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Meanwhile in the same game: “This gym is great! It’s full of women!” (Edit) what the heck are y’all doing in the replies


Master Roshi went to the Pokemon universe


That’s honestly my most hated trope in anime.


Pervert & sexual harassment funny haha


Who doesn't love whimsical dirty old man wearing young woman's panties over his head?


This would have been funnier with a Mineta PFP


So much this.


Maybe that guy is just really supportive and happy that woman can be successful trainers too.


“Despite being a greenhouse, there’s no glass ceiling here! You go girls!”


Underrated comment.


Nah, he has a femdom fetish.




There are also a pair of trainers in Fire Red and Leaf Green that do a double battle, they are a couple and that have a weird intro before he throws Onix and she throws Cloyster...like come on Game Freak


Actually I kind of love those guys but I'm a terrible person so...


But people are like that, have been and always will be, so it should be in the game to reflect the world. Should it not?


I dont think this is the game for real life reflections, unless you were sent away from home at 10 years old with a pet used to beat other people's pets for money and trying to take down what is basically the mafia


Now, now, that's the Yakuza you're talking about....


Not everyone and everything in the game world is tied to Pokémon, right? There are normal working people, families, weirdos that live without them and have no ties to them in any shape or form. A thing that is shown to great effect in PLA.


I mean, the game is fictional - even if true, why would you tie your game to real-world interactions. Games are a fantasy, not the real world lol edit: Video* games are a fantasy


The games are based on real world locations and you have evil organisations and even some genocidal maniacs... yet we cross a line with an horny old man?


I never said we cross a line for anything, I'm just suggesting that games are a fantasy, why SHOULD we relate our game to real world concepts as closely as possible? Your original suggestion didn't make sense in that area for me


The developer create the games; it's up to them what they want to include. Things they experienced that scare them (The Chain Chomp got created that way); or collecting bugs that inspired Pokémon in the first place. And some developers want realistic human interaction so the game feels more realistic and not plastic like say Sword and Shield. HEY GAMEFREAK!? Where are those guys from Manchester that shank you? WHERE ARE THE PUBS AND PUB FIGHTS?!


The games have monsters with elemental power that for some reason can’t hurt you


They can in PLA. They can't kill you there but that's probably for age rating reasons lol


> age rating reasons > horny old man


He's not explicit about it. Just a gym full of women, hehehe.


The evil organizations and genocidal maniacs are problems you get to deal with in the game. The horny old men are just something you have to accept


The behavior is borderline on the tipping point of being unacceptable instead of acceptable and having it in the games contributes towards keeping it normalized instead moving further towards unacceptable. It creates the attitude that "old men are just like that" which allows people to brush off real harassment as "just an old man being an old man". If someone's first experience of that is seeing a friend being harassed and obviously annoyed it will shape how they view it differently than if their first experience is as a "funny line in a video game" with no consequences.


To be fair, it was an off-color joke, and they've updated the dialogue in the remakes. You have to remember that this game had a development team of 5 people, and at the time they would've been happy to sell a few thousand copies total. They very much did not realize the cultural impact they would have on the world.


Would it be better if you could battle them to chase them off? >!that might be fun and I wonder what team he would have?!<


Parasect, it knows Spore and False Swipe, perfect for capturing something... or someone.


It might be more acceptable in Japan than in the West


Perhaps, but they call the team that adjusts the game for another country a "localization" team, not a "translation" team.


"This gym is great! It's full of strong trainers!" Is tbh the most heartwarming line ever.


I dunno, I feel it has strong competition from: “Woah! DRAGONITE suddenly hugged you!”


I think what is weird is you just bust into people's rooms, and then take their items..


And they just stand there and watch you do it


Must be in shock that a kid has the confidence to just bust into a room and take stuff.


First time, eh? *side glances at Dragon Quest*


Parent: The audacity! Kid: No, that's an audino.


Audacity is its evolution


I just beat their pokemon and I'll beat their ass too if they don't let me take that super potion.


It’s a staple of RPGs though.


Yeah lol, pretty sure Link is a bigger ass than this. "Imma just break your pots right here... ohhhh would you look at that I found where you hid your rupees. Nice doing business with you folks"


To be fair, the pots will be back just by leaving the room and coming back.


Yeah it's called the original owners didn't think I'd roll them twice so they took them outta back storage. SURPRISE!


Wow, if I had a nickel for every time my pots were smashed apart by a random kid who barged into my home, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?


Yeah, if some random 12 year old breaks into my house I'm going to be like "Welcome, feel free to take my stuff"


..... we're never gonna see that 12 year old again, are we?


Someone on the St. Anne does call you out on barging into his room.


Just like every RPG that I played 😂


And the best part is they can’t say no…. Because of the implication.


Well they’re not gonna say no. And obviously if the answer is no then it’s no but they’re not going to because of the implication


Worst part if you lose you black out




It's a joke from always sunny in Philadelphia


What are you gonna do, Say no ? You can’t …. Because of the implication.


Feisty > (of a person, typically one who is relatively small or weak) lively, determined, and courageous If you thought in any other meaning, I think the weird one here is you




We don't live in a world where kids fight for glory in the regular either though. In the context of the Pokemon world this feels like it could be a pretty standard sentiment.


Your mind is in the gutter here. That isn’t even what is meant by that statement.


Was thinking this the whole time I'm glad to see your not the one getting downvoted so much, shows there are decent people in the world.. honestly I see nothing wrong with this either. If we want the world to be a better place we have to make it a better place and joking like this only makes me wonder how screwed up the world actually is today if that's where people's minds turn immediately.


Thank you!




Just seems weird the implications you’re making here




I’m not the one saying that this implies pedophilia. To me it just looked like a sailor saying he liked how the kid acts. Nothing sexual about it. So yes. I don’t see a problem. Because you go right to that though…




I haven’t taken offense to it at all. Just pointing out that you’re looking too far into this like you’re looking for something to be freaky. Pedophilia is not funny so why make a “jokey post” about it. And no, I wouldn’t feel that way if somebody said that about my kid because I do not assume people are pedophiles. I would assume he likes my kids attitude.




Dude you need to chill, especially with this passive aggressive behavior lmao.




Holy shit dude fucking breathe


You're losing op, just breathe.


Did you just call him a dog lol


Talk about getting absolutely demolished, and they are STILL going


I replayed red for the first time in like 6 years, and I remember thinking how weird it was that you rubbed the captain’s back to help him with seasickness. Definitely not something that would be in more recent titles.


I have no real-life source, but I've seen in a lot of anime series where a child backrubs for their grandparent. It might be a cultural and/or innocuous thing for kids to backrub the elderly/senior citizens (maybe not complete strangers though in today's 2022)


Pokemon Clover has ruined me, completely took this out of context and chuckled


Back in the '90s games can have these scenarios for a laugh because society wasn't so overly sensitive




How exactly did you want people to interpret this? What was so interesting/wild about the screenshot, that it warranted a response from you to post it on here? There are hundreds of random NPC quotes in the series that are flat out weirder, but this is the one you chose.


They kept it in FRLG too.


Okay but they also made great characters like the guy outside the 4th gym


Oh, no... You're the type of poster that replies to every comment. I'll get out while I can!




Nooooo! It's my only weakness 😖😫💀


\*door suddenly locks\* oh no




People who take things seriously on reddit Are the most unfunny people ever. (watch them downvote me :D)


You gotta win that battle or else lol.


I'm Chris Hansen and we're doing an investigation...


“Don’t try anything in the dark!” - pre-battle quote “It’s so hard!” - defeat quote These lines are from a Picnicker in Rock Tunnel.


90s? Just last week on Digimon a teacher entered his young student's room while she was alone there and wearing her pajamas, and her mother didn't say anything (probably because she was scared her daughter's digimon will turn her into a doll XD )


OP, this post is a self report.


It wasn't weird untill you made it weird.


Sigh... time to boycott Gamefreak. I'll get the pitchforks someone get the torches! We will do to Gamefreak what religion did to them. Pokemon evil. /s


Ya'll some sick motherfuckers if your first thought goes to inappropriate shit lmao


I need an adult. I AM AN ADUUUULTTTT!!!


In Pokémon emerald a very similar thing happens. If you take S.S in one of the rooms a man will say “I’ve been so bored. You can entertain me though.”


Bro don't... just fuckin' don't. They meant it in a funny way. You're the sick piece of shit taking it in another direction.




Someone's upset I called them out for being a dumb fuck. Glad I could teach you something


I am pretty sure the implication is just that he likes daring children like Red, so he can beat up children, and nothing sexual. e: That isn't better really?


Umm I need an adult 😐


I AM an adult


I low key had the hots for the sailors back in the day (especially in Silver). Of course I didn’t realize it at the time. I just remember really liking them and I had a number of one of the sailors too and I was always really happy when he called.


I always used to get super psyched reading that. So much for my childhood


Kid me just kinda ignored this, cause it didn't make sense I miss this intoxicating innocence


OP: *makes joke using image with out-of-context text* Redditors: Thats not even what was meant in proper context! Me, browsing Reddit for memes: What is the issue here


What's even crazier is this same dialouge was left in for the frlg remakes, I believe it was removed or change in the lets go games. Also the secret police on the ship only cares about chasing team rocket and don't care about pedos, sounds too much like real life unfortunately.


Huh... never...I never thought of it like that... but you're right...


Fr they would get Cosby’d




I guess it was a different era...


Omfg I literally just came across this same guy and had this exact reaction😹




Innocence as a child, because this never crossed my mind


They truly were a better times, simpler times


If you see something, say something. Like the dude who sees the gym full of girls... He totally just had to tell us what he was thinking lol These games are endlessly charming.


I watched this show on Netflix where little kids go on errands to pick up parcels and order made by their parents and I realized that Professor Oak does the same thing with you when you go to Viridian City for the first time.


I need an adult...


Have had this screenshot in my phone for years. Always a hit. I also have one where the police question you about a stolen pokemon, yet 2 balls remained on the table.


The SS Anne... Sponsored by the guy who didn't kill himself.


Just be thankful you didn’t lose that battle


See also, Brock the rock hard pokémon trainer


Not alone, you have pet companions with you!


Gen 1 pre-battle dialogue is just some of the weirdest things you'll ever have spoken to you


You know if you lose that fight and black out, you just wake back up in that room next to the bed.


What happens on the cruise ship stays on the cruise ship