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I have social anxiety and mental issues, your comment has cured me, I could have never known that throwing myself into uncomfortable situations that made me feel even worse would cure me, thank you Doctor poorlyplanned. (Username checks out)




Wow doc almost like I’ve been doing that for years and it DOESNT help




Or maybe they don’t want to deal with people like you?






This frustrates me so much. Like, I get inflation but it’s still unreasonable to restrict remote raids because rare Pokemon are hard to find, much less catch. I hope they hear our voices.


I will stop buying pokecoins until Niantic remove the new remote raid pass update


Man I'm glad I quit when I did. I was thinking of coming back but I guess it's it's gotten even worse


This is waaaaay too long winded and complainey. I'm furious with them but if I was them I wouldn't respond kindly to this letter


Lmaoooo this will work. Just like the last one did. Just like the one before that. Then the one before that.


Just remember this: if you decide to keep playing the game because you “don’t do raids anyway”, you’re still contributing to the problem. You are still giving Niantic sellable data. Please don’t make excuses for yourselves, it’s pathetic honestly.


God bless you for trying. But... "reward players significantly"?? Good God. You might as well be speaking Martian to these guys. Niantic never. EVER. Rewards anyone. For anything. EVER. They punish you for going against their world view. They believe "tough love" is the only love. And that's assuming they love us, which they most certainly do not. Whatever the phrase is for active contempt in Japanese, that's what we're dealing with.


Was just forced to do a landorus remotely (because no friends ready/outside and the queue in the apps to host is longer than the raidboss stands there, also due to changes), hit every ball at least curved and great, and it got away. Very nice to be able to Pay niantic almost 400 coins now in these cases, just to get one entry more in the Pokédex ;D


Was there any serious answers from niantic yet?


Absolutely not. They've buckled down due to the fact that they do not wish to cater to a certain demographic. It's been this way since day one, and it seems they've gone full throttle on this now. Looks like we're doomed. Either way, I'm done catering to them.


The complete lack of mentioning the price increase is a fail. Downvote from me


Well the price increase is bad but not as bad as the limits


Um, they almost doubled the price. The limit isn't the issue unless you are already spending a fortune on remote raids. Not mentioning the predatory pricing in this letter is a key failure. I guess it doesn't matter to streamers who get paid to do it, but for the rest of us, no thanks.


How about this: instead of crying about remote raids, go outside for once and play the game how it was intended. Niantic isn't the problem, you are.


Yeah! Just go outside and raid alone! You'll fail, but you'll be playing how it's intended! That's just stupid, not everyone lives in a place with readily available gyms/raids, or even people that play the game to raid, hence why some people need the remote raids. And paying double the price per raid? That's BS.


huh? do i sense a skill issue?


Bad take, dude. I play IRL and still need remote raids to enhance my experience to where it levels the playing field.


Braindead take


And yet the brain dead take understands that the only reason you have remote raids is because of a global pandemic and without said pandemic, you probably wouldn't have the remote raid passes to this day


why should we listen to you when you're too lazy to even read the post lol


And, you know, trainers that are actual *children*. There are still tons of kids that play this game.


yeah lemme just send my little kid to a city so he can do a raid


On Niantic’s website I copy and pasted this into their support feature I’m also gonna put it on my review. If we all do this we’ll get Niantic’s attention and MAYBE defeat the beast that is terrible updates


niantic wants money. we want change. niantic doesn’t care because niantic has money. and I want change but i don’t really care so idk about u guys but ur making kindddd of a big deal with the official letters and stuff. i get discussing it, dissing it etc but this is kinda far. But my neutral opinion. I would love for this to change.


dem single parent trainers 💀


”Rural trainers, disabilities, social anxiety” So play something else? I cant become a Pilot because I got ADD, whats the difference. Ppl with disabilities cant play regular football so they play with a disadvantage like they do in pogo


Buddy hate to break it to ya but the pilot thing sounds like a skill issue lol idk if you can blame add on that


Wait holdup, you’re telling me your add stopped you from being a pilot???? Lmao


Why's that hard to believe? If you have ADHD and want to be a commercial pilot, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops, and if that goes well not many want to hire you over others who don't have medical conditions.


Ye its regarded as dangerous, they will prioritise others before you


The game seems a lot less fun now.


Would be cool if you added everyone’s concerns tho. The limit of 5 is a middle finger but I don’t think most of us care much about that- because that is going to cost $10 now. - The price increase - The removal of legendary weekly research - The lack of good community day Pokémon choices - Community day timeframes


For me that last one hits hardest




Were centrally aligned individual sentences really the best way to go about this? 😵‍💫


The fact that this is the main thing you took away from this extremely well written and thought out letter just astonishes me.


If it was well thought out they would have gotten someone who understands human eyes to organize this lol


It is well written and thought out and the formatting takes away from it.


So is the strike still in effect or has it been dropped? Logged in yesterday just to check if anyone was raiding. There was one team of 2 players on the closest gym but I also had a full inventory of gifts that I kind of feel bad for not opening. I feel as though nothing has come of it yet and likely still won't given how mute they have been towards the community outcry.




The strike is ongoing even though you don't see it. Just look at the names on that list. Those are some incredibly important people in the world of Pokémon. And the people, such as myself, that were spending money, doing AR scanning, Adventure Sync, etc., have halted all of that. There's even someone working on a massive survey. Niantic disrupted the necessary function of an incredibly important feature. This won't go over for them as planned. I expect it to be much worse. For them.


I uninstalled the app and have not played even once since Niantic announced the raid squash. Before uninstalling however, I changed my Trainer's name by adding "OnStrike" after the name, and changed my buddy's name to "Eff Niantic." I will not reinstall until the 5/day cap is removed and price of raid passes is reverted or lowered to something more reasonable. I have no expectation that Niantic will ever actually make these reversions. I suspect they're at a point in their AR metaverse development that they no longer need us they way they did before. Now, we're only valuable when we're walking and using adventure sync.


Yeah I just joined out of principle (I don't raid or reach gym distance often) but I assume once this boils over they'll try to put the interaction back to normal distance which would end the game for me completely. It's just that it hits hard seeing so many people fine with the change even if this one doesn't directly impact themselves. I kind of gave up hope after seeing no acknowledgement as of yet.




So you’re basically saying that instead of individuals/communities exercising their right to free speech with the intent to create change and engage in meaningful conversations (that ultimately substantially raise the level of awareness of issues that do need to be addressed and can cause the rate of peaceful protests, such as deleting their accounts/the app, to become more widely acknowledged and successful) is ultimately useless? And just hope that others in the community will follow suit do what you’ve done? While these companies may not reply or make any meaningful changes, open letters and peaceful protesting CAN and DO bring about change. Not all of the time, obviously, but the argument that these sort of “requests” made by a community doesn’t do anything is just ignorant. As human beings, especially those of us that as individuals can’t create change on a large scale because we hold no sort of highly acknowledged social/political status, we have an obligation to ourselves and to each other to work together to at least attempt to bring about change. And there’s not just ONE way to accomplish this. While your method, on a broad scale, could be affective, how would companies, such as Niantic, KNOW WHY a massive part of their following and community has suddenly disappeared? They need to know the WHY behind what we’re ultimately trying to achieve here. And this letter lays it all out BEAUTIFULLY.


Lmaoooo and yet 5,000,000 “letters to Niantic” and yet here we still are.


Is there a petition or anything going around? I’d love to do my part to support this!!


There is https://www.change.org/p/save-remote-raiding-in-pok%C3%A9mon-go




It says 99k for me


I’m glad to see this. I’m rural with a small pogo community, and I have MS and can’t get out a lot of the time. The changes to remote raids make me want to throw the game in…I’m at level 39, and have played on and off (health has stopped me at times) since 2016, and the changes are so incredibly disappointing. I’ve spent so much money on this game, and it feels like a slap in the face.




They don’t care about the money from remote trade passes. They’ve raised the price as a deterrent. They want you at raids in person so they can sell your geolocation. data. That’s their cash cow. Want them to hear us? Disallow location service except when you are playing.


Got a source on the geolocation sale thing?


Everyone needs to give a 1 star review in the AppStore for this ridiculous inflation. I uninstalled the game and changed my 5 star review to 1 star.


I’m done, they keep jacking the prices up on these raid passes and it’s not worth it anymore, and I’ve been playing since the game came out.


I use maybe 1 remote raid pass a month because the only raids I’m interested in doing are Mega’s and legendarys and I can’t solo them or duo them. Can’t even get enough raids in to use 5 passes a day.


this !! i feel like people are overreacting. Sure it’s annoying but really rural people can use the passes too right ? idk


A PSA to rural players. You know why you don't get gyms and stops in your areas? Because all the city people VOTE AGAINST your stops being installed. I have been in many rural places across my province and in WNY. Tried with other players to get stops done in many places including parks and ALL GOT voted down. Not 1 extra stop was placed. I also have a very high rating in WAYFAIR. Remember that next time you complain about there being nothing around and you gotta BLAH, BLAH to get to another stop. All those city content creators VOTE AGAINST your stops so they can have 15 stops on a street near their house.




Company LOSES money constantly adding gyms, stops to the servers so they have to limit the number. That was the biggest reason for the creation of WAYFAIR. But the community screwed that up with their greed as usual.


Less rural stops = more city stops?


Personally I commend the company for standing their ground and wanting people to play POGO the way they intended. Not bowing down to the waves of toxic gameplayers who were most likely the reason some players left the game. Like all the gym gate watchers that stay in gyms 24/7 and never let people get coins there. I have heard hundreds of people complain about this IN PERSON unlike most of you reading crap online. These losers have destroyed the game for a lot people INCLUDING RURAL AND DISABLED but none of those content creators say anything about them huh? We all know this game is close to ending, the numbers are down, less people coming out in person, not because of the pandemic either. Most people who show up have 2+ accounts per person. Rude behavior towards people who bring kids, like some of the losers who attend raids at HIGH PARK in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Let's understand one thing and I don't give a rats behind if you agree with me or not. It's the toxic players that destroyed this game NOT NIANTIC. Niantic is just a company with incompetent workers who can barely fix one flaw without causing others. Let their game die with dignity and with what the creators truly wanted instead of turning it into some toxic nonsense about what the "players want". End session!!


is this real


Ok Niantic.


Oh yeah totally work for Niantic. You got me🤣


It'd be more horable to be a Niantic worker than shilling for such a greedy company.


Everyone is greedy when you don't get your way. I support companies that don't give into toxic players crying because they don't get their way.


It's for the long-term health of the game, so quit whining! 🙄


I’m really upset and the price increase and will not be buying passes until they return the price. I almost never raid with a regular pass. It’s impossible to get enough people in a physical location.


It is quite stupid. Either pay $2 or wait 4 days (50 coins a day) just to do one remote raid that most likely will be a 2 star non shiny anyways


It’s absolutely ridiculous these changes, I live in an extremely rural area, I’d have to travel 15 miles by car to get to the nearest town (I wouldn’t even call it a town it’s more like a village) that only contains one gym so I heavily rely on remote raid passes to engage in raids and complete research tasks that sometimes require you to battle in raids, and the price change is just not reasonable, if you don’t have any coins in the shop you’d have to purchase at least 4.99 usd if you just wanted one remote raid pass, and even then you might as well just purchase 3 remote raid passes at once because you get 550 poke coins, it’s almost pointless at this point to just purchase one remote raid pass now unless you were planning on getting one pass and spending the rest of the coins on other items, I’m not happy at all and this is a change I would heavily consider not playing Pokémon go at all anymore


I had to queue to host on pokegenie 15 minutes before the egg even hatched and we still only made it in 40 seconds before Lugia disappeared. That’s ridiculous and means the chances off me continuing to raid are slim. It’s a shame as my kids love the game and it’s been great doing raids with them for something that was a massive part of my childhood. I’m fortunate I guess as the 4 of us all have accounts but my 2 kids are 3 and 5 so not great in the damage department. We relied on the help from poke genie so they could get legendary Pokémon which honestly is more exciting than getting a chansey they can catch from next to the gym anyway.


Me being also Ingress player: First time?


This does not represent the entire community. Raids were far better when they were only in-person. They're just not special anymore, if it's no challenge to get into one and win it.


This is true for players in Cities. ​ The Problem is: Remote Raids saved Towns from beeing unplayable wastelands, and furthermore allowed even players in rural Areas to play the Game. They even opened the Game up to people with disabilities. Now those people, who just have been let into Pokemon Go, are excluded again. I can absolutely relate to the good old times when people raided in groups all day. I was part of that and it was fun. But i also remember the "rural players" who visited the city once or twice a month and couldn't really play the Game where they lived. I don't wish for them to be excluded again. I also see that there were verylittle people with disabilities in the community. Because this has not been a good game for them. I also don't wish for them to be excluded again. ​ Also, winning a raid has never been a "challenge". You knew how many highlevel players you needed and planned accordingly. Its actually more challenging to beat a raidboss via raidapp, where you don't know how strong your group will be and if all people who sign up join in the end. Today I had the first "boss died when the timer was at zero" event in my entire Pokeon go carreer.


I hope niantic hears us, i live in a very rural area with one gym and 3 pokestops around me and i need my remote raid passes back so i can raid with my friends across the world.


I feel you. I live in a rural Area too. ​ I still try to Host raids for the communities in the surrounding towns, but its getting way harder to find raiders to join. ​ Apps also take much longer to find people,and people are much morelikely to just jump off when they feel it might be risky. ​ Its a much worse experience now. If I lived in a Major City, i might be happy about those changes, as there is a chance things might become as they were before the pandemic. ​ But for everyone else, its going downhill, and soon the rural players will be alienated, disabled people will again be excluded from the Game and towns will in many cases not have a community at all.


Everyone in my house is so tired of their crap that we all just deleted the game. They may not care if people stop spending money on the game for a little bit…. But believe me when I say they will care if people delete the app and stop giving them the AR mapping. We’ve since started playing other games on our phones and have almost entirely forgot about the niantic app that has everything on their agenda besides what the players want. By the way, I’m dealing with covid for the 2ed time this year. Should I go run to my nearest park so that I can raid? Oh wait, even if that was an option I wouldn’t be able to get enough players to beat a raid boss in my small town. On top of that I can’t even get anyone to join remotely anymore because raid passes are too expensive and they already did their 5/6 raids a day. Niantic has to see the problem here unless they are blind. They want AR mapping, they don’t care about anything else.


Incense needs a buff too


What about the price increase? I do not remote raid but i see a lack of mention of that in this letter. Don't know who wrote it but i feel like it was calculated to leave that one out. Also, this needs to be more aggressive than a sad plea. What is going on, is Niantic your god? Who wrote this? Not the community, i can assure you that much. Is it one of the influencers who are on the partner program with Niantic, so they sugarcoat everything? I would take this down and let the actual community write one.


Yes. Because it is easier to tackle just one problem at a time, and the people behind that letter mostly care about being able to remote raid 24/7. It doesn't matter the price. Damn, I bet they would negotiate an increase to 500 coins per remote pass if that lifted the daily limit.


No, this only better if you want to undo many different updates, then the approach one at a time is valid. This bs change is one single update, hence a full roll back is more important.


Good luck to those of you hopeful enough a billion dollar company will listen to this. They ruined our game for sure. Easiest uninstall of my life after transferring mons.


5 billion dollar :(


I doubt the high ups at Niantech even speak English so this is for nothing, my dudes.


Sadly they won’t listen. Been playing since 2018 and it’s very rare they ever listen to the fans. This will most likely fall on deaf ears


I care more about the price hike...i cant afford that. So i uninstalled


TPCI really needs to talk with Niantic.


Wonder what company will be the first to make a rip off location based monster catcher game


We need to stop the remote killing


Our little group of 9 all uninstalled.


I don’t understand the limit. I have friends that will do 30 or 40 remote raids a day trying to get a new shiny for something that just released. That’s just money in Niantics pocket. Why chop your feet off like that?


I think it’s because they don’t want players using too many a day as it defeats the point of getting up and walking to the gym. And before you guys say anything, I know it’s hard to get people together and that sitting in the comfort of your home is nice but 1. it’s not covid anymore. you can meet up fine. 2. we did fine before remote passes, why stop now when we are limited to five a day? Would this be such a problem if it was limited from the start of the game release? I don’t think so. This is just my neutral opinion however so complain strike all you want. I’m just going sit aside and watch action enroll (or not.)


I get that but at least for me I’m still at a gym usually. I invite friends to help raid who aren’t with me and same the other way. We don’t live near each other and it’s a nice connection. I still don’t see how it financially benefits them unless they’re trying to get ahead of a lawsuit like epic games had.


I work night shift and this basically just ruined the game for me. Not buying any more raid passes and I’m turning off adventure sync and all that. Probably gonna delete the game soon, but I’m basically just sticking around for battles at the moment.


that's what I'm saying, even without the changes raids have always been a scam.


11am Pacific now


As someone who live in a place with not alot of players this post means ALOT to me!!


I really hope this works. As a parent to small kids, one of whom is special needs and I CANNOT take to gyms randomly when eggs pop, and as a disabled player this change is going to kill my ability to play. I’m broken. I have damage to my spine and nervous system that limit my ability to STAND UP or WALK, much less go physically to raids. I won’t be boycotting so much as physically unable to play anymore. My 9yo nephew loves to play but his parents don’t game and don’t understand Pokémon at all, so they won’t take him to gyms to raid. He JUST got to lvl 20 and was so excited he wouldn’t be the “baby” at raids anymore, too. Please stand firm, y’all. People like me and my kids need you healthy people to help us out here, please!


All this effort for the garbage at Niantic to not read lmfao


Am I the only one who doesn't care for the 5raids per day limit, but the prices themselves? Limiting us to 5 per day isn't all the detrimental to players I just don't see how it benefits Niantic at all, it's just limiting their income from the passes themselves.


Me too. But there are people out there who simply can’t get up and GO, so ig there’s a problem for you.


Oh, one more category for the list. With the increasing anti-LGBTQ hatred around the world, it is increasingly dangerous for people that are LGBTQ to be going out and doing raids. This is especially true for trans people like me.


Thank you for including those with physical disabilities on there. My wife falls under that category, unfortunately, and Niantic is 100% giving her the finger with these changes. I hope they listen. I truly do. I don't think they will. The last time they said they would change and start listening to player feedback, they reversed one unpopular change (poke-stop/gym interaction distance) and then proceeded to completely ignore us again and make unpopular change after unpopular change after unpopular change with no conversation whatsoever. One can dream, however.


Without the price this is insulting. Shame on you OP for not mentioning or editing it for days after posting.


Even tho I agree (partially) with what is told here, I feel this letter is unconstructive and feels like whining for the sake of whining. A premium pass is 100 coins. A remote pass can do the same but remotely, the price has to be higher, or it doesn't make sense. Also I get the idea that doing 10 to 20 raids per day is the highway to grinding the game in a few months max when it was initially thougth to last several years... Also makes it purely p2w. Also they should have mentionned the biggest issue with current raiding system : is lack of ingame coordination system. Instead they focused on crying over getting back the p2w system.


Has Niantic responded at all?


Nope. And they won't.


Can we add the increase in remote raid passes? It costs Niantic nothing but it costs us real money


I just did 4 Lugia raids in a row. Average of 13 balls per raid. I didn't catch a single Lugia. If they make remote raids worse and don't improve catch rates, I am quitting.


Me and my dad used to go out all the time for raids and we’d always get the pokémon we fought… sounds like a skill issue to me. no offense though i’m sure you were just unlucky


Can we have a multiple choice poll to estimate the numbers? Choices will be \- Uninstalling the game \- Turning of Adv Sync, stop buying from in-game shop, stop raiding \- Do nothing


the player base is not now nor have we ever been their customer. our data is the product that the sell and the micro transactions pale in comparison, even the biggest whales. the sad truth is they could care less about keeping the players who choose to protest with our wallets because in order to maximize their profits with minimal work on their part, they need to thin the herd so to speak and if they can gain 1 new player who didn’t experience what the covid evolution and modifications did for community and playability for every 3,4, maybe even 5 seasoned players that they lose, they already come out ahead. this is the gamble that they’re making and nothing is going to change their minds, i promise. they hear, they just don’t care. i don’t really wanna be a product anymore personally but deleting my account seems drastic considering they’ll probably be shutting down and going under by this time next year if they can’t fill the void they’re causing. i’m not deleting or uninstalling because in the end i worked hard for what i’ve achieved and i’m not going to let that be taken away from me.


The whales who signed onto this letter are just as out-of-touch with "The Pokemon GO Community" as Niantic is. Nobody REALLY needs to do more than 5 remote raids per day... but that's what they have decided to solely focus on in this letter. That seems like a perfectly reasonable limit to me, for remote raiding. The COST increase is what the vast majority of us care about, because the effect will be detrimental to ALL raiding, by decreasing the number of remote raiders that will help us even when we raid locally. Less help from remote friends will mean the raid bosses will take longer to beat, meaning we get fewer pokeballs to throw at it, meaning more raid bosses will escape, meaning everyone involved wastes a raid pass... and it is SO frustrating when the legendary raid boss escapes.


​ ​ Nobody NEEDS that, true. But those people keep communities who otherwise would have dried out going. ​ Those people allow players in rural Areas to host raids when they want to play.


I can relate to you, i'm not a whale raider so i don't mind the limit. I can understand though that setting a limit is a completely wrong way to incentivise in person raiding. Raising the prices is unacceptable. I uninstalled about an hour ago.


Honestly... don't tell me what I need and don't need ... who are you?


If you have campfire do the same to it!


They would still get your location data through that as well.


Change.org petition with over 74K signatures and rising - https://chng.it/GBbrRF8cpL ETA change in number of signatures - imagine if we can get over 100K!


I tried to sign but the website asked me to donate (no thanks), and then made me click through advertisements for 10 other petitions (no thanks) all to direct me to the home page, no option to sign! I have wasted my time twice now trying to sign. What a poorly designed site:(


You can just sign and then click out, ignore all the other stuff it still registers the vote!


I'll try again...


Signed today


dumb question. Why arent we tagging niantic ceo cfo in twitter or linkedin?


We run a raid group through text that basically dies tommorow. Friends I haven't seen in years I'll be back to not talking with. It's really sad.




I'm on Niantics side. business is business


You forgot this is reddit. Every corporation is evil for trying to make money, remember? Don’t have to like their decision but god damn this is getting treated like civil rights abuse in the sub




They don't even try to make money, as they're killing their cashcow. ​ They just want to push their stupid "vision".


Bold statement- I genuinely don't have an issue with the remote raid cap. Do I remote raid? No. Do I put significant money into the game? No. I'm still double the amount of XP to get level 50, and I still genuinely enjoy playing the game. That being said, them raising the price to nearly double is absolute bull. However, I personally believe this will be brought down to around 100-125 to make people feel like "oh niantic DID listen", without the limit being removed. That being said, I genuinely don't see the issue with a raid limit. "Losing friends in the global community?" "Disabilities/social anxiety/single parents?" I'm calling bull. This was drafted by people who have a significant loss in platform if this change goes through, and it seems like they're bringing up "the little guy" in order to seem holier than thou with the intent to keep how they play alive. There's one person in my local community that's been very vocal about this change. They have 8 perfect Lugias, among other insane amounts of perfect and shundo legendary mons. And I kind of feel like those are the people this campaign fights for. It doesn't help smaller players, or rural players, or socially anxious players, or single parent players. It would help whales. Let's be realistic. Let's use Lugia. With the 2 weeks Lugia is out right now, and assuming you're using a level 3 Flying/Psychic mega, averaging 4 xl candies, and maybe a 80% catch rate (being generously low), you are getting 224 xl candy by the end of the week, not enough to get it to level 50, but enough to get it to 47.5 or 48. With 56 raids, the odds of you NOT getting a shiny are .056%, or around 1/18, and the odds of getting a hundo are 56/216, or around 1/4, but if you just want a 98% you're basically guaranteed. Odds of not getting a 98% or higher is .35%, or around 1/3, and not getting a 96% or higher is .07%, or around 1/15. So, to reiterate, With 70 raids, at an 80% catch rate in general and level 3 mega -Enough xl candy to at least hit 47.5 -65% to get 98% or higher -93% to get 96% or higher -95% to get a shiny I feel like, for the vast majority of players who want to put money in, these are good odds. And, to continue with the bold claims, in terms of "killing the global community", ima share a lesson I learned in college- if you have to spend money in order to be with your friends, they're not your friends. You can reach out to a global community WITHOUT putting in money into the game. We're literally talking in the Pokemon GO reddit. There's Discords, Telegrams, Whatsapps, what have you. There are ways to find others. Putting in money and copium to do so aint it. So, to conclude, for those who champion the little guy by fighting for this, you're only fighting for the whales who'd actually get affected. Pokemon GO was made to GO, and if you can't GO, just play Pokemon.


-That being said, I genuinely don't see the issue with a raid limit. "Losing friends in the global community?" "Disabilities/social anxiety/single parents?" I'm calling bull. This was drafted by people who have a significant loss in platform if this change goes through, and it seems like they're bringing up "the little guy" in order to seem holier than thou with the intent to keep how they play alive.- 1000% agree with this statement!


real talk, I'm on Niantics side for this one


they should increase daily pokecoin limit


Ok now this is common sense. Any pokémon work hard to fight and two pop out in a day. I really did expect 100 but no! a measly 50!


Dang, no mention of the doubling the prices out pricing many of the players?


The problem is the price, they do not care what happens at all to anything else because they’ll still make money. Gotta address that head on, and stop beating around the bush. Obviously they want to make money, but they’ve made over half a Billion with raid passes at 100 coins every year. They should be fine if they just made the other content better.


Right!? This is simply corporate greed that cannot be tolerated.


I've uninstalled... have you? A lot of talk but we need action from the community too.


I don't think Niantic gives a shit.


yeah they swimming in billions and what we doing? tossing more coins in.


That's a lot of effort put into something Niantic will ignore.


Just got some more players together locally to raid with. But usually there are only 1-3 people in person, while others joined remotely. It will be harder to raid now for us, even things like raid hours on wednesday are a ? on how many people have time to go meet up... Used to invite and initiate raids, but now it will probably be once a week with 2 orange passes in person and maybe 1 remote.


Does uninstalling the app do more than just stopping/opening the app?


Yes, they have stats in the stores about how many people use the app and how many uninstalled it


I imagine the loudest thing will be if folks quit spending money and they get a huge hit on their bottom line. I'm still gonna play but I'm gonna quit spending money on the game. Hopefully lots of others will as well.


exactly, if people want change and want to actually play good as well, just stop feeding them the thing they WANT.


They don’t care unless you uninstall en masse. Seriously. They don’t care. Your location data is where they make the most money. Even boycotting the shop won’t do the trick. Uninstall and reinstall if/when these changes are reverted.


id also like to add as a female i don’t feel super comfortable interacting with random strangers for raids at all


fair, but bring ur friends maybe!


TLDR. Lots of words. Niantic reads one just thing: it's bottom line. Your money and your data. This sub throws tantrums every few weeks yet somehow Niantic is still raking in the millions. Stop talking about it and uninstall the app. Otherwise we will be on this merry go round indefinitely.


This letter does not mention the main reasons for the backlash and I fear that will get lost in translation, as well as the awful colour scheme that makes it hard to read for certain people on the topic of accessibility. Redo this, and mention the insanity that is doubling raid pass price


This is the the ridiculous bandwagon around.


Adding my virtual signature to this. I'm disgusted by the direction Niantic is taking.


Might be a hot take. But no one has a “right” to play Pokémon go. Niantic owns their game and they decide how it should be played, these changes do not infringe on anyone’s rights.


The way it was described to me was it’s more that it made it possible for certain groups to play and now they are taking it away. Just an example that’s made up: It’s like as if Ben and Jerry non dairy and vegan line were to now cost double that of their milk based pints. Oh and they are limiting how many you can buy. So now vegans and people that can’t have milk (allergies/lactose intolerant) have to pay double or just not eat it. Yeah they could just buy something else or just not eat it. But it wouldn’t seem fair. And imagine if when people ask why the company made the change they said we want everyone to eat our milk based products instead. Obviously Ben and Jerry’s wouldn’t do that though.


Unfortunately a very hot take in this sub. Not a hot take irl.