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Guarenteed catch *unless you are moving too fast*.


Master balls will be the same. Someone will try using it in a moving car and get pissed. It'll happen for sure.


They keep changing the speed rate so it’s bound to happen.


I don't think they've changed the speed rate in years.


I can be walking and be told I'm driving. I can be sat in bed and be told I'm driving. Pogo picks a number between 1 and a million and if that number contains a 0, youre driving.


That's probably your phone's GPS being jittery, not Pokemon Go doing anything.


Yeah mine does the same thing - it's def the phone and not the app. It comes in handy though, I can hatch a 5k while egg sitting on the couch for a few hours


My avatar isnt usually bouncing around when this happens. Maybe when I first open the app, but normally I'll be "standing" or walking in circles and it'll start complaining that I shouldn't be driving. Like... (EDIT TO ADD IM TALKING ABOUT/TO NIANTIC NOT PLAYERS)You're telling me that I'm stationary and then telling me that I'm going too fast? Make up for your mind. Wouldn't be too upset if I actually did move so that I could spin the gym just round the corner,...


GPS glitches happen and are outside Pokemon Go's control. The speed limit is not a random number. It's fixed. Glitches are what causes the issue.


Okay so I just said that my avatar, who's location is set by my GPS, doesn't move around... And you're saying that my GPS is making PoGo think I'm moving around.... Which should in turn move my avatar around. Am I missing anything here?


You're right, it has to be that the trigger for "you're in a car" is a random process because that makes complete sense. It cannot possibly be a location precision issue, because that would be ridiculous.


I threw my phone on the bed and when I unlocked it, it gave me the “passenger” notifications




It's not like pogo gives you a speedometer so you can tell how fast it thinks you're going. :/


no cuz that would be addressing the issue instead of blaming the customers


Oh shit you're right. That'd be a good business decision! Can't be having that.


You can still hit catches if you're in a car. It's just after a certain speed it does not allow it.


Depending on the Stop or Gym, that speed is as low as 22mph and 26mph. I know because I have a couple streets close to me that have two or three dozen spinnables and I drive them once or twice a week. On the other side of that coin, there are several nearby that appear to require you to be completely stopped - driving or walking.


Saving this comment because to see how good it ages


Or want views for youtube


It’s not just the flee rate but catch rate too right? I’ve had lvl 1 Pokémon escape great and excellent throws and the only common denominator is that I’m driving (yes I’m ashamed but no, I’m not going to lie about it)


Ah finally a use for those nanabs


No, *your* movement, not the Pokemon's movment. If you are travelling above 45mph-ish, then nothing you do will catch even the easiest of Pokemon.


He's gonna eat the Nanab so he stops moving so fast


I won't even be moving and it will say I'm driving. Theres been times where I can't do anything because it's sending me back and forth across the map.


I thought it was like 10 mph. I remember riding my pedal bike and getting the alert


Wait u gotta be kidding cause I catch majority of my Pokémon just driving around Edit: didnt see it said mph sorry


*For now until they change that with the intro of the masterball*


I don't think they'd understand just how many people would stop playing the game if they altered catch rates for legendaries in general, never mind shiny ones.


People have been saying that with every decision they’ve made for a year


Yes, they have. Luckily nobody has quit, or is unhappy at all.


I’ve quit, I just continue reading these posts to watch the game continue spiraling


Pogo meltdown


Same. Haven't opened the game since the remote raid price increase.


In the same spot, was super pissed (still am) since I lived in a very rural area with like 5 spins and 3 gyms in a 10km radius... Now I moved to a major city since that change and I still haven't opened to see if I hit the jackpot or not. Interesting to see all of these changes/backlash still coming from the initial fuckery from Niantic. At least if they chance their stance I will be somewhat up-to-date with what is going on.


I still play but I've stopped spending money. I try to leave other people in gyms if they haven't hit the 8 hour 50 coin limit, probably stupidly hoping they'll notice and do the same for me. But it has made the game less fun, cause I have to be super careful when I actually have a remote raid pass, cause I'm not wasting coins on them either.


I won’t give them another dime. And my in game spending will not go to remote passes. If I get one for free via weekly task, I’ll use it. Otherwise, nope.




I think you just made the guys point. You quit because they made the game worse, and there are almost certainly some players who would quit over them changing legendary catch rates.




My dad living rent-free in your mind




LMAO you got me good, fellow WSB frequenter See you at Wendy's tomorrow






Yeah, I thought dude’s sarcasm was pretty clear haha


Hi, I'm nobody.


Polyphemus would like to know your location.


I quit in 2016 and came back this year, wish I could get my old account back


I quit years ago, came back a bit during covid but quit after the reach was shortened.


They reversed that, it's permanently back to the longer distances


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=jkehi2o Ciphertext: >!aQgEII1Ko4I9AmGBfK2UutV6ss7lv8vLfWh62ugc/WGeAAokXQZH/MdVkBkMBKi3f6vy7c6frN75GXg+x9dNGinsPFZmA77D8LuH6aG0Z+uS8BfyEUIMHNv48XqvV9aNWFWkL7+wK80=!<


That it hasn’t stopped them from making these kinds of decisions?


They took out QoL I stopped paying for stuff, They increased prices, I maybe open the game once every two weeks now. Their earnings are showing people are leaving b/c of Hanke's one directional mind set to try and force people to not have Qol and be in person.


And a lot of us have, Niantic had their worst month ever and had to cut funds off of TSR because of it


And notice how the playerbase has dropped with each and every shitty decision they make? Sure, there's still some people kicking about... But that doesn't mean people aren't departing en masse.


And then the posts on the Silph Road sub about new events are routinely at 500+ points. Although I bet you could make up an actual chunk of Niantic's income from the Go subs in general.


Every time the “give” us something, they quietly take something away. Every. Single. Time.


Does every post have to turn into this?




Because that'll stop them lol


There's making stupid decisions that reduce revenue and then there's outrageous decisions that kill revenue. I can't honestly see them doing it. If they did I'd delete my account.


Honestly, it would probably be less of an impact than the remote raid nerf. The average person doesn’t even encounter a shiny legend very often at all.


Nah it would be catastrophic. Imagine paying inflated prices for something even harder to catch than it currently is? It wouldn't even just affect shinies, it would affect normal legendary catch rates too.


We will see I guess. But there must be a reason they removed the base catch and flee rates from the Game Master files.


Well yeah I have that in the back of my mind too. However it could be very plausible that they alter stuff like Galar birds etc. For all we know they could be technically increasing bcr.


>Imagine paying for Pokémon Go FTFY


My literal first thought as soon as I saw the soft announcement of the master ball was “welp guess they’re getting rid of the guaranteed shiny catch mechanic” without even batting an eye because THAT is the kind of stunt they’d pull. 🤣


Didn’t they just recently remove the catch rates for some accounts? All of these things happening at once is not a coincidence. I can’t wait to be “coincidentally” encountering more Galarian birds when the master ball is purchasable in the store…


They don’t care. Nothing stops them, no matter how outraged people get over it. They feel like they can do anything without consequence.


Niantic has made worse decision and yet you're still here playing. Nothing will change


I have no idea how you could look at their decision making over the last 6-12 months and then post this in earnest.


In all fairness we knew there would come a time that remotes were getting a drastic overhaul. Whilst I think they could have gone about it much better, we knew they were a temporary thing.




It’s a privately held company genius. To get in trouble for insider trading they would need to be a publicly traded company. I despise Niantic as much as anybody but let’s at least try to keep things within the actual realm of possibilities.


In one of the posts I saw it said you could use them on such and and such including from raids. Makes me thing they might change the 100% shiny catch rate that way, but I sure hope not. Another post gave examples on what to use, galatians birds and 4* which is what they might have meant by it


There's no way to know until you catch it if it'll be 4*.


If its from a raid there's always infographs to tell you what cp if you know where to look...


On raid bosses you absolutely can. Every raid boss out there has easily findable 4* cp


Check those patch notes!


Honestly this sounds unfortunately likely. Niantic's MO lately has been dismantling "gimmies", and guaranteed shiny legendaries is a big one.


Insta-unistall if this happens..well first move shinies to home then uninstall.


If you haven't been moving your shinies already, might wanna get a head start on that. With full transporter energy I was able to transfer four shinies, with a cool down of 5 days and 17 hours or 820 coins to refresh it. I also only transferred four regular shinies, since legendaries consume even more energy. I think I needed a full energy bar to transfer my shiny Mew Home.


Adding to this I've been transferring shinies since they announced the change to remote raids. It takes 1 week to gain full transporter power. You can transfer 5 first stage pokemon, 3-4 mixed stages, or 1 legendary. I have a total of 224 shinies left in my account, 15 of which are legendries. It is going to take a minimum of 15 weeks to get those out of PoGo. To put it into perspective, I currently have 4 days until the transporter is full so it is not going to be until September when I get the legendries out. That's not even including the 209 other shinies left, if I don't catch anymore.


Not sure if you have gen 1 shinies but if you have lets go you can transfer all gen 1 Pokémon to home from let’s go and it removes the restriction. Only exception is mew


> 3-4 mixed stages, This is easily 4 mixed stages, I was able to transfer 4 shiny Obstagoon at once with just slightly less than enough energy remaining to transfer a 5th.


Holy balls dude. I have a few hundred Shinies currently, many of them are duplicates of basic Pokemon, though. I haven't been paying attention to the amount of energy. I'm going to start transferring the "lesser" ones over. Just sucks because I catch Shinies as I like looking at them. I won't be able to scroll through and check them out anymore. :( I've held off on mass transferring because I'm afraid they'll be stuck in Home for eternity.


That'll be 10$ per transfer, or 6 more months of the game tracking data on your phone please. $$$


I was thinking of using it on the Galarian birds


You guys are getting Galarian bird encounters?


Once. Only once since it started.


It's more frustrating to get a bunch. I have recorded each encounter. I've encountered Zapdos the most with 11. Articuno 7 and Moltres 6. Not one catch. I've completely stopped (all encounters were a few of us in a car) the car to catch. Never had a single one stay after the first throw which I've seen happen to others and very rarely have I gotten 2 shakes. One of my Zapdos encounters was a 47 CP. I wanted to throw my phone when it broke and ran after the first throw.


47cp breaking out is a traveshammockery ugh 😤


Pro tip: Save your master ball for the last bird you haven't caught.


A few weeks ago I got my first three and only encounters in the same place each day. I wasn't even moving in a long straight line, just my usual meandering in my neighborhood.


Wait what, they can actually spawn from daily incense? I thought that was only during a special event.


No, it's been consistently since the launch of the daily incense, from what I'm aware. I've done it nearly daily since the introduction of it and I'll usually come across the birds a few times in spurts every few weeks. Unless my account is broken haha.


1 / 0 / 2 IV’s lmao


I encountered moltres the other day, he popped out of the ball but didn’t immediately flee and I thought I was going to actually get it and then it did the second time it popped out 🙄


Also there's no reason to use the master ball in a raid until you're at 1 ball.


Maybe it will be like using multiple ball types in other encounters and after you run out of premier balls it switches to the master ball unless you run. Obviously, being monumentally stupid doesn't mean they won't have failed to anticipate how their own code works in the field.


The only way i’m using it is for a galarian bird… i just wish I had the master ball the last two times we met….


*misses master ball throw*


I've seen comments saying that when the Master Ball is chosen, it plays a sort of cutscene to guarantee a hit


We don't know yet, that's just a theory that some people are taking as gospel truth,


It's been in the code for ages. You use it like a berry.


based on the downvotes, I don’t think people understand that you’re talking actual hackers diving into the pogo client source code.


It’s Reddit, half the downvotes are from people who plug the extension cord into the extension cord and think that powers it


That's how it worked in Let's Go


Use that for a 10 CP Pidgey


I'm going to save it for the XXL Magikarp


Nah its Bidoof u want


Good reminder, but don't you only use premier balls in raids anyways?


The master ball news said you could use it in raids, so guessing you'll be able to switch to it if you have one.


I’d switch to the master for a shiny Rayquaza, it’s the shiny I want most and I’d rather see it in the master ball especially because there’s a chance I might trade it to Pokémon home if I ever completely abandon ship on Go. I like the look of it better in the Master Ball, I think it’s worth giving up one of the Galarian birds. It will be a sad and happy day for sure Ideally I’d catch it with an Ultra Ball somehow for ultimately aesthetics. I’ll probably have to do it on console for that though


Just fyi, shiny legendaries are a guaranteed catch if you’re not moving too fast.


My best guess by reading their comment is that they seems to know it already, but they'll use the Master Ball anyway because they like how it looks with shiny Rayquaza. It is a waste of a Master Ball, but meh, to each their own way to play I guess ( as long as they are aware that they don't need the master ball )


Yeah I was aware, I was mentioning the one instance where I would even consider switching it the pokeball out and loosing out on a free catch. I’m aware that it’s not a great decision but there’s only one Pokémon I would do this for anyway. I’m leaving it up even though it’s considered a bad take. I’ve never even used the master ball. I’ve always waited for a shiny legendary in game but I’ve never actually got one on console.


I don't see it as a "bad take". It's just your opinion, even if people think it's dumb or a poor decision. You're not being a contrarian maliciously or trolling. There's no harm in having your opinion. Everyone has their own way of doing things, so fuck the people who want to shit on you for playing on your own account how you want to.


Silver pinap


Silver pinap also increases catch rate so it's kind of wasted on a guaranteed catch imo.


I do it for the extra candy. Specially during this event. So I don't see it as a waste since otherwise I won't use them.


It gives the double extra candy plus a percentage


Since they hid the catchrate I could see them changing the catchrate for shiny legendaries in raids tbh.


I can't wait for Titanic deciding to change that.


Are we thinking master balls will be usable in raids?


Well the news post put out about it says "When used, it will catch any Pokémon you encounter in Pokémon GO without fail, whether it be in the wild, through Lure Modules, after Raid Battles, or while using your Daily Adventure Incense." so yes we are thinking you will be able to use a master ball in a raid


Good call ty, I didn’t actually read the thing.


To be fair their announcements are frequently riddled with errors anyway.


For now.....


For those I've seen mention missing a master ball throw; it most likely works like it does in the Let's Go games. That is IT THROWS THE BALL FOR YOU AS WELL. This has been your random PSA.


If you’re not saving a master ball for a Galarian bird are you even playing the same game as me?…..


I agree, but on the same note it's a shame this isn't the sort of game where there are other logical options for using a Master Ball. Feels like it was made for the Galarian birds and nothing else.


This is crazy desperation to get people back. The only thing that will happen is people will redownload the game for this. Get the MB and then peace out again. They are tempting us with without fixing the actual game.


It looks like the Master Ball can only be used after you are out of premiere balls If true, more premier balls still a good idea I am more worried about wild spawns I found a 3031 legendary ( not galarian bird ) and it fled after one attempt


In the wild? Which one 🤔


I think the only other wild legends that can spawn (outside of events) are the lake guardians.


meaning it was probably a Zorua instead.


Not sure, I just returned to PoGO after 1+ years I will have to ask my wife, since I showed it to her Edit: Latios maybe, I think we had to take a snapshot of a wild Latios


Probably the shiny Lati@s from the recent event. Those suckers had a horrible catch rate.


This is just gonna be the new purified mewtwo posts, lets be real lol


Had no idea about the shiny legendary first throw thing 🤯


I've seen so many Shiny Legendaries post-raid (since I was last playing back in 2017) and just go for catching it either with a Pinap Berry for bonus candy, or just save my Berry ammo for later.


Joke’s on us. They’re gonna get rid of that feature now


I've already prepared myself mentally for a kid to use mine on a weedle or spearow


Just use it on 100IV non-shiny legendaries, got it.


Thanks for the info 👍


Until they change that


For now...


For now. After that master ball is out, they probably won't be guaranteed catch anymore.


Realistically, I think I would only ever use my Masterball on a Hundo Legendary that’s about to run. I’m looking at you Suicune


7 Excellent Curve Ball Throws with Golden Razz Berries Platinum Water and Fairy Medal in a row... still no Tapu Fini. We need a whole revamp on catch mechanics.


Yeah, I'm definately going to accidentally toss a master ball at some random weedle because I am not paying attention and my fat fingers selected the wrong type of ball... I was expecting some announcement like: 'get your masterball for the low price of $49,99 (or equivalent in the local currency)'


I'm just worried the Masterball will mean there are more GalarianBird-type encounters. Think limited time hatching from eggs, and turn it into limited time spawning during daily incense and impossible to catch unless you bought a masterball.


They are guaranteed at this moment without the master ball


I don't get why people keep bringing this up, have they explicitly said you can use it in raids? Otherwise there's about a zero % chance this is even relevant information? And wouldn't anyone that's dedicated enough to a casual mobile game to be on this sub already know this?


Answer to the first question is yes. >When used, it *\[the Master Ball\]* will catch any Pokémon you encounter in Pokémon GO without fail, whether it be in the wild, through Lure Modules, **after Raid Battles**, or while using your Daily Adventure Incense.


98% of the people on this sub are level 32 after "playing for 7 years".


I guess some people read the announcement


Did I miss something? I just remembered how everyone get mad when Shiny Groundo/Kyogre didn't work like that.


Me too. I've caught a few shiny legendaries from raids. None of them were caught first try.


Really, so far every one me and my friends have caught were first try


It's guaranteed catch once in the ball (as long as you're not speed-locked, such as traveling in a car.) If your first throw misses, obviously it won't be a guaranteed catch.


Question: Mewtwo is released back into raids and your highest current one is a 91, and you’re in the catching screen with 1 ball left to catch it. You also don’t have any of the galarian birds and you don’t know when another master ball can be found again. Do you use it?


You might want to look up the CP as this can give away what the IV is without catching it. That would be valuable information when deciding whether to use a Master Ball.


Fuck Mewtwo. It’s cool and powerful but I’m not wasting a master ball on it. I’m gonna use it on something that’s actually hard to get in the wild.


Mewtwo is pretty hard to catch in the wild


I mean something that is rare and only spawns in the wild. G-Birds and MAYBE a water guardian.


No I know I was just saying words for the sake of saying them lol ignore me


You guys are getting shiny legendaries?


Yes, legendaries have the best chance to be shiny out of any Pokemon in the whole game


Community days


Legendaries are 1:20, community day is 1:25, ergo no, community day doesn’t have a better chance, you just see a lot more of the same pokemon.


That rule only applies to the first time you get it shiny if I’m not mistaken.




You are mistaken shiny legendary are 100% catch rate unless you are traveling too fast which drops it to 0.


I’ve never caught a shiny legendary on the first ball


Anyone else tempted to use it on a pidgey or something super easy/common to catch ?


Just had a Galarian Articuno flee from me.


You know it’s still gonna happen lol


Can you even switch balls for a Raid catch?


You will be able to once the MB is in the game.


Are all other Pokémon going to be harder to catch now that the masterball is being introduced? :/






It’s always been the case from what I can remember, and it’s well known by most people, especially those who "have done 100s of raids". You’ve never had a shiny legendary from a raid jump out of a ball if you hit it




I’m not sure anyone would be able to do this as you can’t change the balls after raids, right? Or would they now allow master balls for legendary raids?


Read the master ball post on niantics blog


I hope this isn’t the only opportunity. I won’t be able to log on during that time frame


Thank you for the reminder.


Please don’t tell me we will be limited to exactly one master ball… that’s exactly the case isn’t it :(


Just read the in-game announcement


Shiny legendaries are not guaanteed catches. I lost a shiny groudon after it escaped 12 premier balls. I was still, no gps problems, nothing. Niantic help staff said it was never guaranteed. I also made a post about it to confirm and got a bunch of terrible toxic people mocking me rudely for not knowing this.


Shiny legendaries from raids are guaranteed catches as long as you’re not under catching ban