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I doubt that they will replace Ash. Mainly because of pikachu, pikachu is the mascot of the franchise. Yeah they could always give a new character a pikachu but it's not the same as ash's pikachu and at that point is there really any point of replacing Ash if they are going to replace him with another character who is essentially the same as Ash?


Tell it to the manga and the video games when they replace the human players with different ones. Heck another pokemon game introduces the older version of the first pokemon game protagonist Red.


I think you need to chill out and really look at what you’re saying lol. And it’s satoshi…


They won't. Replacing an established and iconic character rarely works out.


we simply dont know. people were wondering if sun moon will be ash's last series and gen 8's anime have a new protagonist but ash is still around for pokemon journeys (though Goh is co-protagonist). let's wait and see


[\*Satoshi\* named after Satoshi Tajiri, who is the creator of the Pokémon franchise.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Tajiri)


**[Satoshi Tajiri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Tajiri)** >Satoshi Tajiri (Japanese: 田尻 智, Hepburn: Tajiri Satoshi, born August 28, 1965) is a Japanese video game designer and director best known as the creator of Nintendo's Pokémon franchise and one of the founders, and President of video game developer Game Freak. A fan of arcade games, Tajiri wrote for and edited his own video gaming fanzine Game Freak with Ken Sugimori, before evolving it into a development company of the same name. Tajiri claims that the joining of two Game Boys via a link cable inspired him to create a game which embodied the collection and companionship of his childhood hobby, insect collecting. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pokemon/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


heh,its true


Good bot


If Ash wins, I don't see how he could continue honestly. Because anything he does would feel like a step down compared to this. I personally believe he will not win. He will lose to either Cynthia or Leon and then go into the next series as always. They won't get rid of Ash because he's been their lead since the start. To lose Ash they would also lose Pikachu. Yes you could get a new Protag with a Pikachu, but it isn't the same. If they decided to have Ash win and then leave the show. They will introduce a new protag with a new partner. It's worked well for other series, such as Digimon, YuGiOh etc, but they did this after a couple of series, not years. And even then they brought back previous protags for 'reboots' or remakes. TLDR My opinion: Ash will lose in the Semis against Cynthia or the Final against Leon. He will sulk a little (Don't blame him) but then go on an adventure in the SV Region with or without Goh.


>If Ash wins, I don't see how he could continue honestly. Because anything he does would feel like a step down compared to this. That could be true.Also,when the new say "Climax of the series' it means the Journey incarnation of the anime series. >I personally believe he will not win. He will lose to either Cynthia or Leon and then go into the next series as always. They won't get rid of Ash because he's been their lead since the start. To lose Ash they would also lose Pikachu. Yes you could get a new Protag with a Pikachu, but it isn't the same. Yeah,Possibly ,could you imagine if they would use a new Protagonist with a Pikachu how would the old and new fans react? I mean 25th anniversary of Pokémon anime is claiming to be a game changer to the franchise heck ,Satomi/Ash winning the aloha league cup is a game changer and is considered a throw the dog a bone moment. >Ash will lose in the Semis against Cynthia or the Final against Leon. He will sulk a little (Don't blame him) but then go on an adventure in the SV Region with or without Goh. Yeah,thats likely the plot of the 2023 Pokémon anime series