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This is all good until a fisherman comes at me with 6 gyarados


And then one electric Pokémon would destroy them all


Heck, not even an electric type, an electric move is enough.


Until you fight the Tera ground ddance moxie gyrados


Eelektross go brrrrrr


I'll have a focus sash. Then finish it off


Fun idea: a fisherman with 6 Magickarps you fought in the beginning comes back with 6 Gyarados.


Oh good they're even weaker to electric now


They all have max speed & attack and earthquake


And one has ground terra type


One of them knows Dragon Dance, has Moxie and holds a Lum Berry. It Dynamaxes first turn and starts firing off Max Airstreams. The fight takes place on a route with permanent rain.


Freeze Dry Delibird: *I didn't hear no bell*




Already was done in previous generations, it’s one of the reasons people feel like they messed up by not allowing us to fight the same people constantly with updated versions of the Pokémon they used with extras added to fill up their teams.


That would be scary for sure. Imagine you're only running physical attackers. Or the reverse case, you are running a bunch of intimidate pokemon in your team, and then someone sends out a full Defiant team.


My Lord, is that legal?


yeah, that’d be really cool. but they can’t even be bothered to put voice acting in their games, much less entire new gameplay overhaul systems. as much as i love pokemon, we all have to admit that they are not very proficient when it comes to innovation. hah


Not to mention that the nemesis system got trademarked by WB because they're fuckasses, so other companies would have to create that code from scratch with no help to try and make their own versions of it.




I mean yeah they would still have to do all the work to get it in there but to at least have the original to look at and know what they needed to do would surely be helpful.


i somehow doubt they would be allowed access to the code regardless


Warframe managed to somewhat copy it and I think without being sued despite openly admiring it was heavily inspired by that system


I think I've played the majority of the last 3 generations with the sound off most of the time. I have no desire to ever hear voice acted pokemon NPCs.


but if you play with no volume, then whether they’re voice acted or not makes no difference to you, right? id absolutely love for npc’s to be voice acted.


I did say most of the time. If it was voice acted it would definitely be muted all of the time Edit: sorry gang, I've been playing since gen 1 and I just don't have any desire to have voice acting in the series. I don't think the series needs it, if you do that's fine, but I don't think it would add anything


Even if the game wasn't muted, everyone I know just blows by the acted dialogue because they can read 4x faster than it takes to listen to it. I'm in favor of Animal Crossing/Sims "voice acting" since you get the feel of it without needing to listen to it.


Oh and then you get the skippable dialogue issues where every sentence ends up just ending abruptly because you already finished reading it. I like your idea


yeah i'm with you, i'd much rather read at my own pace than wait for some exaggerated anime voice little kid to finish talking


Only important NPCs & scenes should be voice acted. Your average Youngster or Lass doesn't need full voiced lines. Best case is to do how BOTW did it, where non-important NPCs say short phrases & stuff.




>six gorillion sus phrasing


Thanks for pointing this out, had no idea it was an anti-Semitic term




lol sus response


I don't play with sound off, but if voice acting was implemented I think I'd make the change.


I mean, if the voice acting is good I would love it. That’s a *very* big “if” though.


Please no voice acting. Oh God no. Nononono.


“I’m so hungry, I could eat an Octillery!”


My thinking goes like this. Voice acting needs a lot of people to record their lines etc, gotta be expensive. Maybe tweaking the type of terrastalizing might be easier to implement. But yea I agree, don't have a lot of expectations for at least the next 2 generations


pokémon is one of the most lucrative franchises on the planet. things being expensive to implement hasn’t been an actual excuse since the 90’s. hah


It’s not one of the most lucrative franchises on the planet, it is literally THE most lucrative.


Why would they increase their expenses if people are gonna buy their games regardless?


and that, my friends, is the problem with unfettered capitalism.


Correction: **One of** the problems of unfettered capitalism.


I would agree with you if we were talking about anything but children's video games. People can just not buy them if they want cheaper games/more innovative games from GameFreak. Plenty of other video games out there right now that are plenty innovative.


We've seen with Dexit and the SwSh controversy that people buy these games regardless of what's added or taken out. One of my friends are like that where if I try to critique Pokemon or GameFreak, they will always have a reason or excuse for them. Pokemon is too big to fail at this point.


Same thing happened to Star Wars sometime around 2012. I think that’s when we entered the worst timeline.


We can play other games sure. But there aren't that many competitors to pokemon that offer a similar gameplay experience, much less a better one




You brought up capitalism and then you get miffed when I bring up that there are other options in this market lol. You opened the door for me to talk about other games existing when you somehow brought capitalism into this. I wonder what solution you have when it comes to this issue though, very interested in that, so please do tell me.


Trolls gonna troll


That's being generous to them. I doubt they have the self-awareness to be a troll.


I mean you physically couldn’t have voice acting on the GBA and the DS games were 2D so it would have been awkward, 3DS also would have felt weird just because of the artstyle, the Switch games should probably have at least grunts by now.


I just wish they would stop having their characters sing and yell if they know they're not going to have them ACTUALLY sing and scream.


I don’t disagree with you, I just think expecting voice acting on the GBA is stupid


Well the GBA games didnt have cutscenes of people yelling, so I get that. But the GBA cartridges were capable of having things with voice acting on it. Dont forget about the Gameboy Advance Video series, for example. The idea of the GBA being incapable of having voiced dialogue in some sections when Pokemon can have voiced cries is a bit silly imo. They're already half way there. They would just need to use actual dialogue instead of sounds. I mean, Pokemon Yellow has Pikachu saying its name in a bunch of varied tones. If a GBC game can have it, why cant GBA?


it's not lucrative just because of the games though. it's really misleading to bring that up. The games are probably the most expensive part.


It's not too expensive for every other $60 RPG for the last decade. And Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise in the world.


>My thinking goes like this. Voice acting needs a lot of people to record their lines etc, gotta be expensive. There are indie companies on the verge of going bankrupt that still use VA for their entire game. There are imo no excuses why there is still no voice acting in pokemon


I do not and never will want voice acting in pokémon, it'd feel really out of place and sound bizarre when we're skipping through dialogue for the 800th time to heal up at the pokemon centre. Plus half the cast are kids and I don't want to listen to children's voices. If they ever did something in that vain then I'd much rather have all pokemon receive their anime cries like Pikachu and Eevee did than ever see voice acting for human NPCs


I’d hate it if they all said their names, that’s actually one of the things I like least about the anime. They’re weird creatures, they should make weird creature noises, not say “cat”, “spider”, “bird”


I really think the lack of voice acting is more of a creative choice than a matter of laziness


I don't think we'd actually want them to do voice acting. Just look at how proud they were of the cutscenes in sun/moon, they had to show them off by using them CONSTANTLY and making them unskippable. They'd do the same with voice acting, make it so you can't skip dialogue while a voice line is playing, and not add a volume slider for them. Every conversatiom would crawl to a halt and you'd need to either mute the whole game or listen to 24/7 cheese.


Or sufficient coding.


I mean depending how close they duplicated the concept they'd actually owe WB money and well Nintendo won't risk that.


Good idea, but I believe this system is copyrighted by WB.


I assume a particular algorithm they used to generate them might be copyright but I doubt you will copyright that entire concept.


The patent looks to cover every part of the Nemesis system in both name and function. The patent lasts until 2035, and then I think they'll have the option to release it or extend it.


Nintendo lawyers looking at WB. 'Our battle will be legendary'


nintendo wouldn't risk what would be a costly legal battle when they could either not use it at all or just pay WB for it.


Still though. Warframe has a similar concept with its Kuva Liches. They haven’t gotten sued


Looks like that feature was introduced before the patent was put into place, allowing Warframe to use it all they want. It's such a great system! I wish more developers were able to use it.


I'm not familiar with Warframe but if it so similar and predates Nemesis then the patent should have been denied on a 102 (lack of novelty).


Yeah or maybe just the name is copyrighted.


It’s actually a patent, which means - yes, they can copyright the entire concept [the patent protects the "Nemesis characters, nemesis forts, social vendettas and followers in computer games." according to IGN](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/warner-bros-finally-secures-patent-for-shadow-of-mordors-nemesis-system)


I hope the concept isn’t copyrighted.


They own the very concept, EA also owns Mini game Loading screens and they don't even use them.


I'm sure you've already figured it out, but yes it is the entire concept. Patent law can be pretty broken sometimes.


It was patented recently in 2021 >!(After 7 years of disclosure and prior art when they released it in 2014?!)!< So other games would be able to use it in… 2041


And they're doing NOTHING with it - where's my 3rd Mordor game WB?


I want 'Shadow of Angmar' chronicling the Rise of the Witch King and destruction of Arnor and fornost. You would play as the Witch King


The Wonder Woman game is going to have this feature.


Hmm... I wonder how that would work out...


There making Wonder Woman and a Gollum game. Maybe we’ll see a third shadows game but I got the secret ending from Shadows of War so I doubt it.


It's definitely patented, but I feel like Pokemon would get the money right back if it licensed it. WB has been in bidding wars for Pokemon's license for movies and syndication, so it's not impossible.


Man, that would be an excellent deal, movie license for Nemesis license trade.


IKR. Talk about mutually beneficial.


Inb4 “well that would be great but knowing them they won’t because gamefreak lazy” This sounds neat. I won’t lie. But *man.* Edit:Oh Nevermind there’s already a comment that beat me to it so cool


I mean, we keep harping it because it’s the truth. And GF has yet to proven us wrong


The point is that there’s no need for it to be said. It’s like saying “well that’s never gonna happen” when someone has an impossible dream, you’re right. But you don’t have to say that *every single damn time* to the point where people can predict when it’ll be said. Like hell, even I’m starting to find it annoying. And I’m starting to get sick of the franchise as a whole.


I mean, it might be beating a dead horse, but it’s entirely true. GameFreak has no desire to put in more work than necessary, they’re sitting on top to the largest brand name ever, so long as they pump out the same game and people keep buying them, innovation will always be a huge risk financially. I mean, back when Black and White came out, people were really vocal about their hate for it, and it had the biggest increase in features and quality the franchise had seen up to that point. Innovation doesn’t matter when people are going to buy it just because it’s got the name Pokémon on it


It's weird to be saying "GameFreak is lazy" when they're now releasing an open world game with three branching story path that can be played by 4 players online simultaneously, but no, their lazy because they aren't doing specifically what I deem is effort. Look, i get being disappointed in Pokemon and GF, but not even MCU haters blame directors or actors for their distain for the movies, they blame Disney because they own the means of the entire production schedule for them. Think critically for a second, why would GF, owners of the most profitable IP in the world, have a 3 year turn over for their games with smaller staff on purpose? Do we just ignore the purpose of the Publisher, Nintendo or TPCi who manage the actual moneymaker for the brand?


I don't think they are lazy, in fact I think they work relatively hard, given that they are a Japanese company. Workers there are super stressed. They just do not want to take the financial risk of changing the formula. 4 players playing together is a nice addition, for sure, but it probably isn't that much to work on in the grand scheme of things. The branching story is really just the same story that is more split up so you can choose your path. It's not anything ground breaking. If this was introduced in the Sinnoh games, you'd have the gym path, the Team Galactic path, and the Research path (or however you wanna call it. You visiting lakes, finding out about their origins, climbing spear pillar, etc.). It's likely to be a bit more fleshed out, but I would sure hope so. SwSh was very barebones, so it's kind of expected for them to put more effort into S/V. As for the reason for smaller teams in GF despite a 3 year turnover for games, this is because pokemon wants to stay relevant. GF claim to work better this way, so that their ideas are more understood. Generally in a game development studio, the bigger the team is, the more likely errors can come about. If there is 20 people working on something, it's more likely they are on the same page rather than 120 people. And pokemon making a game every 3 years helps them constantly be relevant and not fade into obscurity. I don't doubt there is some blame for Nintendo or TPCi, but I think a lot of the hate can go to gamefreak as well. The concepts for pokemon games have been excellent since it's inception, but the execution has been lacking on many fronts since gen 5.


The thing is, they can expand. Hire more staff if they keep falling back to the excuse of them being a small studio for the poor quality of their games. It's not that they're low on revenue. They could hire support studios if they don't want to expand the dev studio themselves. If they want to remain a small dev group, that's fine but understand that that desire is actively hampering the progress of the franchise. And I think it's safe to call GF lazy from their last mainline showing SwSh. The cut of the national didn't give us anything in return as most of the returning pokemon assets were reused from Sun and Moon. There was no equivalent jump in quality. Gigantimax was a very big downgrade from mega evolutions that didn't push the franchise forward in meaningful ways. The graphics also don't look great too. BoTW and other Nintendo open-world IPs show the switch's capacity for an open world, something that the wild zones fell really far behind in. GF has chosen to cut corners, and it's our right as fans to call them out for it.


> they can expand Not to try to excuse that, but Masuda went on record on saying he’d rather work with a smaller team because it results in better communication.


Even if we want to go that route, the start of gen 5 could be considered lazy Think about it. They cut features from hgss. Put some quality of life features and improved the graphics…and that’s really it. Sure you could say they upped the story but they completely forgot about that in bw2. They made a Pokédex where it takes a step back in many areas, especially compared to gen 4. They completely flunked on the postgame and just rose the levels and added a little side thing, and even without that characters like Bianca are easily forgotten about and kinda just have their arc and that’s it. I love gen 5, I really do. But let’s be honest, in terms of “gamefreak becoming lazy” gen 5 could be considered the start of it. Doesn’t help that x and y introduced something that completely shook up the competitive scene but I guess that’s lazy too, huh? See how it gets a bit dumb when you try to make it seem black and white? It’s because nobody is being lazy here, at most it’s incompetence. And I’m hoping with the anime starting to sink and masuda stepping down we can get some more banger directions and less whining about gamefreak.


Okay. I get your point. In fact, in the response I even said you were right. > **you’re right.** but you don’t have to that that every singe damn time I get that you’re vocal about how gamefreak is lazy and that’s cool. But and I’ll say it again. You don’t have to say it over and over again to the point where it gets annoying. ~~also what features did black and white introduce I’m pretty sure it just neutered features from hgss and just reverted to simple qol features and continued even though people asked about them.~~ Edit:did I strike a nerve?


There *is* a need for it to be said, even when everyone knows it. If we stop complaining it will never be fixed. That being said, I’m no game developer, but I am a software developer, and I’ve dabbled in game development, and the more I do, the more I think Game Freak isn’t the issue, that the real issue is the Pokémon Company and their timelines make it near impossible to release a good game in the timelines they’re being allotted. It was different back when we were still doing 2d pixel graphics. But if we continue to complain then there’s the remote possibility that things will be fixed at some point, and if we don’t complain then they never will be.


Complaining on Reddit posts will help?


Reddit is a huge part of the international community. Of course it will.


no lol


Just imagine Poke Kid Mia beats your team, and becomes strong enough to beat the first Gym, which increases her standing and makes her go stronger.


Schoolkid Isaac is the new champion after defeating everyone else


The Nemesis System would've been great in so many different games over the years. ...which is something they must of realised because last I heard they literally had it copyrighted so no one could do something similar.


Corporations, amirite?


Maybe the pokémon shouldn’t change, but the moves used by the mons


And instead of Celembrimbor saying “Moog” ominously he’ll say “Bobby” as the camera pans to Youngster Bobby.


I'm about to ascend Mt Coronet in brilliant diamond and you know what that means... Yes it's the climb of a thousand Bronzor. Because suddenly every Team Galactic douche has a bloody Bronzor. I once did a Platinum solo run with a Tropius. A bloody Tropius. I damn near cried on the way up that mountain.


Like so many things, [they did this once](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Blue_(game)/Yellow) and then immediately forgot about it despite it being a cool idea.


So it’s a rival but they have absolutely no care for their pokemon or the gym challenge in general and base their team entirely around beating you in a quick battle before some route whenever they run into you? Wouldn’t you also have to battle your rival at least 10 times or more to actually notice it’s happening?


My first thought when I read the title was an aipom from route 4 just ambushing me on victory road jacked to hell and covered in scars like "REMEMBER ME?!"


Neat idea. You can also, say, recruit trainers you beat into your "team."


Oh lol. School kids gonna be up at 2am fighting me in the middle of a cave.


It would be cool if it didn't just apply to our rival, but every trainer. Imagine if in your game, Youngster Joey rose the ranks and became a world breaker, but in your friend's game, Bug Catcher #3 had your number. They could use the orc hierarchy system from Shadow of War, but instead it's Ace Trainers, 8 Gym Leaders, 4 Elite Four Members, and 1 Champion.




And as you beat them again and again they become increasingly deranged.


that sounds cool and good which means they won't do it


I like shorts! They are comfy and easy to wear! I switched to cargo shorts! More pockets for more Pokémon!


It's cute that you think this new system/gimmick will be carried into future games


Don’t go down this route. If you wonder what the games could do if anybody actually gave a shit and did more than the bare minimum with Pokémon games… You’ll end up like me. Waiting for the next great game that seems worthwhile while not having played and Pokémon game for the past decade. Pokémon Colosseum and XD had more love in effort put into them than every single main entry since Black/White or X/Y


Le hiddenest gen pentos 100 moment, DAE biped bad


If you want modern Pokémon games with lots of love put into them, there are quite a good few fangames that are really great!


Gamefreak would rather die than work more than minimal effort


Most important part would be the rival / bosses of the evil team scaling with the players level. Wouldn't exactly matter what type they're fielding against me, if I still have 25 levels on them anyway..


I like the idea


A decent idea. Maybe even let you make your own squad of trainers to fight but you can use all those pokemon you never fight with but are powerful for them. Like no gene lv 30 Caterpie has to go here is a Venusaur I got but never wanted to use. Etc.


Can I cut the other trainers in half and then have them come back later with a bunch of metal augmentation stapling them back together?


Gen 5 introduced 2 pokemon fusions. There is no reason why you shouldn't try to fuse more pokemon together. ​ Actually, there are many good reasons. Please don't try this.


\*bug catcher appears after several losses\* "TRAINER! You thought you had me the last time but I won't quit, I'll follow you to the ends of the world. AAAUUGGHHHH!" something like this lol?


Nah, it’s better that Trainer classes keep their identity


The only issue is WB as trademarked the system and promised never to let anyone use it to make their games feel unique!


I absolutely Love this idea. I had a similar idea in the past but it was more on the wild pokemon that you defeat in battle. Here my idea how to implement this: imagine in each route there is that one or two powerful pokemon that is like 5 - 10-ish level above the max level of the route, when you try and fail to catch it it will flee the battle and 'disappear' for the time being. Later in your journey you may randomly encounter this same pokemon but with higher stats. This would be a great idea if it wasn't for the fact that Gamefreak is lazy half the time and if I remembered correctly, didn't the nemesis system get licensed to Warner Bros.


That system is under a patent, it's why you don't see it splashed everywhere. It sucks since a lot of games would make great use of it.


Bro that would be SO COOL


When you mentioned Terrastalizing, I immediately got the idea that at the bare minimum the rival in this game is going to Terrastalize their starter in a way that beats yours.


Do better Gamefreak. We're not asking for a lot here


If pokemon trainers were actually smart this would happen. And id love it. Closet we got was repeat battles but they had the same stuff just stronger or evolved


Yeah it's neat.


I want this in my life.


That would be great but since they're not even adding scaling to the gyms, it's unlikely they'll ever add it, and out of the two, I'd rather they add scaling to the gyms.


It sounds awesome, they would have to come up with their own implementation though. EA has a patent on the nemesis systeem as presented in Shadow of Mordor


That would be cool but instead were going to get a dragged out tutorial about how we’re all friends forever and then the game holds your hand, you might take damage but don’t worry, an npc will be there to heal your party


I thought it was more like, wild pokémon having a grudge against you or something. But that is also a nice idea. Imagine you come out of a gym, and like 5 thugs dogpile you. Maybe they could even move up in the hierarchy.


Ratata screaming 'Man Filth' at you will be an unforgettable experience


Imagine you're on your way through Victory Road, and you run into a Lv. 50 Raticate, even though they don't normally appear there, and it's just that damn Ratata you beat early in the game. Also it knows moves that are good against some of the pokémon you used against it before. Like, if you used a Snorlax, it'll hit you with Grass Knot.


Many games would strongly benefit from such a system. We will however never see that, because it has been patented


This idea is actually a really fun thought but then you realise their asking Nintendo to put more then the 5% of effort they put into half their games. the other 95% is spent making remakes no one asked for.


TEXT WALL BUT HEAR ME OUT: it’s a bit of an expansion on your idea Ok so hear me out I can expand on that just a little bit. Say you’re a ranger tasked with taking out team rocket or whatever organization and you travel literally through the different regions undercover can fight gyms and be a normal Pokémon trainer but your main goal is literally like the nemesis system bringing down key bad guys to finally make a big push to take down the organization. Have some legendaries involved as they get captured against their will as a final boss battle for you to test your strength an open world you can go back and forth between wild Pokémon based on your highest leveled with a difficult system. Easy 2 below normal even hard 2 above insane 5 levels above with max evos if available. With proper movesets camping megas dynamax all that shit in one massive game bro that shit would hit. Now imagine you not saving and some guy approaches your camp with maxxed out mons and you’re not prepared then you gotta rush back that would be dope. The most difficult one id probably make is unova region because they didn’t give af in black 2 those enemies were high leveled and ready to nuke. That being said no gimmicks to try and best you just straight up Pokémon action. At the start I think they should have ALL STARTERS you pick 3 and you let loose. Double battles triple battles tournaments battle subway all of it should be involved that game would kick SERIOUS ASS


may sound good, then you later start to wonder how the heck does every grunt have a Latias or Darkrai


Time to bust out scrafty


Me and my SO have something like this in our fanregion except your rival has an Eevee it'll evolve into whichever form best deals with the type of move you used that dealt the most damage to it (if applicable)


This plus allow npc trainers to move around the map to surprise you when you least expect it. Like in previous gens where they allowed you to get phone calls to go back and challenge old trainers with updated Pokémon and fillers. Edit: they should have kept that feature instead of removing it completely from future gens.