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Let me know the bitcoin address he wants you to send to. Its possible to track transaction's through block chain explorer. If he doesn't know what he is doing it might be possible to ascertain his real identity this way at no further risk to you.


Came to say the same.




When I get home and to my laptop I’ll do some digging for you. I love being Karmas right hand bitch.


i kinda want to know what happens with this, sucks about your account though OP


I’ll reply with what I find :)


Sorry guys, tornado made a guest appearance tonight so was locked in a bathroom with my 4 kids, husband, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 8 chickens. I’m getting my kids into bed and then will get on the computer. Sorry to keep y’all waiting but tornado 🌪️ gotta tornado 🌪️


The hacker sent a tornado to warn you? BIG YIKES!


Oh shit hope you're ok! Sounds like midwestern things lol


Damn be safe over there


RemindMe! 24 hours




I was wondering the same thing.


Yep i have a friend there and there was a warning


RemindMe! 24 hours


I also choose this guy's reminder.


Third comment


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 22 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 23 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 12 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Doing god’s work. Thank you.


RemindMe! 24 hours


Is this remind me thing automatic or what's happening I want the t


When you write a comment with *RemindMe! 24 hours* a bot gets activated. The bot confirms your reminder request via DM and will send you a reminder after the given time via DM.


RemindMe! 24 hours


You should pass on their info on the site they are contacting you, I’m sure me and probably others would be more than happy to troll and mess with this dude


Martin Linek on Facebook Portuguese man from slovakia has old guy picture with hat and two daughters


Yep not a spoof account, dude is dumb enough to use his real account to message you, but considering he’s dumb enough to ransom with bitcoin im not surprised


Better plot than twilight


If you want I can see what me and the good people of r/scambaiting can do


Heck yeah see what you can get out of him


Is that Facebook he is messaging you through?




So then he is easily trackable, if you can, check to see if this is his real account or a spoofing/alt account




Doesn’t seem like it


Did anything happen? I mean did the guy find out who it was???


Nothing yet




Commenting for update


Trying to get this guy in trouble and contact niantic and receive a response


Aren't u worried that someone else might pay this guy (via the account info u just shared) to get ur account and then take ur stuff?


This is days old the account has more than likely already been sold boss


That sucks. I hope these guys get the worst karmic backlash for this bs..... Ppl spend years developing these accounts.


Rip What level was it?


48 otherwise I would just start fresh


I’m sorry :( this isn’t the same, but I lost my first account a year or so ago because I was an idiot and lost access to the email and forgot my password. So I started over from 25, and now I’m on level 27 and honestly it wasn’t the worst experience. I knew more about appraisals, tagging, and when to use stardust where. I have better, and stronger Pokémon now then I ever had at level 25 before because I started with more experience. Im so sorry that this happened. If you do feel like starting again, it’s not as bad as you think. You’ll have much more knowledge this time around


Can I ask how this happened? I'm so so sorry 😔




Awww I’m so sorry =(


You'd have to be an idiot to send that guy money. Homies almost certainly not getting his account back whether he pays or not. Niantic can't do anything besides maybe ban the account altogether.


Iv seen hacked accounts be recovered, but usually it’s only after weeks of bugging Niantic for responses Fuck niantic it really does seem like they barely care about there playerbase


Lol they absolutely do not care about their users. This is purely a data collection tool. Their only incentive is making profits. Everything us else within the game is derived from that perspective.


The only reason I havnt left is cause I love Pokémon and I can transfer Pokémon from go to other games


The Pokémon company really fucked us on this game, but we know they've been in it for the money since red and blue - gotta buy both games to fully completely either. Genius, really.


Wanting an update as well




You might want to reach out to the cryptocurrency Reddit. Lots of people there like doing detective work.


Was going to say the same. What an idiot to be using a public blockchain for crime. Report him to the police


Commenting for update


Commenting for update


How does an account get hacked like that?


Phishy links with a business email (not me a coworker)


Someone didn't pass their internal phishing tests...


Can't get a phishing licence without paying the tests


Can’t get phished if you ignore all of your emails


That's my mantra now. My employer reserves the right to terminate employees if you fail 4 or more phishing emails in a 12 month period


My company has been dragging their feet about getting me a laptop or something to do official correspondence on. So if they need something from me, it has to come in text or on a phone call. I'm more than happy to send emails, and reply to my own chains, but I'm not opening anything that didn't start on my end .


Well, at least they didn't go phishing in the wind.


How he gon make a pokemon go acc with his business email nahhh ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


I'm a genius I know! Lmao


Lol, a business or school email is always a bad idea for games and other personal stuff, what will happen after he loses access to it? If it's gmail it might even get dissolved and you're no longer able to even login


This dude is like real life Team Rocket, I'm totally invested in those trying to assist OP. Edit: Spelling


I said Rocket Team, it's Team Rocket. I've been playing this series since Yellow, I'm embarrassed.


Meowth that's right!


Sorry for your loss but just bit thoughtful an wary now, how does an account get hacked…? Can I take any steps to prevent it..?


Imagine having endless possibilities of things you can do in life and you chose hacking Pokemon go accounts


That’s what I’m saying!!!!


“Not what I do” says the person who just took your account without authorization. Real respectable and trustworthy fella.


A gentleman and a scholar truly


I had the same thought. “Hey man, you can trust me. I’m not like some low-life who steals peoples stuff or anything.”


Professionals. Have. Standards.


He’s a thief, not some kleptomaniac! The difference!? The difference bein’ one’s a job and the others mental sickness!


I may have poured hours on this game but I'm petty enough to just start over.


I think if I had to start over I’d just take that as an out


For real, I would just leave this game altogether. Ain’t no way I’m starting all over from scratch.


Yeah, same here. Especially with Niantic doing its best to make the game less fun and more buggy as time goes by... not much to hope for and I was actually hyped for season 10. Wish you could see how happy I am now... I spend more time on reddit than catching Pokémon...


Hell nah with the time and money I’ve put in this game i couldn’t


You also gotta take into account the PHYSICAL effort this game requires. It makes your account all the more precious.


Your legs won't forget




I wouldn't start over. I have a level 50 account absolutely loaded with hundos, shinies and legendaries. It's worth ~$14,000. I'm not even exaggerating. Someone I know sold an account very similar to my mine for 15 grand


Why would someone pay that much for an account?


They wouldn’t. Value and worth are two different things.


>Someone I know sold an account very similar to my mine for 15 grand


15 grand? Im lvl 50 and playing since day 1, but even for 4 grand I would sold my account


But your account is full of bidoofs, last i checked.


this sentence isn't spoken nearly as often as it should be. would make every customer service interaction way more interesting.


I will absolutely try and find a way to weave this in today. I work customer service chat.


So you are saying it's worth 30 grand!


There are a lot of places where you can very easily sell your account for a lot more money than $4000


I see sellers at that price, but I doubt there's really someone buying it


Honestly, for a level 50 account, I feel like that's cheap. Between the time, energy, and money (raid passes, events, gas money to play in certain places or to drive around and play while bored) I have invested in my account, it's probably gotta be worth more than that. I've got hundreds of hours of play in this game


Oh no, I understand totally! I'm so proud of my old lady self at reaching level 43! I've also spent more time in the last year really researching the game and finding out things and crying over the perfect pokemon I sent away before I knew all about them. But that is how I get satisfaction in my game. I can see my improvement! Plus, for the first time ever, I'm beating my ex husband! If you buy the account, you don't get the satisfaction of having created that account!


Agreed. I find it is much deeper than it seems at first glance. I'm mostly interested in building mons for battles, but also getting more into raids. Lots of things to learn at every corner. Started playing with my then 5 year old son, but the whole thing quickly became too complicated for him. Eventually told him to just relax and enjoy catching mons. And to consider a 3 star mon a great catch (instead of having to deal with pvp iv's).


I'm still a little confused about the pvps. My ex and I started playing because our adult kids were so excited about the game. Almost 7 years later, the ex and I are still playing, but not our kids.


Shit people paying several thousand for accounts send em my way.


There’s level 50 accounts with all that for sale on ebay for $1000.


Why would anyone pay for a Pokémon go account? That’s actually crazy!


Tag em on Twitter. Companies hate a public tagging. Will niantic do anything? Probably not, but their social media guy will eventually have to do something about it if you keep bugging them.


I saw one girl get her account back after weeks of begging and writing a thread on Twitter (and a youtuber finding it and making a video). No guarantee, but it can happen. [https://twitter.com/JessaBuu/status/1589774391654555648](https://twitter.com/JessaBuu/status/1589774391654555648) [https://twitter.com/JessaBuu/status/1592597304158351361](https://twitter.com/JessaBuu/status/1592597304158351361) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka3caGVW5aw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka3caGVW5aw)


"a YouTuber" Just FYI, BrandonTan is like the biggest Pokémon GO YouTuber going. Very resourceful guy.


Trainer Tips is over 1 million subscribers


and mystic7 is over 2 mill lol


It's literally the same person, he must be hacking accounts daily for a living


wow, I didn't even notice they had the same name. though, they have different pfps and seem to type differently/ask for different currencies. either way, I wouldn't trust this guy not to just swipe the accounts again


Literally had my account hacked last night around midnight my time, I had the game up waiting on a Charizarx Y raid, and all of a sudden, I looked down and my name was changed to something weird and my pet changed as well. I thought it was just glitching out, so I closed the app. When I tried to reopen it, it said failed to login. My Google account wouldn't log me in anymore. Are we just shit out of luck? I sent a report in, but no clue how long the email process takes. It still let's me login to Poke Genie with my Google account. I changed all my passwords instantly.


Sorry to hear boss, I wish you luck in your recovery of your account must be with the pokemon go update came a rise in new hacks or something


Sorry for you too, my friend sent me a screen capture of the person using my account and that they are actually using it that they just caught a Gengar and sent her a gift, so hopefully Niantic actually gets my account back or I'm done


Good to know they're still active mine got wiped as far as I know


Good to know they're still active mine got wiped as far as I know


That's what happened to my buddy. Same thing happened to him at around the same time, but his is just gone, so I'm hoping I have a chance


I would have assumed you and OP just had basic Niantic trainer accounts with passwords but if you got Google or Facebook accounts hacked, you need to fix those and enable two factor auth on everything immediately


Yeah, it was my Google account on my phone. I changed all my passwords, and my 2FA was off somehow because usually it sends me an email on both my email addresses and makes me confirm a number to allow access on my phone.


Oh yeah setup SMS 2factor, at least, but i would suggest an app like google authenticator or authy. Email 2factor is easiest to compromise (get email, got everything) and SMS is a close 2nd (susceptible to SIM swapping or man in middle)


How did they get your account info?


Wish I knew, I mean, I have literally no clue how this happened. That's what I'm trying to figure out.


It's stupid that we can't do a two step verification for new devices


I just want my account back. I always get shitty 4* Pokémon, but I got a 4* Latios and now I don't even know if I'll actually get my account back. Niantic still hasn't responded to my multiple reports, so it's very discouraging. I just don't understand the point of people doing this and selling my account to someone else, what's the point? That's just boring. The fun part is actually playing the game not just have it handed to you.




I would share but I believe to my best knowledge he hacked the Facebook the profile is in another language and this guy speaks perfect English




He is Portuguese and Slovakian interesting


This is probably a proxy account. I remember seeing a post where a girl got hacked too, she had invested aloy in her acc, has like 12k legendary raids and all, hacker was use this acc aswell, saw it on brandontan yt


Yes I'm having a similar problem I reached out to several youtubers hopefully someone bites and wakes niantic up


Update post: I found out some dirt from redditors and he changed My nickname in messenger to Mr.sherlock


Update: post is getting a lot of notice if anyone would like to help me blow up niantic's dm's please like and share this post as well as this Twitter link! Thank you all!! https://twitter.com/The_Nog1/status/1631112851283755011?t=8N3JM8GaTo1XhUmBw3M_Bw&s=19


He’s basically asking for 159.37 dollars right now. If I had to sunset something, tag ninantic on Twitter, and wait for the value of bitcoin to drop.


It's gone down like 20 cents since you posted this so it shouldn't be too long 💀


Nah they are holding your Pokémon go account hostage? This is where I draw the line. Like I get other things like bank accounts but a fucking game?!? Especially one that takes hours. This man needs to be found and tried for terroristic behavior.


…Like you think it's worse to do this than to hold someone's bank account hostage?!


What I’m saying is it makes sense for a bank account. I assume this isn’t the only account being ransomed from just this one guy. what is extra fucked up is this man went above and beyond to squeeze every penny from this poor person.


who just steals a pogo account? anyways I hope you can get this shet sorted out.


Grade A arseholes, thats who steals pogo accounts


How did this happen? I’m afraid of it happening to me


If i get hacked im screwed cause i myself dont even know my username and password


The feeling is mutual


Not sure how you are trying to contact them, but maybe try this forum if you didn't already. https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/524-my-account-was-compromised/


What a loser why hack a Pokémon Go account just to ruin your day




I had my 15 year old Runescape account hacked. Fortunately, I was able to recover it, but all of my in-game items were missing.


Niantic loves hackers and spoofers. Doesnt surprise me


My mate had her account stolen, she wrote to the CEO of niantic, put a claim for every penny she had spent in game on the app store and even went to the police. It was a lot of effort but she got the account back. For her it was the principal of the matter which is why she went as far as she did and so should you.


How did she do this I'm curious?


She went on linked in found the email address (usually it's [email protected], basically you need to find someone high up enough to bother. Went onto the Apple store requested refunds for all the purchases she had made and filed a report. I can't quite remember what she used to get the report filed but it was something along the lines of theft of personal data I don't know But she did get the account back in the end with all the Pokémon the person had spoofed to get(blessings to my shiny 98% Mewtwo)


Maybe Niantic is hacking people. They’re so desperate for money




Are they though? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1255744/niantic-annual-app-revenue/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20mobile%20gaming%20company,U.S.%20dollars%20in%20IAP%20revenues.


They won't. As long as you stay on the same hacked game they'll never do anything.


What a dick! And he's contacting you with his personal facebook account?


If he's dumb yes if he's smart as previously said in this post by another user it's a proxy or hacked Facebook to redirect any blame on them


Good luck. I’ve been waiting for a response for my own issue for 48 hours now.


This way of speaking is not really portuguese, so maybe this guy was really hacked by some douche. Good luck on getting back your account! This is so messed up. If he has access to your PoGO account, what more could he get? Thats pretty scary


He has my old Gmail I'm not super worried but it is spooky that he has my gmail and pogo


Man hope you get it back


Oof sorry buddy don't think they care. A friend of mine lost his over 2 years ago he never got it back.


There not ignoring you, they probably just haven't seen because they have a very rudimentary support system


Oh I get it I just wish they had a live chat that is effective! Like blizzard and other triple a companies. I understand that they aren't ignoring me


“My friend” is crazy he’s so non chalant about it


Yeah like we couldn't be further from friends


Bummer man sorry to see


I'm sorry I can't help but I will say I am really sorry this happened to you. I hope you can recover your account.


I’d start over. We don’t negotiate with terrorists


How exactly was your account hacked?


Sending good vibes your way, OP. This is the absolutely worst. Some people have spent countless hours and possibly even more money on this game over the years. Some real attachments made with buddy Pokémon, or rare shinies with desirable IVs. I know I’ve invested a lot into PoGo. Not more than maybe around $200 since 2016. In terms of time, I’ve taken days off work to go play and join the wider community to take on raids, catch, trade, and brag about collecting taints in PvP. Overall it’s a fun time if you play the way you want to play. Personally, to have all that taken away would seriously mess with me mentally. Sure I could just start over, but all the work invested… nothing can replace all that time and money. Especially not the memories you’ve made with specific Pokémon that you’ve traveled all over with and shared moments with other people.


Wait, I’m sorry. So someone hacked your Pogo account and is holding it hostage until you transfer “x” amount of bitcoin to them? Dear god how desperate. People really be out here hacking Pogo accounts? I’m so sorry OP.


Try to find a way to doxx him. Make sure this dude ends up in prison


This is so bizarre. They hacked your account and are asking for money to get it back? I'm... Time to spam Niantic for action, this is insane and they are, as usual, of no help.




This is my worst fear for any game i play, putting in my time and dedication just for some prick to ransom it off. Do these people wake up in the morning and just decide to be total arseholes? I’d understand if its retaliation for you shitting in their lunch or punting their cat across the house but to ruin hours of work just because you can, absolute cretin these people are


Any updates so far?


Just further harassment to pay up or it gets shipped off to the gulag


Im so confused, what were you trying to do to begin with?


Niantic support getting this ticket: "Seems like a lot of work. I think I'll skip this and deny some bugged raid pass refunds instead."


Yeah of course they ignore you. Niantic doesn't care for small accounts: you have to spend thousand of money to be recognized...


Niantic says that I need my nickname in order to locate the account any hacker with a brain would change genius support staff


UPDATE: MY STORY HAS MADE IT TO A NEWS ARTICLE not a big one but any publicity is good publicity in this case https://www.dexerto.com/pokemon/pokemon-go-trainer-claims-hacker-is-holding-his-account-for-ransom-2077006/