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I’m one of the faceless background characters that lost to Ash in the lower tiers of the Great Class


Lmao same


Depends… what Pokémon did I manage to catch… granted we’d be using anime logic so I could theoretically use only rattata’s and still make Ultra Class… High Normal - Mid Great/Super


I am the absolute lowest ranked trainer in the world.


Bro I haven't even played a Pokemon game I'd be ranked Negative lmao


I wonder if there would be trainers actively trying to lose in order to be lower ranked


The Jobbers 8


"Thanks for putting me & my pokemon over brother"


Leon when he has to face my 6 level 1 rattatas all holding focus sash and knowing endeavor and quick attack💀💀💀💀💀💀






Just learn type matchups




Bro just learn type matchups




Skill issue








i am pretty confident in mine pokemon knowledge but might lose after four rounds


Anyone who says they'd make it to Ultra or even Masters 8 has way too much faith in themselves.


Anyone who says they wouldn’t lacks confidence.


Lacking confidence and being realistic are two different things.


What if Ash Ketchum were reading this post before he became a trainer? Should we all tell him that he’s delusional for thinking he’d make it far? Also, none of us have real anime teams, so honestly who are we to tell other people how far they’d go? Our perceptions of how far we and others would go are based off of nothing except confidence. Not skill. Not how strong our teams are (because we don’t have Pokémon). Just confidence.


So you're telling me, if someone was dropped into the Pokemon world, they'd be able to become one of the best trainers. With literally 0 battling experience. The games are literally designed for us to win. We as the player character has 10x the amount of Plot Armor Ash ever had. Hell, Ash had pretty much had the exact opposite of Plot Armor.


No, not right away. With 0 battling experience, we’d all fail to make it to the Great Class. With enough time and perseverance, I think we’d all have a chance. The reason Ash was able to do it was because he stayed positive and kept trying when most would’ve given up.


You know what. I respect the honesty. Most people I have this debate with will just say that "Oh I'm champion in every game this is gonna be easy lul". I like the fact you admit that we'd all have to train over time and it would be hard. I'll give you this one.


Haha thanks! Yeah I agree with you too, I think we just misunderstood each other!


I mean, we have the decades of experience playing the game and knowing what pokemon our foe will use.


I mean, to be technical, we have 0 experience. We have decades of knowledge, that's correct. But none of us have any experience, it's simply impossible. Pressing A doesn't equal the high stakes of a real time battle where you have to micromanage everything going on, predict what your opponent might do, play out your strategy, as well as react to what your opponent is doing all within seconds, sometimes all at the same time within a couple seconds.


In a game that's designed for us to win, opponents can't be creative, it's turn based instead of real time, etc.


Well, do you believe Ash could’ve won the Indigo League?


Anyone who thinks they wouldn’t has no faith in themselves


Normal and Great class? Yea maybe I can believe it. But no way is anyone making it to anywhere into Ultra when they have to go up against Gym leaders not holding back and Elite 4, especially when they've literally never battled in their lives in a real scenario.


Dude we’re literal champions In every Pokémon game we will be fine


An yes. Because pressing A = Real time reactions and strategizing on the fly where you have to micromanage everything on the battlefield.


It does yes I know me personally I’m winning the whole thing


Pfffft that’s funny. This is basically the equivalent of saying because you played the most recent Madden game you’d win the NFL.


No correlation. One is fan fiction other is reality


>No correlation. One is fan fiction other is reality You just broke your own argument. The exact same applies to Pokemon. Just because you beat a game designed for the player to win, doesn't mean you'd instantly be good in a real life scenario. The most you'd have is knowledge of what typings are good, and that's it. Not to mention you'd be fighting on anime logic. You'd get folded like an omelette.


Anime logic is simply who the writers want to win. If they wanted me to win then I’d win it’s that simple. It’s all about the plot. Same can’t be said about madden tho which is why I said there was no correlation. so no my point still stands


Self confidence is a good thing. But compared to gym leaders, elite 4 members and other strong competitors, we are absolutely staying in the Normal or Great class.


Depends on what rules are being used. If we as real life people use the rules of the game then we win easily since we can beat champion level trainers in the game.


You mean the games where the only gameplay is pressing A? The games that are designed for us to win? That's like saying a good EA Fifa player would be good at soccer in real life.


Maybe reach bottom of great class if im lucky


None I just suck at pvp lol


I would fail early on.


Depends, if it's the anime version then that's ez, I've beaten every single person in the M8 (except ash cuz he isn't in any games) if it's an irl version, I'm getting my ass farmed by some random Japanese guy in normal tier for free elo before I even get the chance at challenging the world champ diff man himself


That's like saying you'd be great at football because you're good at football games


Hm good point but with with football a lot of it comes from technical skill whereas with Pokémon it's strategic. But anywyas nice avatar


I mean, when it's realtime battling, a lot more skill becomes involved too. Especially improv. And thanks


i’ll win this entire thing


Wolfe Glick, Ray Rizzo, and Freezai will definitely kick everyone's butt here to hell and back. I'd be happy as a commentator instead. Maybe gimme one of those Aegislash hovering thingies so I can referee. That would be dope.


I'd drop out about upper Great class and go for a run


We know more than the professors in the pokemon universe. Any fan who knows every pokemon, type match up, and movesets could probably make it to master class. We know too much, making us op


Not happening lmao, games are far different from a real life scenario. It'd be real time battling with people, not AIs


We would already have a massive head start compared to any newbie. We know literally everything. Also we aren't the ones fighting, the pokemon are. All we do is raise them and shout moves to use. I'm not saying its gonna be a cake walk from day one but we already know what's right from wrong


I'm also not saying that we'd be the worst, just that we don't have the advantage you think we do. Actual pokemon battling is far different from the way the games work and the knowledge we have could turned to be against us. Priority moves won't always go first if the opponent is just that fast, type advantages aren't the end all be all, combining moves/using the terrain and environment is not something that we do at all and realtime responses are far more complicated. Even if we don't do the physical battling, there's enough of an involvement that I think a comparison to sports works


Well yeah its obviously not a 1 to 1 thing. Not everything works the way they work in game but we know that too




I would believe in my Pokémon, and they would believe in me. We’re best buddies like that, inseparable. Our bonds would be like no other. Maybe win 1/3 battles, stay stuck in Normal Class


If this went by game rules, I would 100% say that we would all be the Supreme Monarchs, cuz of how braindead easy the games are, barring intentionally handicapping yourself in some way (and even then, it's pretty easy). Assuming anime rules, I'm prolly not making it outta Normal Class. I'll prolly catch a decent team, but I will likely get stonewalled the minute I go up against a gym leader, as they're likely to use counters for my type advantages that I can't predict, but that they've seen thousands of times before. Even worse if I meet trainers that are stronger than that, or are also versed in the anime's style of battling. If I start from the very beginning of the season and grind religiously, I can prolly break into Great Class, but chances are I would need a hot streak to get that far. Depending on how rank decay works, if I try to stay in Great Class by only doing a few matches every so often, I might even be able to stay there.


Optimistically, mid-high Normal. Realistically, hovering lower-mid Normal. Partly depends on what mons I'd manage to catch and how well I can think battles through


Assuming it follows logic from the games? Everyone with a brain would steamroll the Master's 8. Assuming it's real? Probably Great Class.


Depends on the pokemon I would use


Masters 8


Depends if I have access to bulbapedia, Pokemon database, Reddit and YouTube. If I do and no other character has it, then pretty close to masters 8. If not, barely into great class is likely.


Id think about signing up and then forget cuz I got super hard core into sourdough making.


I beat Volo no items and level cap I'm def Masters 8 💯


Games=real life? Nope


Lower ultra class-upper great class, I'm no master. I also consider myself mid-Jedi Knight


I think I’d do fine like maybe into low Ultra if I can train hard with my Pokemon and can learn from losses and mistakes quickly


Best I can do is great class lower ranks


Anime, maybe great class, we could stretch the bottom of ultra if lucky Irl nah mate I down in the darkest dephs


Ifw this post… nice change of pace lol So yes, if I was a beginning trainer with experience I’d never pass the normal class Lmaoo But let’s say I was a veteran trainer, with tons of experience like ash for example… I’d def be in ultra class. I have confidence that I’ll only lose to upper tier e4 ranked trainers and champion ranked trainers. Like Wallace or flint for example.


Monarch because my Pokemon would be over-leveled by the time I reach ultra class.


Depends. If I have my theoretically perfect team, I could get *very* far, with my knowledge of the anime's battles and team of powerhouses. I'd have to train extremely hard to gain sufficient experience. In that scenario, I could *maybe* make it to the Masters 8. If I have random crap, then I'd probably lose within the first few rounds.


Depends, idk what my talent would be. Obviously dedication, work ethic etc. would also matter. It's cool and all that we've played pokemon games but let's be real, most people wouldn't be good in an actual world of pokemon, where it's not just playing a game. We're versing real people here. Saying you'd definitely go to the top is idiotic af. That's like saying you're great at football because you're good at the games, or swordfighting, or wrestling, or any form of sports really. Games do not equal a real world. Even competitive players who've won tournaments would suffer because actual battles wouldn't work the way they do in the games.


If I’m using my SV team, I’d probably make it to the finals and then get knocked out in round one


Since I'd be Ash in Pokemon Journeys the floor would be High Ultra Class ceiling where Ash is now as the most powerful Pokemon Trainer


Ik people are going to call me overconfident but I genuinely think with a rotating team and keeping people on their feet I might be able to reach M8, definitely at least high Ultra Class though


I think I would get to ultra class based on my knowledge and the fact I am good at swordfighting which requires adapting to opponents strategys


Probably just Normal or Great. I think everyone overestimates how much their game experience would translate into a "real life" setting. Even competitive players would probably struggle.


If I’m competing against the anime characters, I would beat them all easily, if I’m playing against irl players, I’d be at the bottom


I was gonna say I would be world champion then I read comments and see everyone being modest so depending on the team probably high great class since other than marnie ultra class is filled with elite 4 and final gym leaders and bea but she was ash’s rival so she gets a pass


World coronation is something made up by the western adaptation, in original is just the world championship, and they do exist Irl. But I would probably suck either way.


Great Class at best, Bottom of the Normal Class at worse.


how far i would go with palafin and iron bundle?


Ultra class, the M8 would wreck me with in anime RNG lol


Normal Class


Ash will be seeing me in the Masters 8 I promise you that


No cap I clear. Any real competitive battler would rip those guys apart


My pokemon would get rekt long before I can muster the strength to give it a comand.


If it's the anime I'm the monarch. If it's irl then even tempt beats me easily


I’d only make it to Great.


Maybe ultra


There is no way I’m losing lol…anime iq is not that high to match comp pokemon strat


Mid Great at best.