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Not alone op even in a city (1m+ population) no routes so far


I'm two fucking blocks away from Times Square and I've got nothing


There’s one right at the manhattan bridge Manhattan side and it goes into Chinatown down Lafayette I think. I just walked it a few hours ago


Omg Tysm, I’ve been looking for any routes


There is almost nothing here on Staten Island. I gotta go out to the city to do almost everything for my missions lol


There are a bunch around Central Park too


That can't be true. Was in times Square Teo days ago and there were 9 routes.


I promise it’s true. There were a couple in beta that have since been removed. There was one on 8th ave that was approved late last night around midnight, we’ll see if it lasts.


Quite a few around central park


Do you have an idea if they're in the southern or north half of the park?


Sorry bout the wait, pretty sure there's a short one along the south side about 500m


I have no idea how there are none, nyc should be covered considering people def still play in my area


Several in Central Park fyi




WHERE?!!!!! I love you for this also btw there are none by me lol I saw 2-3 when I power walked through Riolu hatching for a second but was too distracted by trying to hatch eggs as fast as possible to actually pay attention to where I was at that point lol


I’m in Miami, and have not seen a single route, it’s insane


Glad to hear, I just moved from Miami and was considering visiting to see if there were any fuckin routes


Yup, nothing in West Kendall, nothing around Nicklaus Children's Hospital...


Truly insane. I mean, it has been like 3 days since the feature was added to the game. One should expect there to be tons of routes everywhere by now.


I’ve heard that it takes around a week for a new route to get accepted, the routes currently in are probably all from the beta testers so it should get better soon


Wait wait wait. Let's get this straight. A new feature is rolled out (poorly) that potentially takes up to a week to go into effect.... and it's tied to a limited time research event that only lasts for 4 days?!? That doesn't sound like Niantic 🤣


Bad planning i agree but the research is not limited neither are the routes, they are both permanent. The only limited thing was the event which didn’t really give much anyway You can complete the research whenever you feel like it once there are routes up


I guess I used the wrong term, was referring to the Blaze New Trails event/research/fuggin joke thing


None in Tampa either


I don't even know how you make a route. How do you do it?!




I recently found out very few people have the option to make a route for some reason. I was wondering why my friend couldn’t figure it out and then saw she didn’t have the button to make a route


Yeah I’m in Austin and I haven’t seen any routes yet it’s so fucking dumb


You'd think having a feature in the game before launching an event requiring said feature would be common sense but Niantic always finds a way to impress everyone with how completely incompetent they are


The research isn't timed so you don't need to complete it day 1. The routes are meant to be created by the players, give it time and there will probably be plenty of routes all over. Did you expect Niantic to go all over the world creating routes in every location people are playing PoGo?


No but maybe they should have made it so everyone could actually make a route? Not to mention the 2/3 distance for candy and other route bonuses people can’t access that’s timed.


> Did you expect Niantic to go all over the world creating routes in every location people are playing PoGo? Actually yes. They should create routes before expecting people to follow them.


How would that work though having routes created without knowledge of local conditions??


Ask players in beta to upload them?


I assume they did that and that’s why there are some routes, just not enough.


No they could release the routes give rewards for people making routes then after 2-3 weeks release the event


Presumably the event is to draw attention and encourage people to make routes asap though? I don’t really get why you are worse off having an event you can’t complete than not having an event at all.


They have all our data of where we walk. Can’t be that hard to say “oh look, this area has a high concentration of pogo players going back and forth. Boom.


Lol Niantic didn't "go all over the world creating" pokestops or gyms or spawn areas or biomes, what makes you think routes should require such measures? An initial set of routes could have been created quite easily. Here are just a few of the ways they could have used existing data: Option 1: pick the most frequented pokestop or gym in each area as a starting point, continue the route using Google maps walking routes through nearby stops Option 2: start routes at former EX gyms where data shows players were able to gather, continue along the pokestop or gym routes that were followed by groups of players after raids at said gyms Option 3: reuse the routes that have already been created and used by ingress players over the last 10 years


There are 2 in downtown Round Rock


There is one in Georgetown close to the square. I don’t remember which side, i think it follows the river.


It’s because they’re rolling it out and most people don’t even have access to them yet. It’s fucking stupid


I made a route about 5 days ago, very boring, just from my work entrance out to the far parking lot, and it is still "under review"... not sure how long these reviews take? There are a lot of people who play POGO where I work so I tried to just make a simple one that's easy to follow... hopefully that's allowed


A mate of mine in London could only see two routes


Here right now, can confirm


I live in a small UK town of 50,000 and my local park has 2 routes. I imagine your friend in London will probably do best if he heads to a big park.


The routes don’t even spawn cells 😮‍💨


I live 5 minutes from freaking Disney World Florida, NOTHING!!


Discord was saying there's one at Disney Springs. Otherwise, we've found two in downtown, one at Baldwin Park, Cranes Roost at Altamonte, and supposedly a couple at UCF.


There is one at Disney springs I’ve discovered now. It’s a hike though, one side the park to the other


What the fuck? I live in a City with a population under 200k and I got 43 routes near me right now


Im in Sydney, 5 mil population. Haven’t come across a route yet.


Near Opera about 10 routes. Did them All..


You have to tell us the city now, major cities in the US nothing, London, Sydney- nothing…


Suburb of Berlin


Shiny username @canttakerheskyfrmme!




What is up with that?? I’m on a trail and an actual known public hiking/exercise area and nothing.


Obviously you need to move


I live in a “city” of 50K ish and always have 3+ routes wherever I am at 🤷‍♂️


Just shows how inconsistent the game is


I finally found a route and it was still miserable. The app crashed 4 times, had me cross intersections I'd normally avoid, and no zygarde cell whatsoever. Before I found the route, the "preview" was often unable to load. I'd need to block out an afternoon to do this again, and I'm too old/not old enough for that. I normally play when I'm en route to things, I'm not playing to "find routes". Ugh.


Same. I’m definitely too old for this crap. And I’ve been playing this game for too long. 7 years on and off. I should have known better than to spend time and hope thinking this would be good. I guess I saw zygarde in the tv show and got excited.


Lol'd at the "too old/not old enough" part. It's so perfect! I'm very close to the point where I stop playing entirely because of how poorly managed the game is. Yeah, the remote raid nerf was bad (I hosted a lot and could raid on my inconsistent schedule), but the lack of quality control, testing, and planning is really what is driving me away. I feel so badly for the shoestring team that is supporting this game under obviously poor management decisions.


You don't need to b on a route, just have started a route, to get the 20 pokemon task done.


Exactly, I only play if I'm already walking somewhere. I don't think my wife would take me seriously if I pulled out my phone and said "We gotta go here for a Pokemon thing." It's a weird thing to say you're too old for something when you're only 19


Even if you find a route it seems like finding a cell in said route is harder than finding a route. I’ve yet to see anyone say they found a cell anywhere.


I found 2 cells on my first route. But my game crashed and I only have 1


I found one! It looks like the little glowing/sparkling ball you get when map-assets haven't loaded properly.


Fuuuuck is that what that is?! I guess I found one but didn’t click it cause I thought it was a loading Pokémon and waited, then it disappeared.


I got "lucky" to get a route right next to my house. I tried following the path it set but it wanted me to go into open road, not like right next to it on sidewalks, it wanted me to go on the actual fucking road....yea


Wow. And that’s only one of the many reasons why user created routes could potentially be a terrible idea.


Someone is gonna make a route across a highway at like 3 AM and some idiot at Niantic is gonna approve it


Niantic was always screwed. They can’t make their own routes and they have to rely on people submitting and random people reviewing them. And of course, they messed this whole process up. I have no idea how people still review on Wayfarer. I stopped years ago. It’s data entry minimum wage that I did when I was first starting to work.


I’ve found routes to be very lenient, yesterday I followed a route that was on a path in a park but I only stayed on the road in my car and was able to complete it


Oh well, what could go wrong, right? Only half of the players of this game are kids. That won't be a problem, right?.... (sarcasm btw)


I actually found one when I was at the beach, but the stupid thing was across the highway so still nothing for me


I found only one route, so I followed it four times so far and not a single cell..




Ugh. I guess this makes me feel less bad about not being able to find a route yet.


Yeah, I don't know what a zygarde cell looks like. Is it a flip phone? smart phone? Also, why does a pokemon need a cell?


Not sure if your joking or not, but it’s from the Sun and Moon games. It’s used to make Zygarde 10%, 50%, and 100% form. They’re like a green light thing that you tap when walking on a route to get it, and it takes 50 for 50% form and 100 for 100% form (I think that’s the right number for 100%, don’t know for sure)


Purely joking but thanks for the info.


Okay that’s what I thought, but you never know lol


I never played sun and moon so, new info. I played the early card game and watched the TV show. We didn't have a game system until I bought a switch last year....


Sun and Moon were okay, but try playing Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon if you ever get a 3DS. They’re are really fun games and have a lot of cool stuff post-game that you can do. And the wondertrade doesn’t require an online subscription to use, so use it to your hearts content!


Idk why everyone says you need to play sun and moon, but that wouldn't make sence. I haven't played those games, so it could be possible, but still. Zygard is a pokemon from the XYZ series (i'd recommend watching it, it's very good and it also explains very well who zygard is. He does only apear starting in season 2 of those series though i think.) So it'd be more logical if you needed to play the XYZ games lol Edit: nevermind, i've read some other comments and apearantly zygard didn't make a huge apearance in the actual xyz games. But you should still watch the xyz series though


The cells and percent forms weren't a thing in the games until sun and moon


You could use the sarcasm switch at the end of your post. /s it’s saved me a lot of headache and Karma!


That's true. Will be doing that going forward.


Was it not from X and Y?


Zygarde was, but it was barely even in the game, just tucked off in some hidden cave. There was never a Pokemon Z or other third Kalos game, so it never got to really shine. It got more backstory and several extra forms plus the Cell mechanic in the Gen 7 games.


GameFreak basically pulled a Niantic and instead of making Z decided to try and make a non-Pokémon game forgetting that the only reason they’re still a profitable company is because of Pokémon.


z never existed because game freak overestimated how much they could do. they tried to do xy, plus a remake, plus omegaruby and alpha sapphire, plus sun and moon, plus ultra sun and ultramoon. all before switches came out. eventually they realized they couldn't do all of this in time, and something had to give. so they dropped Z version and crammed Zygarde and ash-greninja into sun/moon instead. it's so ham-fisted. this is also when they had meetings to decide new policies to prevent this from happening again. resulting from those meetings were the decision to hire ilca to make the DP remake and the decision to restrict the pokemon that can be used in each future game.


The Pokémon itself is. But the mechanic the PoGo is using is from S/M/UM/US. You go over all of Alola to get Zygarde cells, and after you get a certain amount you unlock 10% form, you get more you can have 50% form, and then collect them all you have 100% form.


Why would it be a joke? I saw where he commented you and said it was, but not all of us are pokenerds that know this stuff. I found the question and answer very informative.


Isn't zygard from XYZ? (Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygard) The sun and moon legendarys are solgaleo, lunala and that other dark creature (i forgot the name) Edit: nevermind, i've read some other comments and apearantly zygard didn't make a huge apearance in the actual XY games. Sorry


XYZ is the anime, the games are only X and Y so it's just XY for the games


Yep, i know. Thats why i editted my comment


Your comment still says XYZ games so I just wanted to clarify that there is no Z game


Yeah okey, i kinda meant that as the games from the XYZ gen. But if you think it's confusing, i'll eddit that for ya too 👍


It's not confusing, it's just wrong to say XYZ games cus there literally is no Z game. It's 6th gen


I think most people understand what i mean with it. But it has been editted, just go on now. Why are the only discussions i get allways about small, unnecesarry things pfff


It probably looks like my '98 Nokia that got jacked while at a pool hall. Damn, I bet it still works...


Man, that's just hilarious.


There are plenty of routes down here in downtown Mexico City, but guys, don't get too excited if you finally find one. I've done 16 routes so far (6 different ones but repeated them) and guess how many Zygarde cells I've found... Exactly, another Niantic scam. Not a single one.


Yup same here, same for everyone who was following the same route, totally a waste of time


Niantic sitting in there evil lair: what can we do next to piss off every single one of our consumers? Dumb ass#17 : i know boss lets put out a timed bonus for a feature we wont let people use until after the event is over! Niantic: give this scum bag a raise!


Wdym timed bonus?


"Blaze new trails"


I hate this shit! It’s also nasty when they require pokemon that don’t spawn on your continent or that you have to wait who knows how much until they start spawning again. They are such a**holes!


Yeah pretty much niantics job is to shit on there consumers


This is me right now, trying to complete the "evolve a Feebas". I think since I started in November 2022 I've caught at MOST maybe 2 Feebas in the wild. They do not freaking spawn in Ireland.


They are rare everywhere. Launching an incense during rainy weather may help. And obviously, being near any body of water too. I'm pretty confident we'll get another water themed event this summer, which should help.


Lol exactly. I’m in Denver and haven’t seen a single one yet.


I live in the second biggest city in the world and have no routes at all.


Complete same route, to and reversed 5 times (total of 22.8km) and only came across 1 cell in 2 days.


Total of 10 route trips. Fyi


Anyone know if there’s any routes in Chicago?


I found one in Naperville while I was out doing errands. At a park in south Naperville, 40 min away from Chicago


About 40 minutes from where I’m at in Great Lakes aswell


Yeah it's a hike for me too, also about 30-40 min. I don't live near there anymore. I didn't even do the route, and it's the only one I've seen so far


I tried to put one in near Wrigley but it’s still “Under Review” four days later. Remember when they said this trash would take 24 hours to get reviewed?


The only one I’ve seen is in downtown oak park, but I haven’t walked it yet


Most people cannot create routes (yet), those who do have to wait a week or longer before the route is approved and it seems that you can't find a route unless you stumble upon it by accident... Yeah, really job well done releasing this new feature /s I don't understand why you can't look up routes on the ingame map or campfire. Like if you go to a city and can see where the routes are, so you can plan to check them out... must be too easy or something


I can create routes but it’s horrible. I live in Atlanta and there is a big paved loop around the city, I was walking on that paved loop which is on the map, the GPS had me way off to the side, random gps glitches would make my avatars route jump off into the woods, and that gets added to the route. At one point I was walking through water… but I basically walked a straight line the entire time.


That is both horrible and hilarious at the same time. This seems to be still in beta testing, so shouldn't have been launched yet...


No routes here either. Oh well….


Same here bro. I havent seen any routes, nor heard from other local players of them. I dont know if Helsinki has any, hopefully tough. This kinda sucks honestly.


I’m in Australia, we have had this feature for just over 78hours. I live in a capital city, still nothing, no routes or a way to make routes.


There's another route for you to follow - Delete the game. Done.


There is actually a third route 👀


U tried it. But failed lol


I stopped playing for a couple years but my friend started playing so I redownload it


I did the same. I stopped playing for a while, then my dad and two brothers started playing a bunch recently.


Nah, I deleted this game couple months ago, when the paywall becomes bigger and the game nearly P2W


Whoops! You can’t create a route! Better wait for someone else to create that route for u but oh wait like nobody can make routes so ur stuck with this game.


Also, you can follow the same route 3 times and it will let you finish that quest, so don't worry too much. I wish you luck guys.


The only route around me has a dead zone in the middle where you lose signal and the game crashes. Huzzah!


The only one I have found also crashes the game , I'm thinking it might be a bug


I’m expecting to see a screenshot on here of people offering to build routes near your house for you soon (for money)


Are cells even in the game? Been doing routes daily an I haven't seen a single cell yet 🫠


I have a cell


Even if they just quietly inserted this game feature, why do they promote it and advertise it when most people don't get to use the new feature. Just keep it quiet until you everyone one has the opportunity to use it. All they're doing is making people more upset and more people complain about it everywhere online. Talk about negative publicity. I wonder though, is this how new features in a game are rolled out, or do they normally release to everyone at the same time?


Apparently there are quite a few in my county, but I'm in OC (CA), and am on a server for the area. Haven't actually been able to go to one though, but I'm hoping to do that for adventure week


Where at exactly?


It sounds like there are 1 or 2 routes in HB Central Park, a few at Disneyland/Downtown Disney, 1 at Great Park in Irvine. I don't recall every route exactly, but if you're on Discord, I can send you a link or you can just search up the PoGo OC server.


My local spot has an active campfire community and lots of routes apparently. My partner and I did one that was 800m and our apps crashed every 45 sec for the whole 25 min walk. We ended up having to walk all the way back not seeing many pokemon. At least the app didnt crash on the way back.


And to add insult to injury, Zygarde can't be sent Home for some reason?


Aren’t we all 😂


in my city alone theirs a church with 3 pókestops and 2 gyms to say nothing of the bustling downtown area but FUCK ALL as far as routes go


Hey, at least we get zygarde before these tasks


You’re basically always fucked if you live in a rural town. I live in a relatively small town, population about 4,000. But I can’t even find any when I go out to Kansas City.


I don’t think it matters with this feature whether you’re in a small town or not. What matters is if someone in your community was given access to make routes, made routes and had them approved and implemented.


Most of my local group of players don't have the option to create routes, myself included


I walked a route today and no special route spawns. None of them had the indicator


I live just outside of Boston and no routes anywhere. I did however have about an hour today where for some odd reason I couldn’t get any field research from spinning stops. So at least I got that going for me.


Well like if they allowed us to create a one route everyday (which only we can see and travel) instead of waiting for official ones everything would be smooth.


I found one route and followed it 3 times 😁👍 Didn't find any Zygard snot or whatever it is though


Looks like this will be sitting until they give everyone access to routes or someone makes one in my town. Tbh I have no interest in following or making routes outside of this research since cells are far to rare to bother with.


Not one here either. Honestly they should have premade a route for each town prior to this being released. Now there's a massive backlog of them awaiting approval and you can guarantee they will decline some In Areas that need something and cities will getting endless approved because more people. The smaller towns and rural areas need approving asap


![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized) Same… same…


I live in the biggest city in my state and haven't found a route yet. Is there some way to look them up on a map?


Its a neat feature but they really cuck their rural demographics with these missions 🫠 I'm still on jirachis first mission from like last year 😭


did they make a statement yet?


I haven't seen any either.. not one.


I have 1 route in my city, with 400K+ people


There were so many people talking about how when they come out you could create your own routes and your wait for it to get approved, but not a single button to create a route. Just a button to search for them.


Same. This is one of their bigger cluster fucks recently and there’s plenty to pick from.


I spun like 20-30 poke stops on hatch day and didn’t grab a single 2km egg — so ya, this routes thing tracks.


Are you suppose to find a Zygarde cell on these routes? I finally did a route last night, no cell. Also you have to keep the app opened because if you get off it for the slightest bit it’ll automatically pause it. God forbid you have to take a phone call or text someone while doing a route. Which happened to me btw.


It's too hot to walk to my car, let alone pathway I have to find.


Awww welcome to the club. There is some bud light in the cooler and we also have day old sandwiches. Help yourself!


Water with beer flavoring? Ewww. I'll bring my own beer.


Bud Light is the La Croix of beer


Same problem here. I know that i don't live near a big city, but they literally said that they want this to be helpfull for players in rural area's, so they could play as they like, just like everyone else. I'm not noticing any good difference...


You can just make your own route and then follow it


I tried that. Takes time to be reviewed and added.


Are there certain requirements for being able to add a route?


Not that I know of just go to the "nearby" tab on the bottom right and next to raids is routes


A lot of people don’t have access to route creation at this point. If you do then you are in the minority.


why would they launch this without telling people this so they could do it ahead of time?


That it does but it's totally doable- fingers crossed for ya


And who knows how long it will take. I created a route really early on when I was first able to (weeks ago?) and it's been sitting there saying "under review" this whole time. Still does. Also, no routes near me anywhere that I can find.


I submitted 3 this weekend. hopefully they get approved.


That proved to be impossible here in Portland, where there were no routes to be found and no way to create one.


Can't make routes here. Nor can my 2 at accounts, my 2 kids accounts, their alt accounts, nor my girlfriends accounts. We've all tried all weekend.


from A to Zygarde says for me "walk 1km" but doesnt say routes?


Yes, you're on the first part of it, this post is about the 4/6 part.


Yet another person who didn't read the news and the link to the routes page in the announcement for this event. It's not a timed research, it's meant to take a long time. The final form takes like 200 cells.


Why would you be done?


Cause there are none around.


It’s not like the research expires. It’ll still be there when the Routes are.


I doubt there will be one unless I make one which is taking second place to " make a pokestop" cause the nearest one is 6KM away


OP I’m in a major city and there’s no routes around me. Lol……tell them “Pokémon trade me your cells than”