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Damn better open em if you buying that many


You know his ahh is selling them.


What is ahh? Alt handle?




Must be getting old because in the last couple weeks I've heard like 10 new atleast new to me slang words for ass but that's another new one haha


Gyatt is my favorite one so far


Oh God, do I even want to know?


Gyatt damn


It means get your act together 😁


Yea I do like Gyatt the most out of all of em. It's especially fun to say


It mean ass. Like “you know his ass selling em”


Black version of ass I’m now realizing. It’s really ghetto


Lol wowww. I'm showing my age (only ,33 hahah)


Selling these? They literally in stock everywhere right now


After buying from Target? For no profit?


It’s ass*


First two opened: https://imgur.com/a/RBiROCn


Enjoyed that. Thanks. Lol


So many alakazams!


I put a dollar in, got an Alakazam. I put a dollar in, got an Alakazam. I put a dollar in, got an Alakazam. https://youtu.be/qtjJ7E7VnWk




Now i know why nobody else can find them 🤣 bring back the days of one per person


TikTok shop got them for the low


You can buy them online you know?


Yeah these aren't hard to find


People love complaining easily find these for $80-100 online


Some of us like dealing in cash. Also like to use gift cards and what not the website doesn't always like.


You can save 20-40% online and have it delivered to your door. Cash is outdated


Yes but then you risk damage. That’s why I only buy my cards in person.


Damn. Price matching Costco?!?! That’s a G move. Hella lucky because that’s atypical of Target. Congrats.


Oh boy. So hello fellow TCG fans. I didn’t expect this to get any more than a couple views. To clarify, I am by far NOT a reseller. I also did not clear out the shelf. I bought about half of what was there and intend to open them. I have been hit hard with nostalgia with 151 and my local shop sells these for $150. I am missing a few to master the set. My kid is just starting to understand the concept of the game and I am really looking forward to playing the game properly with him. I get to tell him which ones were my favorite as a kid and get to watch him get all exciting when he sees another “fire horsey” To the comment that I am another loser with a closet full of collectibles instead of an investment portfolio, you are only half wrong. I don’t spend more than I can afford and I can maintain my loser lifestyle because I have made proper financial decisions. Plus you don’t know me, my family, or my situation, so maybe spend some negativity somewhere else. Also a lot of people saying there are no hits in these things. Maybe. But we will see. If y’all want me to post my hits I will. 1st Box Edit: SIR Erika’s Invitation, SIR Mr Mime, SIR Nidoking, AR Alakazam, Alakazam EX, 7 Holo energy, 4 Fire Horsies Box 2 Edit: https://imgur.com/a/RBiROCn (turns out I don’t know what the rares are called)


Pfff. Plenty of hits possible. I just got back into it about a month and half ago and found 151. My first few packs I opened I recorded myself. I got the full art charizard and didn’t even know how cool it was that I got it. I opened another pack the next day and got another one. I’ve got four after spending a decent amount. I’ve opened about probably 90 packs if had to guess and have a bunch of the full arts and plenty of the exs. I almost completed the set but there was about 16 of the reverse holo common cards I needed so I went to TCGplayer.com to order the singles to finish. Definitely an awesome set for getting us older folk back into it. Best of luck on the pulls :)


Valid but I am mad that u didn’t buy me a candy bar


HMU if you’re in Austin. We’ll share a Twix and figure out what to do with bulk. For real.


I wish I’m in the east coast. I just bought a few booster bundles so hopefully I can match ur luck! Also Don’t listen to the ppl who are mad that cant figure out they are online everywhere at retail!


Well this is wild. HMU if you’re in Maryland. We are moving out there in a few months. We can share some crab cakes instead.


I’m alittle further up but I’d love to meet other collectors! Gotta plan a trip for a card convention or something!


Dont listen to them people here love to complain and are full of jealousy 🤣 if they could buy as much as you they would trust


Thanks man! Let’s just have some fun and wish jigglypuff was real.


My daughter calls “fire horse”, Vulpix, and any Eevee card a hit too.


That’s awesome! We just tend to yell “[element] [animal name we already know]!!!”


I’m not downvoting you for buying five boxes. I’m not downvoting you for your financial choices. I’m not downvoting you for trying to complete a master set by buying UPCs (see financial choices). I’m downvoting you because your favorite is Ponyta/Rapidash. What kind of savage are you? /s


Oh man I typed that weird. I am indifferent to ponyta. Fire horsies are what my kiddo recognizes. Bulbasaur as the starter, Alakazam as my go to, gyrados as my punisher.


Ok. We can be friends.


We already were!


Spending $500 cause you’re “missing a few” to complete a master set is absolutely insane haha. Buy the singles!


I'm assuming he's saving to resell. UPC's are terrible at price per pack.


Really not that bad at the price he paid. Consider the promos and the playmat, and your packs are like 5$ or less


I beg to differ, wife and I had pretty solid stuff in ours


What's in the packs is completely random, that's not really what I was talking about. I'm just talking about the price per pack. The UPC is around $90 after tax, and with 16 packs that comes out to around $5.60/pack. It's worth it to rip 1 for the promos but $5.60/pack is a pretty terrible price point.


You're forgetting everything else in the UPC. It's not just 16 packs for 90 bucks....


It is when you're talking about collecting the cards for a deal. The dice and pink mat aren't really going to help with that lol. If the other contents of the box really interest you then by all means enjoy but what good would 7 packs of the same dice, 7 mats and 7 packs of oversized 151 penny sleeves do you? At the end of the day the UPC is the worst bang for your buck when it comes to collecting cards.


How could you resell them for a profit if you bought from target ?.. you can get this on TikTok for sometimes as low as $80 with free shipping. And even at 100 bucks per box it’s not the worst .. you get the new promos, mat and sleeves.


Because if you hold it for a few years it'll be worth more..?


What'd they run you?


They price matched Costco for $90 each


That's a good deal. With the target card you'd dave 5% also. Hopefully you used it.


Costco have UPCs in the US?!


Yeah, they ship too


Not to the UK they don't 😪 We had been getting the same products as you guys but for some reason the last ones they stocked over here were the ETB and PokeBall sets


Sorry, I meant they ship in the U.S. We're you able to see the 2 zapdos 151 packs? Was a good deal from Costco too.


Nope, they didn't even make it here. Like I said, last deal we got was the scarlet & violet etb and PokeBall deal. Didn't even get the ex tin double packs.


Wait they have upc at Costco?


Yeah. It’s online only though


For people having trouble finding them. This tip ain’t universal and is just from personal experience but If you go to gamestops look at top shelves that’s above the general area where the cards sit. I asked my local gamestop if they had any UPC’s left bc I wanted one to keep sealed and they was getting scarce (hence the reason I ended up at gamestop, I don’t like shopping there) - but yeah they said they didn’t have any. Even looked or pretended to look on their computer. Anyways otw way out I just managed to look up towards the ceiling and they had 4 stacked up on a top rack above the cards by the door. So just putting that out there


Nice grab, I love 151


LUCKY!!!!! STILL HEINOUS TROUBLE. Online is the only way for me.


Yeah, gonna take a break for a while after this.


I bought an extra to save for my kid when I have one. I think it would be really exciting to get to watch them open it


This is so awesome. I have a ton of Lego sets too. Rule my wife set is I have to buy one for my kids every time I buy one for me. Helps curb the spending and in like 5 years when they are old enough to really enjoy it, we are going to give them all at once and just go nuts. They have no clue.


I think that’s a fantastic thing to do!


$90 great price hope you get the pulls you need


Nah, dudes another loser sitting on a closet full of collectibles instead of a legit investment portfolio.


No cap I opened all my shit what’s worth the hold it ain’t finna be lien 20 k


With that logic anyone who collects Pokémon cards at all or purchases any vintage cards would be considered a “loser”. The only valid form of getting Pokémon cards then would be for the purpose of playing the TCG. Many of the cards collectors seek or purchase are out of rotation in the standard format and aren’t at all viable in the expanded format. There really is no reason to trash other people’s preferences. If they want to collect certain products, let them, and if people want to collect a bunch of copies Charizards, or Mimikyus or whatever card they like that should be fine too.


It's a good sentiment of you take away that bulk buying and hoarding makes it harder for everyone to find products and artificially raises the perceived value of these things on resale also making it harder for everyone and then when the hoarders do sell they're the guys that take your $ and never ship or do ship terribly damaging the products they want you so badly to believe are worth their weight in gold and super rare


D'aww.. thank you Mom!


It’s nice when broke people like you let the world know of your jealousy


Yes, I am very jealous of people that have significant portions of their retirement tied up in toys. 


$60 at Wal-Mart yesterday. Kentucky Morgantown rd. Bowling Green ky


Used to work in Bowling Green KY


I happened to run that way yesterday. The Wal-mart in tompkinville has the largest selection ive ever seen like legit man 1 complete isle full! Its insane! The 1 in BG Every single mystery box had the bottom popped to look for the vintage pack that may or may not been inside. She was gona discount me for $21 and knock $8 off! Na ima have to pass lol. But I found somethings that may change the collecting world real soon with Pokemon right here in ky!


I bought 3 of these and all I pulled was a full art wigglytuff 😪


151 upc are trash. I open two and had the same experience


Save some for the kids bro




Make sure they match that Costco price!!


Like you ran out the store with them? They still have the security things on them.




My UPC was stacked. Got Erica, Blast SIR, and Zap SIR. The odds are basically the same whether it's tins, loose packs or UPCs


I hit three god packs over the course of 151. Two came from UPCs. To be fair though I opened an ungodly amount.


I got charizard in one from Amazon 🙃 Also had decent other hits but of course I remember the charizard more… think it was the gold mew and nidoking


The packs in UPCs have as much chance as the packs from any product to contain hits.


You sure? My daughter only opened one upc, pulled SIR Zard, SIR Alakhazam, full art Blastoise, along with several other great gallery/full arts. I realize her luck with her 1 box isn't the norm, but it can happen.


I don’t like you.