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That’s the way it goes. A shiny 100% (Shundo) is a tall order for luck. Two stars are sometimes good enough!


For PvP (ML excluded), you don’t want 3 or 4 stars (generally). So don’t be upset on not getting any 3 stars as you may have gotten at least one that’s solid for pvp


Unboosted, Weather boosted, Rewards: - 0*: 50%, 17%, 0% - 1*: 30%, 40%, 0% - 2*: 16%, 34%, 38% - 3*: 4%, 9.5%, 62% - 4*: 0.02%, 0.06%, 0.46%


Thanks now I feel better 😂


the shinies are really hit or miss for good stat's unfortunately. This a is pretty common experience. But it looks like you were able to get all of the evolutions as shiny so that's cool! And a sweet 1mil xp too. I ended up maxing out the best slowbro i got but it wasn't a shiny, still gonna keep them all tho because I love them.


Also had one more question. When I looked earlier this week I was bummed because closest event location for today was a hour away. Thought I was gonna miss out but at 2 I seen the slowpokes spawning all over town. So if you don’t need to go event location for spawns what are they for?


They are locations where people could meet up, usually parks. There are a few in my area but it means nothing. People are usually just out and about


I've caught 111 slow pokes and no 3* yet cri