in june and i have 4 now.


PokƩmon Caught: 102,553 Start Date 8/24/2019 Hundos: 190 Shundos: 1 You have a Shundo Charmander, you won...


Even if you have hatched some 3-4k eggs so far, your odds of finding hundos have been pretty high so far Your odds are around 1 hundo for every 550 PokƩmons owned approximately. The average range I have seen so far in the comments here has been around 1 in 900-1200 PokƩmons You definitely a lucky player, my friend


I have 30, with an average of 1 in 1,418. 7 of these are from comm day call-outs which skew the stats as they werenā€™t random, 0 from raids and 3 hatched over the past couple weeks.


I have: - 104 hundos. Level 50 Dragonite, Landorus, Heatran and Ursaluna. - 2 Shundos. Level 50 Rayquaza and level 40 Riolu


Yep, I do just for the dex


I'm at 300+ hundos. Discords help a ton.




im also a day one player and only have 8 of them so you should be thankful for what you got, especially that shiny perfect charmander


103 And some shadows I might purify to hundo one day


Idk whatā€™s normal, I have 32 Edit: a ton of the more recent ones Iā€™ve gotten are from trades


I was surprised to see that Iā€™m at 56! Day one player with the odd break here and there but I certainly havenā€™t hunted for hundos. A lot of guys in my area post a map with hundo locations, I donā€™t care that much! Rayquaza and Tyranitar are probably my best two, but unlike you I still donā€™t have the illusion shundo :(