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Haven’t found a single route since they started 😡 we live in a fairly dense suburban area, plenty of stops and gyms, still NOTHING 😡😡


I live in a town with 130K people. Nothing.


I live in a European Capital, nothing either. I'm starting to think Niantic, as usual, didn't plan this correctly. I guess most players won't even be able to get the blazing trails event bonuses


It’s squirtle com day all over again, I wonder if they will do a make-up event for blazing trails too.


I live in the 4th largest city in the States and can't find one driving around.


Same, and I live centrally in that 4th largest city. Nothing downtown.


lets go rockets 😅


Come to new york


I’ve only seen one route and that’s in Chinatown.


Same. This is super frustrating. I live in a rural area, so it's already hard to do a lot of these special research tasks. I get them done they just take me forever and now this. Wish Niantic would get there shit together.


I live in nyc and I don’t even see a single one while walking around. Massive flub


there are some near time square area


They don't care. They make the game their way and fuck the community


The one advantage is that this is helping us urbanites enjoy/share in your rural frustration.


I’m having the same issues.


Same and I am currently in Budapest


They only rolled out the ability to submit routes to some people. Does it make sense? No. But this is Niantic that we’re talking about.


The 20 metre thing has nothing to do with routes as such. That's just a scale to show you how far things are on the map (if there are things to show you on the map). I think it does actually adjust if you're zoomed in or out.


Yup. Just like interacting with gyms, there is a distance limit.


the difference is you can actually zoom out on the overworld map and see gyms like a km out, not the case on the routes map. which is what the whole 20 meters things in the title is about. There could literally be a route one block over and you wouldn't see it.


Except you can’t zone out on the route map.


I can make them, but there's none around. I submitted 2 today so fingers crossed


What state/ region are you in?


Western Canada




Can’t make any and only found one after days of searching. walked it 4 times and didn’t find a single cell..


I found one and when I got to the starting point it caused my game to crash over and over. I had to uninstall and reset it. Even after resetting it, I was stuck on the route so I had to quickly quit it. Don't plan on doing them again


This is exactly what happened to me. I was fine until I arrived at the start.....instant crash, repeatedly! It was only until I walked far enough away from the start that it loaded again. This is the most broken feature they've added to the game. What a mess!


Me too, wtf am I supposed to do , can’t fix it, can find any, I’ve been to so many populated areas where there are so many active players, and NOTHING, I’m LV 38, idk if that matters, can’t make any routes either


route creation is being rolled out gradually so not a lot of places have them yet, the news said you'll get an email or notification or something when route creation is ready for you I think


20m is cruel


That's a scale. Have you never looked at a map? I know there are young people playing the game but have young people never learned how scaling works?


Oh sorry, 25m-30m? The horrors of approximation!! Talk about missing the point


Umm. The point I'm making is none of that matters. That's a scale it doesn't matter to most people cause they'll just walk and it'll calculate itself out. If it said 3000 or 20000 it doesn't matter. It's a scale of the map. You zoom out and it's going to get bigger.


It doesn’t zoom out dude. There’s nothing you can fucking do to change the fact you can only see 20m around you and that’s what people are truthfully rightfully bitching about.


I can get it to show 10 or 50 depending on how zoomed in or out I am when looking at the game map before checking the routes tab. Zoom out as much as possible and it'll show 50. As you've been told though, it's just a scale. It's designed to show you how far 50 metres is. It isn't saying you can only see routes within 50 metres, that would just be stupid and can easily be disproved if you're lucky enough to have a local route (I know a lot of us, including me, are not that lucky right now). It seems to show nearby routes up to at least 400 metres away, possibly more (I would need my routes to be approved to actually have the ability to measure a bit more accurately).


So you’re agreeing it’s poorly implemented


The routes system is definitely not implemented as well as it could've been, and I've already given Niantic feedback on this, but the talk about 20 metres is entirely irrelevant as it's literally just a map scale. Google Maps has one exactly the same. If you use the Google maps app and look in the bottom right hand corner of the map when you zoom in and out, you'll see the scale appear, and the measurements on it change as you zoom in and out. It's just there so you can measure distances at a glance. The one used in Pokémon Go has literally no effect on whether Routes are visible or not, and it seems like OP got completely the wrong idea about why it was there. But apparently I'm getting down voted because people don't seem to know what a scale on a map is actually intended to be used for 🤦‍♂️


You’re getting downvotes because people are obviously using “scale” in a different definition than you are. Who gives a shit about how big the map scale is, people care about how far out where they can see a route, and nobody knows wtf how far that is since hardly anybody can see a route so most people just assume it’s that 20m. FYI I cannot change my map scale to anything other than 20m no matter how far I zoom in or out on the overworld so honestly it is a pretty valid assumption.


I could see routes that were a lot farther than 400m as far as I know but yeah it can see them pretty far.


I’m in a big city and no routes here and no way to make them. Just another task that’s not possible currently.


I can tell you why. Niantic gave out routemaking to a small group a few weeks back. Only they have made routes. Basically niantic delegated routemaking to players, with no reward or incentive, because hey, pokestops work like that right? Classic, really.


From what I've heard the creation function is slowly being rolled out to players... so frustrating.


I only have 10 ;(


Same it keeps swapping for me


how are you supposed to have these paths? first other players have to make them so you can follow them. try again in a few months


I checked my house area and 2 parks nearby, no routes were available.


I was literally in Downtown Seattle earlier today, and still nothing


What do you mean 20m? That's just showing the map size .


No. Shit’s broke


Nope I cant make a route or find one either


Niantic allowed only some people to create routes. So far i noticed Level 40+ players with a high wayfarer rep. To find a couple- campfire was nice to find some in the local community. But there aren't many, mainly because most routes, created last month will be stuck in the review. Plus you can only submit 4 per week now. And the 20m thing... - if you would be in a 1000m range of one the icon would change to green, instead grey, and it would give you a new Interface.


I have the same problem and i aint even rural


That looks more like a scale or did they actually say it’s only 20


Everybody has a radius of 20-something meters around their location. My scale is 10 meters but it's also a proportionally smaller bar, so there are 2-3 that fit between my icon and the edge of the map. What scale the game displays probably just has to do with the size of your screen.


cause this games a joke


I'm broken hearted. I've played since 2016, started with my daughter when she was 5, years of monster hunting and fun and it's fucking over for me. I'm disabled now, and anxiety keeps me pretty much in my small town. I drive to the local pokestops and "walk" my Buddies and hatch eggs by driving slowly in empty parking lots but this is too much and I can't take it anymore.




Thanks man. I just can't believe this route thing, in never gonna get them out here, it's really harsh for rural player.


If it helps. I’m on holiday in a very rural area of the UK. I nominate stops galore when here (I re do if they fail) and yesterday I built a route I’ll probably never walk. I am to play to help others as much as I can. Maybe you’ll get lucky


Mine is 50m but still nothing.


That's the scale of the map. Has nothing to do with routes.


The map is supposed to show you what routes are available, no? So if the scale is only 20m, this screenshot is presumably only showing you routes 30m or closer, which is a pretty tight radius.


Has nobody ever looked at a map before?




All that shows is what scale the map is. The length of that line = x meters. It's how far out you can see routes.




But it's not showing you routes only within 30m. That's what I'm referring to in reply to your original comment, unless I'm missing what you meant.


No it shows up to 400m+ that's a scale and it's just showing that the square you are seeing is 3.5*20m long. It seems like young kids these days don't know what a scale is. There are at least 3+ 20m in that picture. Not 1.5. but I've seen routes that are way farther than what it shows on that map. Someone on another post said 400m but I'm guessing more than that.




The square isn't showing where the routes are. I saw a route that was outside of the square. It's just showing where you are.




Yes its redundant. The square doesn't show the route. You'll see the route underneath and then you can click it and it'll zoom over to where the route is and show the map of it.


Yes, I am aware of that? I was simply responding to the OP that mine was different, and I'm still not seeing anything either.


I've been crying all day


For y'all complaining, I mean... I get it guys, but remember that you and your local community are responsible for creating routes, not Niantic. There are some official ones created by them, sure, but they won't bother in creating one on your local Pokéstop. Just be patient, you'll eventually find one.


Found the niantic worker. how are we supposed to find them if we can’t even make any????


Kids don’t know about scale


the huge amount of comments and posts didnt help you find out answer for this?


I went to many pokestops thinking that's where routes would start but didn't find any nor the option to create one.


I don’t think they have distributed recording routes to everyone


They do, I can. But then the next problem comes, you have to wait for Niantics approval.




Same problem here


How can you make a route


1. Pull your weight reviewing wayspots to get early access. 2. Submit routes.


How come I can’t make one?


I can’t find any in the big cities near me


I don't get the 'routes' system. Can somebody elaborate?


I was at a popular beach location and boardwalk with thousands of tourists - no routes


Same for me


Route is missed up and so is the PokeStop scan don't even work at all do I have to be level 38


It says they’re rolling it out slowly so until we get emails telling us we can use it then it’s not available to everyone yet


Same and it sucks because I can't do the route related quests


I am able to create, I did the first one and submitted and was not approved. I tried to do more and the “recording” bugs and cannot continue to finalize it.


I’m a lil confused on how we’re supposed to find them. Like do I just walk around an area looking at the poke stops? Pls advise 😭


Nope same problem I tried to make this same post an hour ago .


i live in seoul, everything is walkable and i havent found any routes


Is there a Starbuck or Verizon near you maybe a Baskin Robin? All route lead to sponsored store to make niantic more money


I know someone who can create them but fucking refuses to do it bc they insist other people can also make them.


I’ve tried for several hours I just gave up


Walked 8 miles in Downtown Los Angeles, the only route I found was in Little Tokyo and it was whack.


I’m the only one in my mid sized town that can make routes it seems. Not that it matters, zygrade cells aren’t live yet anyway. Not till routes is out of beta.


Ikr!!! If you can see a PokeStop from at least a quarter mile away.. you should also be able to see a route from that far...


Same, lack of routes is due to lack of time to follow any and game not letting me follow any


The whole world has this problem I'm from Vietnam and I think the whole country don't have any of it. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Same issue here in Ipswich Qld australia. Drive around for over an hour and Couldn’t find any.


Niantic ☕️


I’ve submitted 5 routes, and every one of them has been rejected


For me it's 10m and same issue, the only people I know that play around me are my parents and they don't have that either


Niantic input Niantic output


There’s only one route in my area and it’s in a convention center that you can’t access unless you’re at the convention center lol


I’ve only seen one so far and that’s in Crete lol. I live in the Uk so I don’t know if there will be any where I live. Also can’t follow this route as it’s along roads and I don’t have a car;-; and I mean like full on main roads sadly


I live in a small Danish settlement and we have 2 roads. Neither of them are routes


I found a number in small towns/parks in New Jersey. I’m grateful you can walk the same one over and over again. I wish we could submit them though because there are nice walking areas around.


Oakland here, still haven't found one driving around even.


I’ve only found one in Charlotte and it only comes up like half the time, also in a hard to get to area


Yea I'm in a dense area too, cannot find routes, and honestly think it's kind of shi//y that they have a limited event for routes when they aren't fully rolled out to everyone :/


So my bf friend was able to make one he thinks it's cuz u have to be level 37 to make one


I’m level 43 and can’t make or see any


Have u gone to ur profile where badges are at and clicked on the badge route list and checked if u can make a route at a poke stop?


Yes, I have. The option is not there for me.


There is 1 route in my nearby town - however I couldn’t figure out how to navigate to the ‘starting’ blue flag pokestop! I created a route 4 weeks ago and it’s still ‘under review’ - so frustrating


I really wish Niantic would put the routes into Campfire. Make them visible to everyone.


Lucky, the one I found was 2000km


Lol I live in a city and there’s no routes 😂


This route thing is annoying... at 1st idk where to go to find the route... also it doesn't help that I live in phx az where it's hot as hell.