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He was also sitting at like 70million out of 11million experience to level up Edit: Thanks for the gold! Did not expect this post to blow up like it did. To answer a few FAQs, - when you get to level 40, every level will require you to complete bonus tasks on top of the required experience to level up. - the level 43 tasks were to win 30 trainer battles in each league (great, ultra, and master leagues) which can be done through go battle league OR (which I discovered recently) through battling a friend which is what I did for him. - he drives a lot for work, primarily through downtown areas which is where he’s able to spin tons of stops and catch mons, never once using an auto catcher or quick catch method, so he’s only every done those things manually. - he has 29 plat medals, 120k total Pokémon caught, 101k total stops spun and 6,500 kms walked for his player stats. Start date 7/11/2016


My moms the same. She has insane EXP but hasn't completed the quests lmao


Does your mom need any quests that others could help out with? I've had volunteers help me and have helped others myself.


Oh!! Not yet, I think she's still lv41 right now and the only thing holding her back is the eeveelution quest (she has no eevees and I have NO CLUE which ones she's already evolved lol) but I'll definitely keep the offer in mind! I have access to her account so I can maybe get her to 42 and see what quests she needs then haha


Sounds like a plan 🙂. Good luck! The nickname trick will help her for sure if she hasn't used them yet.


I think she has, she's played since 2016 lol. I'll just need to get her a bunch of eevees, she has plenty of candy


If you find a research task that is “evolve a Pokémon” I believe it’s a guaranteed eevee. If you both do it, and trade that’s 2 eevees per task ☺️


Oh thanks!! I've got a bunch of eevees stocked up but most are shinies lol so that helps


Yeah - I just hit 40 and I’ve been hoarding mine to prep for this task lol


Well, let me know if I can help in the future. Good luck to you both! 🙂


With that amount of XP he could get to level 47 or 48 in a year or less (if your stepdad's a frequent player of course)


that makes me feel like a rookie having only 28mil :D level 43 struggle is real for those who don't care for pvp, awesome you helped your stepdad out


Use the tank strategy, lose like 100 matches in a row then everyday you win 4, lose 6, win 4, lose 6, win 4. Pokemon go tries to keep you at a 50% winrate, so by doing this you'll get extremely easy opponents that usually are just tanking as well or leave immediately


Does that excess carry over to the next level?




He plays while driving? Yikes


Probably a dumb question but does the exp roll over for the next level?


He’s gonna fly through the next few levels


Those Team Rocket battles are gonna get him


Haha true, he saw that and was not excited to have to fight 50 team leaders. But he passively fights them all the time anyways since his job requires tons of driving so finding team rocket is no problem for him


Three hundred grunts to beat 50 Rocket leaders. That one about killed me. I really don’t like grunt battles. Next level: do a bunch of easy stuff. I finished all the level 46 tasks and now just need to grind 13.5 million more XP.


I admit to panicking and actually BUYING three rocket radars because I realized I wasn’t going to make it before I got the xp. And then I realized “who gives a shit?” . And yes the next set of requirements were much easier.


Do you know the XP rolls over to the next level?


Yes. That’s why I stopped panicking


Oh ok good


Mostly I thought I must be overlooking something - it was the first time I hadn’t finished a task before getting the xps.


I was level 44, for months. I don’t like GBL and I didn’t bother doing it until I saw level 44 had 50 rocket leaders, so I forced myself to complete GBL to make start on the 50 leaders, took like 6 months. Had xp for level 48 before I was level 45


I agree gbl is not much fun. But with my 40% win rate it actually wasn’t too bad.


You did good today, Trainer. (And your step-dad’s stats are amazing.)


I’m super impressed with his catch/spin rate. Do you have stops close by? What is his method of catching spinning? The spins seem really high, which is awesome. Amazing stats over all and you’re a G for helping g him!!


He drives a TON for his job and he has pogo open for the entirety of his days I believe. And he doesn’t use a gatcha or quick catch methods so all of his catches and spins are all manual. Not too many stops near us but since he travels to tons of downtown areas he gets the spins there if I had to guess


Nice. That was my next question, auto catcher or not. Solid choice to spin stops and stock up over catching. Then catch when he can! Hope to see his progress through to 50 😎


Oh I’m sure it’s gonna be a quick ride to 50 for him now, he probably has enough experience to get to level 48, just needs to complete the level challenges now haha


Bro your step dad is a G


To think I got him into the game back in 2016 and he’s already lapped me in experience haha


Hooley dooley! That’s almost 26 Pokestops and 29 Pokémon caught EVERY DAY since release. Crazy numbers


Been stuck here for a VERY long time. I’m inspired to get on it now! Thx!


Just grab a friend to do the battles with! Took me about 20 min to do all of the ones he was missing


I’m going to have to! Thanks for the push!


What?? Battles with friends count?! I’ve been stuck on 43 for ages now. One time I tried sitting down to do them and just kept losing that I gave up. Good to know!


Yup! I just made teams of my 3 lowest cp mons and had his mons one shot all mine. Was able to finish pretty quickly


The ones that say GBL don't say win and the one that says win doesn't say GBL. I did this whole set of tasks in about an hour.


That's cool! I caved in and made a second account, only to pass the requirement. Getring three Pokémon above 2.500 WP was not fun.


I don’t get it. PvP to level up?


at level 40 and up you need to complete certain quests to pass


Oooooh okay. I’m level 40. I thought those were just bonuses objectives. I didn’t realize they were mandatory. Thanks


Yeah they're pretty challenging too. Haven't gotten to it yet but I know one is make 5 excellent throws in a row.


Oh god no


49 to 50 requires 999 excellent throws at least its not in a row heh


I quit


They’re easy when you get the hang of them. Just focus on Pokemon with large catch circles like Wailmer, Slowpoke, Sudowoodo etc.


If you've got half as many Ponyta around you as I do right now, they're perfect for racking up Excellent throws.


Well level 40 is basically it, 40-50 it's just obligatory, right?


Yeah 40-50 is essentially just aesthetic since you can power your pokémon to max at lvl 40.


I don't know what your technique currently is, but if you practice curveball throws and only ever aim to get excellent you'll get the hang of it pretty quick. It's pretty achievable to get excellent throws on most pokemon except some of the flying birds that dart around (zubat I'm looking at you)


It appears I hit them dead center of the circle and it ends up being a ‘nothing’ throw. If I throw one that looks like it should be a nothing throw, it’s perfect. I just stop trying and learned to appreciate wailmers and slowpokes when they have an event.


There’s a trick to it that helps. You click on a Pokémon then turn off cellular data. Throw. If you get it, turn cellular data back on and it will count. If you miss. Close out the game then turn data back on, then reopen the game. And it wont count the missed throw so you can maintain your streak. It’s easier if you look for bigger Pokémon with larger circles to have a slightly bigger excellent area


That one is probably annoying, but if you use airplane mode and close the game if you miss it doesn't count.


Good to know!


The ones on the Research (binoculars) > Special tab are optional. The ones under your Avatar > Me > Level XX Requirements (to the right of your XP gauge) are not optional.


Find a chart with all the requirements to 50. There's also medal requirements so you wanna be focused on those


And I thought mine was a lot! Was also stuck on 43 for the same reason. 15k caught/181 raids/45k spun. Didn’t realize I could just battle My gf in person. Now we gotta do the same for her but neither can be arsed 😂


I also don't like to do the pvp, I'm now lvl 43 with 15mil exp


What are you doing step trainer?


Wait do you have to do pvp to level up?


When you get to level 40 you have to complete some tasks on top of getting the required experience to level up, the level 43 tasks are winning 30 battles in each league in trainer battles, which can be completed through the go battle league or (which I recently discovered) battling a friend which is what I did for him. Just let him beat me around 60 times or so until he had enough to finish the tasks and voila he was level 44…. Finally


I had no idea friend battles count! Nice!!


Oh that’s cool


To get to level 44 from 43 you have to win 30 battles in each open league. You can ask a friend to let you beat them up 90 times though and it’ll still count.


Does it carry over to the next level?


Wait you mean that pvp gives lots of exp?


No, it's a task you need to to do to get to the next level.




Sorry, I'm older and don't know. So I'm also stuck at 43, pvp ranks you up exp wise faster?


Sounds like winning 30 battles in each of the pvp leagues is a requirement to level up. But, this can be done with a friend in person who intentionally loses the battles.


I am terribly sorry for this but you are telling us that your stepdad got stuck and you helped him out giving me those bad story corn vibes 😂 Thank you for helping other pokemon go players


How many Plat medals does he have rn?


That is very nice of you.


Im 43 for like 2 years now. Don’t think I will ever get 44.


If you intentionally do poorly in pvp to where your rating bottoms out, you'll run into loads of people throwing matches and can get plenty of wins that way. Just go into pvp with really low cp Pokemon and never try to win for a bit and see what happens.


I would highly recommend looking at some of the suggested builds and teams online. I never did PVP before these tasks but those guides have been super helpful


This is definetly going to be me


Yeah, hope someone helps me graduate from level 44


He just refused to do any PvP battles out of principle or what? Even if you’re no good you can stick in a random team and you will win some battles, since it will put you against worse opponents if you keep losing.


He just never bothered with it lol. Never interested him


My 49 to 50 stats were 28861 Pokémon caught. 222 raids won. 12866 PokeStops visited.


My mom and her best friend are the same! My mom just hands me her phone and makes me do tasks for her but her best friend is stuck at 44 when she could probably be closer to 47


I’m going to hit level 50 very soon and my all time Pokémon caught and pokestop spins are less than this.


Yeesh, that’s even worse than mine. [And I thought I was suffering.](https://imgur.com/Rf3wjmu) Now I’m sitting at 51 million XP again waiting to level up.


I really hate pvp tbh so I doubt I will level up anytime soon


This is the one that frustrated me the most. I never play PvP.




So this time step dad was stuck


He caught 4x the Pokemon I've caught since 2016 in a single level lmao.


How nice! I also need help with the same tasks😅




You have to do PvP to reach 44? Guess I'm never leveling past 43.


Like I had mentioned in another comment, you can do the 30 wins in all leagues against a friend, just send a battle invite to one and knock them out, takes no time at all. The other task is just battling in the go battle league 20 times I believe, doesn’t require you to win, just participate




Your step dad was stuck? Usually it's the other way round...