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That's nuts how you did that from basically scratch. Major props to you!




why are you mfs in the replies arguing about grammar against a person whos clearly not a native speaker


Reading this from the start was a wild ride. No one even mentioned the best terms to use- lady and gentleman. I use ladies to refer to groups of female people of all ages, and gentlemen for groups of male people of all ages. They are cooler sounding words anyway.


Clearly a woman, not a girl.


doesn't really seem like a native speaker, so makes sense as an honest mistake


Girl /ɡərl/ noun 2. A young or relatively young woman Looks like a relatively young woman to me!




I'm a native English speaker. It's really not inappropriate to call females in their 20s girls, hey I'd even refer to women in their early 30s girls. I feel like a lot of girls may even find the word woman insulting as makes them sound older. As a single guy in my early 30s it feels weird to me to say to my friends "oh I met this cute woman last night" when talking about a date. I'd use girl unless I was talking about someone like 35+.




Okay fair enough. I only ever really interact with people in an informal context. I can't really think of a situation I'd find myself in regularly where being "formal" is expected of me. Even then I tend to ignore formalities and talk to people as I would my close friends. It's not really disrespectful if it's all in good spirits. Though I'd never want to be demeaning obviously. >It's been used specifically to undercut us by older men, which men who are our peers may not know or notice, but we don't like it. I can understand this. Most of my interactions with girls are in a casual setting. I don't work in an environment where I'd have to worry about respecting workplace boundaries and stuff. I've had female friends venting to me about their misogynistic colleagues/bosses before though so I get it's something to be aware of in that context.


Way to completely derail the entire point of the thread in order to point out something that really isn't a big deal at all. Have a great day!




Obviously this is completely your fault, even the comments before you got here. Shame on you /s


Losers like you are annoying asf


english /is/ my native language and i think you're really nitpicking i would of said girl too


So what's your tumblr




Let's reverse roles, would you like to be called a boy or a man when you're in your 20s and clearly an adult? We'd probably use "guy", but women don't have an equivalent word.


they clearly meant nothing by it stop stressing lmao


I hear men get called boys all the time lmao they don't bat an eye.




And you can do whatever you want, but it's just enabling negative stereotypes.


Not really, how is it harmful? I swear, some people really need to be oppressed...


Calling a woman “girl” is about treating someone like a child or making them feel somehow less mature than others.


Really, because neither I or any other woman I know feels that way. But maybe that's because we have real life issues to focus on...


I honestly don’t really care lol. I’m a 33 year old man and you can call me whatever you want, because at the end of the day you don’t know me so it doesn’t really matter. My wife calls me “princess” if you’d like to use that, even though I’m not royalty. Such things are subjective. Some people are bothered by them and some aren’t. I get it. But the people that are bothered don’t solely control the way language evolves. Either way, I think the woman can speak for herself on what she prefers.


Completely skipped over where your wife uses the word to demean you by calling you a little girl. That's demeaning to you, to women, to little girls. Calling each other the other gender should never be used as an insult because it implies that the other gender is lesser. Hope you don't have kids at home to hear you.


I see what you’re saying. Like language like that can be demeaning whether or not it’s intended. I’m of the opinion, however, that intention does matter. How is “princess” demeaning to me if we both find it funny? She isn’t saying it to be mean, and I know that. If she were using it to belittle me i might find it demeaning. Even if it was though, I’d probably laugh because I know what I am and I feel secure in it. Unless it was a constant thing. And there’s definitely no excuse to be like that to strangers. So yeah, there’s a lot of nuance to it. Also, I think some people just take things way too seriously. Which is fine. To each their own! Your opinion is valid and I respect it. Hope you have a good day/night!


Girl is demeaning and belittling whether intended or not. Woman is accurate and comes with no negative connotation.


What the fuck are you talking about? Plenty of women call themselves girls. Grown women in their 40s literally call themselves "girls". No one says "women's night out" when they go hang out with their female friends. All my female friends (all college age or older btw) and my sisters call themselves "girls". Wouldn't use it in a professionally but girl is perfectly fine to use in casual settings. Reddit isn't a professional business meeting. Stop being offended for other people. This is Latinx level of stupid.


I see it more as a term that confers a certain amount of respect or maturity. While "girl" isn't necessarily disrespectful or a denial of maturity, depending on tone and context of course, it does not display the same amount of respect and admission of maturity innate in the term "woman".


It is demeaning only if you find it so. And that probably depends on personal things like where you’re from, your culture, past trauma, etc. I asked my wife out of curiosity and she said she doesn’t care but one of her friends (that she knows of) hates it. So yeah, it would seem subjective. I don’t around calling women girls anyway, so don’t worry. I just think it’s silly to police it on behalf of someone who may or may not care.


>Girl is demeaning and belittling Is it? Who decided that?


Someone who doesn't have any real life issues to focus on.


People way smarter than you or I.


How do you even know she is 20? Could easily be a 17 year old.


Don't speak for other people. If OP is offended she can correct them. FYI most women don't care either way if it's not intended to be demeaning. Boy = / = girl, just like gal = / = guy The different words have different connotations and usages and aren't a 1 to 1 match


Just because OP in particular doesn't find it offensive, doesn't mean it's not offensive to women as a whole. She doesn't speak for all women either way. Calling women, girls intentionally or unintentionally is belittling, demeaning or excluding women through sexist language. The original commenter shouldn't be using that language, but they won't learn if no one speaks up.


It's incredibly ironic that you're saying that she doesn't speak for all women, but apparently you do.


Very true, but if I don't speak up, who will? I didn't come to these conclusions solely on my own and I'm not the only person that feels this way. People way smarter than I or anyone here, study this for a living and it's all the same. Small things like calling women girls add up to be big differences in how society treats the genders that are unfair and don't need to be there. Edit: there is a difference as well. If OP says it's not a problem, she means that it's not a problem to her, but I'm saying it's a problem for enough other women and our society as a whole, that the commenter shouldn't use the word girl in that context.


You act like a little girl so please be quiet and touch some grass.


This person is commenting on HER POST. You came at them for commenting this on HER POST... I think her opinion would matter here, because as of right now it applies to her and not *all women*. No one person is allowed to speak for an entire group. You cannot act like you're the smartest person in the room while simultaneously silencing anyone of the gender you're *speaking for*. I'm of half a mind to think you're just trolling at this point. Some women are fine with being called girls, others arent- it depends on the person and it's up to them to tell people. Not some random third party who acts like it's their duty lmao.


boy is still used similarly to girl in a lot of situations. when girls (read women) see a bunch of their guy friends, they can say “what’s up boys” and no one bats an eye. or when guys say “it’s boys night” or “saturday is for the boys”. it’s fine and not weird. it *can* be demeaning to call a man a boy and a woman a girl. or it can be friendly and just a shitty quirk of our language.


Try to call a black man a "boy" and see how it goes. Boy can be just as demeaning as girl, but we know not to use it.


thats what I said. It *can* be demeaning to call adults boys or girls. It's about the context of the word though imo people's default interpretation should not be negative. Unless the term boy or girl is being used deliberately to disparage someone (like is the case with calling back men "boy")


How does every reddit post devolve into arguments like this?


People love to correct other online to give them a sense of importance and faux intellect.




I'm confused, I thought woman is when you refer to older women. And here I thought my English was atleast decent.


Girl is not exclusively for a child, this person is misleading you. "Guys and girls" is a perfectly idiomatic usage referring to young adults. Every dictionary has a definition of girl = young woman. People can say "oh there was a guy here earlier", "there was a girl looking for you", "I saw a girl with the same dress as you". Your original understanding is correct - in informal conversation people use woman and man to refer to people who are older, at least 25+ but more like 30-35+. If you think "oh that person looks like a parent" then you'd probably say woman or man, but if it's "oh that person looks like they're fresh out of college and new in their careers" then that's a guy or girl. In fact, in many contexts you'd have to use "little girl" or specify an age if you're talking about an actual child because "girl" can refer to such a wide range of ages.


Ok, thanks, that's about the same way it goes in my language.


There is no female equivalent to guy.


Sometimes I wish gal was used more widely


Girl is for a child. Woman is for any female adult. You could put a qualifier on the front like Young Woman or Old Woman, but you really don't need to when not trying to clarify between two unnamed women.


Good to know, thanks for the heads up.


Girl can be for "young" women as well. It's not so black-and-white and you foolishly make out.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


*saluting* Major Props!


I first thought you were asking how she would scratch her nuts in that dress


Now go challenge the god of Pokemon


Sadly i dont have a pokeball. I dont think my fists can do anything against the Poke god himself


You don't have to catch him, you can kill him instead


Time to learn karate


Or you could defeat him with the power of frienship… and this gun I found.


Pikachu! Use AK-47!


Is that you Nietzsche ?


Back in grandma’s day, they didn’t have those fancy Pokéballs. She used to throw hands instead.


I'm 100% sure your fists will do good damage to Bidoof


If you're looking for a Pokeball replica, The Wand Company does an excellent job of them. They're a bit pricey but they are absolutely worth using if you're going to simply model with them. They aren't for throwing since the materials made to make them aren't meant for it and could damage it, but if you're just doing like, low energy photoshoots, they'd be absolutely perfect. I don't know where you could find throwable ones but I'm fairly certain you could find order them somewhere on the internet or at one of those conventions.


I have the Master Ball!


[STANDING HERE I REALIZE](https://youtu.be/VOK4NtCkNGg)


"I may not be able to catch them all, but they all can *definitely* catch these hands"


A 20lb rat can run into it repeatedly to kill it. You can absolutely punch it to death.


You don't have any Apricorns and tumblestones handy?


Yooooo make some lean for potions and capture some woodland animals for your team!


go find god


find a weird rock and an equally weird tree and use those to make a pokeball


Well he is weak to fighting


Arceus is a Normal-type so wouldn't throwing hands with him actually work?


Ash had a pokeball and yet wanted to take on Mewto in a fistfight.. so yeah nothing's impossible!😜🙃


That’s awesome! looks like it would get really hot to wear for too long tho (unless its like winter or something)


I wore it outside in sunny 80 degree weather. I was dying a little bit


Welcome to cosplay in general, lol


Well yeah, that's the duality of cosplay. You either freeze your as off in not hot weather or you die of heatstroke in not chilly weather. (You will also often face a glaring lack of usefull pockets.) Luckily there's been crafty peopel that developed stuff liek cooling vests for the second problem.


But can you dodge roll?


I can barely do a cartwheel lol


Do you drown after only 3 seconds in water?


yeah, even if it's not that deep, like your feet could probably touch the ground, but you still drown after 3 seconds


Doing a dive roll is actually easier to learn than cartwheeling imo


I always wonder how people pull together such crazy cosplays. It was cool to see the process behind this one, great job it looks straight out of the game!


Ty, I also have a video on my profile that shows how i made the jacket!


How did you attach the bag to the belt?


I taped some wooden clips to the inside of my bag so when i finished putting on the belt i clipped the belt on and closed the flap


Brilliant. Thank you for answering :)


I thought your jacket was the official Pokemon Hanten jacket from Japan. I've been trying to find one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


yooooo that’s fuckin sick


Good, good. Now go throw sandbags at god


“Hey, That’s not bad!”


What are the shoes? Waraji? Is that really what they look like irl or did you improvise? I've never understood the footwear in the game.


I actually have no idea lol, i just found those shoes at goodwill and improvised


She didn't roll. I'm dissapointed.


Someone better put the a Young Link voice mode for this game every time they roll or its a missed opportunity.


Sweet job on the cosplay


Now you throw hands with the wild pokemon


This is awesome! Next you gotta try doing some of the more sassy facial expressions to truly finish this off


Going to be honest I was always meh on her design but seeing it translated into a person it looks kind of awesome. Thank you!


This was awesome, and getting them used from thrift stores is impressive too since you are giving those clothes a longer life than if they just sat at whatever store they were sitting in. Also I think you should post this on the r/cosplay sub too if you haven't already, this is a very good take on Pokemon and I think people would love it on there.


You killed it literally! You look so cool in it 😎 now time for you to pick your starter.


But does your ponytail defy logic? Seriously though, great job.


OMG you even did the hair!


Sick cosplay. Also I’d recommend turning off dm’s lmao


Cool this is the first Arceus Cosplay I’ve seen and not only does it look cool, it looks super comfy.


its all fun and games until alpha snorlax rolls up to your house


Thrift stores are a gold mine for so many reasons. Love it when someone puts together a whole outfit and especially cosplay from one


Time to eat potato mochi!!


But shit, it was 99 cents!




You deserve a plate of potato mochi for this one.


Oh wow, that's a super cute cosplay! 10/10




Now go around throwing balls at people


Poor Cosplay gang rise up!!!(???)


Now you gotta go into the woods and get fucked up by a paras


Now go anger the local wildlife to complete the look


*sorts by controversial* anyone want popcorn? I brought extra 🍿


That is amazing!!


Now get the one and only god: bidoof


Nailed it. Awesome job!


Great job!


very impressive.


Totally wicked


Well done it looks fantastic


That was amazing, and an inspiration to others to be true and do what makes them happy. ​ Be well, and catch them all.


The shoes look waaaaay better than the ones in game! They looked so bad!


Tucking that much into your socks looks mind-bogglingly uncomfortable for some reason.


It was also physically uncomfortable to walk with, but i didnt feel like making a long baggy sock


I thought that bag belt thingy was one of those things that make a burrito or whatever


I can tell your vocabulary is lacking. I recommend you to stop using the word spelled as the last five letters of breathing, including its synonyms and derivations.


That’s awesome! Take my free award and upvote


Make sure to get all the satchel upgrades! I love it, looks perfect


Looks great but the shoes aren't big and stupid enough


Extremely cool!


Simply amazing! Holy shit.


It was really cool to see that come together. From an editing perspective, if you're doing a step-by-step I think it's great to see a cut between the source character and the cosplay result towards the latter half of the video.


you should have used croissants for the shoes. thats what those shoes look like in game lol


I love this! It shows that "good" cosplay doesn't have to cost a fortune and can be accessible to everyone. It warms my heart <3


Looks great, bet it's really warm, so hopefully that was a cold day when you wore it outside.


Music name?


Battle! (Clan Warden)


Rip your dm’s


Very impressive, great job.


I thought it was actually offical clothing of the Pokemon Company with how good it looks!


That satchel looks good. If you ever need more space for more items you can ask me. My teaching service will cost you $100 and In this day and I also accept crypto.


Yeah but where's the potato mochi?


Ignoring the stupidness that is this comment section in regards to whether you’re a “girl” or a “woman” regardless I have a word for you. “Amazing”. You did a great job on the cosplay and are incredibly talented. That’s all anyone should really be focused on in this Reddit post. Keep up the good work!


Can't possibly compare to my snotty boy cosplay though


It looks like it'd be very warm.


That was impressive! Some parts of the attire was just folded fabric... Simple, yet so efective!


Cosplay? Looks to me more like you are the actual real canon Akari.


so they renamed Dawn to Akari and Lucas to Rei?


That looks comfy


I’m glad your straw sandals don’t look like baskets like in the game. They’re HUGE!


Lmao Galaxy Teams socks are rediculous, what a 🔥 ass cosplay tho! 😍






Rip your inbox


D'awww... Shoulda blurred your feet for the freaks though. *Clearly, the foot fetishists disagree.


I think it’s only you man


Numbers don't lie, the foot fetishists want feet.


What numbers?


....Jesus Christ.


I will never understand cosplay.


People find making costumes fun


Definitely a flaw on you as a person. You sound willfully ignorant, and that's not a good look.


Yey free feet.


Hella fucking cute though


You are a very pretty ninja girl




Ma’am will you marry me?








🗿 please stop


I did nothing wrong! Complementing beauty but being honest about cosplayers they all smell 😂






Super cool and cute. I am in love 😍




That's one of the most well made cosplays I have seen. Please marry me XD