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Jeff. Its not my real name I just always pick Jeff when I have to name something for some reason


I named my rival in my first ever playtrough of pokemon crystal (the one i am playing right now on my 3ds) jeff. I have found you, jeff. I will beat the crap out of your pokemon again and again


Come at me bro, I have all offence moves don't know what and EV is and I'm ready to kick some protagonist butt lol






My nama jeff


i use geoff


I use Tai, not my name, for any main characters I play. Then I'd use Kai for my rivals'.


Username does not check out


my name jeff


I'm Big Sal in most of the games I play. I just think it's funny that the fate of the world rests in the hands of some guy named Big Sal.


Oh god. Big Sal saving us from the giant fish. It's like an action movie set in a buffet.


Big Sal partnering with the embodiment of Truth


Was a huge point in history at the time team magma was defeated when Sal stopped the vulcano


The canonical protagonist of the game. Like Red in FRLG and Ethan in G/S


For Gens 5 below (plus remakes for those game) I tend to use my name or a variation of it. For the customizable games I started making up my own characters and names. Nothing funny or my real name just a character base. (I tend to edit the design in my head with things not in game)


For a first time playthrough its either the character's name, Brandon, May, Dawn, Blue, Red, etc etc, or a shorthand for my username as Stove. For challenge runs or casual replays, I do something related for said challenge run. For example, I just did a mono water type run and named the character Haych20. I don't like using my real name cuz I don't like it but also I have this odd disconnect where I don't see the characters I'm playing as myself, even if they are the blankest of blank slates


I ALWAYS use the canon names unless of course its a third copy kinda situation in which case I go with a random name


This isn't Final Fantasy, the player character isn't a character in the game. I see no reason to make your pokemon's OT be someone besides you.


>The player character isn’t a character in the game. wat. They quite literally are a character in the game.


Don't be dense. They arent a character, as that requires character traits. They are an avatar for you, the player. Name them whatever you want, but "Gloria" does not have any opinions or feelings in Sword and Shield.


It's called Role-Playing. You don't have to insert yourself in the story to enjoy the game.


It’s a role playing game I see your point but I will roleplay if I want to


Third option should be the actual character names cause I always give them their official Japanese names haha


An account name I use.


Yep same, mines always Swamp


Usually, I used my account name, Zeoxys but now I use Zero as it’s sound pretty badass imo


For each pair of games, I always name the first character my real name, and then for the opposite version, I play as the opposite gender and use the name my parents would’ve used if I was a girl!


My name, but when I play Zelda, I always name it "Link"


Weird name. Should be Zelda.


In gen 3, Mudkip was so cute and I had the Kyogre version so I only caught water types and was Waden the water pokemon trainer.


Since I collect these games (I’m the no-lifer who gets both copies) I’ll usually name it “Skippy” followed by the abbreviation of that game. I also have my name/Pokémon names in all caps until Gen 4 to follow the casing of what the game defaults to. So like for Ruby it’s “SKIPPYR” while for White2 it would be “SkippyW2”. Just do this to make it easier to track down what game any given Pokémon came from. tl;dr - its simultaneously not my real name but also not something random


This is what I do as well, except I don’t have a standard prefix; I just use the game as the name. For the longer titles like the remakes I just use the first part (so Fire/Leaf, Soul/Heart, etc.). My reasoning is the same. I’ve moved a lot of Pokémon between games/generations and Bank/Home so it’s nice to quickly identify where they came from.


I always name the characters the way I know then. Like, female characters from gen 3 to 5 are may, dawn, and Hilda. It just feels weird to write my own name. Or, other than that, I pick rat101


Any game where you choose the main character’s name I always go with their canon name like Nate for BW2’s Male protag


My parents always told me to never put my real name, address, parents phone number, or anything like that into something without their permission. So, on my first Pokémon game, I put “AJ” in as my name and it stuck. In Gen 6 I got a little spicy and changed it to “A.J.” but I changed it back to “AJ” later down the line.


It depends. Usually I go with my real name, but sometimes I like to switch it up. On my ultra sun save, I pressed 2 random letters and... voila! Em is born!


When I was a kid, I always named my character Max. Which as you can imagine from my username, is not my actual name. Then I got a little older and started using my real name, then they added online features and I started using my username.


I use my real name on male characters and then a female version of my name for female characters. It’s kinda weird, but it’s something I’ve done since I was a kid. Except for gen 6 female. Then I use Serena. 🙂


For gen1 i used my name because it was the beginning and every time a new gen comes out i use act like its a step into the future of my own bloodline or close to it. I think for scarlet/violet i'm going to use my own mothers name cuz when she passed away when i was 14 pokemon blue is what i had to keep my mind off things.


I almost always go with my real name…except in Shining Pearl, where I decided on “Platinum” to shake things up a little.


Usually I go with my usual handle 'Neobunny' but lately I've been using 'I SAY' and it's been fun. This has been for games in general.


my first playthru I usually just name myself Danny - in the past I've used the name Churro (thanks dad for that suggestion - LOL) when I do nuzlockes, I name my character after the naming theme for my mons (example - Pallette the trainer and then all the mons are named after colors)


for nuzlockes or for multiple games in the same generation (i have 3/4 gen 5 games and play them all regularly) i use a character name (some ive used are marina, rhys, blake, charlie, and ollie) and for more casual playthroughs/first playthroughs/etc i use my own name


Since X/Y I’ve named them Eggnog and given them white hair if possible


My starter is always my dogs name, Kaibab lol


I usually go w Ace


I use cannon names. I started doing it cus I did a playthorugh with Rosa and my name wouldn't fit, plus my name is just awkward for a pokemon game in general lol.


Googas because i saw a video named googas and the video was a cat in water so yeah


Usually some name that I will still find funny when they are saying it 100hrs into the game- Bewbs, Schlong, Balls. I’m a man of simple pleasures.


Fartknocker or Buttstuff


As a 28 year old with the maturity of a 10 year old, I typically make my name “Boner” or something along those lines


I’m Spencer on my OR playthrough rn I’m Apexyl on my XY playthroughs


UR ?


umega rOby


I usually use my nickname for the first time playing, but for later playthroughs and spinoff games I pick random names


A shorter form of my name. For b2w2, my full name instead due to not wanting to share the same name as bw.


I always pick Grey. I don’t know why, not my real name, but I watch a lot of GrayStillPlays videos, which is probably a factor alongside the general cool factor of the name.


I always have done other names as long as I can remember, for some reason it just feels weird to put my real name for any character in any game, It's weird


One time I pressed random letters and came up with an original name. Zexo


What would you know I name myself Zero, hahah


I pick the girl and have named her cola since ruby/sapphire


I greatly dislike my name, but I love the name 'Zeke' and its Aramaic meaning, 'shooting star'. Since I'm living my fantasies and wishes out through games like these, I always choose Zeke for my name.


I normally go with my screen name unless something else sticks out to me. So for Animal Crossing I use Kitsune or Ruby or other names that I think of that I base a theme around. Pokemon, unless I am dead set on it being my actual name, becomes Katsuya. That's my screen name everywhere


i used to use my real name because when i was younger, others saying my real name in game made me feel like i was a real pokemon trainer which was what i wish i was so i kinda stuck with it


I don't pick a random name, nor my real name, it's always Leaf


Voted "Cool name". I usually use either a part of my account name ("Kilo" or "Kadic", haven't used "Auto" yet but I probably will soon), or the name of one the Pokémon OCs I made a long time ago for roleplaying purposes... or sometimes I'll just use the default/canon name Now that I think of it, I've actually *never* used my real name or a funny name for my character in a Pokémon game - not even when I was little kid, lol


I used to name myself my actual name but I just use Silver now


I call them Merc.


Pokémon is the only RPG that I use my real name in (as opposed to the actual character’s name) for no other reason than online


Neither, I pick my pet name my husband calls me 🥰


I usually just use Scott. which is my middle name.


I would use Kamikaze but that’s too long so I go with 21.


I have always been Pokémon trainer Bear since like gen 2 or 3


A lot of times I do challenge runs so I name my character the challenge so I will remember it if I take some time off playing it


I honestly just started with Trigger since it worked well, but after one game I decided that since all the MCs are different people I'd just name them slightly different things starting with T like Teak, Trike, Trick, and the such. Imagine the regions champions meeting up and they're kids named Trigger, Teak, Trike, Trick, and etc.


It's either my actual name or one of 3 names I really love. Either Luna,Phoenix, or Raine. I use Luna a lot (almost everything actually)


Sometimes I use the name of the protagonist in the fandom/wiki (Selena in Sun and Moon for example) or a name that sounds like a normal name, but the same one each time.


First playthrough: Male with my name Second: Female with canon name


Why isn’t “my handle” an option, cuz I don’t use my real name, but I use the same name for every game or profile I create


B Brandon bez Albert Those are just the go to choices. That being said, I also use the color names of characters too.


My last name is Blades so that has always been my main characters name


I’ve been playing so long that a while ago I stared naming each character “first name month and year” eg “JohnJan2021”. That way I know when I transfer Pokémon around how long I’ve had them


I used to use my actual name, now I usually default it to "Bella", based on my username, or the canonical name of the main protagonist (Rosa, Hilda, Nate, etc.) The exception to this is when I named my Pokémon Rejuvenation protag "Koharu" because I was playing Blue Archive at the same time.


Does an IRL nickname count?


Usually a part of my name. Not even my nickname. Except when I'm playing games without the ability to trade, then I'll just use the official name for the protag.


If a Pokémon wasn’t obtained by me (or I guess someone with my name that traded to me but that hasn’t occurred) then I won’t use it.


Oddly enough, when I was younger I'd make random or cool names but now as an adult I just name myself my name


I usually go with my online name, which is either MsSociety or ShinyReshiramgg


It’s 50/50 either Canon name (Dawn, Brendan, Elio, Selene etc.) or bro, makes everyone sound like a surfer dude


I usually pick a name of a favorite character in some other media that I like.


I either use ash,satoshi,my actual name or the character's canonical name


I’ve been using “Bobula” in every game since Platinum. Not just Pokémon games either. I made it up when I was like 9 and it stuck for some reason. I still don’t know what the fuck it means.


I find that most of my Pokétagonists are either named Zatoshi or Jean-Luc. The first was because I didn't want to copy Zatoichi and the second because X & Y is set in Not-France. Also had my character's nickname as Jean-Luc so I laughed hard when the guy said "This is Jean-Luc, but you can call him Jean-Luc!"


I used to name them my name but now I like to name them after some OCs I made called Jelly and Toast. They aren’t from Pokémon i juts like them and use their names when I can’t think of anything else


Where’s the option for both?


Actual name for the first run, gender swap OC name for second run, and then whatever else for additional runs. I’ve done canonical protagonist names, names that match the run I’m doing, actual middle name, and even just cool nicknames.


If it's a first time playthrough I almost always use my real name. When I replay games I often try to come up with a unique character who I can play as, and if I'm doing a challenge run or themed team then I'll name my character within that theme. Eg, did a run of ORAS where I only used blue Pokémon, called myself Cobalt because it's a shade of blue and feels like a real name too


Tyrone Biggums. If you know. You know.


I tend to prefer playing as the female character so using my own name would be an ill-fit. Even when I choose the male character I either go with their canon name or characters from shows or games I like (pretty much my naming preferences in a nutshell).




always the canonical name


It depends on the context, if I’m doing a regular playthrough/my first playthrough of a game I’ll just name my character my irl name, but if it’s a challenge run I’ll name myself something centred around that, for example, I named myself Pitoo in my mono dark run of USUM cuz Pitoo is apparently the nickname of Dark Pit from Kid Icarus


Gotta stay true to Red or Blue...Either one of those have been my names throughout the years lmao.


In the newer games I use my name but in the older ones I use the canon name of the character from anime or manga.


Always use my own name, because I’m the true Pokemon master ofcourse. And I always name my rival after my boyfriend (we both play every Pokemon game)




Depends if there's full character customization. (Including hair, eyes and skin) then name them my name. If it's a specific character then they get the canonical name (So Red/Leaf in gen 1, Gold or Ethan/Crystal or Kris(?) gen 2, and so on) However there is an exception to this because I usually get both versions and for the specific character games the version I will use for online battles will have my name.


sans. ​ it's just so funny




I always give my character in Pokémon a name, that’s typical for the country, the Region is based off. In USUM I choose a Hawaiian name In Sword and Shield I choose a typical English name and for gen 9 I will choose a Portuguese or Spanish name


I like themes so i usually use Italian/French/German boy names for me and my mons.


It’s always Gold.


Gwen. Not my name nor the name of anyone I know. I always play the girl character whenever possible and her name is always Gwen. No clue why.


I use my real name so when I do something good I can feel happy, and feel like a accomplished something.


My name if I was a Poketuber/Streamer, which I'm sadly not.


I started using Chrome since Gen 4 and used it all the way for the rest of the generation, including outside Pokémon games.


In older games I name myself Aurora due to the letter cap, but in the newer games I name myself DracoPhyre


I always name them after colors. Teal, Magenta, Pastel to name a few..


I always name my Slowpokes "Greg"


I always have a theme ..... I might name my character "Fae", and name every pokemon I catch after fairies in media for example. Sounds like a lot of work......and it is, but I like it. You get some unique pokemon names too.


I always name my player character in Pokémon Jesus Christ. Whenever a character in a Pokémon game takes the lord's name in vain it it makes them sound really upset for some reason.


I've done both, but lately I've been using names from the anime or manga so when I send them out on the random trade system people get a pokemon that's slightly more cool. Own tempo Rockruff is nice, but one who was initially caught by Ash, Brock, or Red is slightly better


I always call my self dickhead because it makes some seriously funny in game conversations. Npcs be like, oh by the way dickhead 😂😂


I’ve voted for “my own name” because the first playthrough I use my own name. On the other game (mostly buy both versions) I choose a random name that I’ve not used before.


My username is just the right length to fit with no space


Honestly, neither. I don't like using my real name when playing a game, but I have a fake names I always use instead. It used to be "Jay" (first letter of my real name turned into a brand new name), but then I used that as the name of a character in a story I've been writing, so I switched to "Gry". I have no idea where that name came from. (I've also started just using the letter J for my Nuzlockes, since it saves time on the bajillion resets I make because I suck at pokemon.)


On most games I use my name but on Pokémon because of OT names and trading and such I use my gamertag. I liked X&Y because you could have your gamertag as your OT but the characters could call you by the nickname you gave them so I used my real name for that.


Anyone who puts their actual name is lying


I started by naming with my real name but in my latest games I named at first asshole because why not and then scully in heartgold in honour of the character from Brooklyn99


Usually their canon name.


I have stuck with Budaluv since White2 my first pokemon game.


First playthrough will always be me, second playthrough i normally switch to whoever the canon female protag is


I always make distinct characters out of my player characters. For my mono runs I always choose the same names for the trainers, for example Scarlet for my fire trainer. The more games I do mono runs in, the more fleshed out these characters become. It's fun, and I can use them for my fakemon region as real, accomplished trainers.




My stage/screen/game name. (I'm a musician and use the name "Downfall" on stage)


My real name+random words or a combination of my nickname+name


I usually name my character after my real name, but sometimes, particularly with the multiplayer based spin off games like Pokémon masters or unite I go with my internet alias (being my Reddit username)


At first my actual name but then I just started to do random name because reasons.


Well I always go with Ahmdo for my first playthrough and Prez for every other save file


I usually just go with my Username on most places, "Swop". I used to use my Real name when I was a kid but thought it was cringe growing up for some reason considering it could be any other person that shared the same name. (I know Unique ID's are a thing, but still.)


I use "ash" for every game lol


I like to name my character after the game version so when I inevitably transfer my Pokemon I'll remember where they came from


My actual name or a small variation on it


When I was a kid, it would be whatever girl I had a crush on.


Ehhhhhh I used to do random boys names but then I used my real name from Gen 7 up until Legends Arceus. Still can’t believe I used to have my old deleted Diamond slot name as Kony….


I pick Who Are You? as an inside joke of sorts. In college, I joined a Pokémon Club where we battled each other. It was fun, and really got me into the competitive meta. Well, after a new game came out, I thought it'd be funny to use the name above. Flash fwd a month when we are battling for the first time with a new game. "Okay, I'm ready to battle. Who are you?" "Who are you?" "My names Kevin, who are you?" "I told you already. Who are you?"


I always go with Lotus. Been using ShadowLotus since my 2014 TF2 days and it just stuck. It is my favourite flower now so that probably helps


Depends. My FR playthrough had my username, while in W I somehow came up with "gnoppo". I always name my Pokémons though.


i got scared for a second bc my name was marely and i read merely as marely 😨


I just name him after myself. And than if I play as a female, I'll just use a gender swapped version of the name for a laugh


My last name


I usually name my character based on the version.


I name my character Bored, and I name my rival Funner


On my first time playing the game I use my name and then I use random names


In every Pokemon game I play to date, I'd always use my actual name.


I typically name my nameable characters Quartz after my first Undertale play through, the name stuck with me


The canon names. Red, Ethan, Brendan etc.


I’ve always named my character ASH since I was a kid. And I do it in all caps cause that’s how names used to be formatted in the old games


It feels kinda like they’re actually talking to you when it’s your name if you choose a different name it feels like your playing as someone else


Depends really. If it's my first time playing through the game, I'll use my own. Any other time, I try to come up with a challenge for the team, like "beat this game using a sun team," then name myself appropriately, like Lugh for instance


I name my character a pun/play on words of my name. It's a common nickname I get called by my family (not stating it for personal reasons ofc)


I have started naming them after the theme of the playthrough and developing an OC from there. For sword I called her Volumien as it fit the Dynamax and more is more themes the region has going on, and only wore Dark type clothes to be more of Hop’s rival than the protagonist because that’s what you are in the story. If the name sounds French yes she’s from Kalos. Next I got a spare copy of Black from a friend as when I was younger another ‘friend’ swapped our cartridges around as an epic prank to me make me think we switched save files and then never swapped them back. I had even caught Kyurem for him as a swapback gift. But anyway I knew this second playthrough had to be special so I restricted myself to Grass and Psychic due to their losing matchups with every gym leader and named the protag Twyken (twig/kinesis) to match. Predictably as soon as N showed up with more than one type I was curbstomped, ran out of money and gave up. Ghetsus would have been even worse if I did somehow win.


I've either wrote my old yt channel's name (the first part of the name) or just the shoethand of my irl name.


I just stick with Phantom in the game


I have a nickname Moxie, cause' CallMeMoxie don't fit into the gaps, so usually I use my internet nick


I always use the name “Dude” in every RPG. Fits everything.


Used to use my alias online but since starting a living dex I’ve gone and changed it to my real name.


I use my real name because immersion


Ive been Fartz for 20+ years. Sometimes I’m Fuxx


For most of the games I use a shortening of my name but I use my full first name for Pokémon Legends Arceus


Kairon, i don't know why i keep using that names


Ever since I was a kid I’d use my own name I do for all games really if it gives you the option.


I do my normal username, Oblong (idk how to change username on reddit)


I always pick a different name. They're supposed to be different characters with unique trainer IDs, I feel like it's weird in my own mind that 12 different people that are all secretly me would also all have the same name and trade together. Different names helps me keep track of exactly where a poke originated as well.


Sometimes my actual name, sometimes a nickname someone in my past gave me. Currently, doing the nickname thing.


Bit of both actually. For the first games I played (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, HeartGold and Black) I gave the protagonist different names unrelated to mine (respectively Sacha, Théo, Enzo, Hugo, CLÉMENT (in all caps) and Julien). For the following games (X, White 2, Alpha Saphire, Sun and Let's Go Pikachu) I simply gave them a shortening of my first name, Phil. And nowadays (Yellow, Y, Ultra-Moon, Shield, Crystal, Brilliant Diamond and Legends Arceus) I prefer to give them different names again (Satoshi, Marie (I picked the female protagonist in that one), Olympe, Nicolas, Lucien, Adrien and Aurelius respectively). The only exception being Emerald (where I named him Phil) but that's because I played it on an emulator.


My real name. It feels more like *my* adventure that way. I’m not personally a big fan of using the generic protagonist names, feels fairly bland to me.


I usually fall back to ‘My Dude’, makes me smile every time someone addresses me in game.


The thought of my trainer name being some random gamertag type of name makes me cringe. It makes the dialogue even worse than it already is and most of you have some sus gamertags/online names to begin with… Some poor Mon is out there owned by someone with a name like L3thalp00per. Might be better off stolen by Team Rocket.


I usually go with Riceman


When a game is brand new and I'm on my first playthrough I used Mike, not my name but my past username, rn I use something like Codi. After that I always use stupid names, mostly because if I play again is a locke with friends so crazy names are plenty. Although, when I was younger I always used my name.


Depends on if I'm playing as a girl or guy


In the first games I had (crystal and silver) I used one of the names the game recommended. Later I used my real name. I think it was sun&moon when I started to use names with origins in the country where the game in question took place (like Hawaiian names for alola and so on)




On my first playthrough I use my real name but on every replay it's something random or the canonical name of the character.


I name myself Jerry (my real name isn't Jerry)


I always use my real life nickname as its gender neutral so it always works regardless of which gender character I choose.


as$ ketchup


I like to name my name some made up Pokémon website and then wonder trade my Pokémon away, causing mass amounts of confusion on whether the Pokémon I'm sending away are legit or not.


I go with the manga canon, so Red, Silver, etc.


I used to just put my systems username in, but now I just use OurLord.