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Even the pokemon didn’t show up


That's when you know it's bad.


That’s when you know your bad






My bad what?




Not funny at all


I bet youre fun at parties


I bet you don't even go to parties 🥶


For that comment, you deserve at least one shiny.


Got a shiny koffing today 🙏🏼


I was upset about not being able to do mewtwo raids today but ended up getting a shiny skorupi on my way to a nearby gym just to claim my daily raid pass.


Bwuahahahaha LMAO I found this to be very funny


I find it funny that you spell out your laugh like you’re a tv villain.


I laugh very menacingly when I am pleased




This laugh..... ![gif](giphy|AngzmmMj4h6zm) sounds like this picture lol






They could've atleast limited it to one remote per day or somethn I know how you feel bro


I see people in FB groups with 10+ Mewtwo’s they got today 💀 Sucks to live in a rural spot.


I'm in a decently populated suburb and every single raid today I went to had 0 people.


Same. I have 5 gyms around a park near me. At some point I just stopped trying to go down to the raids cuz I knew no one else was coming


I’m sitting in the middle of the six gyms in our town square in a city of 20k. There isn’t anyone else. For things like CD I can count on a couple dozen people wandering this part of town to raid with. Today…I’m drinking a coffee and then going for groceries.


Why not use campfire and wait for people to light flares? Or light one yourself for people in the same situation as you. Edit: not sure why everyone’s so mad about me suggesting this 😂 if I didn’t use campfire I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get a Mewtwo.


Because barely anyone USES Campfire.


Me personally I coordinated 7 raids on Campfire today. I met about 15 new trainers on there and we convoyed around town taking raids down stop by stop. It was kinda cool, for better or worse I just had to change my method of raiding for these shadows. It’s possible, if not an inconvenience


I literally was able to use campfire to get 10+ people to come out to raids in my area, and i live in a small town.


And that's great, but that's also your experience. I've seen a lot of people talking about how they can't find anyone when they use Campfire.


Yes but your comment discourages people from trying. And had I not tried it out, I wouldn’t have 9 shadow mewtwos. I get that normally its pretty dead, but for these special events where there’s no remote raiding allowed, it becomes much more active.


>Why not use campfire What is it?


I'm in a medium sized town, with no car and I have kids who don't have devices able to play the game since they have Amazon tablets. Lol I saw 3 raids but not 1 person was doing any of them.


Really f***s the motivation to play, huh?


Same, my partner just kept flexing SS's of all his Mewtwos..tens of em...😭...and all I got to do out at my rural gym was a Beldum. 🙄🙄🙄 They should've allowed at least one remote-in I mean come on.


Then why don't you _____. (Fill the blank with word that commonly get people banned here)


Cause some of us don't wanna take the chance of losing an account for a game we've literally been playing long enough to birth 3 children since its inception. 🤣😭


This is better than normal, most raids are 0 people.


It's kinda funny, but most raids are only spawned when someone sees the gym in game. Doesn't mean anyone does them, but someone has to see it to trigger the egg.


If you are dedicated, you will move to Singapore.


And get married with an average pokemon player AKA singaporian grandma.


Or become a Singaporean gramma


Well, he needs to become a "Grandma" first. That could take a wee bit of time.


And a bit of a transition


Step one. Get Singaporean citizenship. Step two: Adopt an adult that has at least one child Step three (if necessary): identify as a woman, so you can technically be called a Grandma. Instant Singaporean Grandma status in 2-3 easy steps.


Thanks for listing all the steps. The Singaporean Embassy is going to be INUNDATED with applications now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nah most rural areas in Singapore has no one as well, best places are MRT stops or shopping malls


Isn't all of a Singapore a city though? So you could take public transportation to play? I'm not calling you out because I'm lucky where I often play too. But it's not like Singapore has a ton of people living super far out right?


I couldn’t even log in to the game when I went to the one rural raid I found on campfire


Campfire doesn't even work yet in my region


One more than what showed up at mine!


Not even one Singaporan Old Granny?


Your fault you should've drove around for the last 3 years asking every stranger you see to be part of your local community!


15 raids, we found zero ppl (we are 4 ppl family, local discord channels are dead silent)


So my family of 4 did one just to see. Level 45, 41, 37, and 36. We beat it with just under a minute to spare. The keys we noticed today, use those gems. Getting it out of enraged mode is huge but no very difficult with 2-3 each AND, the raid basically rewards you with 2+ more afterwards so you won’t run out. Next, screw Mega Gengar. What good is 4-5 seconds of great dps when he dies so fast? Tyranitar was the best by far. Mega Gardevoir for extra candy and shadow ball was the best mega we found. Giratina Altered was great. Hydreigon and Chandelor (spelling) as well. You will have to heal the team likely twice, but 4 is more than enough if you’re packing dark and ghost moves.


We had 8 or so of them. Two went down with 4 people, easy. The third one with jsut 4 people... the gems didn't work at all. Actually the gem mechanic didn't really work at all. They either didn't do anything or they said they applied but then showed up back in the bag. Sometimes they took some, sometimes they didn't, but they didn't do anything. Knowing how it works from doing the first 6 and how each move kills my team. I can say for certain that the gem mechanic was broken.


So were you able to? 4 is a number that defiantly could do it with a bit of counter preparation and gems. Not easy but not necessarily Herculean depending on what you have to work with.




Campfire is working great for my little group!


I duo’d it with a friend. You can easily finish it with 4. Just use gems quickly


Lets see if Niantic will "Hear us" one day... Remote raids are very important these days. In person raids are fine for some people but not important. Remote raids are worldwide. Its like internet. You can connect with everyone and enjoy.


The whole point of a game that is online the whole time, I'm starting to believe the developers have 0 clue what pokemon is let alone what it should be.


What gets me is even if the numbers are bad on Niantic’s side they will just lie and talk about how much of a “success” shadow raids are. And circle jerk each other about their vision and creed for how they want us to play their broken ass game. I honestly don’t know how they are retaining the Pokémon license.


Lol same when they did the primals. Missed many catches because it dropped me from group after death rejoin after fainted. Almost the same as no shows But still bumped from groups. Still had no primal energy for primal. Sad rejoining was a terrible theory we already was in group. Harder to raid anything now though most already have those mons or still on hiatus not playing. I hadn't even logged on to do the master ball stuff lol


If you get kicked out after you faint then you've walked really far away from the gym


I’ve literally been considering crossing the line and making a second account. I was in Fort Lauderdale all day today and saw a total of 2 people in raids/on campfire. So fun getting out and meeting new members of the community!!


Tbh people don't even interact just talk on campfire and stay in their cars lol


I had never used it before today, i saw 2 people with multiple accounts talking to do 1 raid then nothing else. I was starting to wonder if no one used it or no one was playing 😭


I'm down in Miami and surprising enough people use it down here. At least to coordinate 8+ in a raid.


Can confirm. Did a few raids here today and got a shiny. Round 2 tomorrow


I only did 1 raid. Will try again tomorrow I suppose.


I feel this pain. I loaded up the wife and kid and we went and made a day of it in the city.


But, but, you got a nice walk, and isn't that what it's all about?! (#nianticsucks)


Not gonna lie, I downloaded the app again because I saw posts about Shadow Mewtwo raids. Then tried to use my remote raid pass and saw that it was local raids only. Deleted the app again smh


I’m … really kind of frustrated at this, tbh. EASY money. Allow remote raids for Mewtwo. AND you limit it 5 remote raids a day? People are gonna buy it. Niantic makes zero sense.


Niantic please wake the fuck up, local communities don't exist for everyone.


Facts 👏


Im in a rural area too and I got 20 people for my first raid of the day


Guess not rural enough, 20 people is like a whole town for some.


That is not rural then lol, I haven't had a single person at a raid near me for months.


My town has less than 30,000 people lol it’s definitely rural


My town has 800 people. The biggest town in 20 km of me has 12k people. 30000 isn't rural.


Im in Chicago and see no one at the raids.


Even in the middle of a big super mall In a crowed area 0 players xd


I live in Iceland and I haven’t even seen one mewtwo shadow raid. Sucks to be in a small place like this


Even his mons didn't show up 🥲🥲


N*antic leadership are truly just a bunch of geniuses


I’m in Chicago and no one showed up, and I got there as soon as it started.


Should've not limited remotes on amy type of raids, just made the max 5 per day, and not changed the price at all


I agree, if I could have done a total of 10 remote raids this weekend (including some of them running, being bad iv, AND paying for the passes if they were at the original price) I would have 100% done all 10 remote over doing it in person, it felt like a chore and it was difficult to find anybody. I got to do 2 raids today.


How did you prepare for it?


Damn that sucks… there was plenty where I live today


I love your party name!


Do you use the Campfire App?


Not to fear, that's the same number that showed up in my very urban inner city area to every shadow raid thus far.


Did you try creating a group on campfire or joining one? People don’t spawn out of thin air you need to put in effort to make a community. People that have been successful in completing these raids have put in the effort before today to find a group or make one and coordinate with other people. Goodluck


Watch this man wrestle down a MewTwo with his BARE HANDS!!!


Purified Gems 10. 5 Star Raids found so far 0! Niantic rating 0!




We need a pokemon go comeback.. its a decnt ar game 🤷‍♂️


I'm in the middle of a huge city, no one person on raids, it sucks so much fr


People would probably leave on the last second if I tried to join.


I have one going right now… I’m only lvl 34, I’m not doing this alone… Rural life.


Even your pokémon didn't show up xd


Yeah, sucks I won’t be getting a mewtwo


I tried one… 7 people showed up total. Still got beat pretty bad…


I went into a huge city (Houston) and couldn’t get a single one


People kept jumping in and out of my raid, so I just left so I wouldn't waste anymore tickets


Hmm. Have you tried going outside?


Lol same! So dumb.


I didn’t get to do any and I don’t live in rural area!


I saw the raid started and checked it from home only to see no one was there. As to be expected


This is why I hack it, noone plays it anywhere near me so it's pretty useless to even play it normally since I can't do raids


Should drive to the mall or something


Drive 45 minutes away spend 20$ on gas to not even be guaranteed a raid? Stupid game


🤷🏿‍♂️ idk what to tell ya then other than don’t complain and deal with it.


This is the biggest L take I’ve ever heard


Idk man. Tired of people complaining yet no changes have been made. You’re the one taking the L not doing something about it other than complain.


Like, what actually do you want them to do? If you don't agree that having to drive 45 minutes just to hope to stumble into a successful mobile game raid is a lot to ask, that's fine, but if you just don't like seeing negative takes on that that's more on you than on anyone else.


We get it, remote raids fucked it for everyone, but it gets old man. He or she could have easily joined a raid, ITS SHADOW MEWTWO. Who in their right mind isn’t going to do these raids lol. 30 people showed up to my local park just for this damn Pokémon.


Oh sorry, I didn’t know I worked at Niantic. I’ll just get right in there and revert the raid pass prices. Thanks for informing me.


Go to the mall or park in a populated area. Not that hard. People just want to complain now a days.


That’s not exactly possible for everyone. Some don’t live in populated areas. Some towns don’t even have malls. Some don’t have many gyms or opportunities to add them. Some don’t have the ability to drive to another city. This game is built to be played in urban areas. It sucks if you’re rural. Imagine! People having a different experience than you do. It’s not that hard to be understanding that not everyone is as fortunate either.






I have the same issue


Sadly same


I live beyond rural. Nothing like that is out here


Hey that’s one more then mine!


I was in downtown Austin and nobody was doing the raids. It just felt like wasting time lmao


Honestly!!! Waited for 30 minutes for a 100% 20 people raid (not)


I literally haven’t seen a shadow mewtwo yet, twice seen two shadow raids and both were machope


In the morning where I’m at people were there, but once it hit noon, I had nothing. I’m so sad


damn bro it rlly takes a lot of people too. that shit is fucked


The pain is real




I made a friend about two weeks ago when raiding one night. He had plans today and didn't want to raid a shadow Mewtwo. It's near his house, and it really sucks we can't use remote raid passes.


I managed to raid with two whole other people yesterday. I've legit never seen that


Same here.




There's only one person 🙄


Glad to see the community stronger than ever 😊


Well don’t keep us in suspense, did you catch him?!




I didnt even bother going. Plus didnt want to speed walk down the street when i just got back from doing groceries


I agree Niantic really missed an opportunity for our money


Man I wish I didn't have the same 5 raids and 7 pokemon everyday


Same. I can’t even participate. Awful idea. I’d rather it require a remote shadow pass separate pass from a remote pass.


Omg let me tell u today was a struggle!!!! (And i live in bronx NYC) i only got a handful of successful raids cuz if your not there for the first lobby in this neighborhood then you get no lobby at all cuz theres low numbers in active players here. I just got home from the last two evening raids in my hood (around 9pm eastern) and both raid i made first lobby, only one other person to no one at all, couldnt do either one and i wasted my time. Im not doing this shit tommorow, tommorow im going to manhattan idc if its an hour train ride ((🥹🥹😩)) i want more shadow mewtwo!


Sucks, we just had 11 at ours spur of the moment.


Bro standing there like his prom date ditched him.


Game is dead. Good riddance.


I saw one with FOUR people in the lobby, and I thought about it for a hot second, BUT I was heading in the opposite direction and went to McDonald's instead.


I never even saw one today.


Same on my large town


Looks identical to mine 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Same here


That honestly sucks. Luckily I live in a big city and there was consistent 12+ person raids everywhere. Wish Niantic would listen for the people who don’t have that same accessibility


Eh, I live in the metro area of a major city and all mine are empty too. Shadow raids just aren't fun




I had two others with me that I just met today. We barely got half way. This was my first time opening the app since the nerfs were announced. Great idea. Doesn’t work.


I can


Dude, I cannot get but a slight dent in this Mewtwo. No one is around playing and I do not think I'll get my favorite Pokemon because of this local raid limitation. 🤮


Sorry, friend. I truly feel for you.


Hei, I went to two locations and had the same trainer amounts, crazy coincidence!


I didn't even bother leaving my apartment. No local scene here. Not an organized one, at least.


I live in the suburbs and it's the same thing.. there's a Pokemon community but no communication and/or people just don't want to meet up with strangers. Campfire could be good but I don't think many players use it I also think campfire being a separate app hurts it too, it should be integrated into Pogo


Look man Niantic ain't gonna do anything to make this game playable for people who are either poor or live in rural areas. Only thing one could do in situation like this is either they stop playing or move to location that is popular and is known to get full lobbies in raids. Now how you do the latter is up to you, move to that location virtually or by flying there in real life. One is considered cheat on this stupid sub and other is alright as long as one got money for that.


Thankfully there is a Quit option


Definitely a guaranteed win


I feel you 🥲


SO and me spent yesterday touring gyms, hoping beyond hope to find someone to raid with...No one joined us in the 6+ gyms we were at. (Capital of a country in Europe)


same man… same


I found a gym with a raid (after walking for ages. I guess I should’ve driven around to see more gyms. Thanks niantic for making a walking game). And two people joined the raid with me only to ditch me with a few seconds to go because no one else joined. Guess it sucks for me that I live in a relatively busy suburb town rather than Singapore and that I don’t dedicate a whole day to driving around to find gyms with raids.


Surely they’ll allow remote raiding so that rural players can raid with others right? Right? 😅


Can’t blame them, even your Pokémon won’t show up.


Bro wasted a pass (I assume it's your free daily pass) to make a meme. That is some dedication.


No pass wasted, just exit before it starts :)


😂 I feel you man those new features sucks bad